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I see sooo many posts showing support for those who have abusive or absent fathers so here’s one for those of you whom have mentally ill mothers who didn’t raise you right because they couldn’t. 
This is for you, the ones with moms that suffer from bpd, ptsd, anxiety, depression, addiction, etc. The mothers that always go out, and the ones that never leave the house.  I’m sorry she kept you sheltered growing up because she’s afraid of the world. I’m sorry for every name she ever called you out of anger and all the crying fits she made you feel responsible for. For all the times she scolded you for buying the wrong thing or not putting the dishes away correctly. I’m sorry you had to listen to her as she screamed at you at the top of her lungs as you begged her to leave you alone. I’m sorry you can’t open up to her. I’m sorry she can’t see what a blessing you are. I’m sorry she can’t be proud of you no matter how hard you’re trying, but I am. I’m proud of you. 
You’re doing great, and you deserve to be happy and to be supported.  It isn’t your fault that she is the way she is and you can’t fix her. Whether she refuses medication or abuses it, it’s not your fault. When you start to notice her illness rubbing off on you, it’s not your fault. 
You’re more than good enough and it’s going to be okay.  I promise.
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I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.”
Audrey Hepburn (via gusty)
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Girls on a train car, Oakland, California, ca. 1930s.  
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Blake Lively
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There are some people you’ll never see again. At least, not in the same way.
I Wrote This For You, Iain S. Thomas (via sahrana)
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How long does it take the human brain to realise something is gone forever?
conclusted - I don’t think I will ever completely accept this loss (via conclusted)
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Take care of the people you love, but take even better care of the people that love you.
- unknown (via quotelounge)
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