dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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지구상에서 가장 부드러운 토끼에게 생일 축하해! 항상 건강하게 지내고, 우리가하는 것을 도울 수 있기를 바랍니다. 우리는 당신을 사랑합니다. 우리는 항상 당신을 사랑합니다! 생일 축하 #NCT #DoyoungDay #KDY #020118 #Teokkie #NCTU #NCT127 #SMTown #Bunny #kimdongyoung #moontaeil #seoyoungho #leetaeyong #nakamatoyuta #tenchittaphonleechaiyapornkul #jungjaehyun #dongsicheng #leeminhyung #leedonghyuck
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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close-up time with doyoung
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
My ship is sailing!!!!! 😍😜🙆🏼
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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Š Shot A Love | do not edit. (1, 2)
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
reblog if you don’t stan every kpop group but you respect them and support them nonetheless
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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this old married couple…
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
If this ain’t me😂😂😂😂 also my new nct bias??😂😂😂
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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Boyfriend!Doyoung (NCT)
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
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Boyfriend!Doyoung (NCT)
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
Why so cruel world!?!? Waeee?????
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
Protect You // Kim Doyoung
the prompt: can I request “You just “rescued” me from a dragon, and you look so proud, but that dragon is actually my best friend. Oops.“ Au with nct Doyoung Pretty please with cherry on top
words: 4031
category: fantasy + fluff
author note: i had to rewrite this three times lol. i like how it turned out though. doyoung is so lovely and deserves more love~ please enjoy!
- destinee
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dydoyoung-blog ¡ 7 years
It is super nice! I really love it 😲😍
{Special} College!AU Doyoung
major: pre-law / concentration: business law
minor: comparative literature 
sports: sometimes he says he’ll join tennis team to be closer to taeyong and taeyong begs him not to do that. anything but that.
clubs: book review club, uni orchestra 
everyone knows doyoung as a talker, he talks really well and no matter what he never seems to get nervous when there’s a crowd listening to him
which is why when he says “lawyer” everyone is like,,,,,,,,,,of course
his original plan was to become a professor because he likes books and discussion on literature
like,,,,no joke he’s always staying thirty minutes late debating on theories in books with all his teachers
and some teachers love it while others are like doyoung please i am just a teacher i need to go- and he’s like “have you considered that moby dick is actually trash? here’s 54 reasons why:-”
his older brother is an alumni of the school and everyone is like oh ~ you’re gong myungs brother??? and everyone in the pre-med department always wants to talk to doyoung about gong myung and doyoung is like yes. he went on to be a doctor. no. he isn’t married. no he ISNT LOOKING- 
he lovessss to bother taeyong when they all go out to eat and he’s just like “more handsome every day i see?” and taeyong is like someone save me. sicheng. yuta-
but doyoung just throws his arms around taeyong and is like ^^ let’s study together!~~~ and taeyong is dying but everyone else is living because it’s so funny,,,,
dorms with jaehyun and everyone is like wow,,,they’re so mature they’re probably in there studying and being studios students!!!!
while in reality they’re sitting on the floor playing video games and doyoung is betting jaehyun all his lunch credits for the weekend on some wii sports resort golf
but he really does give off the studios vibe,,,because out of everyone on campus he dresses so???? formally like
you’ll never catch him in sweatpants and a big t-shirt (see: taeil) like doyoung wears collar shirts, those dad pants that are jeans but made of corduroy??? maybe a tie if he’s feeling it,,,,,, flip flops on campus? he’d rather DIE he’s wearing those oxfords and u know it!
is lowkey trying to give advice to e v e r y o n e like “mark,,,,,i know ur going to soccer but wear knee pads - i don’t care if you’ve been playing for ten years sweetie” to “johnny. that color of green on you is ugly.”
people find him intimidating because yes,,,,,he can be straightforward and blunt
but,,,,he’s a sweetheart who looks like a curious kid with round eyes and a kind smile 
and as much  as taeyong might spend running away from doyoungs affection,,,,he loves having him around because doyoung never makes anything awkward
he’s a natural leader tbh and he can make a conversation out of nothing it’s crazy,,,,,,,
and you,,,,,,know who doyoung is because you’re friends with ten who is always telling about how much he LOVES doyoung
how silly he is,,,,,how fun he is,,,,,how he acts like a cute bunny sometimes
and you,,,,,do not get it
because you’ve seen doyoung and the way he looks so sharp and intellectual and how when he talks he sounds like he knows,,,,,,everything
you’re not even sure you’ve seen doyoung laugh
and ten shows you the pics on his instagram of doyoung laughing,,,hand over mouth,,,looking silly with hair a mess and soft skin,,,,
but you’re like,,,,,,,you’re still sorta intimidated by him you just??? don’t get how someone can be so naturally good at being social and confident
and ten waves it off he’s like doyoung has his insecurities too,,,you know he IS human too??
and you’re like nope,,,too handsome- i mean too smart to be human
and ten hears the handsome but pretends not to and you’re like coughing into your palm because leTS not admit that maybe you’re intimidated because you know if you spoke to doyoung you’d become a blubbering mess
because wow he’s ,,,,,,,,,, attractive ,,,,,,,,, and so much more intelligent that anyone you know TT 
that is until one day you’re looking down at your homework, stoic expression and ten throws his bag down beside you on the quad and sits down and is like whats up
and ur like,,,,,,,,,i have to give a speech for a class,,,,,,,,ten,,,,,,,i cant
and ten,,,,looks like christmas came early or something because he’s like DOYOUNG
and you’re like ?????? what about hi-
and ten is like DOYOUNG CAN HELP YOU OMG this is great you two can finally meet and fall in lo- i mean help each other ok ill introduce you right now let me text him
you aren’t fast enough to stop ten’s exited hands and before you can grab his phone ten is like sent!!!!!! 
and ur like ten,,,i don’t wanna bother him or an-
ten: doyoung says he’d love to help!! he’ll meet you in the library at 7
and u just sit there,,,,looking at ten whose give u the mOST GIDDY expression
and ur like fine ok and u get up and ten is like its gonna be grEAT and ur like,,,,,a little nervous because u,,,,,,have never been around doyoung,,,,,,,,
and ur like ten come with m-
but then u hear the familiar voice of johnny calling ten over and ten is like id love to but i gtg and johnny comes jogging over like whats going on
and ten is like “they’re going on a blind date~ except it’s not blind im hooking them up with doyoung”
and johnny is like HEY cool doyoung and you would look cu-
and ur like so red u can feel it like a damn sunburn on ur face and ur like stomping away before johnny can finish
shaking your head and ten is just like LOVE WILL BLOSSOM
but ur just likea mess in ur head because this dumb speech,,,,dumb ten,,,,dumb e m o t i o n s because once u come to terms with the fact that u have to see doyoung
like up close ,,,, and personal,,,,,,,,,,
ur heart cant stop doing leaps,,,,,,,,,,how c*rny 
and 7 comes around much faster than expected and you’re in the library,,,,sure that doyoung wont be there right on time-
but he is,,,,,of course he is
and he’s sitting there,,,,,striped button down,,,,neatly laid out notebook and pen,,,,,,pretty side profile as he looks over something on is phone,,,,and wow his hands,,,fingers so long and pretty
ok snap out of it cmon
and somehow you manage to force yourself to go over there,,,,,doyoung looks up and you feel your legs turn to jello as he smiles and stands up as well putting his hand out to shake yours and introduce himself
LIKE you don’t know who he is but u stummer out ur own response and doyoung sits back down and puts his hands together and is like well! speech writing is tough but ive given a couple of them so i think i can be of use to u!
and ur like,,,,,not even sure what to say because what the HECK he makes u so nervous and its like chill he’s just another person,,,,a goofy person according to ten,,,,,,,,
but doyoung just smiles kindly and goes “is there anything you specifically need help with?”
and before you can even think you just blurt out; “ i can’t,,,,,,,,,talk”
and doyoung blinks but lets out a small laugh,,,,covering his mouth with his hand and he’s like “well yes you can, you just did. also,,,”
he leans over the table a bit and ur heart literally goes ! and he motions to his lips and he’s like “you have a mouth, and you can make noise, so i think you’re good on that. any other problems?”
and you’re like,,,,,dsfklsf,,,,,,,,, “i,,,,i just cant do it in front of people,,,,,lots of people.”
doyoung sits back and with a knowing nod says that that is a problem for a lot of people,,,,,but that instead of worrying about that you should first work on writing the speech
embarrassingly you admit that you havent and doyoung just grins and is like that’s why im here to help, so tell me about your class
and yes,,,,you’re nervous,,,,,but doyoung somehow makes it really easy for you to explain what you want to do because he’s ,,,,, just so good at making things understandable
and he’s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sweet
a part of you had always just assumed he’d be the kind of straightforward, blunt, cold kind of personality
but even with his slight jokes and his corrections and critique like,,,,doyoung isn’t mean or even off-putting
and your nervousness isn’t about asking him for help or even the speech anymore,,,,,it’s more of just,,,,,,,,,,,that feeling of a crush,,,,
when it hits ten though doyoung apologizes and says he has to go because of another late study group he has and you shake your head telling him he’s helped you aLOT
but before he leaves he pulls out a page from his book and hands it to you,,,,on it is his email and cell and he’s like send me your speech and ill look it over and we can decide another time to meet to talk about it
and ur so,,,,shocked you go “you- this isn’t a one time thing?” and doyoung grins again,,,,,,,,,that smile of his,,,,,,,,,,,and he’s like “did ten tell you im some kind of flake? really,,,,that guy,,,,,of course it isn’t a one time thing i said im going to help, right?”
and you want to tell him that no no ten has only said that he’s great,,,but you’re still shy and doyoungs smile and kindness is making it even harder to respond 
before you know it doyoung is halfway out of the library, turning to wave and you’re so caught up that when you lift your hand to wave back he’s gone
and you mumble to yourself that you forgot to thank him,,,,,,you really should
ofc the next day ten practically forces you to sit down and tell him e v e r y last detail and you’re like he,,,,,,,,,,,,,,doyoung is nice
and ten is like I TOLD YOU he can be a pain in the ass with his sarcastic comments but he has a good heart
and ur like,,,,,,,,,,,,ten and ten is like hmm and ur like ten i think ive always had a crush on him like those ‘ill admire u from afar kinda things but ten,,,,oh my god i think i might start liking him seriously if he really is this sweet”
and ten damn near spits out his iced coffee but he just grabs your hands and is like YESSSSS I HAVE AWAITED THIS MOMENT 
and you’re like wkfgfjr what and he’s like please ur lil crush was more than obvious but wow,,,,,,,,,,,a love on campus,,,,,a tutor and his student,,,,,,,,just like a drama i love it
and ur like ten please its not like he’ll like me - and ten is just like shh we just need to wait and see
and,,,,doyoung follows up on his promise. even in his tight schedule he finds the time to sit down and read over your speech and send you edits or meet up in person to talk
sure a couple of times you’ve had to meet him in the city at one of his internships,,,,,once you had to come over to the orchestra recital hall to talk to him,,,,,,then there was that time you meet outside a hospital???? that apparently doyoung’s brother was working in
and ,,,,, every time doyoung never failed to show you how much he was putting effort into really helping you
from having you read out loud to him and telling you ways to get over nervousness to fixing small grammar errors and helping with vocabulary
you could really see,,,,,,his intellect and social skills and,,,there probably isn’t anyone better on campus to help you than him
and finally as the date of your speech approaches doyoung suggests reading the speech in front of him and a couple of friends
so you end up all cramped into a small study room,,,,doyoung, ten, johnny, taeyong, yuta, winwin, taeil, mark, haechan, and jaehyun,,,,,and ur hands are shaking a bit 
but doyoung reaches out,,,smiling and somehow your body calms down and you go through your whole speech without a single mistake and doyoung is just like wah,,,,do you all see this??? my work has paid off,,,,,,they’re perfect!
and he gets up throwing an arm around you and pulling you into his side
and ten winks and ur like GFgFDSS
but,,,,,,,when you look up to see doyoung looking so happy you can’t help but feel that being right there beside him,,,,,,is a spot you want to keep
the day of your speech doyoung sends you a text of encouragement,,,,,a picture of him giving you the thumbs up too and you smile and go into class much more confident than you ever thought you’d be
,,,,,,the speech,,,,,,it’s great
you do so well you even manage to surprise your teacher and when you’re out you practically skip out of class,,,,taking your phone out to text doyoung that you did it!!! you got the A!!!!!
but,,,,,when you meet up with ten later he kind of bites back his lip when you bring up doyoung because apparently,,,,,,,he’s not feeling to good
and you’re like he’s sick??? and ten sighs and is like,,,no it’s just he has this really big speech of his own coming up,,,,it’s for his brothers alumni party,,,,,,,,,he said it wasn’t going to stress him but it turns out a couple of law school recruiters are going to be there so it’s messing a bit with his confidence
and you frown,,,,knowing doyoung,,,,,you’ve never seen him falter in his self worth and you decide that he helped you so you’re going to go help him
so with ten’s instructions you find yourself in front of doyoungs dorm,,,,a box of white chocolate cake,,,,,,and your heart going a thousand miles an hour
and you knock only to hear some kind of noise from the inside and the door opening by itself
and you can see doyoung’s shoulders hunched over at his desk and quietly you let yourself be known,,,,doyoung turning around in his chair,,,,bags under his eyes and you’re like “ten,,,,,told me about your speech” and he just waves his hand as if to brush it off
and is like “what about you - did it go well?” and you wonder ,,, maybe he didn’t look at his phone,,,,,,didn’t see your text so you nod and you’re like i couldn’t have done it without you
and doyoung smiles but its small and wavering and you’re like “doyoung,,,,,i ,,,,,i want to thank you for being there for me and helping me,,,,,,, i,,,,,,”
a sudden surge of adrenaline makes you stand a little straighter and you can’t believe you’re going to say this but you do
“and i was wondering if we could go ,,,,out ,,,,,on a date,,,,,sometime,,,”
you open your mouth to say that you’ll even treat since he’s given you so much of his time but doyoung’s eyes darken
and before you can he goes “im sorry. school will always come first for me.”
it’s not,,,,,a harsh rejection or anything,,,,,,,,,it isn’t even unexpected
but doyoung’s voice sounds so cold and heavy that you cant help but feel choked up,,,,,rather than that embarrassed too,,,,,and you look at him
doyoungs eyes shifting to the cake in your hands and then back to your face,,,but for the first time he doesn’t look you in the eyes
instead he turns back in his chair, tells you he needs to go back to preparing and that if you could close the door tightly on your way out that’d be good
you,,,,,don’t budge for a moment but when you come to you drop the cake on his bed and mumble out “it’s for you.” and do as you’re told, leaving the dorm eyes wet with tears
and ten doesn’t believe you when you tell him it,,,,,,,, he says that doesnt sound like doyoung,,,,,like yes he’s always putting school first and whatnot but doyoung would never,,,,,,,,,he’d never be so curt
but you just tell ten that there isn’t any use in lying,,,,,,,what would doyoung find in you anyway and ten seems ready to lecture you again but the look on your face makes him stop
and you tell ten that it doesn’t matter,,,,,,, a crush isn’t anything anyway
the rest of the month goes by slowly,,, you still have lots of your own work to concentrate on and you don’t think about the unanswered text from doyoung 
you try not to at least,,, ,and your other friends distract you,,,, ten does his best too and you’re happy even though seeing doyoung on campus still makes your heart sink
but you don’t expect that you’d be sitting in study hall one interview and you’d get a call from ten 
“can you come down to outside the main faculty building? doyoung - just come ok?”
confused you pack your things and make way to the big building at the end of the campus ,,,,, when you call ten and text him where he is there isn’t any response and you furrow your eyebrows wondering what the hell this is about
until the door opens and you turn “ten what the he-”
doyoung’s tall, lean frame comes stumbling toward you,,,,exhaustion and sadness apparent in his face
and you barely get your arms out in time to catch him 
the warmth of his face against your neck makes your body react and quietly as he stands there in your arms you ask whats going on
and doyoung doesn’t say much,,,face rubbing slightly against your neck and you don’t know what you should do 
finally he pulls back and you reach up to fix the hair thats gotten into his eyes
doyoung takes your hand though and while looking at you goes; “i was wrong.”
and you’re like ???? about what
doyoung doesn’t look like he has the words yet and he can’t say anything because the door opens and for the first time before you is gong myung
“doyoung, the speech-”
you look at him,,,doyoungs eyes squeezing shut and he’s like “brother i can-”
but you just grab his shoulders and smile at gong myung telling him doyoung will be back in a couple of minutes
slightly confused gong myung disappears back inside and you realize that this is the big alumni speech ten had told you about and you’re like “doyoung,,,,c’mon you’re the one who told me that i can,,,,i can because i can speak and i have a mouth right - so do you doyoung you’re the most eloquent person i have ever met what is going-”
your paused with the feeling of doyoung’s lips on yours,,,unmoving he stays like that for a while and your mind blanks
doyoung pulls back only to tell you that it’s not the speech,,,it’s the thoughts ,,,,, the thoughts about you
about how he blamed school just because he was too scared to just say yes,,,,
and you’re not sure what - but then it hits u and you’re like,,,,,,,,doyoung,,,,,,,,nOW iS NOT tHE T ime TO WORRY ABOUT thAT
and doyoung is like !?@#@?#$? but i was so mean i did want to go on that date wit-
and doyoung is like yES I THOUGHT I HURT YOU
doyoung’s face brightens,,,,,the sparkle in his eyes returns and you shake your head because god ten was right this,,,,this boy really is kind,,,,,,even behind that constant confidence and laugh,,,he really thinks about the people around him
and doyoung is like i can do it. im gonna go in there and kill that speech.
and you’re like YES you will!!!! i believe in you!!!!
giving a little fist pump doyoung grins and turns to the door,,,only to spin on his heel back to you
holding your face with both his hands and kissing you once more before disappearing back inside
you wait a bit and your phone goes off with just a winky emoji from ten and you’re like huh but the doors open again and doyoung comes running out
arms engulfing you in another hug that leaves you blushing when he pulls back and behind him is a smug looking nct ,,,,, esp ten whose face basically screaming: I SAID SOOO
but also gong myung,,,, and you take like three steps away from doyoung because igflkdfsd skinship in front of his brother no no no
and gong myung is like “is this the person who made my brother such a mess?” and you’re like,,,,,,,,oh my god how do i answer that
and doyoung is like “dont make me bring up your significant other from high school brother.” and gong myung is like WELL I HAVE TO GO NOW
and doyoung comes closer and is like “so,,,,about that date? are you free now?”
and you’re like akjsfdf shouldnt you go with your brother and all the important alumn-
and doyoung shrugs and is like “i think my speech blew them away, now i have to mysteriously disappear and keep them guessing - right?”
you almost outright roll your eyes at the thought but also,,,,,you ARE free,,,,,,so,,,,,
taeyong as he watches you and doyoung giggling together: thank god he found someone to distract him
ten: i agree,,,,but also isn’t seeing him happy making you kinda happy ;)
taeyong: suddenly i cant read and i must go bye
anyway doyoung and you go grab some drinks and take a walk at a nearby park,,,,,even though it’s simple it’s kind of the perfect first date
doyoung insists that he’ll take you somewhere better but he needs time to plan and you’re like it’s ok,,,,these kinds of things are my favorite
and he smiles a bit and you’re like,,,,you’re thinking of something arent you?
and reaching out for your hand doyoung whispers “these kinds of things,,,,,,like just being by each others side?”
and you bite back your lip,,, stuttering because,,,,,,,ok,,,,,,,how can he just boldly say that?!?!?!
but doyoung finds it adorable and pulls you closer and is like “i like it too, i like having you here. when you weren’t around anymore,,,,,,it felt,,,,,empty.”
and ok ten is like,,,,,,,,,he is your biggest fan he literally sits you and doyoung down the next day and is like “i bless this marriage” “ten we aren’t-” “i bless this marriage but doyoung oh my god if you do anything to hurt them i will personally shave your head in your sleep and leak every video i have of you singing in the shower do not test me.”
but everyone else is happy too,,,,,yuta is like DAMN i didnt expect this and doyoung is like why not and yuta is like because you’re so uptight about everything. mr school is my life. mr school is my significant other. mr. school and i kissed for the first ti-
doyoung with his hand over yutas mouth: we geT IT narcisist nakamoto 
the only normal one about the situation is taeil but he’s also like be careful doyoung is sly~ a real playboy~
and you’re like really?!??!
and winwin is like yEAH all the old ladies from the campus cafeteria say hes the perfect son in law. he has all of them swooned.
you; oh. you meant that kind of playboy LOL
doyoung is,,,,everything you expect him to be as a boyfriend: caring, and helpful
but,,,,also too caring + helpful sometimes with the way he keeps shrugging off his blazer or cardigan to throw around your shoulders because the library is cold or switching out your soda for water because we need to stay healthy
but he’s doing it from a place of love,,,he really is
teaches you note taking tricks and when he takes you supply shopping he’s like “you are super special to me which is why im telling you where to get the best highlighters in seoul and you cannot tell ANYONE. A N  Y O N E.”
doyoung’s fashion sense doesn’t change,,,, not even on dates to the movies or amusement parks or the beach
like you and the guys planned to do some night time fireworks and everyone showed up in basically their pajamas but doyoung? nope. the oxfords were still on,,,,,even in the goddamn sand
but doyoung,,,, is the life of the party he really makes everyone laugh and you,,,,,,,,get to have inside jokes with him
that always leave you laughing till your stomach hurts and doyoung has to pull you into his lap and apologize and ur like ,,,babe im not just laughing because it’s FUNNY and he’s like YES but im too funny. im too powerful. you need to control me
and you’re like blushing and somewhere johnny is probably like “i taught him that” JKJK 
doesn’t look like the type but is totally a late-night snacker
you two will sometimes meet just to eat convenience store bread and chips and talk about how college is the WORST with your legs entwined on the bench outside of the law department
and it’s like midnight no one is on campus but you and doyoung are perfectly ok in the dark munching away your problems together
doyoung thinks flowers are the most romantic thing and if he ever goes into the city and comes back he always comes back with flowers
and they’re different every time and you always get shy when he gives them to you because everyone around you is like ooooooo and doyoung is so proud of himself and you,,,,just melt how is he so cute
once,,,just to see his reaction,,, you brought him flowers and you gave them to him after class and it was his turn to get all shy and it was the best moment ever
you made taeil record the whole thing and whenever doyoung gets cheeky you just bring up the video and you’re like look. look here. you’re a giant cute baby dont even argue. look ur ears turned cherry red
isn’t a big clothing sharer but he wears glasses when studying sometimes so you steal them every now and then to wear and ,,,, doyoung thinks you look so cute in them that he just lets it happen tbh
sometimes though he’ll start an argument over it just to be like “let’s settle it with a tickle fight”,,,,,he just wants to tickle you tbh
doyoung sometimes narrates what you do to make you blush like if you’re doing some work on your laptop he’ll be like “and they look at the screen,,,concentrated,,,focused,,,looking hot and smart. i would kiss them if they weren’t so busy,,,” and it gets u everytime 
because you turn to look at him and doyoung leans over to get a kiss and ur like AH IM TRYING TO WORK and doyoung is like well switch of your cuteness then i cannot help myself 
sometimes he talks to himself and you love it like you love doyoungs voice so much,,,,
like when u just had a crush you thought it was nice but now it’s just music to your ears honestly
has pet names for you and calls you them in public because doyoung likes to show of your relationship
not corny enough for couple sweaters or anything but couple phone wallpapers are a must
admitted that he said to one of his professors that ever since he fell in love he’s kind of grown an interest in romantic novels and you’re like wait wait fell in love 
and doyoung is like yeah,,,,,i love you,,,is that not obvious?
and you almost fell out of your chair,,,, but,,,, you love him too of course,,,
you always tell his not to cover his laugh because he has a habit of putting his hand in front of is mouth and you’re like,,,,,,,,i love your smile and laugh dont hide it
and doyoung ,,,,, when you compliment him its like the whole world is just the two of you and doyoung just wants to hold you in his arms because ugh he loves you so damn much
doyoung is a good talker but he’s an even better kisser
and kisses turn from innocent pecks on each others lips while you’re over at his dorm to full blow make outs with doyoungs big hands under your shirt
and the books thrown off his desk,,,him standing between your legs and the feeling of your lip between his teeth,,,,
doyoung does have a soft spot,,,his spine,,,,and when you settle kisses down it it makes him shiver and he becomes so cutely submissive,,,,,
sometimes you’ll sneak up from behind and kiss right below the back of his neck and seriously doyoung almost faints LOL
he likes to cook for you if he has time,,,,he cant cook a lot but he has some dishes and also he looks so cute because he always hums to himself and its just,,,,,,,,,so nice and sweet of him
you guys vibe so well with each other that just walking around for hours without going anywhere is exciting for you two
just looking at the scenery, holding hands, and talking,,,,,makes you two happy
ten tells doyoung that you used to think he was stoic and mean and ur like tEN and doyoung is like really?????? do you still think that??? do you not love me???
and you have to kiss him like 9403 times before he stops whining and bringing it up and ur like side eyeing ten for this whose just like WHAT I THOUGHT HE SHOULD KNOW
plays his flute when he’s stressed and you keep pestering him to teach you but seriously ever since you started dating its too hard to do anything when you’re around each other because you’re both so in love that it just turns mushy and its like yes teach me how to play the flute but also come here and cuddle me kinda situation
 taeyong secretly misses all of doyoungs attention but at the same time he thinks you make doyoung a lot brighter and better and hes thankful,,,,,,,,,like really thankful
doyoung is the kind of boyfriend who when you trip over something he doesnt hide laughter but he helps you back up and scolds the twig you tripped over for hurting you LOL 
taeyong | yuta | bangtan | vixx | monsta x | got7 + kard + amber | seventeen | 
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