dxrk-crimson · 4 months
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🪶 Ornithological miscellany V.3 London: Trübner and Co., Bernard Quaritch, R.H. Porter, 1876-1878.
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dxrk-crimson · 6 months
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Andrew Wyeth; Wind From the Sea 1947
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dxrk-crimson · 6 months
i need to go into academia but purely for sexual reasons
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dxrk-crimson · 6 months
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Egon Schiele (Austrian, 1890–1918) • Fräulein Beer • 1914 • Private collection
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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“Death is the mother of beauty.” “And what is beauty?” “Terror”
— Donna Tartt, The Secret History
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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Natalie Díaz, from “American Arithmetic”, Postcolonial Love Poem (2020)
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
"I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?"
– Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
"If you remember me, then I don't care if everybody else forgets."
– Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
"I had two longings and one was fighting the other. I wanted to be loved and I wanted to be always alone."
– Jean Rhys
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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— Thomas Hardy, from “Far From the Madding Crowd.”
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
“You smell of death. Everything about you is an endless goodbye.”
— Nikita Gill, from Demeter To Hades (A Mother’s Fury) in “Great Goddesses: Life Lessons From Myths And Monsters”
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
“I want catastrophe, fighting, tears. I want to be devoured, I want to punch people. I’m restless.”
— Anais Nin, The Voice (via nssrnv)
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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— Franz Kafka, from “Letters to Felice‎.”
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
“How frail the human heart must be―a mirrored pool of thought.”
— Sylvia Plath, Letters Home
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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— Ada Limón, from “The Unspoken.”
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
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— Seanan McGuire, from “A Red-Rose Chain.”
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dxrk-crimson · 2 years
“that’s what I admire most about you — the bloodiness of your heart.”
— Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin
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