eatingpop · 10 years
Your stupidity always give me headache. Just shut up, TWS. Don't you feel embarrassed to be above 12 and still unable to read manga right? And here you can't even tell what Beauty and the Beast is about.
Well considering Orgs’ obsession with disney’s Beauty and The Beast we thought this will be quite a burn for them I guess ?
4/23水曜日 CD 「ディズニー声のドリームデュエット」 が発売になります。 ...
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eatingpop · 11 years
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Coconut Snowmen
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eatingpop · 11 years
I'm waiting for TWS to post a pic of her dog carrying shoes and looking sexy the same way rukia does. But I stand by the idea that Orihime looks like blow up sex doll. She can love it all she wants. I find that blank look disturbing.
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They’re both from the same person.
So can you guess who this is?
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eatingpop · 11 years
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Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies
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eatingpop · 11 years
I don't think SKPQ realize respect, fandom fame and friends are earned through honesty, genuinety and passion (whether it's love or hate you feel for the said fandom). You dont become a big name and gain respect by pretending to be a victim and then become a lying little shit.
You’re unbearably stupid, SKPQ. I have no words. Sending anon asks to people when everyone now knows your IP?...
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eatingpop · 11 years
Oh I see. I agree that it makes sense why they are so excited about this stupid vid.
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No you dumbshits. And this is old news. If you are going to make a claim of sorts, at least get this simple thing right.
The reasons (理由) he gave for picking these scenes are:
女性の色気を描くのが苦手だけど   ここの織姫はセクシーに描けたので 1) he has successfully drawn Orihime sexily in here, since he thinks he’s usually weak at drawing sexually attractive women. 
心の場所の新しい考え方を提示できる 2) he has successfully came up with a place to represent the kokoro
But I guess if that makes Ichigo and Failhime canon, then Rukia and Kaien are canon too. :>
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eatingpop · 11 years
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eatingpop · 11 years
How come they didnt screencap a scene before this? Because kubo's nb.1 fave scene from HM arc is UlqOri "I'm not afraid" scene. Goes by their logic, shouldn't that mean UlqOri trumps their stupid rape kiss scene. Thus UlqOri is the real canon Orihime ship?
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No you dumbshits. And this is old news. If you are going to make a claim of sorts, at least get this simple thing right.
The reasons (理由) he gave for picking these scenes are:
女性の色気を描くのが苦手だけど   ここの織姫はセクシーに描けたので 1) he has successfully drawn Orihime sexily in here, since he thinks he’s usually weak at drawing sexually attractive women. 
心の場所の新しい考え方を提示できる 2) he has successfully came up with a place to represent the kokoro
But I guess if that makes Ichigo and Failhime canon, then Rukia and Kaien are canon too. :>
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eatingpop · 11 years
I love that "I know something that you don't" smile.
You know, I wasn’t kidding/bluffing/rusing anyone when I said that you could absolutely legitimately take every IR moment since Feb 2010 as romantic.
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eatingpop · 11 years
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Ashi Lake ~ by Ricardo Bevilaqua
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eatingpop · 11 years
She just proved that she is not a decent human being. I honestly doesn't feel anything about her complicated life or how this account of hers hurt her health. I cannot waste my sympathy on someone like this.
A decent human being who accused innocent people of driving someone to suicide would apologies. To me TLIH is just another attention whore who cannot admit she was wrong. And she tries to save face by pretending nothing she's done is a mistake. She's just an idiot who thought she was going to be the fandom hero by exposing the big bad bitches. But it turned out she was too stupid and couldn't even tell her girlfriend and that "cousin" are the same person. I expect her to get into another fight in her new account. And I expect her to post another rant about how poor little dramatic life.
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Ah, TLIH, who is SKPQ’s girlfriend is leaving her account, just like what SKPQ had done. If it is really due to your mental health, then I really don’t understand why you would create another account to further exacerbate your condition, unless it was actually because of guilt. 
Are you sure it’s not because of the daringly bold but false claim you have made here? 
And from my IP logs, I did notice that you have been visiting my blog frequently after that incident up until the 27-28th of September. Sometimes you even checked it three times a day, TLIH.
Some people told me that both of you owe me and my friends a direct apology. That didn’t cross my mind, because I didn’t need it, and I also know that neither of you would apologise. Best to sweep it all under the rug and forget about it by creating new accounts!! Thank you for doing this, because finally I am convinced that both of you were complicit, and that your leave really is the final curtain of the shameful act you both pulled.
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eatingpop · 11 years
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eatingpop · 11 years
Wow, way to miss the point.
Who the fuck cares if she runs a troll blog?
- no one except SKPQ herself who doesn't want to admit that and chose to fake her suicide crap and blamed others on that.
What if she really did try to kill herself?
-Since we know she faked that so I guess it's ok to call her out on that. For someone that considers smart, do you honestly think an attempt suicidal person would come back and first thing she does is to check inbox and "claims" she still gets hate mails? If you have any common sense that should tell you something. 
Did any of you die because she did this?
- but they got accused of a very serious accusation with SKPQ laggy sending them hate mails calling them cunts and blaming them over "fake" incident. Will it kill you to actually understand what's going on here?
You all are assholes for bullying her
- since when people are being assholes for defending themselves and stating the truth? In your dream?
In the end, You talk about how it isn't a big deal to run a troll blog. Everyone knows that. But when got caught, who in their right mind would come up with a story how innocent people sent her (fake) hate mails and drove her to suicide? She got others to blame those innocent people for what they didn't do. It's ok for her to do that shit but it's not ok for other side to expose and explain what really happened? If SO U didn't have evidences and explain what really was the starting point of this drama, will anyone believe her?
In the end, none of the people you are accusing them of bullying truly cares what you think. You don't matter. But you missing the entire points and insist how SKPQ's story might be real is beyond amusing. People proved it isn't real. So it's pretty useless for you to argue how it could be.
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This is dedicated to the fuckers who tried to blame ME for their fake suicide just to cover up their ass over an insignificant troll blog. I want to say that I sacrificed sleep AND homework to write this shit and I’m beyond furious right now.
As I’ve said weeks ago, I’ve known who Origololgic is for awhile. When I found out, I didn’t publish the info immediately, because I didn’t want to humiliate an Ichiruki who has never been malicious towards me.
  However, on the 5th of September, I received a fanmail from SKPQ.
1. Why are people threatening her over her cousin’s blog? 2. How did they even know it was ‘Andy’ who is behind the IP address? 3. And why would they message HER, and NOT ‘Andy’?
And why didn’t SKPQ publish that Ask immediately? 
So I sent her this response:
(I included the quote marks, to show I didn’t believe there is a cousin at all). That was hint enough that she should go away quietly and forget about the whole Origololgic blog.
Apparently she didn’t take the hint, because I never received any reply to this message. She continued to post on Origololgic and went on to check my blog everyday. Probably to see if I had exposed her. I thought it was funny she panicked, but I left it alone. Because again, she has never been malicious to me, despite lying to me.
I despise liars, manipulators, people who want sympathy from you, but really are out to milk every ounce of sympathy from you while they want to remain blameless/ the victim/ give you lots of shit and leave you to rot.
Later, I told Nightshade-ave about this conversation.
She told me that SKPQ probably contacted me because she sent an ask to her, saying something along the lines of: “Knock it off or you’ll be outed as OL.” That was WHY SKPQ sent me the fanmail in the first place. She was terrified. And she suspected that I sent her the anon.
OL was acting like Peenless, telling ALTA/Vega to ‘crawl back under the rock’.  I have said many harsh things myself, but I honestly don’t think ALTA or even Vega deserved that. 
Later, Nightshade-ave sent the second anon message, warning SKPQ not to get trapped, still with the best of intentions, to which she replied:
TWICE, nightshade tried to warn you. The first Ask, you didn’t publish. If you were NOT OL, you would answer it bravely, like what thesunkissedthewhitemoon did when accused by Peenless (Of course we all know he caught your IP and published it but he was too stupid to put a 5-year old puzzle together).
The second one ask above - lol. Do you know what you’re saying? Your neighbours are sharing wi-fi? SO WHAT? Are you implying that they’re all on Origololgic fighting with Peenless? On that IP address? REALLY? Your neighbours? Why? Did he send them anon hate too?
I received no replies from SKPQ to my first mail, until finally, I posted that I have known about Origololgic publicly (but I was still withholding her name).  SKPQ quickly replied after seeing that post.
You were just coming to my blog today to tell me that? Dude. You visit my blog EVERYDAY. And why didn’t you respond to my last message 3 days ago untill I decided to post that?
If you have received threats that are targetting to harm you, you could have asked Tumblr staff to verify the messages, the history, the IPs, the computer, but you didn’t. You could just simply switch off anonymous. You have been fine with anonymous ALL along. And somehow, according to SKPQ, these mails with good intentions warning her not to be humiliated by Peenless, suddenly and mysteriously BECAME ANON HATE MAILS CONTAINING DEATH THREATS. Why didn’t you publish them? You’ve always published hate mails. Even the filth and demeaning, dehumanising shit Peenless sent. You published them all. 
I’ll tell you something, ever since I started this blog, I received no more than 7 ANON hate. I turned them off promptly and NEVER had a problem since. Why didn’t you? Why is it that you repetitively refused to turn off anon?  Because the ‘death threats’ were a lie, like everything else. More on that later.
I told her I don’t believe her. And I addressed her ‘threatening anons’ when I was in the library:
But ahh, instead of coming clean, SKPQ became even more defiant. And this was her reply:
"I told him not to make the blog, but he didn’t listen to me." And then later, "He even kept the blog a secret from me."
Do you see the contradiction? How was it a secret when he told you he’ll make it in the first placed an now you’re saying he made it in secret without your knowledge?
NOT FINISHED YET. Commit the lines above to your memory. They will be very important later. And here is my reply to the bullshit above:
  This is the last mail she sent me before she was ‘supposedly’ hospitalised (more on that later):
I didn’t reply to this last fanmail, because I didn’t want to bother with a liar and attention seeker any longer. So I decided to ignore her. A few days later, she probably panicked that I didn’t respond to her last mail and thought she was on the verge of being exposed, so she used a new sock, redsnowywonderland (why am I saying this is her? more later), to post in the IR tag making the announcement about SKPQ.
Redsnowywonderland came to me immediately. I didn’t even know this person actually existed and actually have been following me for awhile. I was surprised that they could send me a fanmail.
I have only sent TWO fanmails in response to her before the supposed ‘admission’ into the hospital. I posted an anger post on my blog after seeing the bullshit in the IR tag claiming she was hospitalised. Yet somehow redsnowywonderland and TLIH attributed her ‘suicide’ to me? On what basis? That she’s too cowardly to admit she made a troll blog, saying things she wouldn’t have otherwise said? 
RSW said on her blog, “I suspect a few people.”
RSW then messaged me, telling me she wants to know ‘my side of the story’. 
I sent TWO fanmails above. And you want to message me? LOL WTF? Are you threatening me? Guilt-tripping me? What about the OTHER messages? And you are saying you have messages from hollowjoker. Whaaaat. SKPQ said she blocked him. And you blocked him. Where did the messages come from? The sky? From Discworld? You actually have messages from a BLOCKED person? You spoke to TLIH and got her side on everything? So you mean your ‘waifu’ is IN cahoots with you all along? Now that explains it! Screencapping as evidence? That’s stupid. 
What my side of the story? What my side of the story?! And why the fuck would you think I’m an ‘anon’? Why didn’t you write to Tumblr staff immediately after this happened? Wait for their reply? They reply immediately with copypasta and usually within an hour or a day at most. And where are their mails? To be honest writing to Tumblr and dealing with everything else would be the FIRST thing I would do if this happened to my friend. I’d be so angry, I’d go to the police, demand a court order be made and email that to Tumblr to ask them do something about it, identify the anons, and NOT squealing for attention in the IR tag and basking in the sympathy of others.
Funnily, before RSW made that announcement, she got on proxy.
See how flimsy this proxy was? This was the first time she got on proxy AFTER I told her that her IP can be tracked. Redsnowywonderland, WHY DID YOU MAKE SURE YOU GOT ON PROXY BEFORE RANTING IN THE IR TAG? Who the fuck would bother with a proxy in that situation? What are you scared of? If SKPQ were really hospitalised and you had nothing to hide, you DON’T NEED a proxy.
-SKPQ was hospitalized in the morning (sept 9) -“Cousin” is still nowhere to be found. -RSW in school until 10pm ET -somebody snooping around with SKPQ’s IP around 10:35 ET (sept 9) -RSW posted her rant 11:57 ET (sept 9)
I was so fucking furious, at the possibility that she was faking suicide, I was witholding myself from screaming further (I already made an angry post, btw). But, on the very small chance that this could be TRUE, I replied to her. Of course I planned to have the hospital and police station checked out for reports to verify the veracity of the claims later on.
Getting angry with her, I realised, won’t go anywhere. How did I sound? I sound so sympathetic, huh. I suprised myself considering I was sooo angry in that situation. I honestly would be, but this girl would need a lecture either way. But I NEVER believed her from the start. And to catch her and gather more evidence, is to get her talking.
Remember what I said about the lines being important?
"Mika actually helped him to create the account."
WOW A NEW EXCUSE. Whatever happened to, "I told him not to make the blog, but he didn’t listen,”and “he kept the blog a secret from me” ?
Something happened and you’re not sure WHAT? You said you’re the neighbour, cousin, friend, you frequently use her computer and you’re NOT SURE WHAT happened?
More on Michaelia - one of us did a nationwide search. There’s no such person. And why would she offer me her name without telling me SKPQ’s name? And SKPQ is called Mika? Mika and Michaelia sounds awfully familiar, btw. And it’s a fake name.
Oh and my friend myservantdekomori sent me this screencap:
You made a file to the police, you said.
I requested for the specific hospital name, address and the police station she supposedly ‘talked’ to.  RSW said she doesn’t know which police station but the police was at the hospital. And, SKPQ is in Kent General, Dover. And in this mail to me, you said you only saw the police at the hospital.
You don’t know which station they’re from. “Pretty sure the only one that kept speaking with them was her aunt.” How the hell did you file a report then, you incorrigible liar?
I wanted to give her a chance, I gave OSL a chance. I don’t care about the trolling itself, but telling ALTA or Vega ‘dumb bitch’ and ‘crawl back under a rock’ and then using MY name to say I’ve burned them is just wrong. But escalating this and making it into a fake suicide and then pushing all the blame onto fandom, onto other cousins and making yourself as a huge, blameless victim really makes me angry. “Andy” was supposedly gone to a friend’s house, but then “Andy” went missing. 
We rang the hospital. There was no such person being admitted for suicide or even on suicide watch. The reply we received from the receptionist was borderline annoyed after being pestered for awhile. Teleporting-tacos rang them. "There was NO ONE matching that description, sir." You can freely contact patients, you know? Look up the Bayhealth site, which is Kent General. Call them, and ask for any 20 year-old who was in for suicide. CHECK FOR YOURSELF.
Cousins? Neighbours? All in Bleach fandom? All on Tumblr? What are the odds of that happpening?
And also, you keep saying that you are another ‘cousin’ on the same computer. The problem is, you cannot prove who you are while I can prove you use the same computer on so many accounts. What is redsnowywonderland doing logging into DB at the time SKPQ should be at the hospital?
 Redsnowywonderland told me she’s going to classes (above).
Oh! She was logging in at college, so that was true. Wait, what? LOGGING INTO SKPQ’S IR account? 
But wait, didn’t RSW say that she doesn’t care about ships? So what was she doing logging into DB, an IchiRuki forum? SKPQ logged in multiple times during her ‘stay’ at the hospital, which we rang, and no one is on suicide watch or admitted for suicide.
—> Redsnowywonderland = the person who made the announcement in the IR tag about SKPQ’s attempted suicide = was actually SKPQ herself.
I forgot about TLIH. Wow, TLIH, I’m betting she has a hand in all of these. Look at the visits she has made on my blog, interspersing with redsnowywonderland/SKPQ’s visits. She sent me these flattering messages:
I think these are legitimately ‘hate mail’. What did I do? Trying to talk to a liar?
How powerful am I, TLIH? Tell me, I really want to know what exactly did I do to make someone FAKE their own suicide? Do you know how much I hate liars?
I don’t know if TLIH is truly gullible and stupid and is deceived by her own girlfriend/husbando/Andy/Michaelia/whoever, or if she truly knew this from the start and is just participating in the fiesta with her ‘husbando’ for the stupids.
I cannot believe that all these ‘cousins’ coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden. It’s too much of a coincidence.
If she had just ignored the messages and pretended it wasn’t her and never happened, I wouldn’t have cared that much. But then she started blaming me for her mistakes. How did I push you to a fake suicide? Because of a stupid troll blog? You could’ve just deleted it and admitted it was you, then everything would be done and over with. No, the lie that went from cousin to suicide to be the blameless victim really  It’s all her ‘cousin’ Andy’s fault. This is taking it much too far.
"We all use the same computer."
You ALL post FREQUENTLY on these accounts, with THREE PEOPLE (including redsnowywonderland, I’ll get to that soon) ON THE SAME COMPUTER. ALL THE TIME. I’m amazed. I really am. Do you switch turns on the computer like clockwork? SKPQ - the person who lied about some special edition of IchiRuki DVD that doesn’t have the IchiHime hand-holding scene (I actually forgot it was her, didn’t care either, it was so stupid - until someone refreshed my memory). This is someone who refused to owned up to her mistakes (no wonder she’s BFF with someone?), lies, attributed it to a ‘cousin’ who ‘jacked’ her DVD. =_= Do you even know how a DVD works?
I’m sorry but this is all your own undoing. I’m not going to sit back while liars like you throw shit at me and my friends like this. I know liars. Do you know what I did once to uncover a GREAT LIAR? I bought plane tickets to go and find out for myself during my uni break. I walked hours in a foreign land to get to a residential address at night that basically had NO sequential numbering system whatsoever. TT has a friend who actually was stopped by cops from committing suicide, he made the call and they got to her in time, you can ask him for details and you can fucking go and check the fucking police records your fucking self.
You really pissed me off, you really did. You pissed off a lot of people and you mocked real people’s pain. When you faked suicide to draw sympathy, it immediately became personal. You don’t need 5 days hospitalisation for a wrist slash. It’s a patch-up and go home immediately kind of thing. If they want you in for suicide watch - 24 hours, that’s it. They’ll then decide where you go after some counselling, and some other toxicology tests, whether you should be committed to a psychiatry ward. Does that sound cruel to you because that is not enough attention for you? But that’s how it is. Policies are you’re not allowed cell phones even. They don’t want you to have any contact with any other person that could trigger you. And you said you have your CELL PHONE?
I’m not even going to talk about suicide stories. This is not a pity party, this is not a post to say who has gone through worse - I fucking hate those types the most - this is a post to tell you how fucking angry I am to have to do this and I’m not dredging up people’s life history to be revealed on the internet just to lecture and prove to you how faking suicides is the lowest action you have taken.
You fucking brats took this TOO FAR. I sent TWO fanmails and you’re saying because I DO NOT believe her story, she wanted to die? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You’re trying to frame this on ME by FAKING YOUR SUICIDE?! For a blog YOU MADE?! And then went on to make LISTS (oh you love lists huh) of your ‘friends’ who betrayed you. I hardly know you personally. I don’t even have your email, twitter, phone, or whatever. I do have fandom friends’ phone numbers, okay?
Criticising and making fun of Origos on an almost daily basis does not compare to this. Making fun of their opinions is funny. Scolding vicious bitches is liberating. It never took a lot of time. But this bullshit - is just making me fume beyond words. My friends have been terrific -thanks to them for helping me finding out the things I want, and the things I didn’t even ask for - they helped me find out too.
>”You shouldn’t drive someone to suicide over fictional characters!” Well it’s a fictional suicide, so it’s ok. (tipsyimperial)
>Person barking up the wrong tree for a week + “The truth is SO OBVIOUS” + “I doubt Vega’s theory.” Vega proved to be way smarter than you.
And to bitchy Origos like FV, stop talking like you’re such a decent human being and just wait, ok? I haven’t published your shit yet.
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eatingpop · 11 years
That's why I said it's double standard. Go and re read what I said. No need to pretend you're not defending her. You only bother with telling others to stop this none sense drama in the tags while you failed to mentioned what she (or her so called "cousin") did in this tag. This is why I'm annoyed. I hate when people think it's ok to play peacemaker only when their supposed friends are pushed into the corner.
I hate drama in the tags for longest time. But I didn't see anyone bother to tell her to stop. Only now you guys are going on how you hope things would get resolved and it should be done in private. That's so ironic.
Ummm…I don’t mean to be insensitive, how do I put this…I (and just about everyone else) am not into all this drama going on around here so can you guys keep all that stuff about SKPQ out of the IchiRuki tag? Some of us want to come here and fangirl instead of reading about other people’s problems….
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eatingpop · 11 years
I love when people say "omg stop sprading dramaz. This has nothing with the tags" yet it was all OK when their BNF wannabe tagged her personal shits in those tags and gain sympathy. I'm so annoyed by people's hypocrisy. It amazed me they act like people being blamed for driving someone into suicidal and the idiot lied about that is something small like high school drama.
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eatingpop · 11 years
Lol it's hilarious you're asking people this. What an ironic statement. So it's ok for SKPQ and her sock accounts tag her shits and baking for sympathy in IchiRuki tag. But others suppose to respect her "private life" which she herself exposes in public? Go and tell her to stop be a drama queen. Not other people are are fooled by her fake drama.
Stop being double standard and learn why people are so angry at this.
Ummm…I don’t mean to be insensitive, how do I put this…I (and just about everyone else) am not into all this drama going on around here so can you guys keep all that stuff about SKPQ out of the IchiRuki tag? Some of us want to come here and fangirl instead of reading about other people’s problems....
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eatingpop · 11 years
Ok, this disgusting idiot is getting on my nerve. Her attention whoring is one of a kind. She clearly doesn't know a damn thing about depression and trigger warning. Why would anyone still be online and risk receiving hate mails when you were just released from hospital?
I wish she would just admit she needs attention and what she want is to receive large number of well wishes.
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