Just adding something here for all those who say the cast of Suicide Squad has spoken out about Jared.
I'll just leave this here.....
Thanks to @mars_unseenvids on IG for finding this.
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It's funny when you see theough archival posts just how 2 faced some people are..... #TheOriginalSFGFolks
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Awww aint she cute....
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Always fine, always gorgeous, always perfect 💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖
📸 vk.com/jaredleto St Tropez 27/08/22
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So Lora is back at it again with the lying. If you're paying attention, you will know she lies, manipulates and intentionally does these things to suck you in like a Narcissist does and feeds off your adulation and naivety.
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A podcast from 2021,notr he has long hair
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Also to be noted, June 2022 head shot (official off his Twitter)....long hair
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Lora"s "Zoom" call?
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Alas. Only 5 short months ago....same background too...
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She is a habitual LIAR and she is faking her entire existence.
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What is the most cryptic 30 stm song?!
So I read this question about an hour ago and have mulling this one over. I have a very loaded view on many Mars songs that not everyone agrees with, which is fine. Multiple songs I get a cryptic vibe off of but that certainly by no means I am correct in my analysis.
First of all, I feel like off the first album a couple of songs, actually the whole album can be described as "cryptic"
Capricorn: "So I run, hide and tear myself up, Start again with a brand new name, And eyes that see into infinity"
I 100% believe Jared wrote this song about him and in some ways Shannon. Reinventing themselves, getting out of Louisiana, as for a brand new name, that speaks to their image.
That said he could be referring to Mom when she married Carl Leto and got herself and her boys out of Louisiana, setting her sights on her nursing degree and getting her life together.
As far as ABL goes, Most of the album I feel he was writing about Cameron. Attack, for sure is a break up song and the Kill could be interoperable in the same manner.
Night of the Hunter gives me BIG pause as well. I always wondered if it was his anger towards Anthony that fueled the lyrics. Almost his way of venting some of his anger toward him for what he did to their Mom as well as him n Shannon.
Blessed by a bitch from a bastard seed ( Constance and Tony)
Pleasure to meet you, but better to bleed ( had he been older than 8, Jared might have punched him)
Rise, I'll rise, I'll rise ( I am better than you)
Skinned her alive, ripped her apart ( emotionally destroyed Constance, when Tony abandoned her)
Scattered her ashes, buried her heart ( again Speaking of Mom)
Rise up above it, high up above and see ( we are gonna be better)
I also see this part:
The branches, the bones of the liars and thieves (bad people, trying to influence them)
I was born of the womb of a poisonous man, (Tony)
Beaten and broken and chased from the land (Louisiana, hard times. I also feel like maybe some physical abuse.)
But I rise up above it, high up above it and see ( I,am better than them)
I was hung from the tree made of tongues of the weak ( people spoke poorly of them)
This whole SONG is cryptic, fueled by his anger ( if he realizes it or not) and his drive to prove he is better than those who spoke poorly of his family and he is gonna prove it.
Rise up above it, high up above and see ....
Honest to God, I will break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God, I will break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God, I will break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God, I will break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
If those lyrics do not sound like pent up agression and anger to you. I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOES.
When you sit back and think about it, Night of the Hunter probably gives you the ONLY view of their past you will EVER get.
What about yours?
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I blocked your account name because I unlike "those people" wish to keep your identity hush hush or they will harrass you.
The hysterical thing is that I don't read her blog anymore and I sure as heck do not send in asks for her. Who the hell wants to have a lopsided conversation with a Mental Retard who legitimately has a full blown mental illness? I don't know about you, but I am allllll set. Erotomania is a disturbing & sad disease and she has it in spades. Make no mistake, she worships Jared. Being "Rejected" (in her own mind) has turned her ANGRY & this is how it manifested.
#kmp78 #jaredleto #tumblrlunatics #Stalkers #NotAnEchelon #30secondstomars #hatersgonnahate #Erotomania #pig #shannonleto #justsayin #delusional #gross #unwell #mentalillness #seektherapy
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This is nuts. He holds his breath like a champ. He must know a secret I am unaware of. Incredible!
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VK is happily in a relationship I doubt she misses Jared. And Jared is happy living the bachelor life and obviously isn’t gonna waste his life missing an ex.
You missed the point.
Just because she jas a new boy toy and Jared is playing the field again, doesn't mean that in their quiet down time, within the confines of their 4 walls, they do not miss SOMETHING about each other.
Their laugh, their hug, the sex, cookies, the way she snores,... specific details NOT ONE OF US will know, ever.
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This makes me laugh. Everyone so insisting that Jared is banging every one of these women.
Maybe he is, maybe he is banging Emery. 🤯
Did any of you ever consider that Jared is Bi ?
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Do you think between the trolling and rumors surrounding his name recently, will he be getting future acting roles?! And if you were on his team, what would you recommend him to do?
Well now this is an interesting question and a good one.
Personally yes, I do think he will get plenty of acting roles that he chooses to take. trolling and rumors are exactly that. Simply rumors. These stupid rumors have been on the internet for 15 years or so. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING has come of them. No formal charges, no undeniable proof. Like I have said before, I do not take much stock in Lipstick Alley or any of these Groupie Central type websites who thrive off of he said/she said style comments. "He said/ she said" doesn't account for anything in a Court of law so it won't in my eyes either.
I like most Echelon would like to see him sue the Sh!t out of anyone who makes these sorts of disgusting claims. However, I do understand why he doesn't. Why draw attention to some idiot who is just looking for attention from him? Until they cross the line, why give them any attention?
As far as if I were on his team, I probably would agree with him on not paying it attention. As for new roles? I would probably tell him to seek out another DBC type role. I feel like he is better at the dramatic acting then anything. The thing with Jared is, I have noticed that his sense of humor is sometimes lost on the younger crowd. They don't get his brand of weirdness whereas those of us who are roughly the same age as him and grew up roughly the same do. Jared has always done the more art house films and I like those. I Love Mr. Nobody, DBC, Lord of War. I also loved his take on the Joker and feel if we had seen more of it, he just might have surpassed heath as the favorite. He was robbed. Zack Snyder clearly loved Jared's joker. Someday, maybe we will all get to see it in its glory. Gold Boxers and all....
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Why is this blog so boring? You have no followers! Hahahaha!
K is that you? LOL!
I unlike you do not sit on my blog 24-7. I have a life, outside of Mars and a failing platform such as Tumblr.
But hey you go waste your life being a hateful, spiteful little troll.
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Why do you hate K? SHE SPEAKS TRUTHS!
K speaks out the side of her neck half the time and the rest of the time she just stokes fires. Try to ignore her, she is full of lies, hate, and toxic waste.
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Do you think VK misses Jared?
You try being in 10 years on/off again relationship with someone and tell me if you miss them. .
OF COURSE, SHE DOES! You don't generally wipe them off the map just because you split up. I am sure he misses her to at times. Just because she has a new boyfriend, doesn't mean she doesn't. I bet money Jared was her first, and that love NEVER leaves. I assure you.
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Congrats on pissing off the entire Echelon!
If you mean the loser club that hangs out over there on K's page, OK no loss.
If you mean "true believers", I think you're sadly mistaken.
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Do you have any real friends or are you just a loser?
OH! OuCH! IS that supposed to hurt?
I have plenty of friends, no worries
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