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Mahou Textposts (13/?)
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Mahou Textposts (12/?)
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Mahou Textposts (11/?)
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Whisker Twitch | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.11 | Re: Miyu, Shinobu
They stood silently, taking in the comments from their class. How selfish they were, saying they deserved punishment. A memory resurfaced, an old one of watching something with their sister, before television was unbreakably linked to a woman slow wasting away while her soap operas played. What was it again? Ah, yes. ‘Thinking you’re the worst person in the world can be as selfish as seeing yourself as the best’. A crutch people wrapped themselves around. It pulled up memories they didn’t want, associations they didn’t want to feel now of all times. An association of shame and obligation, of an urge to please and shared snacks. They nodded at Shinobu’s words, but did not leave until Miyu spoke. As expected, there was no forgiveness. Only regret. Unforgivable. They had done something unforgivable.
Once she said her goodbyes, they leaned over and pressed their cheek to her still one. They knew she would not nuzzle back, but they wanted her to know they still cared for her. If they had not cracked under the pressure, she might still have lived, but they might have lost someone so dear to them that they could not go on. They could barely go on now. But they had to make choices, to they made theirs.
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“…Goodbye Miyu-nee. I’ll see you soon.”
They looked to Kris next. Yes, they would speak later about many things. For now there was no point in mourning a living man. If things were to go on, they would see, but for now space was the best thing they could get. They pulled themself from Miyu and gave a small dip of their head to Kris.
“Goodbye Shizuka.”
With that, they wandered back over to their podium. They wanted to hug Shiba and promise them they’d never betray them again, but Itona had them, and they didn’t want to risk his rage now. They shouldn’t have bolted like that.That was another bridge they burned. Instead, they put ask much space as they could between the pair while still being in arms reach. Even if they deserved it, they could make themselves stay away from Shiba.
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Mahou Textposts (Shiba/?)
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Paw Your Way To Hell | Mi-ke | Trial 3.10 | Re: Kris, Holy, Mitsuo
(tw self harm mention)
The words stung? Mitsuo’s, no. Not those. Fuck Mitsuo. But both Kris’ and Holy’ hurt like the one time they messed up with the iron. Things could never be recovered from this point. They could never be fixed. But Mi-ke could not have imagined a different outcome. They had to be monsters, for doing that had to be done. They were in the wrong for betraying Miyu, for failing to complete the act themself, but they did not feel they were in the wrong for completing his murder.
They placed a hand on Kris’s shoulder after he placed the kiss on their forehead, in an effort to cool his temper. It was nobody’s fault but theirs. There was no point at yelling at people now. However, they could not begrudge him for continuing to fight. They, though, had decided to stop.
“You’re forgetting something.” Mi-ke pushed themselves to a standing position, but they were still a little hunched over, arms wrapped around their torso. “Miyu could have told someone, could have stopped it? No she couldn’t. Because more of us would be dead within the next few hours. We were all dying. There was never any choice about committing a murder. That’s why we decided to do it.
“I will admit now, the interrogation was my idea, but it was never meant to be torture. It was meant to be a questioning. If she was the killer, there would never have been another chance for her to confess. We needed to know who it was. But things got intense when we were there. It was like… She didn’t feel anything at all. I don’t understand why. Surely it hurt… But then again…”
They gripped one of their clawed hands. It wasn’t too hard to keep a straight face when in pain if you were backed into a corner.
“The reason why Miyu was not in the room with us was that she was unwilling to kill, because she wanted to live. Shizu and I agreed should we be the killer, we would have confessed and accepted our execution. But Miyu wasn’t like that. This should never have been on her shoulders. It was meant to be on mine. The whole reason I suggested interrogating in the first place was so I could use it as an excuse to kill her before Shizu could. But I couldn’t, because I am a shameful coward. With that in mind, I do not ask for your forgiveness. Not from a single one of you. I do not want you to forget what a horrible thing I have done.
“Should you feel the need to harm me for what I did, you may do so. I will not stop you. If you want to mock me, you are free to. I will offer you no resistance, for I am far more foul than any words you can offer. If you feel I must die for this, you can try that too. But, I am a coward, and I don’t want to die, so I won’t let you do so without a fight. But I will hold you no ill will for it. I deserve every bit of pain we put Mio through. But please, do not hurt Shizu. The interrogation was my idea. He was only doing as I asked, so please… I really believe he only had the best intentions. Miyu too… She was only protecting us. Things should not have happened like this.”
They proceeded to shift their gaze to the ground. Yeah, there really was no excuse.
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Feline Blue | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.9 | Re: Trial Results, Miyu
If you thought that the votes would be what woke the young behaviourist, you would be wrong. They slept clean through that. The slept through the juice being slotted into their hand, and their head rested on a stuffed animal. Slept through Itona’s clinging and worrying. What woke them was the one thing that always cleared through the fog of their life. It was such a simple name, not so different from how they were normally called, but it always work them.
They jolted with a start, with more than enough time to hear Miyu speak. And it was their reality, then, that Miyu was voted killer. Their stomach knotted. If they had not said that, if they had just kept their mouth shut. But they were awful with plans, too excitable, too worried. It was so easy to cause their temper to rise. And rise their temper did. Why had they reacted so strongly? Well, to accept someone as a friend was to sew them into your very soul. The same was said for Kris.
And Miyu too, if they were to be honest.
Even though they had no gotten along at first, they really felt for the girl. Wanted to protect her, even. Even though she was more competent and smarter than them, leaving them often feeling like the third wheel on the murder bicycle, they had really adored Miyu. Maybe it was because she was filled with anger and spite. Maybe it was because it felt like there was nowhere for her to run when this all was over. They had their sister, but she didn’t seem to have anyone who really wanted her. There was a familiar loneliness is that.
Their emotions spilled out at tears. They kept the juice, but shrugged off their friends, making their way over to the Genbu area. There, they dropped themselves onto the ground, lowering themselves before their betraed friend.
“I’m sorry, Miyu… I’m so sorry! I couldn’t! I couldn’t let him talk like that. I couldn’t, he would never- And you… I couldn’t, but, I’m so sorry! I ruined everything! Please… Please…!”
Please forgive them? No, not quite. They wanted her to yell and scream at them, to stomp and hiss and rage. Because rage was a cut. Apathy was a burn. Cuts healed clean, but burns lasted for years, sometimes even lifetimes. They ached, and stun, and become you weren’t bleeding over dying, people pretended they weren’t there. Mi-ke would always chose a cut over a burn.
“I failed you. I can never be forgiven. Please… It’s not fair you’re going to die. It should have been me. I should have been stronger. If I was stronger, I would have… And I would have confessed to it…. But I pushed this on you. Miyu, please… I can never be forgiven for this…”
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Fire Alone Will Save The Clans | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Re: Kris, Shinobu ATTN: Kris, Miyu, Shinobu, Holy (sorta)
They’d fall back, running into Holy as they did so. Their limbs didn’t have the strength to fight anymore. Everything had gone wrong. What of promises of monsters and martrys? What of saving everyone with two deaths? What of escape? No. This could not be allowed. They would have accepted a scramble, they would have stopped. But then Kris pushed them too far…
They pushed forward, gripping hard enough onto their podium to dig their nails into it with a grating noise. They growled, teeth bared. This was not right, not right! Why was everyone acting wrong? This was not what was agreed on!
“Shizuka Matsuoka!”
They did not speak, they roared. There were tears in their eyes, but it was outweighed by the pure force of their betrayal. He’d turned on them! Turned on them!
“You fucker! You liar! You fucking moron! Did you think this was okay? Did you think it wouldn’t be just as bad if you played your fucking role?!” Their steam ran short, and they could no longer yell with their parched throat, but their words were just as harsh. “If you thought me a fool, you should have just said it and broken things off there. But you did not. And I will not. I will not let you end things like this, only to get mobbed and murdered once this trial ends.”
They turned to the laugh with a half laugh. They couldn’t, they couldn’t stop themself.
“Because what hitman leaves torn up clothes to frame himself in plain sight? What hitman leaves things in their bathroom? I have felt your pockets, Shizu. You would have no trouble bringing the scalpel into trial without us without hiding.”
Next, they turned specically to Shinobu, and unfortunately he got the full heat of their anger. Their mouth was twisted in a smile at this point, as if they wanted to watch everything burn. And perhaps they did, but not what people were expecting.
“Here’s two tidbits for you, Feathers, oh former friend of mine. I already told you all who the killer was. Recount the story. And as for cuts… It’s easy to tell clean scalpel cuts from ones made by wood. You might just want to get on that.”
And then they fainted, dropping onto the ground without an inch of resistance. Good night Firestar.
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But You, You Kept The Runt | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.7 | Re: Help ATTN: I’m Sorry Crew
(tw suicidal thoughts, self deprecation, and referenced self-harm)
Kitten claws are so very sharp. Amazingly sharp. The types of infections you could get from them scratching you in play is shocking. Since they’re so sharp, they get in deep. The claws grip so very deep into your core. But nothing stung deeper than this.
Shinobu’s words hurt. It felt like tiger claws in the flank. How could they do this? How could they take such a gamble? Their eyes turned to Itona and it felt like their heart was snapped in half. He looked so small, so much younger than even them. They were all scared kids here. And then something in them broke. They stood, but only barely, only because their knees locked into place.
“Shiba… I would never risk…I can’t hurt Shizu… I would never hurt Shiba. I don’t want to leave Itona… I would never hurt Shigeru… I wouldn’t hurt Tsukuyomi or Feathers either… I wouldn’t hurt Miyu.”
Are they even fully aware who is talking to them anymore? Of course they aren’t. There was something wrong in Mi-ke’s tone, wrong in a way that twisted their internals up in a knot. Tears gathered in the young human’s eyes and they spoke. They wanted so badly to collapse. They wanted somewhere safe but there was nowhere safe.
“This is all-! This is all my fault!”
If you had never been born, imagine how happy we’d be…
“If I hadn’t said they’d never kill us in a motive… If I’d… If I’d been able to do it. If I could have just convinced them to let me… But I couldn’t. I was so weak. I was so very weak. Even though interrogating her was my idea. I just wanted to know, and we had to kill someone. There was no choice! We had to do it! But I couldn’t! The leash broke and then she knocked me down! Then he… And I couldn’t let him! I had to stop him! I knocked him down and she tried to run! So I had to let…! I should have been the one to kill her, but I’m so weak and stupid! Worthless, worthless!”
With the hand not held but Holy, they reached up and pulled their scarf off, revealing a large bruise on the side of their neck.
“Bu-but, this is my fault. They wouldn’t have done it if not for me, so I’m responsible! Doesn’t that make me the real murderer?! Surely if you vote for me, it’s right because I’m that reason this happened. I’m the one at fault. I should have… Even though my hands weren’t cut, there are now… Can’t you just, believe it?”
They started to shake again. Their tone was honest, completely so. It was clear that, despite what they had said and the lies they told, that Mi-ke completely believed they were responsible for that happened. Their mind had gotten so turned around, they were sure, if everyone voted for them, that would be the correct answer. 
“Why didn’t she just… Everyone would have been so much happier. Everyone would have…”
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So Big, So Small | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.6 | Re: Mitsuo, Miyu, Reiko, Shinobu, Shiba, Kris ATTN: Shiba, Everyone?
As the second tallest surviving student, Mi-ke should not feel small. Because they were not small, they were large. But seeing everyone turn their eyes to Kris and completely ignore them was something that made they feel small. And were they not truly small? Small in experience and small in mind. Not stupid, but impulsive and near sighted. That’s why they never saw ahead. That’s why.
“Stop that. Suzuki, close your fucking mouth. You were not even in the room. You promised you wouldn’t say anything. About anyone. You promised me!”
There were many things in their life that they regretted. There was one thing they regretted most and it was how they saw others. Distant figured they could never connect to. Humans made no sense to the behaviourist. They just simply didn’t match up. And yet, Mi-ke found when they connected they sewed a person into their very soul. Their pride was Mi-ke’s pride, and their pain was always shared. Was that empathy? Or perhaps it was selfishness to think that a wound against one person was a wound against themself. It had to be selfishness, for cats were very selfish. So self-involved the child was too.
They blinked trying to blink back tears. They wanted so sadly to drop to their knees and press their forehead to Shiba’s arm and just start apologizing. To let they put the Band-Aids on and be supported.  To cuddle up to Holy and make him call them by name and say it would be okay. To feel safe. But there was no safety in this room. None of that great tangle of warm wool. No, they were in danger here, and no matter how people wished to support them, it would not work.
“Stop yelling at him. You don’t understand the situation, any of you. Oh Shiba, this is not what I meant. Shizu has never hurt me. He never pushed me into anything.”
They support Shiba, but they do not grab. They will not hold their friend still, for they are sure the pup will want to pull away soon. They themselves flinch, pulling themselves downward. They wanted to be small, small, smaller. So small that people can’t hate them. That was the trouble of looking older than you were. Everyone thinks you have the maturity of an adult when all you want to do is cry in your sisters arms.
“Why did you so suddenly assume it could only be Kris? I’m the one who used the spell involved in the case. So stop speaking to him that way. Kris Tenshi is a good person. He was always was nice to me… That’s why he helped me. Even though Shizu has done bad things in the past, he had his reasons. He never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. Except Feathers, sorry. He’s good and he is so kind to me. He would have done this, if I asked him, but all I wanted was help. So, please, do not hate him for this. There is only one person who deserves your ire.”
They took another quick breathe and tried to stop their tears from spilling out. “After all, I’m the real killer. I killed Mio Agastuma. I’ve never really tried to hide that from you. It was obvious from the beginning, don’t you think. I wanted to tell you, but Shizu… And I… But… I’m…”
Too late on those tears it seemed.
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“I’m afraid of dying. Stupid, I know. I make choices and agree to pay the price, then I can’t do anything. I’m worthless. Utterly and completely. I’ve always been like this. That’s why is shouldn’t matter if I die, but I’m so scared of dying, so I couldn’t say it. I’m so sorry everyone. Please… Please stop this… Surely whatever Ouryuu has planned for me it’s better than dehydrating. That’s why, so… Please…”
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(Don't) Look At Those Beans | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.5 | Re: Shinobu, Mitsuo, Reiko, Itona ATTN: Mitsuo, Reiko
(tw for hand trauma and self harm)
Well, so much for fun and games. Not eating for four days and barely drinking anything did funny things to their mind. Despite everything, they felt very distant from this situation. However, sharp tones would still cut them back. It was hard to maintain their calm expression when people looked like them like some kind of beast. And worse, people were looking at Kris that way too.
It hurt to have people turn on you. It wouldn’t be a new experience, but it still hurt. Well, time to face the music. Around the time Mitsuo started talking about their hand, Mi-ke slipped their own out of Shiba’s grip, pulling them behind their back. They calmly watched the crowd, failing to even flinch when Reiko glared at them. They wanted to though. Reiko was scary.
The thing that did make them flinch, though, was when Itona grabbed their arm. They gave a little pained wince, but tried not to pull back.
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“It’s fine, Fishie. Don’t worry, I’m good, just… Ah…”
They looked kind of pale as they said this. Then again, Mi-ke was always pale and out of it, so this wasn’t too weird. Still, they seemed to be a little pained when they spoke. However, this evaporated into a sigh as they held their hands out to the crowd.
“Fine… Here. Take a look if you’d like.”
There were fresh, shallow cuts all over Mi-ke’s right hand. Really fresh, actually. In fact, they were still bleeding. Their left hand only had old scars, but there was blood under their fingernails.
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“That good enough for you? Seen what you wanted to see?”
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The Ear Twitch of Shame | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.4 | Re: Mitsuo, Shinobu, Tsukuyomi ATTN: Tsukuyomi, Kris
Mi-ke was more than happy to go after Mitsuo again, but Shinobu’s comments caused them to mellow out a little. They huffed and looked away from the group, off to the side where Zoya was.
“I like mocking him though…” Mi-ke muttered to themself, but quickly gave is up when the conversation got more serious. “Fine then, I won’t makes fun of him even though he just collared himself. It would be so easy though…”
Their hatred for Mitsuo was strong, it seemed. However, what happened next was a little odd. Mi-ke shuffled a little, rubbing the back of their left leg with their foot. They carefully pulled out their wand, only to place it on the front of their podium.
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“Anyway, I can’t use any more spells. I’m out of MP. The Leash Spell is a minor one, and I used it alongside another one. Alley Cat-“ they gestured to Sollith “-can confirm that my minor spell gives people cat ears. Anyway, the only person who was around when I used those was Kris. So it’s not like you’re going to believe me anyway. Sorry. I’m a rather useless person.”
They gave a little shrug, almost careless in their actions.
“Is it possible there are other binding spells? Which the leash and collar would work, it’s not necessarily the only possibility.”
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Their Fursona Is Also Called Mi-ke | Mi-ke | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.3 | Re: Joon, Mitsuo, Kris, Miyu, Kris' Fursona ATTN: Mitsuo, Miyu
(tw for discussion of unhealthy diets)
Mi-ke ran their thumb over the side of Shiba’s hand, having been around when it was confirmed that the secret entrance wasn’t used. They could only assume the poor pup was in denial. It must have been a sad thought, having to suspect one of your friends. However, they stopped the moment that Mitsuo spoke, again.
If their hair had been the tail they always dreamed it was, it would be lashing at the boy’s insult. Teeth bared with irritation, they glared at the shorter student.
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“Oh shut your fucking mouth Shit Weasel. When you get proper evidence to prove your claim, then I will believe it. But sure, I do have a Leash and Collar spell. But I can tell you for a fact that I was used for something else. But that’s my private business. Ever considered someone used a personal item to cause those marks around her neck? What evidence do you have that some kind of spell was involved?”
Mi-ke rolled their eyes, but their mood went back to pleasant when Kris confirmed they were in fact dating. Admitting he’d had to do CPR was fine because he had to admit that he’d kissed them to the whole trial. That’s right, they’d kissed the cute boy. Everyone should feel jealous of them. They had the best boyfriend.
“To confirm something, I will let you know the reason I passed out was due to this motive. It’s something I’ve done multiple times, and if not for Kris, I most certainly would have died. He’s really the best. Anyway, I was in pretty bad shape. I haven’t been able to eat or drink anything properly since I visited the labyrinth prior the motive, so it ended up coming back at me.”
Oddly, after they mentioned the labyrinth, they gave Miyu a rather sharp look. Then they went back to looking where they spent most of the trial looking, at their adorable furry boyfriend.
“Shit, how the hell did I miss your fursona? You’ll have to show me. I’ll show you mine.”
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Mahou Textposts (10/?)
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Mahou Textposts (9/?)
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Mahou Textposts (8/?)
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Mahou Textposts (Kris/?)
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