Many women have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, otherwise known as PCOS, without even knowing it. Oftentimes, candidates with PCOS experience irregular periods and increased facial hair and acne, particularly in the chin, lip, and sideburns.
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One Tea Bag
If we want prevention from mice and their coming inside our home ,all we need to do is to seal and clean our home and all places where mice like to nest and also it is important to remove all food sources.
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Not Drinking Enough Water!
�Your immune system relies on water,� says Dr Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar. �It carries nutrients to the cells, carries waste and toxins away from the cells and out of the body, keeps body temperature stable, protects joints and keeps the lining of your mouth hydrated and moist, reducing susceptibility to colds.
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Drink Water On An Empty Stomach
Drinking water on a vacant stomach can help in the treatment of cerebral pains, body hurts, heart issues, quickened heartbeat, epilepsy, lifted cholesterol levels, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urinary tract issues, heaving, gastritis, loose bowels, diabetes, obstruction, eye illnesses, maladies of the uterus, menstrual clutters, ear contaminations, and nose and throat issues.
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Liver Is Full Of Toxins
Your liver is the most stressed organ in your body. It removes all toxins and purifies the blood from the digestive system. Although the liver is a very effective detoxifier, it has many other important roles in all body systems.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency
However, vitamin B12 deficiency is very common, and it has been estimated that about 40% of North Americans suffer from it, mostly the ones diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Red Spots On Various Parts
Are you one of those people who ignore a skin problem until it festers into something much larger? If you�ve been recently noticing a couple of red patches on skin, don�t panic! We have some home remedies that are sure to put your worries at ease.
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Before a Heart Attack
We all know that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This is true for every illness, and it is very crucial when you do not actually know the precise symptoms. So, today we will present you some symptoms that people usually ignore and these can indicate the possibility of having a heart attack. If you know them, you can take better care of yourself.
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Take Baking Soda
Providing various health benefits, and considered one of the most beneficial and healthiest ingredients ever, most of us use it every day, in the making of the bread, for the cakes, in the cosmetics, and mostly as a natural remedy � we�re talking about the Baking Soda.
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This amazing combination will help your body soon be in the �sleeping mode�. It regulates the production of stress hormones, regulating your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone to blame for your sleep problems. Wake up refreshed using this!
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