Today is the day of the deadline and everything should be fine!
I finished and printed my paperwork yesterday and I’ve been doing sketchbook stuff in the evenings.
I’ve also got 4 final illustrations that I like, so I just need two more and then background sheets.
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Final To Do list:
Final illustrations (only two left and backgrounds)
Finishing touches to exhibition
Organise everything for assessment
Tidy and clean stuff
Sign my self assessment
Candidate authentication form
To do list
Print final photos either at uni or in college.
Sort out and repaint exhibition space (need to decided if it should be black or silver.
Personal statement and send to Paul.
Update timetables and bibliography.
Print documents.
self assessment sheet.
Final illustrations. 
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06/06/18 This is what my final exhibition looks like!! My personal statement will go next to the silver board. I will also untangle the strings and lay them out a little bit to make them visible, but I can only do this when it's not going to trip people over.
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06/06/18 I used a neon orange posca pen on the edges of the foam board because the white edges distracted from the photos. The neon orange fits in with the garment and the spraypainted background. It also adds an extra level of colour that's sort of hidden in the edges, like culture hidden within the cracks of a city.
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06/06/18 Final test to see what layout looks best over the spraypainted background. Again it looks better, but it was still difficult to make it work. I then decided to try the 4 photos again and it actually works!! I switched the position of the last two though to make the light and dark photos more even. I eventually got to a point where my board will look good.
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06/06/18 I printed all three photos at the university yesterday on A4. The quality is higher than if you print at college. I need to velcro them to the board soon when the boards are screwed down to the grey boards.
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05/06/18 After photoshopping the graffiti over the board, I decided just to go for it and spray paint it for real. It turned out a lot more overcrowded than I had wanted, but honestly I like the colours and it fits well with my project. Now that it's upstairs I also love the way it complements the silver board and the vibrancy of the garment!
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The silver board looks better next to the small black board than the two black boards looked together. 
I love how the silver is only slightly metallic, rather than a really intensely shiny boards that might look too tacky. 
Slowly the exhibition space is coming together, it's just taking a lot of faffing and readjusting and testing stuff.  It's pretty frustrating but I need to get it done now and leave as little as possible for Thursday.
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Would it look better on a black or silver background?
In theory the black worked best to bring out the colours. but I've realised that in real life the silver makes the colours seem brighter, and the collar is more visible. 
The silver is also quite industrial feeling and is similar to part of the derelict factory from the shoot. I just need to scratch it up a bit more and nail the garment down. 
 The silver board is also wider, so there wouldn't be a gap between the two boards I'm using.
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Photoshopped my spray paint stuff from last night over the exhibition board.
This actually looks way better than I expected, so I'm definitely considering spray painting the smaller board. 
The first red outlined test looks the most visually imposing, and having a graffiti board would link in with Goth Botany a lot more than minimal black boards. It could look overcrowded with the photos though. 
That being said, I'm just gonna go for it. I need to be more decisive.
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I did this while testing freehand spray paint on a board at home last night, to see if I would be any good at painting on my exhibition boards.
I really like it honestly and I’m going to photoshop his over a photo of my boards to see if it would work.
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Today I decided I’m really not happy with the way my exhibition looked yesterday.
I might be changing the background to silver but I need to test it first.
I like this composition the most with only three photos, but I can’t decide if I like it with A4 or A3.
They still look lost on the board :/
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To do list
Print final photos either at uni or in college.
Sort out and repaint exhibition space (need to decided if it should be black or silver.
Personal statement and send to Paul.
Update timetables and bibliography.
Print documents.
self assessment sheet.
Final illustrations. 
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04/06/18 Worked on a couple more final illustrations this evening and they're going better now I have a new pen. I need to paint background sheets for these to go over.
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Testing out different arrangements on my smaller board for the selected photos.
Honestly nothing seems to be working? 
 The rest of the boards seems really empty and the overall composition between the garment and the photos is just off. 
 I think the problem is that it's just not selling 'Goth Botany' enough. I need to keep trying different things to make this work.
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Narrowed down all of my photos to these 4 for the exhibition. There’s a lot more that I like and would use for a zine because they look really unfocussed and hazy, but these 4 work really well as a collection and they show off the garment well.
Although the location wasn’t what I was hoping for, the derelict factory and jumbled shed look really grungey and makes the brightness of the garment stand out.
Both locations also felt very man-made but also have a sort of underground/out of the way feeling that really works. It’s quite industrial.
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04/06/18 I'm determined not to have a last minute exhibition this year. So this morning I had hung the collar over the big metal stand for the backdrop paper and decided it looked awful, because the metal stand was way too big and stuck out too much. It just looked bad. Unfortunately forgot to take a photo of it though. I changed my plan and nailed the garment to the board flat, and then stood it up. This looks much more bold pressed flat against the black backdrop. I just need to pin a couple of the garment so it doesn't sag too much - it's really heavy. I know I said that I didn't want to have a really minimalist exhibition, but now that I'm seeing the piece like this, I genuinely think it would look over the top of I tried to do much more. For example if I went for the mini greenhouse idea, the impact of the garment would be lost. I was also going to do some graffiti stuff on the boards, like write "Goth Botany" or draw lots of the faces from my illustrations. But now I'm worried that it would just look too much. I still sort of want to though but it's probably a bad idea.
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