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Good-Bye East Egg
After the hotel incident, Tom and I both decided we needed a new start. And again, we decided to move away from East Egg. We were both hoping that East Egg would be a permanent residence for the Buchanan family. East Egg offered both the luxury of wealth, with the surrounding excitement of New York City. However, the past events that have unraveled over this summer have declared East Egg an unsuitable place to raise a family. The recent deaths in the vicinity have worried Tom and me.
The death of my great friend Jay is indeed saddening, but the immediate matter of providing a safe environment for the blessed precious is most concerning.
East Egg has been a delight and has accommodated me and Tom very well; however, it is time for a change in scenery. The ghosts of both Tom and my past have caught up with us here in East Egg, so it is time for a move.
I regrettably close my postings and resign my position as an East Egg woman. I pray that the future will hold a better fortune for Tom and me. I pray that my spirits will become gay again with this new scene.
Thank you all for listening to my story.
-        Daisy Buchanan  
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Gatsby's party!
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One Hot Day!
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One Hot Afternoon
The longest day of summer, just happened to be the hottest one as well. The summer is winding down now, and I am more confused and flustered than ever.
This afternoon was a horrid experience! It started out grand and full of love and anticipation. I was going to confront Tom about his mistress, and leave him for Jay. I knew Jay wanted me to leave him so badly. He loves me so much that it hurts me to see him love me. Beside the point, Jay accompanied me to my house to confront Tom together. I knew that I would need all the support I could get in order to confront Tom and his hot-headed, tempered behavior. So I enlisted Nick and Jordan to come and join us for lunch.
When Nick arrived, Tom was on the phone with his presumed mistress. But I didn't mind, because I had my own love right by my side. The thought tickled me, and I kissed Jay passionately. Not caring about Jordan and Nick's presence.
The blessed precious entered the room, and I quickly ushered her towards me. I showed her off to Jay, Nick, and Jordan. Jay obtained a strained, almost shocked look, so I sent her on her way.
It was boiling in the house, and I began to get fussy. The heat and Tom's tone towards Jay was aggravated me. I whined to go to town and get out of the heat, but Tom was incredulously ignoring my requests. Jay noticed, and held my gaze. His gaze was full of love and sympathy, and I longed to be with him. I presume that Tom noticed, and he rushed to separate us by finally acknowledging my request to go to town.
He attempted to usher me into Jay’s car, but frustrated at Tom, I steered away and announced that I would ride with Jay. Obviously, annoyed, Tom shot off in Jay’s car. But I could hardly notice because now I was going to be with Jay for a little while longer. That was the last happy moment I had with Jay.
We entered the Plaza Hotel, and retrieved a room. Tom brought the whiskey, and we ordered ice to make mint juleps. I attempted to make small talk by mentioning the wedding going on the floor below. Tom wouldn’t have it. He began berating me, and naturally Jay came to my defense. But that only annoyed Tom more and he began interrogating Jay. I tried my best to protect Jay, and shield him from Tom’s hostility but Tom just kept on coming. Then Tom began accusing Jay of being a penniless, bootlegger. A fraud. I began to panic, and pieces in the puzzle of Jay began to piece together. My mind was running rampant and I couldn’t think straight. All of a sudden, Jay exploded, proclaiming his love for me and my apparent distaste for Tom. He began badgering me to support him, forcing me to say that I never loved Tom. I said it. But Tom saw right through me. Tom began to bring up memories we shared after the wedding. After Jay had exited from my life. The heat, Jay’s demands, Tom’s sincerity all made me burst! I loved both Tom and Jay at one point in my life, and I couldn’t deny the fact anymore. Tom continued to scrutinize Jay for his illegal actions and his less than legal way of obtaining his wealth. Confusion swept over me and drowned me in the heat. I had to get out of the hotel. I started home with Jay, unable to stand anything anymore. The night continued on a downward spiral. I ended up at the mansion. I sent Jay away, needing to be alone, but he insisted to wait outside until I said I was alright. Tom came home later that evening, and we sat and talked for a long while.
And then the night was over.
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Jay and I
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My Major
I am absolutely speechless towards the events that unfolded today. I met my Major today.
Yes, the major that swept me up in his whirlwind love all those years ago, was sitting in front of me. I was completely out of my body.
It was actually a marvelous encounter, you see my cousin Nick Carraway acted as the middle man and helped plan the whole meeting! Apparently, my captain was holding to the hope of our love just as I was all those years ago. He planned the whole meeting! He got Nick to invite me to tea, bought extravagant flowers and cookies, and even had Nick’s house beautified for my visit.  I expected Nick and I would have a lovely afternoon of tea, and discuss, oh I don’t know, Chicago. I have to admit I was a little skeptical since Nick told me to come to his house in secrecy, without Tom. The whole visit was so devious and secret.
Anyway, I went in to Nick’s house, it was pouring rain outside, and he ushered me into his living room. It was a splendid scene! He directed me to sit down, and then his face turned to a figure of confusion. He exited, and then the door knocked. Next thing I see is my major drenched in water, standing right in front of me. I was so surprised that I was hesitant to say anything… I couldn’t believe my love was standing in front of me! All those moments of hoping for my major to show flooded to my memory. I expected him as flustered a well, for he almost immediately exited after he introduced himself to me.
The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to reuniting and him describing his life after the war. His successes after the war, I should say. He lived in a large estate on West Egg, most commonly known for new, up and coming wealth. His wealth was on display everywhere we looked, when we toured his estate. His house was situated directly in front of my house on East Egg, and my green light from my dock, was visible. He even pointed out newspaper clippings he had collected over the years! Oh, the love that he showed me was indescribable and refreshing compared to what Tom has given me…He gave all his attention to me and only me.
My Major, Jay Gatsby, never stopped loving me.
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Nick's Visit!
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Today is a blessed day...
Why is it blessed you ask? Well, of course, it is Tom and my anniversary! Today marks the day that I gave my life to the hulking, wealthy, and powerful man I call my husband.
You may sense a little sarcasm in my tone of writing, and you would be absolutely correct. Do not judge me too harshly. I do love Tom. But the wedding day, 4 years ago today, is not a day I would want to celebrate.
It all started from a frivolous, school-girl, love for a young major in the army. October 1917, almost 5 years ago, was a whirlwind.  Being a young, wealthy, socialite, I had many suitors on my arm and I was never alone. I specifically liked to mingle with military officers. I very much enjoyed their crisp attire, but rowdy behavior away from base. One night, there was a party at my house, and I so happened to run into a young major. This major was captivating, and quickly swung me off my feat. We fell madly in love, and it was absolutely perfect! But the love was not meant to last, for he was shipped off to the Great War. We continuously corresponded through letters and such to keep the flame alive and I even planned to see him off in New York; however, my parents had other plans. They were fed up with my shallow love affairs, and decided they needed to marry me off to settle me down. That is when Tom Buchanan came into the picture. Tom and I got along, but I always had hope that my major would come back for me. Over the years, my major never showed, and my faith began to falter.  Tom proposed, and his credentials were too hard to refuse. I quickly pushed my major to the back of my mind, and became gay as ever. But I longed for my captain to save me. On the wedding day, I received a letter from the army. My hopes were soaring high above the clouds and butterflies were flying all over my stomach because I have not heard from the major in a while. I thought to myself that this might be my exit ticket away from my wedding. But it was not meant to be.
Now this day is marred by the memory of my major and the love we shared in the past.
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Wedding Day
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New home!
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A Change in Scenery
I am officially an East Egg Woman! I am bubbling with excitement to start my new life here in East Egg with my adoring husband and blessed precious. For those who do not know, East Egg is one of the most elegant place in all of New York City accommodating to the wealthy elite. Yes I consider myself to be a part of the wealthy elite :)
 The house is a scene out of a story book! Glorious in all aspects. Tom and I obtained an antique red-and-white Georgian Colonial mansion that overlooks the bay. The lawn is absolutely lushes, stretching over a quarter mile to the bay. The interior of the house is saturated with large French windows, making the house light and vibrant. The curtains surrounding the windows dance to the wind creating a dream-like serenity.
 I suppose the change in scenery will be a healthy addition to my opulent lifestyle, separating myself from my past history in Chicago. Previous encounters have left my husband and me in need of a fresh start. Hopefully East Egg will provide the clean slate that we are looking for, and will hopefully be a permanent move. I do mourn for the acquaintances I’ve made back in Chicago. They will undoubtedly grieve their loss of Tom and I.
  My spirit is gay for the thought of a new life!
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