earthlords · 27 minutes
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earthlords · 27 minutes
the self care industry will sell you face masks and teas and whatnot so i'm here to remind you not to forget the most important self care activity which is masturbation
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earthlords · 27 minutes
Wait are you really pro-ship?
back in my day we just called it minding your own business
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earthlords · 31 minutes
there’s something so… idk dystopian? seeing chappell roan doing this amazing work, raising money for palestine, speaking out against injustices, refusing to work with the white house in protest of their policies, giving drag queens a platform…. just to then see people who call themselves fans having vaguely radfemmy arguments over who is “allowed” to be at her concerts. “why would a man be there???” because he’s trans. or because he’s gay. or because he just likes her music and wanted to see her and bought a ticket like everyone else to be here. can we focus on something that actually matters rather than bullying people for sharing an interest with you. my god.
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earthlords · 32 minutes
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earthlords · 13 hours
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"The Don't Say Gay Law has been cut down to size in more ways than this.
- LGBTQ+ students and staff may now be protected by anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures
- Libraries are free to restock LGBTQ+ books
- LGBTQ+ topics may be discussed freely
Florida teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender ID under ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill settlement
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earthlords · 13 hours
what they dont tell you about adulthood is that it’s startlingly easy to go long periods of time without having any fun at all not even a little bit. btw this causes ur brain to try to kill you with knives and hammers.
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earthlords · 15 hours
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i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives
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earthlords · 15 hours
defending megan isn't enough i need a gun
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earthlords · 15 hours
Despair is easy, hope is hard. And brother, I like to stay hard
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earthlords · 15 hours
i had a dream that time travel was invented and too many people choose to travel back in time to save the titanic from sinking (the question of whether unsinking of the titanic deserved so much attention in the face of human history was the subject of both heavy academic and online discourse), which caused a rift in the space-time-continuum that led to the titanic showing up indiscriminately all over the world’s oceans and sea in various states of sinking.
this caused a lot of issues both in terms of fixing said space-time-continuum and in terms of nautical navigation, and after a long and heavy battle in the international maritime organization it was decided that the bureaucratic burden of dealing with this was to be upon Ireland, much to their dismay. the Irish Government then released an app for all sailors and seafarers so they could report titanic sightings during their journeys, even though they heavily dissuaded you from reporting them given the paperwork it caused.
anyway i woke up with a clear image of the app in my head and needed to recreate it for all of you:
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earthlords · 15 hours
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They Do Not Exist (1974) by Mustafa Abu Ali (watch)
from PalestineCinema.com:
Salvaged from the ruins of Beirut after 1982, Abu Ali's early film has only recently been made available. Shooting under extraordinary conditions, the director, who worked with Godard on his Ici et Ailleurs (Here and Elsewhere), and founded the PLO's film division, covers conditions in Lebanon's refugee camps, the effects of Israeli bombardments, and the lives of guerrillas in training camps. They Do Not Exist is a stylistically unique work which demonstrates the intersection between the political and the aesthetic. Now recognised as a cornerstone in the development of Palestinian cinema, the film only received its Palestine premiere in 2003, when a group of Palestinian artists "smuggled" the director to a makeshift cinema in his hometown of Jerusalem (into which Israel bars his entry). Abu Ali, who saw his film for the first time in 20 years at this clandestine event noted: "We used to say 'Art for the Struggle', now it's 'Struggle for the Art'"
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earthlords · 15 hours
as is tradition I would like to wish a happy pride month specifically to this Indian guy I used to work with who came SPRINTING to find me when there was some buzz in India about gay marriage being legalized (this was in like 2018ish, it's sadly ended up not panning out) to ECSTATICALLY say "you know what this means??? it means men better start acting better, or their wives are going to leave them for women!!!" he was so excited for all of these hypothetical women who were about to finally leave their loser husbands and lez out. that's a true ally, I hope he's thriving wherever he is.
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earthlords · 15 hours
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“THERE ARE NO QUEER FRIENDLY COPS,” Heritage of Pride, New York City, June 2017
Photography by William Volcov
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earthlords · 15 hours
Okay, this might be an unpopular opinion, but if you want to combat the spread of misinformation then you have to let go of any belief that people not talking about an issue means that they don’t care. The only way to reduce the spread of misinformation and disinformation is to research claims before you spread them, and there is so much information constantly being thrown at people through social media and the 24 hour news cycle that it’s impossible to fact check every claim. The same can be said about AI generated images, if you look closely then you can notice certain tells that something is AI generated but no one really has the time to analyze every single image that crosses their path.
If we expect people to talk about and spread information on every social/political/economic issue that occurs then the result will be that people will spread misinformation/disinformation because they will not have the time or mental capacity to research every single thing that happens on Earth just to make sure that they aren’t being fed incorrect information.
Only researching claims that set off a red flag or seem incorrect doesn’t actually do much to prevent misinformation, because there are plenty of claims that will seem correct on the surface or that will align with your view of the world that you won’t think to research. You have to research every claim if you want to avoid misinformation, and you can’t research every claim made by someone online.
The only solution is to accept that some people aren’t going to talk about certain issues, not because they don’t care, but because they have chosen to focus on other issues for the time being and don’t want to talk about an issue that they don’t know much about. And we really need to stop treating that like a bad thing. If you spread yourself too thin then you’re not going to accomplish anything. It’s actually good to have people devoting themselves to learning about and fighting a specific issue, that’s how progress is made.
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earthlords · 1 day
Florida bans on trans care have been overturned! 🏳️‍⚧️
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earthlords · 1 day
goodnight everyone (:
do your daily click
spreadsheet of families in Gaza you can help today
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Buy an e-sim
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Help Gaza Children
Sudan Tarada Initiative
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Darfur Women Action
Ramadan for Sudan
Period products in Sudan
Sudan Emergency Appeal
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