ecoh2o · 6 years
Repair your rain damaged drywall ceiling DIY
Rain Damage? How to repair your water damaged drywall ceiling DIY
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ecoh2o · 6 years
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Protect your home from MOLD due to hidden causes by water damage
By Linda Ellis 
Water damage can have an adverse effect on the indoor air quality of your home. Damage from water can cause wood rot, insects and MOLD.  
The obvious causes of water damage are leaking roofs, windows, doors, foundation crack, malfunctioning dishwasher or wash machine, water heart and visible plumbing leaks. The not-so-obvious water damage can be moisture behind walls and in your insulation or wood framing. If water is not extracted correctly and the dry out process did increase the vapor pressure of materials to be dried then decrease the vapor pressure and humidity ration of the air surrounding the affected material you can create a dew point that is too high and can cause an adverse reaction. If the wood is at a 20% moisture content you have a high chance of dry rot and at 16% a high chance of fungal growth. The national average for moisture in wood is 10% or less. Most homeowners do not have the tools nor the proper understanding of drying out their home to ensure the proper moisture and dew point to protect their home from secondary and adverse effects.
Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration is a certified water restoration company who's service reps are trained to know which tools to use in your water damage or flood situation and to determine the moisture levels in your home and how to lower the due point to an acceptable pre-loss condition. Having a professional water restoration company like
Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration handle your water damage emergencies can ease your mind, it is not as simple as turning on a few fans. Its about the science behind drying your home and protecting you, your family and your property from secondary water damage that can cause mold and reduce the air quality in your home. (Please note: It is always strongly recommended that elderly, immune compromised and children be in a safe air quality area of your home or in another location until your home is determined to have an acceptable air quality) You will appreciate you called a professional for help once the drying process is complete and your home is at an acceptable pre-loss condition and all is back to normal. 
Most Water Restoration companies also work with your insurance company and claims adjuster which will assist you in getting your water damage claim processed. The insurance adjusters prefer work to be done by a professional company to protect you from secondary damage as well. In conclusion, water damage is not just what you can see on the outside. Its what you don't see you have to really worry about. If you have any questions or concerns call
Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration 714-760-9411 They are located in Huntington Beach and service Orange County and surrounding areas.  They can also be reached 24-hours a day for emergency service.
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ecoh2o · 6 years
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The Importance of Prompt Water Extraction after a burst pipe
By Linda Ellis
Water damage can be very extensive the longer you wait to start the water damage restoration process, the higher risk your home will experience some secondary damage as well plus the insurance company may not pay for damage that occurs due to delayed cleanup.
 It's every home owner's nightmare- coming home from a vacation to a home full of water from a pipe burst.  Your mind races and you can't recall if you turned off the water supply before leaving or if you winterize your home so while sipping on your margaritas in tropical bliss your home was filling full of water. The good news is you don't have to bulldoze your waterlogged home down and re-build it. 
Despite your first reaction to want to save your valuables that are drenched in the water all around, your first priority is safety. Water is a conduit for electricity and can be deadly.  Do NOT go wading in the flooded areas trying to save your family photos. First and foremost you must do two things turn off the power to the flooded section of your home and stop the source of damage by turning off your water supply. 
Once you have the power and water shut off, you can visually access the damage  while you wait for Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration to get there.  During this time it's in your best interest to only help prevent further damage, such as pin curtains up out of the water, pick up any valuables and save them off to an area to dry but DO NOT toss anything out. Your insurance claims adjust will need to see ALL the damage. The one thing working against you is time and you need to have the water extracted from your home immediately. 
The longer the water damage restoration goes undone, the more likely your home will also develop secondary damage in the form of mold and bacteria growth. Black mold is considered so toxic and so dangerous if your home begins to develop black mold growth, you may find the local health department tagging your home uninhabitable and dangerous until its cleaned up.
Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration will handle the process of water extraction, remove damaged drywall and possibly remove any insulation in the walls that were impacted and possibly carpeting if necessary. If you are lucky the studs were not saturated and can be dried out with warm air circulating instead of being replaced. 
One of the biggest problem will likely be your flooring and sub-flooring and it may be necessary to have large portions of your sub-floor removed and replaced to ensure that your home doesn't become a breeding ground for mold later on. 
It is possible to repair the extensive amount of damage that water can cause inside your home but be prepared for Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration to work quickly since they are also working against the clock. The earlier you begin a water damage restoration job, the more likely that the damage can be minimized and your home will avoid secondary damage and the ensuing problems associated with it. 
Contact Eco-H2o Water Damage Restoration in Huntington Beach 24/7 at      714-760-9411 They Service Orange County and surrounding areas.
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ecoh2o · 6 years
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By Linda Ellis
Water damage can cause more damage the longer you wait to get the repairs done. There are 3 categories of water damage.  
Category 1. Is fresh water damage It may seem harmless but left unattended can grow into a Category 2 or 3 with possible mold and other serious issues. 
Category 2 is water that can include urine, chemicals, or old standing water from a water heater or waterbed. This to is a potential for harmful damages to your property and should be cleaned up properly.
 Category 3 is water that is harmful water with animal or human feces or harmful pollutants in it. This category must be cleaned up immediately to avoid possible sickness. 
Call Eco-H2o Water Restoration of Huntington Beach at 714-760-9411 as soon as possible to start the restoration process. Eco-H2o Water Restoration Services Orange County and surrounding cities.
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ecoh2o · 6 years
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By:  Andrew Stratton
Whether you’ve been in a flood, survived a bad storm, or an appliance flooded your home, you may need water damage restoration. Be sure to contact an expert fast.  
No one wants to clean up the mess that’s left behind after certain destruction. Storms, flooding, leaky washers, busted pipes and more can cause lots of damage to your property. Take the time to contact a water damage restoration professional to help you get your home back to the condition it was in before the worst happened. Explore common areas that are affected by wetness.
When your carpet gets wet, it’s hard to dry it up on your own. And if you have experienced really bad water damage, restoration needs to be done by a professional company immediately. Be sure to reach out to Eco-H20 they can respond within 2 to 4 hours if necessary because when liquid seeps into carpet it can be extremely difficult to get it out correctly.
Wood flooring
Having wood flooring is a luxury that many people appreciate when trying to add style to their home. Unfortunately, if it gets wet, it can swell and buckle. That’s why it’s important to contact a water damage restoration company as soon as you notice any signs of trouble. As a result, you may be able to minimize problems and save your wood flooring from further harm.
It’s amazing what even a small amount of liquid can do. For instance, if you’ve ever left a towel or clothing out that has gotten wet, you may come home to lots of odor and stale scents. And if the inside of your home gets wet due to a flood, an overflowing bathtub or leaky appliance, you definitely know that is not a good smell. Call Eco-H20 a water damage restoration company to help you get rid of the stinky odor for good.
In addition to odors, wetness can bring on mildew. This mildew can turn just about anything black, which is really unattractive and doesn’t add any value to your home. By contacting a water damage restoration specialist, you can help rid your home of unsightly mildew stains. Also, this professional will be able to help your home look good again and no one will even know that you had to deal with mildew in the first place.
Cloth furniture is a magnet for dust and stains. And if for some reason the furniture gets wet or if it is affected by wetness, it is even a bigger mess. When your expensive furniture is soiled, a good water damage restoration company can come in and assess the problem area and help return it to its original form if at all possible. Sheetrock/Drywall Many people don’t tend to think about their sheetrock aka drywall when they experience a flood, but it’s one of the most common places that get affected. Sometime, the sheetrock will need to be replaced once wet, dirty sheetrock can produce mold and mildew that may become toxic.
Contacting Eco-H20 Water Restoration based out of Huntington Beach 714-760-9411 They service Orange County and surrounding cities is the first step on your road to replacing your sheetrock.  
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ecoh2o · 6 years
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By:  Anna Woodward  
Before you decide whether to hire a water damage restoration business or clean up a flood on your own, consider some of the duties you will need to do. You may find that hiring an expert is best.
There are several steps to successful water damage restoration, which is why this job is hard to do on your own. It is sometimes even hard to find a company that can do everything necessary to get rid of the problem, as some may only offer certain services. Consider the duties that a good company of this type should be able to do.
The most important part of this process is getting rid of the moisture quickly. The reason that so many companies have emergency hours is that it is important to soak up the moisture from carpet and wood to avoid lasting effects. When you call a company for help, employees should show up with industrial fans that are strong enough to dry the area. They will leave them on the carpet after strategically placing them around the affected area. They may also use a wet/dry vacuum to dry up the carpets quickly, which is why many companies have a team of employees come to the house, not just one person. They need to work fast for best results, so trying all this on your own is not the best choice.
Once the carpet is dry, the water damage restoration company you choose will need to check the floorboards and drywall to make sure they are not damaged. In many cases, the baseboards get wet and soggy, and then start to warp and rot over time. You need to get these repaired or even replaced soon. If the flooding in your house was severe, you may need to get the drywall in the walls replaced, too. It's important to get this done right away to prevent possible mold damage.  The longer you leave it wet and damaged, the worse it will get.
In fact, mold will eventually start growing if you leave wet drywall or carpets in your house. Even when everything seems dry fairly quickly, there is still the chance that mold will appear later. This is why you should hire a water damage restoration company Like Eco-H2O Water Restoration to not only dry everything but also to look for signs of mold. Most companies can at least detect fungus, and get rid of it.  You do not want the chance of this substance growing in your house, especially if you have young children, elderly or immune compromised persons in the home. or if you plan to sell it in the future, as you will be required to either drop the price substantially or get rid of the fungus and mold in your own. You might as well take care of it now, especially if you want to avoid the health problems it can cause.
It is clear that water could cause major damage in any home, especially when left for any length of time without treatment. It is a good idea to hire Eco-H2O Water Restoration to rid of all the moisture-related problems at one time.
Eco-H20 Water Restoration of Huntington Beach has 24/7 Emergency Service Call Immediately to protect your assets. 714-760-9411 Serving Orange County.
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