e-motionalmip Ā· 3 years
As an 18 year old Iā€™m currently smack bang in the middle of the so called ā€œSnowflake Generationā€ It's ever so delightful.
First, let me get something clear, the term ā€œSnowflake,ā€ while it can be derogatory. It refers to people who are emotionally fragile, to the point where they are unable to cope with alternate opinions or something that doesnā€™t suit themselves. When I say they can't cope, I mean they seriouslyā€¢cannotā€¢fuckingā€¢cope.
They are constantly whining with entitlement written all over their precious faces.
From many personal experiences I know for a fact if you do ANYTHING to them they do not like, bipity bopity fucking boo you automatically HATE them. Jaysus it gets annoying.
Teens and young adults can't take jokes anymore, have NO emotional resilience, and most canā€™t take others harsh opinions. I cannot stress how much it does my tits in to deal with them, every single day.
How are they going to lead a proper life when shits not going their way? Go whine about it to some person that probably couldnā€™t give a fuck and a half? Or go tell daddy dear someone hurt your feefees šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ½šŸ‘ˆšŸ½.What's going to happen when crying doesn't magically make someone appear to deal with their issues for them? Mankind is FUCKED unless we learn to toughen up again.
Now, if I were to be called called a ā€œsnowflakeā€, would I feel offended? Hahahah No, Iā€™d be more likely to be called a blunt bitch....but itā€™s just a word, it canā€™t hurt me, unless I grant the sound waves that exit someoneā€™s largest facial cavity the ability to emotionally smack me. I consider snowflakes to be the following points below.
- people who canā€™t take a fucking joke
- Demanding a safe space when they are upset over something minor
- Offended by gender specific language
- Believe in freedom of speech as long as it agrees to what they believe
- Lack resilience
- Going out of ones way to seek attention
- Finding a cause for offense just for pure shits and giggles
- Caught up in cancel culture
- And anybody who will shit on my opinion of snowflakes ā„ļø
Excuse me now while I go listen to ABBA
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e-motionalmip Ā· 3 years
Ladies, Gentlemen and those who have yet to make up their minds, welcome to my pissed off induced, pepsi max fueled ranting Extravaganza *jazz hands*.
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