easysnewnurse · 4 years
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“I mean don’t wanna risk it, right?” Bill chuckled back. ”Ma raised a gentleman.” He added before downing almost half the contents of the pint of beer gripped in his hand. The fact the government supplied them with protection was rather helpful but not like they had chances to even use them. Sobel almost always took away their weekend passes. Still, this was one night he couldn’t take from them. This was their night to celebrate how far they’d come. “Think it’ll help out there, no Kraut is gonna know what we call each other.” A fair point he thought, plus it was a sign they’d all grown close when no real names were completely involved. “Well, then got any other suggestions?”
She couldn’t help but laugh. “ You’re right. That’s far too risky for a man who jumps out of perfectly good planes.” Though if you asked her she’d take her chances with a jump over an STD, not that it was really a worry for the young woman. The no fraternization rule coupled with a lack of weekend passes made celibacy easy. She might as well have been a goddamn nun at this point. At Bill’s final question she hummed softly in thought before taking a sip of her own drink, okay maybe not a nun considering all the drinking she was doing. “ Has anyone ever called you Billy?” Another quick pause before she shrugged her shoulders casually. “ That doesn’t suit you either, guess will just have to stick with calling you gonorrhea.”
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
* subtle romance starters
i wish i could control myself around you
you look amazing
in that dress you could have anyone you want
it’s difficult to be around you
i’ve dreamt about being with you
i’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment we met
we could be together for tonight
no one needs to know
you could do it, i wouldn’t stop you
i can’t control myself around you
i can’t stop thinking about you
i want everyone to know that you’re mine
i can’t just be your friend
of course i was jealous
have i told you recently that you’re completely gorgeous?
you’re under my skin
i’ve thought about this nonstop
i can’t wait to see every inch of you
has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
you have to see what i see in you
you’re the most interesting person i’ve ever met
you have so much to offer
you’re a work of art
let me be yours
i think about you, like this, all the time
my lips were made to meet yours
you are, of course, my every thought
i want to know you fully
together, we’d be a force
once wasn’t enough for me
i can’t wait until i can kiss you again
you look better out of your clothes than you do in them
your perfect face is the least beautiful thing about you
have you been thinking about me?
do you want me as i want you?
how long have you wanted this?
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
Another starter call because I love Elizabeth Marie Wells 
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
[ text: Elizabeth W. | 2150 ]   in my defense, im tipsy early because formation is 0630. [ text: Elizabeth W. | 2152 ]   it seemed l ike a good idea at the time.  plus. ray and i wnet shot for shot. [ text: Elizabeth W. | 2154 ]   i have mre brownies and a leftover churro from breakfast…
(✉ →Stiney) You’re the worst 
(✉ →Stiney) I’ll take the churro 
(✉ →Stiney) But I’ve decided to grab food before I come over
(✉ →Stiney) What kinda drive-through food do you want?
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
⚓ —ring ring on the telephone➝ accepting!  
☠ for a drunk text - @easysnewnurse
[ text: Elizabeth W. | 2134 ]  so hey… i have a confessio n to make [ text: Elizabeth W. | 2138 ]  i maaaay have had a lil too much to drink… and we maaaay have bn formation tomorrow morning [ text: Elizabeth W. | 2144 ]  can you put in rehydration iv’s…? asking for a friend… who is me. i’m in the bricks. if youre on base  lmk  and i’ll give you the bldg numb er
(✉ →Stiney) You’re a dumbass 
(✉ →Stiney) Plastered before midnight 
(✉ →Stiney) I’ll be over in like 15 minutes and you better have food 
(✉ →Stiney) I don’t do this shit for free 
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
✯ for an early morning text !
@stiiney/ text starters - always accepting 
(✉ →Stiney) I know it’s early but how do you feel about going hiking ? 
(✉ →Stiney) Well it’s more of a run but it’s up hill and on a hiking trail so I’m gonna call it hiking 
(✉ →Stiney) I’ll even throw in brunch after to sweeten the deal since we’ll miss the sunrise
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
send a symbol for a text!!
ღ for an affectionate text ϟ for a drunk text ☠ for a final text ✫ for a text meant for someone else ¢ for a late night text ∞ for a half asleep text ✯ for an early morning text ➳ for an apologetic text ♭ for an angry text
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
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Rebel in the Rye (2017) Directed by Danny Strong
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
❛ it hurts. ❜
@stiiney/ soft angst starters - always accepting 
Her first instinct is to tease him. Make a joke about how maybe the Army is tougher than the Marines but the tone of his voice and the look on his face signaled that this wasn’t a laughing matter. He was serious. “You’re right sometimes being home does hurt.” And it shouldn’t because for most soldiers the ultimate goal is to just make it home but getting home doesn’t erase the pain of the battlefield or the things that they had seen. 
“ Back there everyone gets it. Here only a handful of people do.” Ellie was lucky to have the veterans' advocacy group on campus and brothers who had served and understand. It wasn’t the same for everyone else. “ If you need to talk you know that you can always reach out to me.” Which was easier said than done for a soldier even if they weren’t anymore, but she offered anyways.  
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
you won’t go with me?  ( from babe! )
@pyrrhicwon/ soft angst starter - always accepting 
“ I can’t,” she said with a soft sigh as she leaned against the doorframe to the house she was being quartered in. The brunette felt awful about lying to him. She could go, even wanted to go, but she shouldn’t. She had gotten enough teasing from some of the Toccoa men about cozying up with a replacement. They had always said it good-naturedly. There was no accusation of any wrongdoing but the reality of it all was that Ellie was in a unique situation.
 A woman in the Army was basically an experiment at this point, a trial run. She couldn’t afford to mess it up. If her stint in the service worked out it could open the flood gates for lots of women pursuing whatever they wished and as much as she liked Babe it wasn’t fair to throw that all away because she wanted to spend time with him. Fraternizing with another soldier certainly wasn’t allowed and the sort of reputation it would create would undo all her hard work, set women back even further.
If he had invited her out with a group she would have said yes but a dinner with just the two of them while out on a weekend pass? That was certainly too much. It would spin too many heads no matter how much she wanted to go. 
“ It’s a really nice offer Babe but I can’t accept.” Sometimes, especially moments like this, she wished she was like all the other girls her age. Standing on the porch in a dress, her hair down for the first time in what felt like forever with a handsome man asking her on a date she almost felt like she was a normal girl, but they both knew the reality was that she wasn’t.  
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
please, don’t go.  ( from joe! )
@pyrrhicwon / soft angst starters  -always accepting 
War was hell. They had all seen and experienced it. The medics were exposed to even more than most men, but what they had discovered that day nobody had been prepared for. Nobody had left that camp the same. “ Shh, I’m not going anywhere” she whispered softly as she cradled his head to her chest. Usually she would have been worried about what this could like or the implication of impurity but that could all be ignored today. Of all the people who needed comfort today it was Joe. Captain Winters had asked him a nearly impossible task by telling Joe that he had to instruct his people back into the camp for their own safety and Joe had done it because he had known it was what he had to do. 
She let her fingers comb through his hair. “I’ll be right here.” He was practically on top of her so there was no getting up from the bed anyways.  The medics along with everyone else had done as much as they could, which really felt like nothing at all, before being dismissed when doctors and others better equipped to handle it had arrived. Everyone was exhausted, it was more mental than it was physical, and yet she felt as if she’d never be able to sleep again. 
“We’re gonna win this war and nothing like this will ever happen again. The people responsible for this are gonna be held responsible.” 
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
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@easysnewnurse​ said:  ▰ : embracing them and holding them firmly against your chest ( for joe or babe pls)
          “ gotcha! ”  babe chirped, grabbing her up from behind, lifting her swiftly off of her feet. he held her there, face buried in her sweet-smelling hair–how did ellie always manage that in the field?–while he swung her around in his arms. squeezing a smile from the nurse was always the highlight of his day when he could manage it. 
         ellie had patched them all up at some point, gentle hands radiating competence, voice warm and comforting to a scared trooper wanting nothing in that moment but home. tough as nails when she had to be, sweet as sugar the rest of the time, babe didn’t know anyone in easy who wouldn’t take a bullet for her. 
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         “ y’gonna let me take ya to the movie tonight, or what? my treat. ”  he grinned, plopping her back down to earth. they were in aldbourne for the time being, and it was movie night–some new flick with clark gable. the admission price was free, of course, but babe loved to tease. to pretend things were normal. 
A shriek of laughter left her lips as Babe pulled her into an embrace. She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so freely or felt so light. “Edward Heffron you better put me down.” There was no bite to her words despite the use of his full name. The reality of it was that she didn’t mind being swept off her feet nor did she mind being held in his arms. If it weren’t for the fact that she was in uniform the action of the young man wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows or warranted any questions. 
Once she was back on solid ground she turned to face him, a large smile already tugging at her lips. “ You wanna take me to a movie huh?” she said teasing him gently before using one of her fingers to tap on her chin as if she was in deep thought over it. “ I might have to check my schedule. I’m very busy you know,” she said in mock seriousness only to smile once more. 
“ A movie sounds great.” It wasn’t like she really had anything better to do anyway. Plus Babe always made for good company. “Gonna invite me to dinner and dancing too?” she joked. For a moment she reminisced of a time before the war when a man may have actually asked to take her out for real. 
She shook the thought from her mind just as quickly as they had appeared. “ Or we could just go get a drink. I bet a lot of people are doing that tonight.” ‘
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭  \  sentence starter pack,  i.  feel free to change wording  \  pronouns as you see fit. 
don’t go. 
please, don’t go. 
it hurts. 
this hurts. 
we can’t be friends. 
you shouldn’t be here. 
stay here with me. 
it doesn’t feel like you care. 
i can’t feel your heart. 
i’m so alone. 
i need you here, with me. 
there’s nothing left. 
we’re up in flames, the both of us. 
it all comes crashing down. 
i don’t know what to do. 
you won’t go with me? 
why don’t you stay here? 
i’m going alone.
my heart’s broken. 
they broke your heart. 
where did this come from? 
how did you get this scar? 
who is {name}? 
what are you saying? 
i shouldn’t have come here. 
it’s like we’ve become strangers. 
who hurt you? 
who did this to you? 
please, don’t ignore me.
please, say something. 
is there something i should know?
i’m not leaving you here. 
you can’t do this to me. 
after all that we’ve been through… 
there’s something you need to know. 
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
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Zoey Deutch as Oona O'Neill in Rebel in the Rye (2017)
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
“softness means strength. for staying soft in a world like ours means that all the evil couldn’t change who you truly are.”
— e.s. // softness. (via pessimisticandrealistic)
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easysnewnurse · 4 years
[ sleepy ]  for  your  muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  my  muse’s  lap . ( from gene! )
@pyrrhicwon / Soft Interactions  - Accepting 
The idea of sleeping was sometimes easier said than done in a warzone. Spots to sleep were few and far between and they were almost never comfortable, but sometimes exhaustion was enough to make all other factors that inhibited sleep irrelevantly. There were enough of the boys from Easy company around that she felt safe enough to try and get at least a quick nap in. 
The brunette was nodding off despite the fact that they were sitting on the hard stone of some memorial statue she couldn’t even read. Her head would tilt forward every time she was nearly asleep and the action would startle her awake once more. She couldn’t help but groan in dissatisfaction.  “ Gene, can I use your shoulder as a pillow? You can use my head as something to lean yours against,” she said offering a hopeful smile. She waited for his reply and was satisfied when approval had been granted. 
Scooting closer she rested her head against his shoulder. It was already infinitely better even if the stone was still harsh to sit on. “ Thanks,” she murmured already shutting her eyes. Even if she didn’t sleep and just had a chance to rest her eyes and relax that would be enough. “ Really appreciate it.” Tiredness practically had her slurring her words. 
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