Dwight & Nicole - Wait
How To Produce A Great Hip Hop Song
What has happened to hip hop music? I've seen a disgraceful turn for the worse on my tv screen, but let's review some real hip hop music.
We will stick to only albums dropped recently. Of course, I highly recommend of each one of these albums. I am not going to criticize any of the records. Simply because there's already a thousand people who've done so - with or without justification.
Let's get started with the "Conscience Rapper" Common. I wish we didn't need to use that particular terminology to categorize the rapper because all rappers should be conscience. It's essentially the definition of hip-hop.
Common - Finding Forever
From the incredible "unforgivable" all the way to the radio smash hits, "The People" and "The Game" (no similarity to the west coast rapper at all) ", this album is worth your purchase.
Common puts together rhymes like a puzzle. Each piece being essential as the last. He uses intricate rhyme schemes, but still gets his point across in the most immaculate manner.
Common exchanges punchlines with Kayne West on "Southside". My favorite collaboration between the two; up until this point. Kayne also produces this track as he does most of the album. West spits at the very top of his game while spitting lyrics e.g. "I know you must be thinking its armorall flow because it never gets rusty". Common on the other hand spits amazing lyrics himself, for example: "Your career was a typo, mine was written like a haiku."
Though Common never comes out and blames the south for hip-hops decline ( that he mentions a multitude of times) the following lyric from "Start the Show" could be subject to misinterpretation, "You sing along wit it, inside you knowin it's wack, Young who? I don't need a openin act". Common never backs down from a fight. In addition, he mentions the absence of hip-hop spirit in the song "The Game".
Is this Common's best work? I don't know. I personally like it better then his final album. Be had a completely different ambience to it though. I guess, we should give credit to Kayne.
I understand this album could be perceived to have a few lackadaisical songs. Unlike fox news, I do give the other side. A counter perspective is available at Nobodysmiling [http://www.nobodysmiling.com/hiphop/album_review/87760.php]
Talib Kweli - Ear Drum
Talib's recent effort has sixteen tracks that will fulfill any fans need for another album from the rap superstar.
He spits a number of his most intellectual and deep thinking lyrics thus far in "Ear Drum".
Electrify among the very underrated tracks on "Ear Drum" is perfectly titled since it does electrify you. Especially your thoughts since the majority of the record does.
The guests help the momentum of the album more than they hurt it. Demonstrated in songs like "Hostile Gospel" with Bun B and Pimp C, who seem to fit in very well in the banger by Just Blaze.
If Talib had to take it back to square one. I'm speaking about the hip-hop classic "Reflection Eternal". He definitely took a couple of paces in the right direction.
I'll complete the review by saying that the album isn't perfect, but perfection is in the beholder.
Brother Ali - The Undisputed Truth
Brother Ali probably would get his mic cut off by Bill O Reilly with his very open minded views on America. Actually more times than less, pessimistic views.
A "Letter From The Government" basically denounces the entire war. Ali blatantly states in the chorus, "I got a letter from The government that the other day I opened and read and burnt that man, The way that I live don't concern that man, We gon' need to settle this another way". I guess he might also be speaking about any chance of a draft and his reaction. Maybe only a letter asking him to join the military. Nevertheless, one of the most intriguing songs that has been released this year.
The underground artist doesn't stop there with his attitude towards America. Yes, his home country. On the track "Freedom ain't free". He annihilates our foreign policies. Particularly in regards to people who are starving in other countries. "So I use blood and sweat to butter my bread, Cos this cold world couldn't give a fuck if I'm fed".
If you're a liberal, you will probably take well to this album. He doesn't like the war, he doesn't like our foreign policies, and he doesn't like how Muslims are being treated. He claims to be a devout Muslim in a few tracks.
If this album doesn't make you sit back and think. You might want to get your brain examined.
El P - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Honestly. What can I say about this album that hasn't been repeated a million times. This is a monster underground album. Among the biggest in the history of hip-hop. You haven't heard of it? Funny, isn't it? If you like Mike Jones, I recommend you don't check out this album, if you're a genuine hip-hop fan, it's essential!
Nas - Hip Hop Is Dead
I don't think anyone else has said this, but hip-hop needed this album. Not because it has the very best work by my man Nas, but because we needed the history lesson. I learned a lot from this album, I didn't even know.
It also gave me the motivation to go back and play a few of those old albums. How much dust does your "Mc Shan" records have on them?
We have to remember our roots, which is a perfect segway for my next album.
The Roots - Game Theory
The Roots put together an album that flows together like Rakim and Eric B.
You won't skip a track on this cd. I can guarantee you that. Black Thought's not even at the very top of his game. Am I the only one who finds that unbelievably scary?
The Roots are breaking ground in hip-hop. Although it's underground in general, It's ultimately refreshing.
Ghost Face - More Fish + Fishscale
I am absolutely exhilarated to get all this new Ghostface material. Though he has never been type to have a rest from rapping. He comes back, probably full fledged with these two near classic albums.
Still spitting as mean as you would anticipate. If you would like to learn to be an emcee. Study every move of Ghostface.
Killah Priest - The Offering
Though the album isn't officially out. It did leak. I've heard nothing but positive reviews. I believe this might be his very best work to date.
The album also features some fantastic artists like Dwight & Nicole - Wait Canibus, Ras Kass, Kurupt, and Immortal Technique.
Canibus - For Whom The Beat Tolls
I might take some heat for including this album in my list, but Canibus returns to his old self. I couldn't be happier. He is still one of the greatest lyricists in the game. Never demonstrated better than on his 400 bar track, "Poet Laureate Infinity
Free rap music is everywhere online nowadays, providing hip hop fans a Opportunity to really explore the genre like never before. In this column I'll show you a whole slew of places you can discover totally free rap and hip hop tracks online that will keep you current with the freshest music out there today.
The first place is a wonderful site named Pandora, which lets you customize your own radio station based on your preferences. As an example, you may make a radio station based on Jay Z, and Pandora serves up a list of tracks that are similar in style to Jay Z. When some tracks will be familiar, there will likewise be those moments where you enjoy a monitor by a group you've never even heard of before.
This is perhaps Pandora's greatest achievement: it offers completely free rap music which might not have been heard otherwise. Pandora also allows you to vote for songs as they're played and adjusts its recommendations accordingly. I'll run Pandora in the background while at work or at home, and absolutely love the service.
Another excellent resource for rap tracks is Jamendo. This site enables you to search by genre and license. So if you're looking for royalty free rap music, this is a great place to get started. If you aren't looking for beats to rap over, you could always just surf the site for new tracks. Jamendo may also be used in conjunction with Pandora. If you find a rapper on Jamendo, you can search for related rappers on Pandora (or vice versa).
A friend of mine started using YouTube as a radio station. Last time I was at his house he had a whole collection of Outkast songs- some with videos- going on in the background during a party. While you do have to manually switch from one song to the next, YouTube has a massive database of rap tracksthat can be used indefinitley. Additionally, it provides you a chance to see videos for songs (most of which never get any airplay on TV).
These three sites are without a doubt the resources for hip hop fans looking for free tracks. They also provide fresh content regularly, which helps listeners stay current on where hip hop is headed. I strongly suggest that you get online and start seraching these websites for some killer free rap music.
In the early 1970s, the cultural movement of hip hop music was born. Hip hop's fast paced music style is made of two parts; the rhythmic delivery of rap and the use ofinstrumentation by a DJ. Hip hop music also brought with it a fashion of its own, the fashion helped to represent this newly created music.
Hip hop music has its roots from West African music and African-American music. The first rap song to be set on a vinyl record was, "Rapper's Delight", a song by the Sugarhill Gang back in the 1970s. This is when block parties started becoming the norm in New York City, which gave hip hop and rap the chance to explode in popularity. Hip hop's instrumentation came from funk, R&B, and disco, when combined together make this dynamic sort of music. When the DJs at these block parties learned what the people liked, they began mixing these vinyl records and created music that played continuously with amazing transitions between
songs. Hip hop was actually created by a DJ named Kool Herc, a Jamaican that had moved to the United States of America with a style that consisted of mixing music by using two Copies of the identical record. A number of the poor Jamaican's in the town couldn't afford vinyl records, so huge stereo systems were set up so that many could here the rhythmic beats. These stereo systems were the kick-off for the Start of the
evolution of block parties. So with the musical talent of these wonderful DJs, by means of vinyl record mixing, the culture of hip hop and rap music was born.
History of R & B
R&B, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, was the best influence on music around the world for the majority of the 20th century's second-half. Rhythm and Blues is a term with a broad sense, but typically recognizing black-pop music. This kind of music was introduced to the world by artists' combining the music styles of jazz and blues. R&B is actually what was later developed into what we know as rock and roll.
In the 1970s, the expression R&B was being used to describe soul and funk music styles, which today we know it describes Rhythm and Blues. Along with being influenced by jazz and blues, R&B also had influences from gospel and disco music. Disco's downturn in the 1980s opened the door for R&B to truly take-off in popularity.
Learning how to make hip hop beats is not an easy process. It's often quite convoluted and complicated. But if you have patience and a desire to learn, after that allow me to tell you, nothing can stop you from succeeding. All it takes is passion and a desire to learn. Since you would like something passionately, then nothing can prevent you from pursuing to discover some more.
Learning the Ropes
The first thing that you will need to remember whilst learning how to make hip hop beats is there are no rules! Yes, you got that right; there are not any rules to making good hip hop beats. You have to run wild with your imagination and you're going to have a great bit of music just like that. Also, you need to begin developing your listening ear. Examine the most mundane things for inspiration - kitchen sounds for example! No one appears to notice the most ordinary humdrum these days because most individuals are busy chasing the grand. Then now is the time to refresh and experience for the first time what you always hear daily.
A useful tip when it comes to figuring out your beat is to start with the drum track. Why? Simply because it provides a frame of reference around which you may work and since drums are such an essential part of hip hop beats, what better instruments to start with? Thereafter you can build on that.
If you're a beginner learning to utilize your beat making software, before you begin anything, understand how the software works really well. This saves you hours and hours of time and also makes it possible to make better music. Hip Hop is basically based on loops so pay special attention to the loop features of the program.
It's also wise to remember, while figuring out your beat that most hip hop beats are around 4/4. This usually means that there are about four beats per bar, but beats with 2-8 beats per bar can also sound great. Like I said, there are no rules, so don't do what your very best friend is doing, simply to fit in! Do something experimental, something no one has done before. Express yourself while you build the beat.
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Dwight & Nicole - Wait Directed by Kayhl Cooper Wait" is a single from an upcoming EP by Dwight & Nicole, releasing Fall 2017.
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