eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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“What are you doing?! Stop it!” “You stop it! I’m trying to save us from that monster you unleashed!”
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
In a Lifetime
@artistic-ecologist thanks for sending in your headcanon! Hope you enjoy this short fic!
“Maybe this was a bad idea, Fen.”
Fenton didn’t look up from where he was setting the table. “It’s a great idea, Fethry,” he said blithely, not pausing as he continued to organize the place settings. “My mom wants to meet you, as of an hour ago you wanted to meet her. She’s not as scary as all that, you don’t have anything to worry about!”
He looked up at Fethry then, and his smile drooped.
His boyfriend hadn’t moved from the couch, nor had he turned to face Fenton. Fethry’s head was bowed, and he was fiddling with something in his lap.
Fenton put the last of the silverware in a pile on the table, and walked around the other side of the couch.
Fethry had put on a dress shirt for the occasion, though he’d left on his ever-present beanie. He was rubbing the edge of his sleeve in a fervent, methodical fashion, and didn’t look up when Fenton took a seat on the couch next to him.
“Hey,” he said gently, “Talk to me, Feth. We’ve had this dinner planned for a week. What happened?”
Shrugging, Fethry’s smile was a pale imitation of itself. “Sorry. I’m being silly. I just got worried all of a sudden, y’know? There’s so much more to worry about up here. It’s not just avoiding giant sea worms or keeping a lab running. It-it’s people. I don’t wanna mess this up.”
“You won’t,” Fenton assured him, wrapping his arm around Fethry’s shoulders.
“I dunno,” Fethry said as he returned the embrace, tucking his head under Fenton’s beak. “I tend to ruin stuff,” he said with a weak chuckle.
“I’d have to refute that hypothesis,” Fenton replied, resting his cheek on Fethry’s forehead. “You’ve made my life infinitely better just by being in it.”
Fethry’s laugh was more of a snort, high pitched and embarrassed, and Fenton kissed his blushing cheek.
“I’ll be here the entire time, Fethry,” Fenton assured him, “you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah,” Fethry said, “yeah, okay—”
They heard the sound of a car door slamming in the driveway, and the chirp of it locking.
Fenton and Fethry froze on the couch, still in a tangle of limbs.
In flash they were both on their feet, straightening their clothes and feathers.
Fenton made to go back to the kitchen to finish setting up, when Fethry grabbed his wrist. His eyes were wide, and he looked faintly ill.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” he asked in a rush.
Fenton reached down to clasp both of Fethry’s hands in his own, just as they heard a key turn in the lock of the front door. “She will,” he said.
He hurried over to the front door as it swung open, and in walked Gloria Cabrera, her badge still around her neck.
“Mamá!” Fenton said by way of greeting, hurrying over to take his mother’s purse and kiss her on the cheek. “How was work?”
“I got to take a half-day, so not too bad, Pollito,” she replied. Gloria looked past Fenton with a raised eyebrow. “So, this is the peludo?”
Fenton chuckled, beckoning Fethry over. “Mamá, this is Fethry.”
Fethry hurried over to them, nearly tripping over himself. He stuck out his left hand. “V-very nice to meet you, Mrs. Cabrera! Fenton talks about you a lot.”
Gloria shook his hand with an amused smile. “I could say the same. The real trick is getting Fenton to stop talking about you.”
Fethry’s laughter was a little strained, even as Fenton sputtered.
“But let’s not stand on ceremony,” Gloria said, stepping forward to kiss Fethry on the cheek. “You’re part of the family now, peludo. No getting out of it.”
Fethry blinked with a deer-in-headlights expression as Gloria brushed past him.
“Is that ropa vieja I smell, Fenton?” she asked on her way to the kitchen. “You didn’t forget the cilantro this time, did you?”
“No, Mamá,” Fenton called back, though he lingered at Fethry’s side.
“See,” he said, when Fethry turned his startled gaze on him. “Nothing to worry about.”
“No,” Fethry acquiesced, gripping Fenton’s hand. His smile was small, but wondrous for its size. “I guess not.”
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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192 notes · View notes
eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
fethpad and fenthry are two absolute god tier fethry ships. when will You learn ?
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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fenton & fethry date challenge
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
“ She wanted to give us the stars,
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“ But all we ever wanted was a mom. “
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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415 notes · View notes
eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
“ W h a t ?? Why would I want to do that - just go as one thing ? ” That’d be so boring. Gladstone could be so funny sometimes !
“ I was thinking we could go to the store and just, grab stuff ! But only the scary ones, I want to be spoooooky this year. ”
Fethry wriggled his fingers in front of Gladdy’s face for good measure.
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( starter for @luckiiest-duck !! )
“ For Halloween this year, I want to be … everything ! All at once . “
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
“ Man - those little Donald’s are SO CUTE !! I wish I could spend more time with ‘em. I heard they’re living with Uncle Scrooge - wait a minute ! “
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Fethry slapped a hand to his head.
“ I’ll just live with Uncle Scrooge, too ! Haha, brilliant !! “
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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( that Fethry ep did not disappoint !!
&& it’s seemed to make his popularity spike a bit - I’m so proud and happy kwhavske ! )
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
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1964, the year that the McDuck Sub Lab of the Future was invented in, is also the year when Fethry was first created.
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
It’s quick. Blink and miss moments. But it’s made very clear that Fethry knows what his family thinks of him.
He’s alone in the ocean. He doesn’t have any friends. Zero human interaction. 
He’s odd. He’s weird. He finds “small” things interesting. It’s obvious all he wants is attention and affection. I feel for him.
He’s written off, by Scrooge and Donald, later Dewey and Huey as the weird, crazy relative.
When Huey loses his temper, you wonder how many times Donald did the same, leaving Fethry with the same lonely feeling. 
And yet, despite this, Fethry never speaks poorly of Donald or Scrooge. He holds them in high esteem. He’s probably one of the, if not the kindest character in the show. Except for maybe Launchpad and Webby. I think they’re tied.
Fethry is also a quick thinker. He learns to adapt. He’s a Duck. Not a McDuck. But he takes charge in keeping Dewey and Huey safe in his unorthodox way. He wants to be close to his family, but doesn’t know how outside his eccentricities.
He shouldn’t have to. His family should learn to appreciate and love him for who he is and not mock him for it. Huey and Dewey had to learn a lesson Donald and Scrooge have yet to absorb.
Also Fethry’s response when Huey accuses him for luring them down to be devoured by a sea monster? Ouch.
Fethry’s eccentricities saves them all.
“Just because she’s different doesn’t mean she’s bad!” 
Cue Huey’s guilt rising.
“Insert JWG rule!” (Because I can’t remember exactlu)
Huey’s guilt reaches maximum overload.
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
Symbol Meme - Affectionate/Nice Edition
Send a symbol for my muse to respond to your muse….
♥ - Stroking/brushing their hair
♡ - Rubbing their shoulders
❥ - Holding their hand
❤ - Hugging/cuddling them
❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm
☆ - Reading to them
★ - Sitting at their bedside
☾ - Taking a nighttime walk with them
✚ - Bandaging their wound
✕ - Clasping their shoulder
❀ - Giving them a flower/flowers
♞ - Playing a game with them
◆ - Standing up for them
✪ - Defending them in a court/before an authority
♬ - Singing to them
◯ - Rescuing them
❇ - Stargazing with them
♛ - Comforting them
☁ - Washing their face
☼ - Camping with them
✔ - Hiking with them
☄ - Listening to them
✏ - Telling stories with them
⊿ - Coming to visit them
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
Fethry grinned so bright it could light up an entire room and hugged the blanket around his shoulders. Winter felt as if it was falling upon Duckburg early, barely even giving Autumn a chance.
It didn’t help that Feth could cold fairly easily - the adorable cap and sweater weren’t just for fashion!
He took a long sip from the mug of hot chocolate, and when he pulled away, a ring of the warm liquid stained his beak.
“ Yes, very cozy. Thank you so much ! And his cocoa is amazing !! “
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( ❄️- because what’s one more thread, right?
❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm
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Linda wrapped a warm fleece blanket around Fethry and gave him a cup of hot cocoa with mini marshmallows, sitting by the fireplace with him.
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eccentric-loon-blog · 6 years
‪5 more days til fethry duck :-D‬
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