earth2rayne · 3 years
lil advice 4 bby lifters
take note that literally everything i’ve learned is from tumblr and personal experience. but, my best advice for baby lifters is that LEARN FROM UR MISTAKES. i def like to read about ppls experience on here if u dont have any so far. stay safe baes :) (i’ll porb make a post later on about overall tips nd tricks)
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earth2rayne · 3 years
my personal experience
d0ll4r tr33- 10/10 superr easy. they have really good chocolate, snacks, and LASHES. ive read that most of the cameras are fake but there’s barely any visible in the store. most of the times the workers are always at the register and don’t really care, this is probably not the smartest thing but i always go to my local dt and the same lady sees me looking around the snacks and leave with nothing, and take note i have bright pink ass hair, so you bitches will be a-okay here!
5b3l0w- 8/10 pretty mid, if you see the manager run, theyre scary. i usually get some makeup and a fucking toblerone this bitch slaps so hard. DONTT go for the chips/snacks they’re all located on the way to the cashier so if ur planning on doing that be quick. ive also read the cameras are fake but still be careful. btw they have a bunch of zodiac incense and cute little scripting journals just make sure to cleanse it before you use it. also the crystals there are fake </3.
m1ch43ls- 7.9/10 (depending on location) easy as fuccc, but be careful with the jewelry charm section, at my loacation they’ve installed scary cameras that show a vid of u but u can jus take it to a blindspot in the store. there’s a bigg scary camera in the back but none else ive seen throughout the store, so blindspots are hella easy to find. most of the times the workers are teens so you should be okay just be careful.
tjm4xx- 7/10 (also depending on location) at my locations they’ve installed the scary cameras showing you on footage AND IF U LOOK AT IT, IT ZOOMS IN ON YOU WITH A SQUARE AROUND UR HEAD! these cameras are located throughout the store, but for normal cameras are located on the ceiling in certain aisles. for the makeup, its super easy just be careful with the nail sets, some may have rfid’s. make sure to be on the lookout for LP (for every store, some may be in dsiguise so consider every customer in the store as a threat lol).
p4cs0n- 8/10 okay so for br4ndy m3lv1ll3  jewelry, CHECK CARDBOARD FOR RFID’s!  dont conceal your trash in the store, there are ways to destroy the rfid while in the dressing room using scissors, but i choose to not take that risk lmao. untagged shirts are super easy, most john galt shirts aren’t tagged so just stuff it in a hoodie then take to the dressing room. workers are teens, and they usually dgaf so go off besties. i dont know much about the cameras so make sure your blindspots are on point!
c0nv3rs3- 5/10 SOOO ME AND MY FRIENDS HAVE GOTTEN CAUGHT HERE SO IF U PLAN TO LIFT HERE MAKE SURE TO TAKE AT LEAST A MONTH BREAK FROM THAT STORE AND SECTION OF THE MALL! tbh its hella easy. have a mini backpack, go to the clearance section, there’s no cameras there. just make sure you have someone pretending to find a size of shoe to distract the worker. rest of the workers are usually talking to a customers and assisting them, or at the register.  stuff only the shoes in the bag leave the box on the highest shelf, and leave. never go back to that store. my lesson has been learned, always listen to your intuition.
UO- 10/10 all u have to look out for is possible LP’s and SA, rfid’s, and tags. this place has no cameras but most of the clothes are tagged, but can be removed with a strong magnet (havent tried that yet). underwear is super cute and untagged. wildflower cases can be easily taken out of the package and just hide the case and take a break from the store. boxers are cute look out for rfids in cardboard. books/scripting journals SUPER CUTE and easy but very rarely are rfid’s are hidden within pages so lookout for them. workers dont count how many clothes u take in the dressing room. idk anything about the cosmetics there so i suggest take a look at them next time u go if u ever plan to. jewelry all has rfid’s, but the display jewelry on those little triangle things aren’t and are super easy (they’re also usually located in blindspots)
cl41re’s/1c1ng- 8/10 the workers are usually watching so be careful idk much about cameras but be careful for the mirrors up on the ceiling, they’re obv used to be able to see u better. nails dont have rfid’s
okay this is all i have time for today so im going to make a part 2 later, along with more tips. happy liftin & stay safe baes!
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earth2rayne · 3 years
Urb4n 0utf1tt3rs
UO is honestly the easiest place like ever, all you have to look out for is the employees (especially if they’re talking on the walkie talkie). but yesterday, me and my friends made the mistake of going back to uo 2 days after lifting from pacsun. the day we went to pacsun, (take note we were driving aroundthe area and lliftin little things but for every store we lowkey got sussed at ahah)  we had a feeling the workers already knew considering we all ‘tired on clothes’ but all the workers are way too chill and dont really care. but when we went to uo we got super sussed out and we heard the cashier talking on the walkie and had said “WE HAVE ALL BLACK ON THE FLOOR” and most of us are pretty fucking gay so most of us were wearing black... we dropped all of our stuff and tried to leave but one of the workers had suggested we try on the clothes we havent dropped yet, we all said no thanks. but this bitch lead us in anyways. so moral of the story, ALWAYS TAKE BREAKS FROM MALLS YOU LIFT FROM!!!!! also make sure you can be in the smallest group possible. workers are TOLD to lookout for teenage friend groups lmaoo. im gonna make another post about the stores i lift from and give tips but please everybody stay safe i dont want anything bad happening to any of the lifters here, these people on tumblr are like the sweetest ever. anyways happy lifting baes <3
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