dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Average Particulate Matter in Los Angeles County - Central (Silver Lake is included within this area) is (PM10) is 27.1
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
The DWP reports that the concentration of air pollutants from this project will have a significant impact on children, even if all mitigation measures are implemented.
Construction of the proposed project would likely result in exposing sensitive receptors [such as children] to significant pollutant concentrations. ... The project’s PM10 emissions, particularly at residences and other sensitive receptor locations [such as Ivanhoe Elementary School] that may be located within 100 meters or less along the construction route, may cause significant contributions to existing PM10 ambient air quality standard violations. Therefore, construction of the proposed project would result in temporary significant air quality impacts to sensitive receptors. Implementation of Mitigation Measures AQ-1 and AQ-2 would reduce the impacts to sensitive receptors during construction of the proposed project; however, impacts would still be considered significant.
- LADWP - Final Impact Report - Lower Reach, (3-25), p 76
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Generally, noise levels at receptor locations adjacent to the active construction areas can be expected to average from 70 to 80 dBA, depending on the distance the receptor is from the source of noise.
LADWP Final Impact Report - Lower Reach (3-35) or p86
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Local Noise Ordinance
The Los Angeles Municipal Code §112.05 specifies the maximum noise level for powered equipment or powered hand tools. It states that any powered equipment or powered hand tool that produces a maximum noise level exceeding 75 dBA at a distance of 50 feet from construction or industrial machinery between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in any residential zone of the City or within 500 feet thereof shall be prohibited. However, the above noise limitation shall not apply where compliance is technically infeasible. Technically infeasible means that the above noise limitation cannot be complied with despite the use of mufflers, shields, sound barriers, and/or any other noise reduction device or techniques during the operation of equipment. - (3-30) or p 81 of LADWP Final Impact Report - Lower Reach
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
This document outlines the impacts and mitigation measures for (sec 3.1) Transportation and Traffic, (sec 3.2) Air Quality, (sec 3.3) Noise.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
This document states that "Mitigation measures were made a condition of project approval and a mitigation monitoring plan was adopted."
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Regulate emissions from gaseous and liquid fueled engines.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
A person shall not discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants or other material which cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property.
The provisions of this rule shall not apply to odors emanating from agricultural operations necessary for the growing of crops or the raising of fowl or animals.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
A person shall -not discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of emission whatsoever any air contaminant for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is: 
(1)  As dark or darker in shade as that designated No. I on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines, or 
(2)  Of such Opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than does smoke described in subsection (a)(1) of this rule.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Emissions that would result from construction of the proposed project are subject to the rules and regulations of the SCAQMD. Rules and regulations of this agency are designed to achieve defined air quality standards that are protective of public health. To that purpose, they limit the emissions (during both construction and operation phases of projects) and the permissible impacts of emissions from projects, and specify emission controls and control technologies for each type of emitting source in order to ultimately achieve the air quality standards. SCAQMD rules and regulations that may be applicable to the proposed project include:
• Rule 401: limits visual exhaust emission discharges that occur for more than three minutes an hour;
• Rule 402: restricts discharges of air contaminants in quantities that could cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance;
• Rule 403: reduces the amount of particulate matter entrained in the ambient air as a result of man-made fugitive dust sources by requiring actions to prevent, reduce, or mitigate fugitive dust emissions;
• Rule 1110.2: reduces NOx, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and CO from all stationary and long-term use portable engines over 50 brake horsepower; and
• Rule 1166: sets requirements to control the emission of VOCs from excavation, grading, handling, and treating VOC-contaminated soil as a result of leakage from storage or transfer operations, accidental spillage, or other deposition.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Purpose: The purpose of this rule is to reduce the amount of particulate matter entrained in the ambient air as a result of anthropogenic (man-made) fugitive dust sources by requiring actions to prevent, reduce or mitigate fugitive dust emissions. 
Applicability: The provisions of this rule shall apply to any activity or man-made condition capable of generating fugitive dust. 
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Air pollution harms the health of California citizens, damages agricultural crops, forests and other plants, and creates the haze that reduces visibility. A large body of scientific evidence associates air pollution exposure with a variety of harmful health effects. That's why the California Air Resources Board (ARB) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) have adopted ambient (outdoor) air quality standards. These legal limits on outdoor air pollution are designed to protect the health and welfare of Californians. This site describes California's air quality standards, the air pollutants, and their harmful effects. For a complete listing of the pollutants and their associated standards check out our Ambient Air Quality Standards Chart. For more detailed information on specific pollutants with established California ambient air quality standards, click on the name of the pollutant in the list below.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
Here you can find information the DWP posts about the project, including PUBLIC NOTICE of upcoming meetings, AIR QUALITY and SOUND test results and TRAFFIC maps.
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dwpproject-blog · 12 years
DWP Listed Contacts
Construction Questions and Concerns:
Construction Manager: Emmanuel Tan, (213) 367-3627
On-Site Resident Engineer: Marco Ruiz, (213) 792-7027 [Cell]
On-Site Resident Engineer: Shahan Janoyan (213) 761-2136 [Cell]
City of Los Angeles Bureau of Contract Administration:
Con Ad Inspector: Antonio Rios, (213) 598-7306 [Cell]
Contractor, Steve P. Rados, Inc.:
Project Manager: Derek Rados, (323) 660-0260
On-site Superintendent: Ross Jimenez, (916) 343-9276 [Cell]
Field Office Address: 2780 Casitas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Field Office (323) 660-0260; Field Fax (323) 660-0126
Project Questions and Concerns:
Project Manager: Sabrina Tsui, (213) 367-3331
Associate Project Manager: Mary Olmos, (213) 367-4475
Other Important Phone Numbers:
Trash Pick-up by Bureau of Sanitation:
311 or Jose Garcia, (213) 840-6109
Los Angeles Police Department:
Captain William Murphy (213) 485-2549
Captain Brian Pratt (213) 485-3131
Senior Lead Officer for Silver Lake Area: Al Polehonki, (213) 793-0763
Senior Lead Officer for Riverside/Los Feliz Area: Gina Chovan, (213) 793-0713
Council District 4:
Field Deputy: Mary Rodriguez, (818) 766-7187
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