easymoneysingh · 5 months
Internship E-Portfolio
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1. Preparation to beginning my internship and fitting into Deaf Sport Australia's culture
As mentioned by Ismail (2018), internships are helpful for developing interpersonal and soft skills that are typically not covered in the official university education course of study, such as professionalism, cultural sensitivity, time management, and integrity (Holyoak, 2013; Shoenfelt et al., 2013).
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As I'm hard of hearing, I felt that I was a really good candidate to work with Deaf Sports Australia and Deaf Sports Australia made me very welcome into their organisation.
After having a successful application and interview I was obliged to start my internship with Deaf Sports Australia, the main governing body for sports for the hard of hearing in Australia. I was pretty keen to gain experience in working in a professional environment with other individuals who were hard of hearing, giving me a better understanding and awareness of the work environment.
Working my way into the organisations culture was pretty easy due to everyone being understanding of my hearing loss and other people in the workplace had the same disability as me. The team were happy to have me on board and I was prepared to show why I'm a solid candidate for them which made the process of joining the organisation and adapting to their culture smooth.
Ismail, Z. (2018). Benefits of internships for interns and host organisations. K4D Helpdesk Report. Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham.
Finding my feet within Deaf Sports Australia
As I settled into the internship with Deaf Sports Australia , I was feeling the under the pump at times but I started to feel a tingle of confidence when I started to be involved in projects with Deaf Sports Australia. It felt like I was moving houses and discovering my surroundings around my area and then each day, I became felt safe and included in my environment.
Taking part in events gave me a good opportunity to get along with other people in the organisation where I could get to know them more. By knowing them more, I would therefore understand their strengths and weaknesses.
For me to stay on top of things, I had a couple of strategies in my head if any scenario happened. For example, If I was unsure of what to do with any tasks given to me, I had to show initiative where I would ask on the spot that I'm not sure of what to do here and I would eventually ask for more clarification which I found really handy.
I wanted to feel amongst any member who works for this organisation. A good thing is, majority of the people I worked with had a hearing loss, so it meant we basically could understand each pretty well.
For a variety of reasons, students may participate in this experience while pursuing their degree. First off, internships give the chance to acquire talents that aren't taught in universities. Di Meglio et al. (2021) suggest that experiential learning coupled with practical knowledge might serve as an additional source of human capital to supplement the endowments acquired from higher education.
Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., & Moreno, L. (2021). Knocking on employment’s door: Internships and job attainment. Higher Education, 83(1), 137–161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-020-00643-x
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Becoming an effective team member in Deaf Sports Australia
Being an effective team member required me to be more vocal and open with other people in the workplace environment which I didn't find that an issue as I found communicating with others quite easy as we could understand each other very well.
With the feedback, my supervisor provided me and I always felt the urge to reflect on his feedback. One of the things he listed was for me to work on my database management and understanding the sporting pathways for the hard of hearing. For me to improvise on that, I had a video call with revolutionisesport so they could take me through a small guide through the platform. I found it really helpful as I became much more confident in my ability to manage an organisation's pay portal database which showed glimpes of me being an effective team member.
An organisation, according to V. Damašienė (2002) and L. Šimanskienė (2002), is a collection of individuals whose actions are purposefully coordinated to accomplish a shared objective. Thus, an organization's workforce is essential to its efficacy and capacity for growth and development. It is imperative that every individual inside the organisation comprehends the current state of affairs, their goals, and the strategies they are employing to achieve those goals. Organisational culture, or strong power, is the foundation of any successful organisation. Every organisation has a distinct culture that contributes to its distinctiveness and benefits its workforce.
I was also working on classification forms with Lauren which was basically going through people's classifications form which were uploaded and were sent by Lauren. My task was just fill out the excel spreadsheet of the current athletes around Australia by putting in their contact details and the level of classification they had.
Baronienė, D., Šaparnienė, D., & Sapiegienė, L. (2008). Leadership as a prerequisite of effective management of educational organisation. Socialiniai tyrimai, (3), 19-31.
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With one of the projects I was working with Deaf Sports Australia was revolutionisesport which is platform for managing financial assets for members. With that being said, I was responsible for listing down clubs, associations along with their contact information. In my case, I had to show my effectiveness as a team member which meant active communication and having the willingness to do things. I often had to communicate with people outside Deaf Sports Australia which was Revolutionisesport as they run their own company and were collaborating with us to set up a platform as Deaf Sports Australia was running a different platform beforehand.
Challenges I faced while working with Deaf Sports Australia
After a difficult year in 2023, most students I knew started their internship months before me. I always felt anxious whether I was able to complete 228 hours because it felt like a lot.
I found motivation a challenge while having my internship. There were often times where I'd get bored of doing the same task each day which would put me behind with other things. Although I was picked to represent Victoria in the National Cricket Inclusion Championships. I was organised and told my supervisor that I won't be in attendance for a week. After coming back from the tournament, obviously I was behind with my tasks and it made me lose motivation towards completing my tasks.
RAHAMAN et al., (2020) mentions that the Latin word "movere," which meaning to induce a movement in position, is where the term "motivation" comes from (Islam & Ismail, 2008). Motivation helps us transition from a bored to an interested state of mind. Motivation is defined as an internal force that directs conduct and acts as a catalyst.
After a smooth start and settling in, I found completing daily tasks difficult during the week at times due to other commitments outside of work. To encounter some of these challenges, I felt bad to text my supervisor that I may not finish this task on time but I wanted to show great responsibility by letting him know what commitments I had during the week so he could be very understanding.
Another challenge could be there may have been lack of tasks for me to do for a short period, where I would definitely get bored or lose motivation to keep in touch with my supervisor whether if he had any tasks for me to complete.
RAHAMAN, Md. A., ALI, Md. J., WAFIK, H. M., MAMOON, Z. R., & ISLAM, Md. M. (2020). What factors do motivate employees at the workplace? evidence from service organizations. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(12), 515–521. https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2020.vol7.no12.515
Achievements and Milestones
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I attended one of the events promoted by Deaf Sports and Recreation Victoria (DSRV) which was AFL Victoria Deaf & Hard of Hearing for the kids who were hard of hearing. It was an awesome experience to interact with kids who have the same disability as me. I felt like it was a very inclusive environment for us.
I was responsible for creating a mind-map for Deaf Sports Australia and Revolutionisesport where I created a list of local, state and national deaf sporting organisations. This would give revolutionisesport a better idea of what I'm trying to establish with our members of Deaf Sports Australia.
I felt like I achieved a lot with improving my skills in database management where I wasn't too confident to begin with but gradually worked my way up, learning the basics. Now I feel really confident that I can work in an organisation where I work to my best in managing organisations' databases.
Career aspirations
My career aspirations is work around financial management and marketing for a sporting organisation. Since I started my bachelor degree in 2021, I felt like my strengths were finance and marketing myself towards others. Business is a pretty big aspect in sports and I feel like it would be a genuine spot for me to find a position to work around marketing and finance somewhere.
Starting my career I would be grateful for any opportunity in the industry, however my aspiration would be to eventually work in cricket or basketball where I'd preferably enjoy in working in a position where I can focus on marketing or managing finance.
Reflection on my supervisor evaluation
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I was pretty satisfied on how Phil, my supervisor who evaluated my performance within Deaf Sports Australia. “Willingness to learn and able to understand information and instructions well.” The evaluation perfectly sums up of what I have to provide in the future with my career professional development as I already had the determination to understand of what's being said and the ability to understand instructions clearly.
I took my time to have a chat with Phil regarding the areas he wanted me to work on so I could have a better understanding of what he wanted me to do. I found asking him for suggestions on what things I could do that will benefit me from his feedback. For the knowledge of the sporting industry and pathways, he wanted me to investigate on how different is the sporting pathways are from deaf athletes and normal athletes.
I spent plenty of time researching the differences and came up with a document outlining the differences and the different stages that both athletes' go through during the local, state and national. My supervisor was pretty happy with what I provided him with and thought I was making some improvement.
The other thing I was pretty satisfied was the rating as I thought it was pretty satisfactory from my end as I haven't been the greatest but not the worst so I thought I was leeway of being the best. That did give me some motivation to strive one better.
My overall reflection on the internship and studies
Overall, I have enjoyed every moment during this course, learning a lot from different subjects across the 3 years. I'm so grateful for my lecturers who taught me a lot and gave me some vital advice which I really took on for the future.
I enjoyed my time throughout the internship experience with Deaf Sports Australia. I feel like I benefited in man ways including gaining industry experience, developing my skills, managing time and overall getting a small insight into what working in the industry would be like with other people with a condition like me.
I guess it was normal for me to feel nervous about the opportunities that was going to arise for me during this internship with Deaf Sports Australia.
I had an enjoyable experience with Deaf Sports Australia with many things to take away from it. I guess one of the best things I enjoyed was working with Deaf Sports Australia on setting up a new financial system, Revoutionise where I enjoyed being given the responsibility of setting up the platform. It required great responsibility and also a great opportunity to learn more which will be beneficial to me in the future. Learning different things at Deaf Sports Australia will help me in my future and prepare myself for further opportunities in the workplace. This gave me an insight to what role a job in the industry might offer would look like.
Indeed, a number of research As referenced in (Di Meglio et al., 2021), Kinash et al. (2016) emphasise the advantages of internships on the development of relational and technical skills and the formation of realistic expectations when students confront their first employment. Additionally, students who successfully complete internships report better pay and increased work satisfaction (Siedler et al., 2016; Gault et al., 2010; Sanahuja and Ribes, 2015). According to Di Meglio et al. (2021), internships enhance a person's computer communication skills, professionalism, teamwork abilities, workplace flexibility, and career prospects (Kalhil, 2015).
Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., & Moreno, L. (2021). Knocking on employment’s door: Internships and job attainment. Higher Education, 83(1), 137–161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-020-00643-x
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easymoneysingh · 10 months
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Skipper James Sicily is all smiles, getting to work for a light jog during the first day of preseason for 2024
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New look at Massimo D'Ambrosio in the brown and gold during day one of the preseason.
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James Worpel feeding off a handball during a drill. Worpel looks to elevate his game after delivering a promising 2023 season.
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2021 mid season draft pick, Jai Newcombe in action feeding off a handball
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Portfolio Week 6
In class, the content was provided about the five principles of design, the importance of typography, and using colour to communicate.
The five basic principles of design are alignment, repetition, contrast, hierarchy, and balance. Alignment creates a sharper more unified design. Repetition strengthens a design by tying together otherwise separate parts, and as a result, creates associations. Contrast is the most effective way to create emphasis and impact with your design. Hierarchy creates a visual organisation to a design and gives the reader an idea of where to begin and finish reading. Balance provides stability and structure to a design, either through symmetry or tension of elements.
A magazine is a compilation of articles, stories, images, and frequently advertising wedged between front and back covers that grab the reader's interest. Magazines are usually released on a regular basis, such as once a month, bi-monthly, quarterly, and so on. Magazines were once only available in print, but they may now be delivered online as well. Advertisements, prepaid subscriptions, and the purchase price of magazines are typically used to fund them.
I created a magazine on Bill Russell where I was tasked to create many templates on each page, inserting a photo to make it more interesting which I learned from the design principles.
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Harvey, K. (2015). 5 Basic Principles of Graphic Design. Shillington Design Blog. Retrieved 19 May 2022, from https://www.shillingtoneducation.com/blog/graphic-design-basic-principles/.
Blackman, N. (2021). What is a Magazine?. Design & Illustration Envato Tuts+. Retrieved 26 May 2022, from https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/what-is-a-magazine--cms-37851.
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Production Week 9
In class, our session was focused on 'video production' where we learnt about the different camera angles and the emergence of web video and vlogging. During the 1990s, Quicktime Player, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player were launched but the quality of the video was very poor. In the late 1990s, broadband internet was introduced to the Australian market and by the end of 2006, 50% of the subscribers had a broadband connection. In 2005, Flash 8 became the first version to support video. Video becomes easier to implement online because Flash is already supported for animation, and one single codec can be adopted as the defacto standard for video. Youtube was founded in 2005 where it originally used Flash as its technology for showing videos. In 2006, Google purchased Flash for $1.65 billion in 2006.
The whole process of making a video is referred to as video production. Whether it's a short film, a feature film, a company marketing video, a television commercial, a music video, or another genre of film, the procedure is essentially the same. Three subcategories which are pre-production, production and post-production which can be found in the basic process.
References: What is Video Production? | Sheffield Audio Video Productions. Sheffieldav.com. (2022). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from https://www.sheffieldav.com/production/what-video-production.
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Production Week 10
In class, I learnt how to edit my video and make the video shorter. I added an additional clip which showed short coverage of a funny Gianns. This was useful as I could add the clip after Josh mentioned that the Bucks had a good chance of winning the East. I also learnt how to use colour correction on the Adobe PhotoShop where the common areas I need to change on it were basically white balance, exposure, contrast, saturation and dynamic range
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Production Week 5
For week 5, during class, an interesting fact I learned was that there are 95 million photos being uploaded on Instagram every day. I was simply wowed by the fact everyone loves to post photos of their daily life. I also learnt that when writing articles, it is important to include images as you gain 94% more views. There are different lenses when it comes to taking photos with a camera.
The golden rule when it comes to composition and the rule of the thirds. It's essential that you divide the frame into 9 squares by drawing 4 lines with four intersecting points.
Photos are important in our everyday life as they connect us to our past, they remind us of people, places, feelings and stories.
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Photography altered the course of history. It altered the course of events and how people reacted to them. It altered the way history was created, recorded, preserved, and retrieved. Its past is connected with ours. Photography altered our perception of the world by allowing us to see more photos from more locations and times than ever before. Images may be replicated and mass-distributed thanks to photography. The media landscape was exploding.
I created a marketing graphic on Lebron James, highlighting his failure of a season after having one of his best seasons averaging 30.3 points, 8.2 rebounds, and 6.2 assists. I used Adobe Photoshop 2022 to edit Lebron James' photo and later used Canva to post the updated image of Lebron James.
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O'Neill, C. (2015). The importance of photos. Retrieved 25 May 2022, from https://www.findandconnectwrblog.info/2015/06/the-importance-of-photos/#:~:text=Photographs%20play%20an%20important%20role,to%20know%20who%20we%20are.
Caponigro, J. (2017). Photography Has Changed -- Again. HuffPost. Retrieved 26 May 2022, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/photography-has-changed_b_489108#:~:text=Photography%20changed%20our%20vision%20of,The%20media%2Dsphere%20was%20burgeoning.
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Portfolio Week 3
For week 3, I had to create a 10-minute podcast with a partner on any topic that suited our knowledge. My partner for the podcast was Pau, and we decided to do a podcast on the NBA. Some of the topics we talked about were the overview of the Los Angeles Lakers, playoffs overview, NBA multi-tips as well as the play-in tournament. During the Lakers overview of the season, we discussed whether the Lakers made the right decision trading for Russell Westbrook, issues with the Lakers, and trade proposals for Lakers in the future. We also talked about a roughie who was Lebron James that could win MVP paying $501 to win. I also gave out the best bets of the day which would be KD to score 30 points against the Magic, Warriors to win and Embiid to score 30, and Philly to win.
A podcast is a collection or series of digital audio recordings that may be downloaded or listened to through the Internet. A podcast episode is a collection of audio recordings. Some benefits of producing a podcast that it can be easy to produce and it's ability to grow your audience.
How Do Podcasts Work? How to Create a Podcast in 13 Steps. Masterclass. (2021). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-do-podcasts-work#what-is-a-podcast.
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easymoneysingh · 2 years
Digital Media Portfolio Week 2
In class, the content was provided about web management where I learned that there are 3.5 billion people who use smartphones in 2020 which is 45.12% of the global population. The four design principles that apply to the web which were balance, visual hierarchy, scale, and emphasis.
During Week 2, I created an interactive article relating to the NBA Final Four superstars remaining in regards to their playoffs run. The four superstars I decided to write about were Jayson Tatum, Jimmy Butler, Luka Doncic, and Steph Curry.
The website is made up of many webpages. The 'webpages' are online pages that you may see on a computer or smartphone utilising the internet and web service. You may put information about yourself, your company, or any other issue on the internet, and others can access it.
Editorial, S. (2022). What is a Website & How Does it Work? (Easy Beginner's Guide). SiteSaga. Retrieved 19 May 2022, from https://www.sitesaga.com/what-is-a-website/.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Applied Learning Project: Social Media Strategies
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In Week 12, I've been working on a group presentation with Josh, Declan and Paul and we decided to Declan's junior footy club St Bedes/ Mentone Tigers Football Club. My role is complete the social media policies. One of the social media strategy can be S.M.A.R.T which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. SMART goals are there to assist to reach for the bigger goals you set when you identify your purpose.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Strategies Part 2
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A social media strategy defines the stakeholders of the organisations, values and sets out an ongoing plan to engage and interact with them to achieve a certain objective or set of goals.
In 2019 AR-VR experience was used significantly in sports marketing campaigns. The primary objective of the campaign was to create a unique moment for shoppers at the Foot Locker House of Hoops in Hollywood utilizing the Snapchat Marker Tracking Lens. They brought LeBron to life through a larger than life mural that would serve as the canvas for the AR-VR experience. Snapchat users could unlock the lens in-store, point their devices at the mural, and watch LeBron recreate one of his first dunk as a Laker.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Strategies
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A social media strategy is high level and connected to brand and organisation imperatives. It's the overall plan battle whereas the social media marketing campaigns are the smaller, tactical operations that help achieve specific deliverables within the battle plan. There's an image above showing Red Bull and how they've been so successful with their campaigns over time. They are known on how to deliver content within their campaigns. RedBull delivers on value proposition.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media Platforms: Purpose, Strategies and Tactics
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Social media platforms have gave us the opportunities to communicate, grow our audience and achieve low-cost marketing success, they place very specific limitations on how they going to achieve this.
In the image shown above is a list of the most popular social media platforms that most people use nowadays. Every social media platform offers us an unique set of publishing tools and guidelines, impacting what and how we can publish as a best practice. To gain maximal benefits from the social media platforms, you need to understand what works and what doesn't across social media platforms and execute accordingly.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media Marketing : where social media fits in broader communication strategies
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Social media marketing can be defined by the activities the company is willing to undertake to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing focusses on 4 P's: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Sport organisations want to develop and grow an online community with their followers and engage the community via social media. The image above shows Hawthorn Football club are engaging with their followers for thanking the followers who were members with Hawthorn for 2021. This makes any follower who is a member of Hawthorn feel very included in their community .
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
A Window into their World: Social Media for Athletes and Social Media Policy
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Social media has given athletes the opportunity to communicate with fans, followers on their desired social media platform. Athletes may post valuable content where they can gain a big following over time. Above is an image of the NBA's best player in the league, Lebron James, who has posted over 2000 posts and has 101 million followers where he is known to post regularly where he keeps his followers updated on what he does. I find the content of what Lebron James posts very interesting, where he gets a lot of attention and interaction from his followers in the comments.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media Metrics: how do we measure success and why is it important?
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Social media metrics are important as they represent the value of your work from the measures for the social media practitioner. For the organisation, they are the measures that can provide results of how your business is performing. In the image above are the different measurement tools that are used to measure the social metrics/ insights.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media: Content is King: Creating valuable content for our audience
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It is important that we utilize the social media channels to properly maximise engagement with the fans and members of the community. The content needs to be creative, interesting, engaging and valuable to the audience. In this image is a page I follow on Instagram. I believe this page is doing the best to make each post very engaging as you can see. In most visual images, they make the background of the post black to put more focus on the player and highlight their achievements which is engaging content to the audience.
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easymoneysingh · 3 years
Social Media: From 'reach' to 'engagement': The changing relationship between organisations and community
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As we can see from this image, The Los Angeles Clippers commented on their tik tok to ask how's everyone doing. It was important for the sporting organization to do this where they can maximize engagement from their fans. It increases more people to compel them to reply to their comments. The sporting organisation can measure their likes or comments by using the analytics tool on Tik Tok. This can lead to a higher engagement rate.
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