dwbears · 9 years
Kids are talking about the Dream Warriors. 
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dwbears · 9 years
Just having some fun with one of my favorite song... I think I am on to something with this... stay tuned!
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dwbears · 9 years
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dwbears · 9 years
Effective remedy for children struggling with bad dreams or nightmares. 
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dwbears · 9 years
“What Would Grandpa Do”
All my life both my parents set a good example. My Dad worked long hours to support a family of six.  My Mom took pride in caring for the four of us kids and our Dad.  My Mom always spoke of how smart, how strong, how… well… perfect my Dad is.  I remember I was about 7 years old when I asked my Mom if my Dad was smart enough to be President, she answered, “Your Dad can do anything he puts his mind to, just like you”.  I remember that in those few short words, there was confidence in her tone, certainty in her demeanor, and pride in her family!  My Mom & Dad went to extreme efforts to expose me to my Grandfathers, and one Great Grandfather.  My Dad taught me to listen to my elders, particularly my Grandparents.  He told me about their wisdom, and how all of it came with a heavy price.  He suggested I listen to them whenever they speak, because their wisdom would be passed down to me in their stories.  I spent many summers with my Grandparents, and while they may not have known, when I wasn’t talking, I was listening very carefully to every single word.  I learned very young that words are limited, and if I wanted to truly understand people, I must listen to their tone and body language.  When listening to my grandparents, I have always heard their word, listen to their tone and observed their body language, I believe that is why my memories of those stories are so vivid.   My Grandparents, the generation born in or near the 1920’s, has been called “The Greatest Generation”.  I wanted to know why, and more importantly, I wanted to understand what prepared them for greatness?  It didn’t take long on Google to understand how they defined their greatness, and how they were prepared for it.  The greatest generation was born into a time that the vast majority of Americans trusted the government, believed America was great, had a strong sense of Patriotism, participated in their community and believed that a “Creator” created all men and women to be equal!  The men and women of the greatest generation loved this country far differently than most of us do today.  Today few still believe that part of being “American” involves a duty to serve ones community and/or country.  The greatest generation was born into an America brimming with Patriotic Pride.  They were raised by the sons & daughters of the men and woman who fought, served and lived through the Civil War.  The very real cost of freedom and liberty was taught to the greatest generation by the children of those who had personally paid every price and endured every sacrifice for the future of America.  Being raised by those with first hand memories of the Civil War, most certainly effected how they raised their children and prepared them for the very harsh realities happening in the world.   The parents of the greatest generation raised millions of young American boys and girls to be eager to participate in their duty to serve their beloved country.  The greatest generation was properly prepared for the challenges that their generation would endure by the lessons taught to them by their parents and grandparents who had memories and experiences of the Civil War and particularly its aftermath.  The greatest generation was being prepared by their parents and grandparents to carry the torch of Freedom and Liberty into the future at any and all cost.  They understood that America was a symbol that the world was changing, that all men are equal and were created with God given rights to freedom and liberty!  It was their unwillingness to forget their still very real memories of the Civil War, and their decision to teach and prepare their children that they would likely be forced to fight for their Freedom and Liberty over and over again! The greatest generation was defined by their commitment to hard work, innovation, sacrifice, selflessness, accountability, service and victory at all cost over any evil that would show its ugly face. The greatest generation endured the Great Depression, WWII, Korea and some were still fighting for Freedom and Liberty for the people of Vietnam.   This generation defined what it means to be great, and more importantly, what it means to be an American.   In doing research for this book, I have found that just about everything good and bad in this world can be traced back to parenting!  The results of both good and bad parenting are clearly displayed in the children of each. When parents prepare their children properly for life, kids are generally successful, when parents fail to prepare their children, generally, they doom their children to failure!   It is safe to say that the greatest generation would not have been so great without their parents and grandparents.  It was a generation of diligent and responsible parents who taught their children & grandchildren the harsh realities of the present and near future by teaching them the importance of understanding the past! The greatest generation was born into a society with little to no “decay”.  The American Dream was real even though it was constantly being challenged, it was alive and poised to thrive!   It was after about 1950 that the American Dream became a realistic and expected reality for most American families.  The unforgotten lessons of past generations, and the personal experience of several wars, finally delivered to the men and woman of the greatest generation a short time of peace and prosperity. While the greatest generation truly was great, the untold greatness of their parents and grandparents should be recognized.  It took the collective experience of 2-3 generations of good men and women, who refused to forget any lessons yielded from the Civil War and the Post-Civil War era, to accumulate the knowledge needed to prepare an entire generation for epic greatness!   The greatest generation was indeed great. But they didn’t come out of a box that way!  They were taught, mentored and loved into greatness by their parents and grandparents. Perhaps those two or three generations prior to the greatest generation, deserve to be recognized by our society as our nations Golden Generations?    
In 1947 a member of the greatest generation, Dr. Carle Zimmerman wrote the book “Family & Civilization”, which identified 11 symptoms that indicate the final decay of great civilizations.  Dr. Zimmerman studied in great detail the fall of the Roman and Greek Empires.  His study recognized what made societies rise to greatness, but more importantly the changes that preceded its demise.  His findings are to some degree alarming, but also reveal important choices, or perhaps balances a society must weigh very carefully to increases its chances of sustainability.  Later in this book I will reference Dr. Zimmerman’s findings in greater detail.  The purpose of my referencing Dr. Zimmerman is not only because his study and findings are relevant, but also I found given that he was part of the greatest generation, his findings and perspective are likely be an accurate representation of the common beliefs of his generation.  It is their prospective that I feel has been shamefully disregarded.   I think that it is a common understanding of civilized mankind that, if we choose to ignore the past, we are doomed to repeat it!
  I ask you to read this book as if you were reading it with your own family whom was part of the greatest generation, or perhaps even the golden generations.  It might be your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, or even your great-great grandparents.  I hope you will indulge in an imaginary dialog with kin whose wisdom might still be accessible.  Though faint, their voices can still be heard.  I am hoping that people will embrace this exercise and use it to revisit deep rooted views, reevaluate modern ideology and examine our own current views of God, country, family and community.  I think there is value in taking the time to ask yourself, and reflect on the answers of, what would “The Greatest Generation Do? 
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dwbears · 9 years
-PART ONE- Max wanted me to make him a paper airplane... then he wanted a paper tank... and what do you know...Daddy just happens to know how to do that! While at the beach one day about 15 years ago, I met a dude that saw me writing... he struck up a conversation about paper... how some people look past its simplicity and see it as a "one dimensional" medium! As I began to wonder what he was trying to convey to me... he asked me for 1 piece of paper, he then began to fold it up and undo some folds and redo other folds... then boom, it was a paper tank.... He said to me.... Paper is only one dimensional to a person with a one dimensional mind, but for those of us with vision... paper is a medium that allows your idea's to become a bullet proof monument of your creative ability... like a Tank! -PART TWO- So there I was, as fast as he came and sat next to me, he walked away. As he walked away he turned, lowered his sunglasses and winked at me, as if to say "see you around". I returned to write there many times over the next several years, and often he would walk by and give me that same wink. Every now and then, he would sit down and ask me what I was writing about. Each time he sat down, we would talk, but every time I tried to get his name, he would laugh, slowly look away towards the ocean and say "I like what you're doing, keep it up" and then he would pat me on my back, stand up, and as he walked away, he would turn, wink the same way every time. After a while I learned not to ask his name, so I started to call him "Sam". Sam and I talked about almost everything over those few years... always dropping little bits of wisdom on me. I can't tell you how many 1 liners Sam had, Some would make you laugh, while others would literally make your head explode... the old dude was DEEP!!! This old man taught me so much, and I ended up writing a self motivational system that I still use today, utilizing all his bitz of wisdom as my guide. I kept that project to myself until it was done. Then, after it was all finished I printed it out and took a fresh copy to this very special writing place to share with Sam... As I waited for him to walk by, I wrote... and wrote... aaannnddd wrote. No Sam that day... I came back several times over about 3 months... Sam must have started walking a new route, perhaps found a new young writer to inspire, but I kept going back, each time with a freshly printed copy of the work that he inspired. But every time... still no Sam. One day I was sitting there, waiting for the sunset with nothing to write, just with a freshly printed copy of that same something I wanted so deeply to share with Sam. As I sat there by myself, as I always did unless Sam was sitting with me, an older lady swiftly walked up to me, and sat down. She said "So you must be James"... I Knew... all of the sudden I knew exactly who she was, and more importantly what she came to tell me. It was Sam's wife. She wanted to come share with me that her husband had a little message for me. After Sam came home from talking with me, he would talk with his wife about our conversation, apparently I had had grown on Sam just as deeply as he had grown on me. She spoke about my talks with Sam with both laughter and tears and even tho I had only known this old lady a few moments, we sat on that bench and hugged for what seems like a good five or more minutes without speaking a single word, we just cried together! THEN I was about to ask.... and I laughed... and thought I should be very careful about the timing of this question... I paused.... I thought again... and went for it... I said... " Dare I ask your name"... She laughed, took a deep breath, patted me on the back and said "He knew you would ask me that"... she stood up, walked away.. and about 15 feet away, she turned and said... "I like what you're doing, keep it up"... and she winked then walked off the same way Sam had always done! I never got their names! I only know that Sam wanted to make sure that I knew he "liked what I was doing", and that I should "Keep it up". Judging by their clothes, their speech and that they lived so close to the water, I think Sam was a writer too. I think he knew exactly what he could give to me to help me. I think he wanted to give me lessons that would serve me throughout my life, both in writing and in actual life itself! I asked Sam once how he always understood everything. His answer became my personal motto.... He said... "James, I don't need to understand, to be understanding". Then he gave me a pat on the back, said "I like what you're doing, keep it up" and walk off... That was the last time I ever saw Sam! "You don't have to understand, to be understanding" -Unknown A.K.A "Sam"
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dwbears · 9 years
The Dream Warriors on the CS Keys Show this morning.
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dwbears · 9 years
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dwbears · 9 years
I can;t believe this just happened!   
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dwbears · 9 years
Get a sneak peak of our Video Book... Scene One... “The Nightmares End”
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dwbears · 9 years
A sneak peak at the Official Dream Warrior Album of Classic Lullabies. Available at www.dwbears.com  
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