eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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Minggu yang cerah di akhir bulan Mei, seperti biasa eccie sudah ada di timespaca chamber untuk menemani Bevie. lantaran kemarin ia mendengar bahwa dua ruangan penting Timespace chamber dan monitor room sedang dalam perbaikan. Ia berpikir bahwa ia bisa membantu Bevie walau ia tak paham soal teknik sedikit-pun.
Benar saja, 30 menit setelah ia tiba Bevie meminta tolong untuk membelikan beberapa material di toko bangunan. Ia memberikan secarik kertas kecil berisi barang apa saja yang harus dibeli. Dengan semangat luar biasa, eccie bergegas pergi mengendarai sepeda listrik miliknya. Tak lupa helm favoritnya ia kenakan, karena ini hari minggu tentu saja banyak polisi yang tengah bertugas di sepanjang jalan di Malang. Malang lebih ramai jika weekend, ia tidak mau uangnya melayang karena tertilang oleh kebodohannya sendiri.
15 menit berlalu, ia membelokkan sepedanya menuju ruko ramai yang semuanya merupakan toko bangunan. ia memilih toko yang paling ramai dan berhenti di depannya, kata nenek kalau toko ramai berarti harganya murah, begitu pikirnya.
Ia berjalan masuk dengan langkah kecilnya, lalu berdiri bersandar pada salah satu etalase kaca sambil menunggu gilirannya untuk dilayani oleh penjaga toko. terlihat hanya 3 orang yang sedang bertugas, jadi ia harus sedikit mengantri sebentar.
"mbak, tuku opo? ayunee see, sopo sing ngongkon tumbas mrene?" tanya lelaki yang sepertinya masih muda berumuran 25an.
Eccie tersenyum mendengar pertanyaan orang itu, ia mengerti bahasa jawa tapi tidak terlalu fasih dalam berbicara, "isok ae mas e iki, ini lo aku disuruh tuku paku dan konco konconya", ucapnya sambil menunjukkan kertas kecil yang diberikan bevie tadi.
"oooooalaaah, sek yo tak siapno", Penjaga toko kemudian sibuk menyiapkan beberapa alat yang tertulis di kertas itu, Eccie hanya mengangguk senang, lalu mengedarkan pandangan ke sekitarnya. "mbak, iki pakune ukuran berapa?" tiba tiba penjaga tokonya bertanya kembali.
karena Eccie lupa menanyakan ukuran paku pada Bevie tadi, ia pun menjawab sebisanya, "yang best seller aja mas, ukuran piro?" jawabannya sukses membuat para penjaga toko tertawa. "yo gak iso ngunu, bukan makanan iki. wes ngene ae tak kek i dua ukuran sing biasa dibeli orang orang ya, ukuran normal lah." ujarnya lagi langsung menyiapkan pesanan yang dimau Eccie. "siap mas brooo, aku manut aja."
tidak sampai 15 menit, satu kresek berisikan paku, palu, bor listrik dan tang sudah siap dibawa pulang. ia mengeluarkan dua lembar uang 100.000an, yang kemudian mendapatkan kembalian beberapa ribu. tak lupa sebelum pergi, ia berterima kasih pada penjaga toko "Makasih ya mas, kalo ada salah nanti boleh dituker?", tanyanya. "Boleh boleh mbak, langsung kesini aja nanti, pokok tokone jek buka."
Eccie pergi meninggalkan toko material itu, melajukan sepeda listriknya dengan perlahan sambil melihat lalu lalang orang yang terlihat lebih ramai dari biasanya.
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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Temu mangga is like a tropical flavor explosion in your mouth! It's a zesty, tangy, and slightly sweet herb often used in Indonesian cuisine to add a punch to dishes. Think of it as a mix of ginger, mango, and citrus vibes all rolled into one tasty herb.
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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Temu mangga is like a tropical flavor explosion in your mouth! It's a zesty, tangy, and slightly sweet herb often used in Indonesian cuisine to add a punch to dishes. Think of it as a mix of ginger, mango, and citrus vibes all rolled into one tasty herb. It contains natural antiseptics and acts as a natural laxative, a component often found in laxative medications. This spice is beneficial for boosting immunity, has high antioxidant content, contains anti-cancer properties, possesses anti-inflammatory qualities, and also rejuvenates the skin.
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Sambiloto, also known as bitter leaf, is a super bitter herb packed with health benefits. People use it for boosting immunity, fighting infections, and improving digestion. It’s like nature’s tough medicine, not tasty but great for keeping you healthy!
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Daun tempuyung is a wild leafy plant from Indonesia, often hailed for its medicinal properties. Locals use it to treat kidney stones, inflammation, and more. It’s got a bit of a bitter taste but is packed with health benefits. You’ll find it in traditional remedies and teas.
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Keji beling, or Strobilanthes crispus, is a cool plant from Southeast Asia known for its health perks. It's got these leaves that people swear by for detoxing, aiding digestion, and even lowering blood sugar. You often find it brewed as a herbal tea or in supplements.
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Pegagan, also known as Centella asiatica or gotu kola, is like the superhero of herbs! It's used in traditional medicine for its calming effects, promoting wound healing, and even boosting brain function. It's like nature's chill pill with a side of brainpower!
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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Eccie's little journal
hello, sojournats! gak kerasa udah hampir 3 minggu gak sih kenal sama eccie? hari demi hari berlalu gitu aja dengan cepatnya, seperti biasa. kayaknya baru kemarin deh aku ngotot ke papa sama mama buat kuliah di indo. kabur dari rumah, sembunyi di rumah nenek di Malang. cuma bawa ijazah, rencananya pengen apply banyak kampus disini yang katanya bagus-bagus.
sampailah aku tiba tiba ketemu sama seseorang dan ngajakin aku buat join di project ini, awalnya takut sih, takut ditipu hehehe, takutnya kalian mau manfaatin ketidak tahuanku soal indonesia dan sekitarnya, ternyata malah sebaliknya.
aku merasa gak menyesal udah gabung di proyek ini, awal mula disambut hangat oleh para interpals terus kenalan sama banyak kawan travelads, kayak lagi di rumah sendiri, eh gak sih, kayak lagi di dorm soalnya bobonya ramean hehhee.
baru join udah diajakin seru seruan ketemu kakeknya kak Gantha, pak Soewarno trus makin memacu adrenalin pas cari frequency di timespace chamber, abis itu diajakin time travel buat nyari kakeknya Bevi, kakek Benny dan kakeknya kak Vale, kakek Frederich. bener bener merasa keren, yang dulunya cuma baca Pearl harbour di buku sekolah, tiba tiba udah di depan mata aja. kayak masih belum percaya kalo kemarin habis dari sana.
yang bikin nyaman tuh selain orang-orangnya yang baik dan ramah, banyak hal yang kita kerjakan dengan seru tapi santai. perlahan tapi pasti, gak yang diburu waktu jadinya gak menikmati hari hari berlibur disini. ditambah lagi aku sangat menantikan time traveling berikutnya, penasaran bakal kemana lagi karena aku udah siap banget buat menjelajah! jangan tinggalin aku pokoknya yaa, eccie mau ikut kemana aja.
dan yang terakhir, makasih banyak udah wujudin mimpi terpendamnya eccie. 👍🩷
semoga kita bisa mencapai tujuan kita bersama, sampai tujuan dan pulang dengan selamat.
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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Temu mangga is like a tropical flavor explosion in your mouth! It's a zesty, tangy, and slightly sweet herb often used in Indonesian cuisine to add a punch to dishes. Think of it as a mix of ginger, mango, and citrus vibes all rolled into one tasty herb. Itcontains natural antiseptics and acts as a natural laxative, a component often found in laxative medications. This spice is beneficial for boosting immunity, has high antioxidant content, contains anti-cancer properties, possesses anti-inflammatory qualities, and also rejuvenates the skin.
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Sambiloto, also known as bitter leaf, is a super bitter herb packed with health benefits. People use it for boosting immunity, fighting infections, and improving digestion. It’s like nature’s tough medicine, not tasty but great for keeping you healthy!
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Daun tempuyung is a wild leafy plant from Indonesia, often hailed for its medicinal properties. Locals use it to treat kidney stones, inflammation, and more. It’s got a bit of a bitter taste but is packed with health benefits. You’ll find it in traditional remedies and teas.
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Keji beling, or Strobilanthes crispus, is a cool plant from Southeast Asia known for its health perks. It's got these leaves that people swear by for detoxing, aiding digestion, and even lowering blood sugar. You often find it brewed as a herbal tea or in supplements.
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Pegagan, also known as Centella asiatica or gotu kola, is like the superhero of herbs! It's used in traditional medicine for its calming effects, promoting wound healing, and even boosting brain function. It's like nature's chill pill with a side of brainpower!
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eclairmoiselle · 4 months
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eclairmoiselle · 5 months
𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟎𝟏.
Character Guideline
This account is specifically dedicated to original characters roleplayer and is entirely distinct from any association with "Asa Babymonster" or YG Entertainment.
Its focus lies solely on the creation and exploration of unique, independently crafted personas, narratives, and worlds. The content presented here is a testament to the creativity, imagination, and artistic expression of its creator, steering clear of any affiliation with established entities or pre-existing intellectual properties.
By fostering an environment of originality and innovation, this account seeks to carve its own path in the vast landscape of character creation, offering a fresh perspective and boundless possibilities for storytelling and character development.
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eclairmoiselle · 5 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟎𝟐.
Ecclesia Nairne, born on June 1st, 2006, in Helsinki, embodies the epitome of vivacity and unwavering enthusiasm. Despite her petite stature, she exudes remarkable agility and zest. Her arrival in Helsinki was serendipitous, as her parents, of Javanese and Manado descent, were temporarily stationed there for work. Her father, a diplomat, and her mother, a skilled wood artisan, ran a highly successful business, with her mother's handcrafted creations selling briskly in traditional markets. Ecclesia thrived in this vibrant environment.
At the age of 17, curiosity beckoned Eccie to Indonesia, where she longed to visit her relatives. Seizing the opportune moment upon her high school graduation, she enrolled in a university in Indonesia. Settling in Malang, she found solace in the company of her grandmother and aunt. Despite the sweltering climate compared to Finland, Eccie embraced her new life wholeheartedly.
Though she occasionally yearned for her parents, who maintained regular contact through phone calls and video chats, urging her to return to Finland, Eccie's resolve remained unyielding. Malang, with its myriad of captivating tales, had captured her heart, and she was determined to carve out her destiny in this enchanting city.
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eclairmoiselle · 5 months
𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟎𝟑.
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"An enigmatic soul, adorned with layers of complexity and whispers of dreams."
     ⸝⸝  ✧   like that . . .
Allow me to introduce myself: I am Ecclesia Nairne, but you can simply call me Eccie. As a Gemini soul with an MBTI classification of ESFP, I'm thrilled to announce that I've reached my legal age and proudly embrace myself using feminine pronouns.
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Currently, my fascination lies deeply with vintage fashion and the art of painting. Delving into the world of old-fashioned attire, I find myself captivated by the elegance and timeless charm of bygone eras. Exploring vintage styles allows me to express my creativity and individuality in a way that feels both nostalgic and contemporary. Additionally, my passion for the visual arts extends to the realm of painting, where I am drawn to the intricate techniques and emotive power of brush strokes on canvas. Immersing myself in the world of fine art, particularly the captivating realm of visual art, provides me with endless inspiration and fulfillment as I continue to explore and evolve as an artist.
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In the melody of music, my heart belongs to two remarkable artists: Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Their melodies and lyrics resonate deeply within me, each song carrying profound significance and touching upon the very essence of life. Taylor Swift's soulful ballads and Ariana Grande's powerful vocals have a profound impact on my emotions, guiding me through moments of joy, heartache, and self-discovery. Their music has become more than just a form of entertainment; it's a source of inspiration, comfort, and understanding, illuminating the path to greater meaning and purpose in life.
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While I may not be an avid movie enthusiast, I find myself irresistibly drawn to the genres of romantic comedy and science fiction. There's something undeniably captivating about the whimsical charm and heartwarming humor of romantic comedies, which never fail to bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Additionally, the imaginative worlds and thought-provoking narratives of science fiction films offer a thrilling escape into the realm of possibilities, sparking my curiosity and imagination. Despite my reserved interest in cinema, these two genres have a unique way of capturing my attention and leaving me eagerly anticipating the next cinematic adventure.
   ﹑  ౨ৎ  sheesh⠀   ∿
'bout Me
͟͟͞☆ Birth Name: Ecclesia Nairne
͟͟͞☆ Call Name : Eccie
͟͟͞☆ Birthday : June 01, 2006
͟͟͞☆ Zodiac Sign : Gemini
͟͟͞☆ Height : 173
͟͟͞☆ Weight : 39
͟͟͞☆ Blood Type : 0
͟͟͞☆ MBTI Type : ENTP
͟͟͞☆ Nationality : Indonesian
͟͟͞☆ Eyes color : Black
͟͟͞☆ Hair Color : Black
͟͟͞☆ Hobby : Spending and enjoying her time alone
͟͟͞☆ Favorite food : Seblak
͟͟͞☆ Favorite drink : Ice tea
͟͟͞☆ Sibling : 1 older brother
͟͟͞☆ Pets : Maya (himalayan cat)
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eclairmoiselle · 5 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟎𝟒.
͟͟͞☆ Stage Name: Asa (아사)
͟͟͞☆ Birth Name: Enami Asa (榎並杏紗)
͟͟͞☆ Korean Name: Kim Asa (김아사)
͟͟͞☆ (Probable) Position: Rapper, Dancer
͟͟͞☆ Birthday: April 17, 2006
͟͟͞☆ Zodiac Sign: Aries
͟͟͞☆ Height: –
͟͟͞☆ Weight: –
͟͟͞☆ Blood Type: –
͟͟͞☆ MBTI Type: ENTP
͟͟͞☆ Nationality: Japanese
͟͟͞☆ Representative Emoji: 🐰
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