eatingpaste · 6 years
Some of you didn’t start out fat, get skinny, then gain it all back + more, and it shows
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eatingpaste · 6 years
64 pounds lost total.
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(not me)
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eatingpaste · 6 years
Today I was wearing a crop top
I stretched and gather my stuff and one overweight girl saw my stomach and said, and I quote:
“Damn, skinny Miny”
I mean she was kinda sounding jealous, but ya girl is like the only non overweight person there
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eatingpaste · 6 years
When you finally come to your senses after binging for weeks:
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eatingpaste · 6 years
✨ Safe Foods ✨
water (0)
tea (0)
coke zero (0)
lemon water (0)
diet energy drinks (2)
black coffee (2)
cheerios (80)
corn flakes (70)
oat milk (92)
soya milk (82)
vanilla coconut milk (42)
vanilla greek yogurt (80)
1/3 cup porridge (108)
egg white (17)
hard boiled egg (78)
1 egg, scrambled (100)
slice of bread (70)
10g mature cheddar (40)
slice of ham (30)
100g raspberries (52)
100g blueberries (57)
100g strawberries (32)
1cup grapes (62)
1cup watermelon (40)
tomato (20)
peach (35)
orange (62)
apple (approx. 70)
banana (105)
tesco’s fruit salad (65)
100g lettuce (15)
100g spinach (7)
100g baby carrots (30)
100g mushrooms (20)
100g asparagus (27)
100g cabbage (22)
100g parsnip (75)
100g peas (75)
100g sweetcorn (77)
cucumber (16)
bell pepper (24)
beetroot (35)
garlic (4)
onion (60)
vegetable soup (approx. 80)
chicken soup (approx. 130)
miso soup (30)
broth (15)
shirataki noodles (20)
any type of salad (approx. 50)
baked beans (134)
100g cooked potatoes (87)
100g cooked aubergines (40)
100g cooked carrots (52)
100g cooked cauliflower (40)
100g steamed vegetables (approx. 45)
1/3 cup guacamole (121)
100g sweet potato fries (150)
50g cooked pork (60)
1 chicken breast (160)
100g tuna (100)
100g salmon (100)
4 rolls sushi (75)
skinny pop popcorn (70)
rice cakes (30)
hot chocolate (approx. 120)
chupa chups (46)
sugar free jelly pot (10)
nākd bar (approx. 140)
rich tea biscuit (38)
½ cup applesauce (50)
Condiments - by the tablespoon
honey (10)
sugar (15)
brown sugar (11)
vanilla extract (12)
cocoa (17)
soy sauce (5)
ketchup (20)
mustard (7)
margarine (40)
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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759 notes · View notes
eatingpaste · 6 years
Zero cal soda has been there for me more than my “friends”
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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eatingpaste · 6 years
tip for staying under calorie limit
i do this by following a simple rule, if i’m eating something and it falls/breaks/crumbles, i can no longer eat it.
for example if i was eating a cracker and it snapped so a piece of it fell onto the plate, i can no longer eat that piece because it’s no longer in my hand.
sorry if this doesn’t make much sense but i’ve found this helps me stay under calorie limit and prevents me from eating too much during a binge because i stick with this rule 24/7.
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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vs angel wannabe 💫🕊
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eatingpaste · 6 years
my mom: when was the last time you eat something besides your teas?
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eatingpaste · 6 years
Ed community looking at memes about starving, lying to friends and family and hating your own body:
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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eatingpaste · 6 years
My body dysmorphia: you look like this
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eatingpaste · 6 years
i had a dream i put some mcdonalds french fries in my pocket and when i went to grab them and they had transformed into a box of marlboro cigarettes. nice fucking symbolism dream banksy i just wanted a snack
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eatingpaste · 6 years
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