dyrsig · 18 hours
What abt…chubby/stuffed Lumine….i love picturing her with a chubbier tummy and body than Aether….
i wanted to draw a woman, and chubby lumine is sooo cute :D
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dyrsig · 18 hours
maybe blade with a very full tummy?
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hes such a cutie, dont you think? <3
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dyrsig · 18 hours
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hes a little stuffed… mind rubbing his tummy for him?
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dyrsig · 1 day
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sketch got away from me again
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dyrsig · 1 day
pred that over-indulges in prey one night but wakes up the next morning so full and groggy they can’t even muster the energy to get out of bed for work.
their alarm goes off once, twice, three times, but the pred just can’t fight the food coma they’ve put themself into. they can’t even find the energy to roll over. their bed is so soft and inviting, they’ve sunken so deep into the mattress they practically became one with it. they’re so comfortable, and so full…
their room is quiet around them, save for the low contented gurgles emanating from their belly.
after a long moment, building up the tiny amount of energy they have, they finally reach over and feel around blindly on their nightstand for their phone, keeping one hand on their swollen gut. they’re calling in sick.
there’s no chance of going anywhere today.
🔞⚠️‼️ this is an 18+ blog. minors, ageless blogs, and “NSFW dni” blogs please stay away or be blocked. ye be warned.‼️⚠️🔞
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dyrsig · 1 day
new fav tweet
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dyrsig · 1 day
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om nomph nomph
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dyrsig · 1 day
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“Ahhhhhhhh…HIC! Mph…ohhhh, that’s…th-that’s a lot more than I…remember…”
The Saurian hissed softly, his serpent-like eyes looking down with a hint of anxiety, and more than a hint of personal embarrassment. Long, clawed fingers reached down and spread out, groping at the upper curve of his swollen stomach, which stretched out through the rubbery material of his costume’s abdomen. A soft whimper left the reptile, as his tail swept upwards, the snakish tail curling and lifting to press at the underside of his bloated, sagging belly. His gut sloshed and burbled in response to all the attention, and the snake bit his scaly lips, repressing another whimper as he could feel the sensitive skin seem to light up from every one of his own touches.
It didn’t help that, not so far beneath his skin, he could feel the heavy, filling mass inside squirm…he could feel fingers brush against his muscular gut walls, feel feet wiggling and almost tickling his tummy’s tough, sticky, slippery lining. He adjusted his stance to make sure he wouldn’t collapse as the weight of his own midsection swamped his body suddenly.
“N-Nara?” the Saurian whispered at last, almost timidly. “Are…um…are you…uninjured?”
The squirming intensified briefly…then a voice came from the curled-up shape inside the stomach.
“Yeah, I think so,” it answered. It was the voice of a young female, and it was…surprisingly casual, considering its owner had just been swallowed alive like a limp fish. “Doin’ good out there? Not givin’ you a bellyache, right, Hakari?”
“Not yet,” mumbled Hakari, unable to deny that the taut, stretched flesh did feel a bit uncomfortable…not helped by the knowledge that his best friend was the one kicking inside that big belly. His gut let out a deep, garbled growl, and Hakari rubbed over it with both hands to try and settle it, lest the muscles seize up and squeeze Nara more than either liked.
“Sounds like your gut likes me,” giggled Nara, as if she wasn’t inside a carnivorous shapeshifter’s digestive system.
Hakari cracked a small, feeble, worried smile.
“It’s not the only one,” he joked, but the smile soon fell. “Um…are you…sure about this?”
“Yup!” came the reply, followed by the feeling of a hand gently stroking over the stomach wall from within. “Wouldn’t have asked for it if I wasn’t.”
Hakari shivered, feeling a quiver of happiness ripple through him. His tail wiggled, flexing beneath the underside of his stomach for a moment, the tip curling up to cup his belly before twisting downard once again, the rest of the limb pushing into the overhang subtly.
“How…how long do you want to stay in there?” Hakari breathed out, feeling somewhere between pain and pleasure as he winced from a the sensation of his stomach rhythmically churning against Nara’s side.
“Eh. As long as you feel’s safe, I guess”
“Great! Then let’s get you out now-”
“Hakari. This is a trust exercise.”
“Right, and…and you trust me, don’t you? S-So there’s no need to-”
“Who said it was meant to teach me how to trust you?”
Hakari’s jaws snapped shut. His forked tongue flickered out of his mouth. Just once.
“I’m gonna be okay. I believe you. Just…lemme simmer in here-”
“Oh, please don’t use that word…”
“..Maybe for…I dunno, an hour? You’ve said your metal-ball-whatsis-”
“Whatver…you said it’s kinda slow, soooo…an hour ain’t gonna hurt, yeah?”
Hakari squirmed.
“I…I don’t think so,” he peeped, timidly.
“Then one hour in your belly. And after you let me out, I promise I’ll give you all the rubs you could want from the outside. Sound fair?”
Hakari blushed. It was strange to see so green a face gain so much pink suddenly.
“I…suppose that sounds…amenable.”
Nara chuckled and patted the gut wall.
“Good snake,” she teased.
Hakari would have blushed more…but at that moment, his face twisted up in a grimace of discontent. He pressed on the side and the upper curve of his stomach as a soft, almost puppyish whine left him, the pressure making him turn greener in the proverbial gills than usual…then his eyes shot wide open, and his jaw rattled as it flew open. Saliva spattered everywhere, flecking off of his tongue and past his tonsils, as he let out a deep, rumbling, heavy belch.
Hakari’s blush returned, twice as red and twice as bright, as he slapped one of his hands over his mouth in embarrassment. His gut let out a greasy, low sound that almost sounded like a sigh of relief.
“Um…ahem…p-pardon me.”
Nara just laughed, making the stomach around her wobble. Hakari gave a flustered smile at the sound.
“Good one, lizard lips!” cheered Nara from within.
“Um…actually, I’m more closely related to the subgroup ophidia than laterata or other such options…heh heh…”
“…I dunno what any of that means, but never change, Hakari. Never change.”
Hakari’s smile softened. Using his tail, he patted the side of his belly, a look of affection in his eyes.
“I don’t plan to.”
An early birthday present for @belliesandburps! Starring his shapeshifting serpentine ninja Hakari, looking a bit bashful with a rare bellyful of prey...especially when that prey works up some beastly belches he has no chance of muffling. ;)
Hakari's design here is based on concept sketches I made after some back and forth with B-n-B, since he mentioned wanting to update his snek boi's design a while back. Hopefully this is still somewhat up to date.
Happy Birthday, B-n-B! Hope it's a good one, and wishing you lots of cake for you and your favorite anime bois of choice to enjoy. 🎂
Also, big thanks to @twistedtummies2 for writing up the blurb to go along with the art! Go check out his stuff, he deserves the love.
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dyrsig · 1 day
Fun Kobold Fact #30: 😋🎒
A lot of times, a "consumable" in a game is not actually something you can consume! Kobolds however do not have this problem, as they can literally consume most items!
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dyrsig · 2 days
goofy dragon vore doodle page for my esteemed colleagues
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[ID: a page of five doodles of dragons, each with an enormously swollen prey-filled belly. the first dragon is shown from behind, their belly bulging at the sides as they swallow another dragon. the second is flying, struggling to stay in the air as their belly jolts around below them. the third is laying atop its absurdly full belly, looking worried as everything inside thrashes around. the fourth is standing and holding their belly with a content expression, and the fifth is similar but sitting down.]
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dyrsig · 3 days
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rough night for N and Steve, although Steve is fine with the outcome.
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dyrsig · 3 days
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Micah's belly makes a nice warm cave for an octopus to reside in, even if's a tight squeeze…🐙
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dyrsig · 3 days
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Slightly different content this time. I kinda like the idea of a swallowed object making an empty tummy even hungrier by making it work. This concept probably has a name but hell if I know what it is
I think this came out fine for a one-sitting drawing, but the poses are pretty meh. I'll probably come back to something like this because I wanna get it right
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dyrsig · 3 days
If Sunshine were to accidentally swallow a magic object that grants wishes, it would give more reasons to rub his belly!
Funnily enough, I was working on a concept where a younger Sunshine accidentally wishes to eat a star...
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I'll spare you the details, but it'd make sense for that star to stay in him and give him some lingering power that he just doesn't know about since nobody's given him a belly rub (or touched him much at all, really) in the ten or so years hence.
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Just make sure you be nice to him, or your wish won't come true.
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dyrsig · 4 days
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Labrumisu is the right answer.
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dyrsig · 4 days
drew this in like 10 minutes, came back from the dead to post it, maybe ill disappear again LMAO
but here is cute and sinister angel boy <3
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dyrsig · 6 days
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