dyph-zero · 6 months
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"Tinsel City" 1987
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dyph-zero · 3 years
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Haibane Renmei by Yoshitoshi ABe
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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I laughed way too hard at this
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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you can identify the rank and class of a plague doctor based on their uniform Owl- specialise in mass-curse control and magical diseases Crow- traditional doctors, are trained to treat large amounts of patients at once Eagle- royal physicians, good at long-term treatment Vulture- quarantine enforcers 
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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For your consideration.
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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A Year in Language, Day 321: Ainu Ainu is a language isolate once spoken across Northern Japan to the Kamchatka Peninsula, now with only a small handful of speakers in Hokkaido. The Ainu people are Japanese natives, predating or corresponding to the arrival of “Wajin” aka. ethnic Japanese. Hokkaido, Japans second largest island, located north of the mainland, has long been the center of Ainu culture, and for centuries the Ainu and Wajin coexisted as separate entities. It was during the period known as the Meiji Restoration, when Japan was attempting to modernize (i.e. westernize) and adopted that most western of ideals; forcible assimilation of native cultures. This move, and later waves, decimated Ainu culture and language. The language is currently moribund, with around 10 or so elderly native speakers. There are movements to preserve and even revitalize the language, though this is difficult as Ainu identity itself walks on shaky grounds. Classical Ainu was a polysynthetic language, incorporating many elements of a sentence into just one verb. The modern language exhibits this to a much lesser degree; a common stage of language death is the leveling of inflected forms. The language is written with a modified form of Japanese Katakana, one of the syllabaries used to write Japanese. Ainu has few consonant clusters, but does have syllable final consonants, unlike Japanese (with the exception of /n/). Katakana only has characters for open syllables, so Ainu uses a small case “-u” form to represent a final consonant, as in the name of the Ainu language “Aynu itak”: アイヌ イタㇰ
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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Hugh Ferriss.
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dyph-zero · 5 years
great news class, today we are taking a field trip to the secret cave that all italo disco comes from
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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dyph-zero · 5 years
Just discovered this, an amazing and haunting piece.
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dyph-zero · 5 years
“Call Me Maybe” with every other beat removed
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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DJ Tron – Fucking Harder Than The Devil Himself (1997)
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dyph-zero · 5 years
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Flag of the German Empire if it was BBC News
from /r/vexillologycirclejerk Top comment: This is quality content
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dyph-zero · 6 years
I’m so sorry about the awful crime done against your brothers and sisters. My heart is with you and yours.
May Allahﷻ grant them paradise, ease the pain of their families, and make our mosques more full than they’ve ever been before. We fear no one, we will continue to go to mosques, wear our hijabs, and be proud of being Muslims. We do not fear people, we do not fear guns, and we do not fear death. They can kill Muslims but they can’t kill Islam.
And honestly, to be killed for being a Muslim is a death I wouldn’t mind.
“And do not ever assume that those who are slain in Allah’s cause, are dead;
in fact they are alive with their Lord, receiving sustenance.”
[Quran 3:169]
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dyph-zero · 6 years
Remove the White Supremacists
Dear Tumblr @staff, 
In light of the recent white supremacist terror attacks worldwide: 
We, the Tumblr community (your community), implore you to change your previously passive policy against white supremacy and white nationalist extremist ideologies. 
Every major news station, social expert, and experts on extremist ideologies have identified that these extremist ideologies are spread and grown on online platforms: specifically social platforms. They have identified the major ways that communities can confront these violent extremist views; the biggest one being for social media groups to actually start removing user accounts that post and spread extremist white nationalist dog whistles, memes, and rhetoric.
Your users are begging for your help in stemming the rising tide of xenophobic violence. As has become evident by the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, these ideologies don’t begin with violence, but with strategically spouted rhetoric and hate speech that riles up others who are vulnerable to being persuaded by their subtle methods. 
Please.  If you support the safety of your users.  If you support the Muslim Community. If you support the Jewish Community.  If you support People of Color.  If you support your users regardless of color or religious background. 
Then it’s time to start taking a proactive stance against extremist white supremacist and nationalist ideologies and remove them. 
The signatures and reblogs below should serve to show you how strongly your userbase feels about this. We all stand for a world without Hate. Do you?
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dyph-zero · 6 years
here’s an article about nz police trying to arm
Before we address the specifics of this situation, we should look at the general context. Injuries reported by police on the job are in decline as of last year. With 467 injuries reported in 2017, and a frontline staff muster of around 8000, being a frontline police officer was around three times less dangerous than working in agriculture, forestry, or manufacturing, and only slightly more dangerous than being an admin worker. Police report being injured at work at almost half the national average across all industries. Rates of assault against police have been declining for years too, since their peak in 2009. Deaths at work are tragic, but this year will fortunately be the tenth anniversary of the last time a police officer in New Zealand was the victim of homicide.
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dyph-zero · 6 years
white ppl really think racism is/was a single act and/or event and not an entire ongoing history of genocide and state and social systems of oppression built to keep black and brown people exploited
realize racism is a system of oppression thats baked into every corner of western society and that capitalism can not function without people of color being en masse exploited, subjugated into near constant austerity and severe unhealable generational trauma
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