ecierramoore · 11 years
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ecierramoore · 11 years
We are not anti-white. We are against white supremacy.
Nelson Mandela (via ethiopienne)
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ecierramoore · 11 years
Last blogg???
This may or may not be my last blog on this account. I actually kinda liked this little blog. I might just use it to vent about school. well today was the final. I'm always nervous about test so who knows how I did. I really hope I get an A for this class. I'm taking 18 credits this semester and I need 2 As and 4 Bs to get my cumulative to where it needs to be to get in my school. The advisers didn't really think I could do it but I really think this just might turn out the way I envisioned it. I mean wowwww. I remember my advisor asking what classes were going to be my A classes and I said Gender Studies and History. I picked these two not because the material was easy but because the subjects were my favorite. I've extered so much effort in both courses to get this far. Overcoming adversities in both. From the project in this class and getting an 88 to making a mistake and confusing John Rolfe with Roger Williams. How I got those two confused I don't know. But I ended up getting an 88 on the test. Literally I cried so hard. but on the next test I earned a 100. I genuinely don't know if my final test here is an A. I'm sure if its an A its a low A. I know I missed one for sure. But I know with these blogs being graded and our attendance that needs to still be put in I feel confident it will have me get earn an A. I look forward to the grades coming out in this class and i'm sure my true last blog that is directly related to Gstudies will be about my grade. Thank you for enlightening me and opening my eyes to bigger issues. Blessings. 
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ecierramoore · 11 years
UCLA girl
The girl from UCLA that was out of control. I liked the fact it was shown in class because people do problematic shit like this all the time. This is common and with us pointing it out and acknowledging it could make these incidents less frequent. I like the response back from the students she attacked. It was funny. I really thought it was quite hilarious
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ecierramoore · 11 years
Class has been good this week. I'm happy to get back to lectures.I liked the presentations and stuff but I just like when professor guillards lecture. I liked that we discussed the trans woman that was killed right here in Richmond. I thought it was really important for the class to be aware of that's why I mentioned it Monday. I went to the Trans* awareness rally. It was nice.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
Presentation thoughts...
I'm happy its done. I actually thought it went well in spite of all the adversities. Like i genuinely got something out of my project experience. It just reiterated to me personally that its ok to change your position on something with further knowledge and only a fool digs their heels in the sand and doesn't try to change their position because their being stubborn. I liked explaining that to the class because maybe there are very opinionated people like me that don't necessarily like to be wrong.
Now in regards to the process of the whole thing. Honestly to see Laura and I think DeJuan(I think thats his name) stand next to me i was like wtf. Because they never seen the presentation before. That was there first time ever seeing it. So they might as well have been in the audience like everybody else. Yea Laura gave a good opinion and honestly my friend who helped change my mind about the whole abortion cap thing mentioned trans people. I just didn't know how to word it and incorporate into the actual presentation. And didn't want to steal her whole idea when shes not in my group. But yea It was honestly funny to see how the actual Presentation went down. Avery and I just stood there in disbelief. I sort of nudged Avery as in girllll can you believe this shit but she couldn't even look me in my face while Laura spoke because she was gonna laugh. Avery said that Laura was going to jump in and give an opinion and damn if she didn't. But like I told DeJuan when he came up to me 10 mins before the presentation "its never personal, always business." We can be cool, and hell we can even be friends, but when it comes to my grade, my job(which I called out for them and they didn't show), Im not taking no prisoners. Glad its over. I hope to get an A, or have a good enough grade on the project where i still have an overall grade of an A in the course. But yea that's my thoughts on the project.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
2nd group meeting
again no one met up except me and avery. my group sucks. its been a complete utter disappointment. this the shit I hate about group projects. I'm stuck with these people, and me and avery carrying the load of it all
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ecierramoore · 11 years
first group meeting
Me and Avery met up together today in the library. It was only her and I. I don't know where our group is let alone their names. I just know Laura and Avery. I text Laura to see if she'd come and she didn't hit me back, thats cool. Me and Avery decided on a post. I hope the group agrees because how this meeting up shit is looking its looking real bleak. If worst comes to worst I'm putting the team on my back and carrying us to victory. Cuz a real nigga needs an A. fuck what you heard.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
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My beautiful wife and I on the happiest day of my life.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
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ecierramoore · 11 years
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Black Venus Project by Maxim Vakhovskiy
Vakhovskiy is a portrait photographer living in Charlotte, North Carolina. His work is mainly dedicated to celebrating the beauty of black women.
Check the comments section of this Clutch Magazine article for more commentary on this project - from both women who modelled for Vhakovsky, and those who question the politics of a photo project like this. See more from the photographer at the links below.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
white feminism, girlll byeeee
okkkkk sooooo. yea another day to blog. ehhh I think people are so anti abuse to feminine women that they fail to acknowledge the abuse against men or women presenting as men. I mean I'm over that. and another thing i get so tired of is white feminism and white sex positive feminism. I'm over white privilege and people failing to be self aware of their privilege. so yupppp thats my thoughts. pretty much over it. just the break down of the Ludacris lyrics just screamed white feminism from top to bottom and i'm just like the shadeeeeee. but i mean its whatever.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
wooooo, its over. Not that it was bad, I just missed communicating in class. I want to discuss the movie. I'm looking forward to this weeks lecture and conversation about the movie. I agree with a lot of what they had to say. Especially about the women in power and how they are sexualized and dehumanized just for simply being a woman and not taking as serious. I kind of ride the fence about when they talk about video girls are women who simply choose to be sexy. Like because I'm pro women's rights sorta kinda maybe feminist and am I not supposed to support porn? They kind of rant about how its sad that these women are dehumanized and made into sexual objects and all that. But at the same time I think women are making decisions to be these sexual beings.. I don't think a gun is put to all their heads. I think its a combination of sexualzation. Both from this male dominated world and for women who choose to be sexy because it makes them feel good. I don't want women to literally be victims because of the oppressor and then continue to victimize themselves I think we ALL are being dehumanized. I mean we still are making choices just as well as men are making choices for us. I understand we are victims of overly sexualized and dehumanization in the media but I also want us to say some women choose that life. And I for one am not knocking it. I like porn, I watch porn. Its not that I'm running around saying ohhh yea PORN HUB WOOOOOO but at the end of the day in my spare time I'm like hell yea porn! Am i supposed to stop because the women are sexualized or do I continue to watch because the women are empowered enough to make these type of decisions and CHOOSE to do this. I just wonder if other class mates or people in general think like me, So to some up my thoughts in a few clarified sentences because I'm sure my thoughts or sporadic and not cohesive ....
I think women are overly sexualized and dehumanized by the mass media and it is wrong, but I also believe some that are in the media like to portray sexy by choice and not by force. For the women who are overly sexualized and dehumanized we need to assist them and others alike to make sure this stops. To the women who choose to be sexy and "risque" in front of the cameras I support your decision, encourage your empowerment of making said decision, and will not slut shame nor judge you.
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ecierramoore · 11 years
test grade
Welp. I got an A. It felt good. Now I feel like i know what I need to do for the final. I suggest flash cards. It really helped me. This whole semester I've been using flash cards in various classes and its helpful. I'm excited about the group project simply because I feel like this is going to soldify my A in the course. Even if I had a shitty group which I don't have I know I would put the team on my back and carry us to an A. I really want an A in this class simply because I do exert effort and simply because I need an A in this course.  but yeaaa I thought I'd blog about my test grade and stuff. I got another blog I'm doing about our video we've watched all week. peace
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ecierramoore · 11 years
and another thing
after that vent/rant I kinda feel better. I mean I've vented that situation to multiple people right after the test because I was so pissed but yea. now that I articulated it via typing/blogging I feel like I got all my frustration out. I just can't let that one fuck up sike me out for my final. 
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ecierramoore · 11 years
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"A cross between the worm and the funky chicken."
—Viola Davis on her signature dance move
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ecierramoore · 11 years
my test experience WOMP
Well I didn't blog by my usual Friday last week. I was out Monday because I was sick, and I was just so happy to attend class Wednesday I didn't really get to absorb nothing in it to blog about. I was so pumped I didn't even use my clicker to check myself into attendance and of course we weren't in class Friday because of Fall break. That whole appendix thing had me down and out for the past couple weeks so it was weird and scary. So my intentions were to blog about my first test experience today and then blog later this week about the next two classes. I'm one of those weirdos that has crazy anxiety and every testing situation for me is quite an adventure and that it was.
I feel like I had a not so great experience. I mean I feel confident in my answers. There was no more than 3 questions that I felt questionable about. But between the numbering being off and me not knowing what the hell to bubble it put me in a bad mood. I comprehend bubbling my answers in on the grade it sheet. I've done it over and over again throughout grade school and college. But the test was numbered 1-10 fill in the blank, 1-20 multiple choice, and 1-10 true or false. I ended up bubbling in simply the 1-20 multiple choice and just answering the other two sets of 10 simply on the hard copy of the test. I was really skeptical of the whole situation so I made sure to write all my answers on the hard copy as well as write my name on every sheet of the test in case of any confusion. Once I completed my test I was still so unsure and asked the professor hey did I do it correctly WOMPPPPPPPPPP she was like no. The printer messed up the numbering and I wanted you to do the test as if its 1-40;.. Mind you no announcement was made before class so dont think i'm a dumb ass. And don't try to say common sense because common sense aint to common. So don't come for me. Back to the story so by then I'm all ready in a fuckin panic because my shits wrong. Like that was a fuckin F waiting to happen. Like I gotta get an A in this class and all that studying, and 1 million flash cards later to get a fuckin F would have blew my shit. Well thankful Dr. Guillard isn't a bitch of a teacher and was being soothing saying calm down its ok you have time just rebubble. I try take a deep breath and rebubble over there in my little corner. Mean while I'm just like man this shit all fucked up. My grade bout to be fucked up. This is fucked up. I rebubble my shit and turn in my test. She told me that if my test looks any type of funky she would look at my hard copy to make sure the shit right.
Needless to say I left the test honestly feeling unsure. I'm so weird and such a creature of habit that when shit goes wrong even slightly on the a test I just write it off as I got a fuckin F. I had some crazy shit happen to me on my history test but it was on my own merits. I left the test and I was contemplating the whole test. I memorized every question and immediately I realized that I got Roger Williams and John Rolfe confused. I went home and cried to my Mama saying the whole test is some shit now because I lost my confidence because I knew one answer was for sure wrong. I ended up getting a 88 B with the fuck up. But just like the History test I honestly feel like the shit is bad and I'm not gonna be at ease till I see my grade. I'm honestly all fucked up at work doing this blog. Like I studied fairly hard for the test but it would be pretty shitty for the test to be damned to hell because I didn't understand the wrong numbering. 
so yea. I'm checking blackboard like a mad woman waiting for the test grade to post... so until then I don't want to talk about the test, nor look at fucking grade it sheet.
so goodbye
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