Celtic Route Adventure Tours
Celtic Route Adventure Tours
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Cultural Teaching
Observing Cultures Cultural Teaching for Adventure Travel Growing up as a kid I was always taught to treat people the way you would like to be treated. This has stayed with me throughout my life, no matter the circumstances. This was passed onto my daughter from me, and she has grown to respect every person she meets. She is very mild mannered and humbled around other people. Especially people…
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My Adventure Travels
Jobs With Benefits! Blessed with the benefit of enjoy Adventure Travel whilst working. Looking for new opportunities!!
Jobs Have Benefits My Adventure Travel – I have been reviewing a few of my photographs from the many trips I have taken in the last few years. Remembering all the good Travel Adventures I have been lucky to embark on!  From living in Mexico for over 11 years, to working in Panama, and my final job in Peru before the pandemic.  There are many memories I could share; I would probably still be…
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My Adventure Travels
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Cusco In My Dreams
Reflecting on past ventures! Reminding myself that, with a little planning you can pick up where you left off. A positive mindset will help you achieve your goals & aspirations.
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Fixing a Broken Circle
Fixing a Broken Circle
Making The Right Call…! For many months I have had no inspiration to write a post to this blog. Mainly down to the fact, all positiveness had left me, and doubt popped it’s miserable head up above my “personal baracades”. Only now can I look to the future and hopefully “fix the broken circle”, that this global pandemic has caused misery & heartache for many others. My story isn’t unique by any…
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The World Through Adventure Travel
The World Through Adventure Travel
Discovering the World Adventure Travel is a special type of tourism that involves some level of physical exertion or risk.It is a niche form of tourism. In this type of travel, tourists may have to use special skills orperform certain types of physical activities.  The benefits of this kind of tourism are not only physical, but also mental. Some adventure trips may even require specialized…
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Misty On The Moors!
Misty On The Moors!
Kinder Scout – High Peak Derbyshire It’s always a pleasure to get away from work, and explore the beauty of the English Countryside! With so many scenic areas to visit, the hardest choice is where to go? I decided the Peak District in Derbyshire was going to be my choice of trip this time. Derbyshire Holiday Cottages – Peak District I had already decided that I was going to do some wild camping…
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Walking Trails
Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope you enjoyed? Consider Liking or Sharing! Thank You, Muchas Gracias, Merci Beaucoup,
Walking Trails are there to be explored! It’s been 13 months since I arrived back in the UK from working & living in the Caribbean and South America. Whilst finding a new job was my absolute priority, there needed to be some “down time” to recharge the batteries. My employment has the ideal opportunity be able to take advantage of 4 full days off at the end of each working week! This gives me…
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Red List International Travel
Red List International Travel
UK Red List to be reduced to zero. Well, the Transport Secretary of the United Kingdom has finally seen sense in the Governments Red List for International Travel.  The removal of the seven remaining countries, mainly South America and Dominican Republic will be removed from 4am on Monday, November 1st.  Residents from, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti, and Dominican Republic…
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Adventure Travel
Animals, Birds of Central & South America I enjoy Adventure Travel because it puts me in touch with nature! Every country I have visited I have always taken the opportunity to get out and complete a trek or trail. Hoping to come across the local habitants of that particular region. I am talking about animals & birds, although I do try to interact with the locals too. I have always been…
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A Wing Clipped Bird
A Wing Clipped Bird
Travel Dilemma! It’s been quite a while since I have written a post, because the frustrations of being restricted from travelling is still eating at me from within. The more I read about what, where, and when you can travel, or the restrictions put on the population really makes my blood boil. Some justified, but the majority of it unjustified, just so countries look like they are making their…
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Community Maya & Culture
Community Maya & Culture
Local Mayan Culture can be observed all over the Yucatan Peninsula, and the Mayan Communities are very close knit & very protective of their communities. Families can extend many generations within areas of the Riviera Maya, the Yucatan Peninsula, and surrounding states. They are a very proud of their cultural history, and try to remain…
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Yucatan & Chiapas Road Trip Extended
 Unlike the northern states of the Yucatan Peninsula, Chiapas is a very mountainous region with a high level of rainfall per year, and our Mexico Road Trip from Palenque showed proof of that.
Before arriving into San Cristobel De Las Casas we made a detour to another tourist landmark, Cascades Agua Azul (Blue Water Waterfalls).
Due to the heavy rainfalls over the rainy season our views where far from blue. In fact they were a nice shade of sandy brown, but the ferocity of the waterfalls made you realize just how powerful these cascades really are.
All the same, the visit gave us an opportunity to tick it off our list, as well has grabbing a nice lunch before our onward journey to our destination.
 Cascades Agua Azul
 The state of Chiapas is steeped in history, culture, and adorned with natural beauty, with Tuxtla Gutierrez has the capital city. The city is also serviceable with its own International Airport.
Just to the East is the more famously known “San Cristobal De Las Casa’s”, which is probably the most visited city in Chiapas apart from Palenque!
Many visitors to San Cristobal fall in love with this town, the people, most of all its beauty; and the slow pace of life makes this a dream place to live.
You will understand why, when you take a tour through the narrow streets of the town, and take in the charm of the colonial construction and architecture.
Once we got checked into our hotel, we ventured into the Zocalo (Main Square) with it´s fantastic ancient Cathedral and market stalls dotted in every direction.
Just being among the locals whilst they go about their daily routine really makes you want to be a part of that lifestyle.
   San Cristobal is a very colourful city, with vibrant coloured buildings located all over the town.
After a very enjoyable first night, we took our time to enjoy a good breakfast and decided to venture to the local market.
It was amazing to see the amount of produce available, from every colour of beans & chilli’s imaginable, to the array of fabrics and linens hand made by the local villagers.
It was like a rainbow carpet has far as the eye could see, breathtaking to realize how much time they take to prepare their stalls so very early in the morning. Everything fresh from the fields!
In terms of poverty and standard of living, Chiapas is considered the poorest state in Mexico, with over 60% of inhabitants not even having basic electricity & running water.
Many families choose to seek work away from their families, mainly in the construction industry in Cancun & Riviera Maya, where new hotels and residential areas are being built at an alarming rate!
Chiapas maintains an amazing history of civil wars with the Zapatista’s, and the right for independence, but before that the local Maya’s have fought their own wars through the centuries.
They have also created some fantastic Mayan sites all over Chiapas, and Palenque & Bonampak are two of the most outstanding.
Tonina is also another amazing site built into the hillside, and was known to have overthrown the rulers of Palenque at some time in history!
   We knew Tonina Archaeological Site would have to be for another trip, because we are limited for time and where we want to visit! However, just an insight of the site from these photographs taken during our stop!
  Tonina Archaeological Site
 Our next day was spent in the amazing “Sumidero Canyon”. The canyon actually feeds into an artificial lake that has been created by the Hydro-Electric dam company close to the neighbouring country of Guatemala. The sides of the canyon reach a height of 1000 meters.
The sides are covered in tropical vegetation and provide an amazing rainbow effect when the sunlight and waterfalls cascade over the sides. Crocodiles adorn the banks of the river, and scarcity’s of Condors cool down in the daytime sun with wings spread wide.
We stopped at Sumidero Canyon overnight after our trip down the river and enjoyed another great night. The hotel was clean, basic, and provided a great restaurant to have our evening meal.
We enjoyed the tranquility of this little town because we where at the end of the tourist season. So just finding a hotel for the night was never going to be a struggle.
 Sumidero Canyon
 We spent a couple more nights back in San Cristobal, because we knew it would be some time before we managed to venture here again. It is a shame I lost all my photographs of this trip due to a laptop hard-drive crash. The memories are still fresh in my mind!
Overall, of all the places I have visited in Mexico, this for me is right there at the top. It was not our only visit, and I will share that in another post soon!
 Extended Mexico Road Trip Yucatan & Chiapas Road Trip Extended Unlike the northern states of the Yucatan Peninsula, Chiapas is a very mountainous region with a high level of rainfall per year, and our Mexico Road Trip from Palenque showed proof of that.
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Travel News - Caribbean
Travel News – Caribbean
  CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES READY TO REOPEN FROM NEXT MONTH! With the restriction of COVID-19 being lifted worldwide a few Caribbean countries will initiate reopening. With strict guidelines for inhabitants & tourists to start the welcome of vacationers for the Summer months to the respective islands.
  In fairness the Caribbean reacted very swiftly to the Coronavirus outbreak, which have resulted in…
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Choquequirao, the new Machu Picchu! 
Be inspired, be amazed, be mesmerized, be adventurous!
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Travel Confidence
  Travel Confidence
There is no doubt that traveler have lost all confidence in making plans for vacations, planning flights when the airlines open their routes again, and making any forward planning towards any future travel.
It is understandable considering the current situation with Coronavirus, however, it must be understood that ALL Travel & Tourism companies are making contingency to…
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