echoesofcanons · 6 years
listen up, goyim, because i’m gonna say this once and once only.
antisemitism is a form of oppression, but it relies on a different mindset. it is a different ballgame than ANY sort of prejudice you know. yknow why? because to antisemities, jews aren’t lesser (well, we are, but that’s not the important thing). we’re successful.
that’s the kicker.
antisemities WANT you to believe that jews are doing well, because if we’re doing well, we’re not REALLY being persecuted. it all goes back to the protocols of the elders of zion: the jews are taking over. the jews are a threat. therefore, if they’re a threat, it’s only right to kill them. it’s only right to ghettoize them. it’s only right to have exterminated 40% of the world’s jewish population in the 40s.
nevermind the fact that antisemitism makes up nearly 50% of all religious hate crimes in the us. nevermind the fact that jews make up less than 2% of the world’s population. nevermind the fact that jews, historically, have been scapegoated and killed and othered for literal millenia. i mean, who cares, because jews are rich and powerful, right?
don’t fall for it. don’t fall for the centuries-old claim that jews are just faking it. listen to us. support us.
and the next time you brush off antisemitism because ”oh, it’s not a big deal, jews are successful”, take a good hard look at yourself and realize that you’re spouting the same nazi propaganda that killed six million people.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
Me, dealing with friendly or romantic relationships with cishet people: I’ll do my best. If things don’t work out, ah well, there are plenty of cis in the sea.
Me, dealing with friendly or romantic relationships with trans/nonbinary people: If it doesn’t work out, does that mean I’m a bad trans person? Is my desperation for approval out of self loathing? Am I being fair to them? What if I’m using them so I don’t feel so crushingly lonely beneath the cishet gaze? What are my responsibilities to the larger community, and am I handling them fairly through this relationship? I WANT TO BE GOOD TO THEM. I WANT THIS TO WORK SO MUCH.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
please take the time to remember every member of our community who was lost from aids. our government did nothing to save them. our schools do nothing to remember them. an entire generation of lgbt culture and history has been lost, the generation just before our own. remember them when people ask why theres suddenly so many lgbt kids in this generation. we’ve always been here. we cant be stomped out. we will remember our roots and by doing so we can keep those we have lost alive.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
The fact that it’s illegal to be gay in 75 countries and that homosexuality is punishable by death in 10 countries and you can be refused service because of your homosexuality and you still can’t get gay married everywhere people still have the audacity to talk about straight pride as if straight people face any of the same kind of discrimination that LGBT people do and it just makes me SO ANGRY 
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
yall hear about fucking hb2796
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
Now I’m just over halfway through my 3rd and final novel edit. After this it goes to my amazing partner and editor, and undoubtedly there will be many more things to fix...but I’m seeing it now. I can see the story taking shape, I can appreciate that it’s good. It’s not the best ever, but it’s more competent than many novels I’ve enjoyed the heck out of. This is happening. I’m going to reach a goal I’ve been aiming at for over twenty years. It’s almost hard to believe.
Ok. 11 pages of editing yesterday, and 20 today. I’m now actually over halfway through my first edit. There’s still a lot to do after that first edit. The story will make sense and flow, but I still need to go back through and deepen characters, edit for characterization, and write some contextualizing additions, then do grammar editing.  I’m still damn proud. It’s always hard to stay on task when you’re around family for the holidays. I did it, despite my proclivity for using the ‘net as a distraction. 
I want to be done this book before next year ends. I think I’m on track for that. It’s a good day.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
laws about minimum wage should apply to disabled people
laws about minimum wage should apply to incarcerated people 
everyone deserves a fair living wage for their labor
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
My abusive ex used to say this. I’m not saying everyone who doesn’t want to be told “I love you” often is abusive, but if they start getting upset and angry about you being in love with them and saying so, maybe consider that it’s an attempt at emotional control. Keep in mind that abusers find nothing more upsetting than open, honest love, because it reminds them how small their own lives are by comparison.
ppl who think that saying “I love you” to someone a lot makes it lose it’s meaning are so boring literally what could make you think that? if someone tells you they love you like 3 times in an hour it means that 3 separate times they were sitting there and thinking about you and how wonderful you are like. smh. say I love you to everyone that you love as often as possible bc sometimes it’s easy to forget that there are people who love you
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
This is seriously how I finally started writing. “Oh. I just write all the parts I used to rely on other people for.” It’s why dialogue remains the hardest thing for me to write. I’m so used to another RPer doing it.
can you make a dnd campaign with yourself and only yourself. like u have a bunch of different characters and you play all of them and you’re also the dm
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
It’s disgusting that many fellow white people equate the violent crimes committed by black Americans, crimes that are often born of financial desperation due to the systemic racism in hiring, education and targeted overpolicing, to the terrorist murders committed by white nationalists who have no reason but hate to kill people. There is an enormous difference between shooting someone in self defense because you had to feed your kids and got caught up in the drug game when there were no other feasible options available, and meticulously plotting out the mass murder of other people for no other reason than your own racism. Those things are NOT the same. 
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
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I read a post once that the people who made the bathroom bill to discriminate against transwomen completely forgot about transmen.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
Told one of my friends that I unfriended my homophobic/transphobic uncle on facebook before coming out and they responded with “but how can you open his mind that way?” so just a reminder:
My job is to exist. My job is to be happy. My job is not to educate, I am willing to help you educate yourself, but above all else, it is my job to find peace that I’ve wanted for years. If someone does not make me feel good, why should I have to be a part of their life? I do not have to suffer so that others can grow. A blooming garden is not expected to keep it’s vines and weeds, so why am I?
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
honestly i think it’s shitty that trans women are praised only for the parts of their body that develop during HRT or otherwise during transition.
tall trans women have gorgeous legs and lovely backs. trans women who have 5’oclock shadow should be admired for the work they constantly put into shaving. muscular trans women are strong and charming like a renaissance painting. trans women with strong angular jaws are beautiful, your jaw deserves to be stroked with utmost affection. trans women with wide shoulders are beautiful and i want them to hold my gay ass.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
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Things you may not know about the legendary South African actor John Kani, who play’s T’challa’s Father/King T’chaka in Black Panther.
He lost his left eye to a beating he received from Apartheid Police and wears a glass prosthetic eye.
in the mid 1980′s, he performed in a play called “Miss Julie in Cape Town” Half of the audience walked out of the production when he kissed a white woman on stage – an act that resulted in death threats and an assassination attempt, in which he was stabbed 11 times.
in 1985, he lost his brother who was killed whilst reading a poem at a funeral when Apartheid police started shooting up at the mourners.
all of this happened in a minority ruled white supremacist country formed ON land where his people where the natives and the majority, apartheid “ended” in 1994.
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
“the only reason you’d be against radfems is if you didn’t understand radical feminism or you’re an antifeminist”
or how about option 3: people are against radfems because they are feminists and understand that most of the beliefs radfems hold are against everything that feminism should be (such as, you know, equality for and improving the wellbeing of people of all gender identities, orientations, races, classes, occupations, and all other backgrounds through focusing on helping the most marginalized among us and not leaving out anyone who needs help)
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echoesofcanons · 6 years
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