ecl1psebl0gs · 2 months
I am not really looking forward to this week it is jam packed full of errands and appointments to go to. Got doctors tomorrow and Wednesday and got repair people coming on Thursday as well as a delivery Tuesday and then I'm taking little one to her nana's on Friday
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ecl1psebl0gs · 2 months
So I posted a couple of days ago, I did want to post some advice but I'm not too sure. I hear a lot of Mums decide not to allow their babies/children screen time until they're older but honestly I put my 2 month old in her musical swinger and put on bluey and she settles down giving me time to do some house chores. We don't always just put the tv on for her though we do read her books like the pepa pig books we were gifted and a personalised one and she enjoys it. She also loves to watch her dad play his games but she doesn't always sit in front of the tv. Before we try something we tend to ask advice of health visitors, midwives or family members. We recently bought a little chair with a table and toys for her to help teach her to sit up, I mean she can sit up supported amazingly but we decided to get her a chair so she can watch tv and sit in the kitchen with me.
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ecl1psebl0gs · 2 months
Mum Life
Hello, I am 20 years old and around 2 months ago I gave birth to my beautiful little girl. To be completely honest it hasn't been the easiest. Before my little girl was here I had cut off my side of the family due to constant arguments and toxicity and being a mum to be at the time I needed to do what was best for my future family, my fiancé has been a great support and I have his family helping and accepting me with open arms. :) No too long after having my precious daughter I was diagnosed with really bad depression and anxiety and ended up being put on Anti-depressants and they have helped so much with being able to cope with constantly getting up and doing jobs. I remember when I was pregnant with her I used to get so upset and annoyed that there was nothing to do and that I had too much free time but now I complain about not getting a minuet to myself :).My little girl has been an absolute star since she was born, and despite being 2 months old I have been told by both midwives and health visitors that she is quite developmentally advanced and as a first time parent it not only was quite shocking but I am very proud of her. I don't want to say that she's an easy baby to look after but unless she is unwell or colicky she is quiet a chill baby. Anyway that's enough from me I'm signing off now ciao ciao friends
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