ecrivainsolitaire · 6 hours
I cant believe this tweet is how I find out
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ecrivainsolitaire · 6 hours
Ryan Gainer's tragic death is part of a pattern of police violence against Black autistic children and adults.
Our hearts go out to Gainer's family, and we join them in calling for the release of the body camera footage and for police accountability in the shooting.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 6 hours
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This is a comment someone appended to a photo of two men apparently having sex in a very fancy room, but it’s also kind of an amazing two-line poem? “His Wife has filled his house with chintz” is a really elegant and beautiful counterbalancing of h, f, and s sounds, and “chintz” is a perfect word choice here—sonically pleasing and good at evoking nouveau riche tackiness. And then “to keep it real I fuck him on the floor” collapses that whole mood with short percussive sounds—but it’s still a perfect iambic pentameter line, robust and a lovely obscene contrast with the chintz in the first line. Well done, tumblr user jjbang8
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ecrivainsolitaire · 6 hours
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“I loved you, always.”
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
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“I loved you, always.”
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
what if i just rest my eyes for a second
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
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Joseph Heller, Catch-22
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
Not pictured: me, yanking the steering wheel to screech into a parking lot so I could take a pic of this while my sisters and I absolutely lost it upon seeing this truck
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
Other than the sin of owning Apple products in general at which point do you have an AirTag problem?
I’ve tagged everything dear to me like my dogs(‘ collars), my bike and my house keys but it has helped my ADHD brain so much I want to tag my headphones and my bag and my work keys and my-
The only thing I always know where is is my iPad and I use that to find my phone which I can then use to find my stuff. I’m dying here…
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
More stories from hell (retail) today I was ringing up this lady and she goes oh I want to do part of this on a gift card and the rest on normal card and I go ok and then she hands me a folded piece of paper. I think oh OK it must be folded around the gift card, right? Wrong. It is a folded sheet of 8×11 printer paper with "$40" written on the inside in ballpoint pen. I go what is this. She says a gift card. I say this is not a gift card. She says yes it is. I say this is a piece of paper with "$40" written on it. She says "well it's a gift card." I say it absolutely is not. I am grinding my teeth. She says well I want to use it. I say you physically cannot do that bc it is a piece of paper. I cannot scan or swipe it. I apologize, as if this is my fault, and not because she is completely insane. I hate it here
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 5.03 “The Replacement”
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
fatphobia and ableism is so insidious. You can look up like, food, and it'll say "eating a lot of food causes diabetes" and you're like oh dang what? I thought we didn't know the cause of diabetes. So you look up what causes diabetes and it says "we still don't know what causes diabetes" bruh they're just making shit up to give people eating disorders
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ecrivainsolitaire · 16 hours
Fun fact: when Europeans first came to the Americas they were flabbergasted that the locals had the habit of bathing daily. Then they had the nerve to call them "uncivilised" while their own people were dropping like flies due to drinking their own shit water.
Berlin is maybe the only city I've been in thats in the same natural category as nyc. I feel like by the numbers london deserves to be on the list but it is a truth univerdalky acknowledged that London kind of sucks (possible explanation: the British are a fundamentally provincial people and only developed a true metropolis by aping America)
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ecrivainsolitaire · 17 hours
Like the guy who didn't get married and went everywhere with a bunch of sailors and craftsmen?
I feel like just from an evolutionary perspective we should expect humans to be mostly bisexual. Humans aren't that sexually dimorphic, sex is a least as much a bonding behavior as a reproduction behavior in humans (conception rate even at its peak isnt particularly high, and why would it be! Reproducing after Single mating wouldn't be adaptive, raising a human baby alone in like...any premodern times would have appreciably lower survival rate. Obv community support but still). Anyway my point is. We shouldn't expect there to be a strong evolutionary pressure weeding out bisexuality (bonding!) AND it's difficult (low dimoprhism). This is kind of bullshit evopsycj logic but it's 1 am here. So cut me a little slack
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ecrivainsolitaire · 17 hours
I read somewhere that 30% of GenZ identifies as not straight, which suggests that might be a more accurate number than pre civil rights estimates.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 17 hours
I don't think even hentai protagonists get to be 26% titty, like you'd have to get lead butt implants just to be able to stand.
Had a 'fun' new experience today in the form of my first ever mammogram because I found a lump on my chest a few weeks ago, and when you find a lump, you get that shit checked out.
Ironically, the lump I went to get investigated turned out to be nothing, likely just a cyst that made its way to the surface, but they did find something else on the scan that requires me to do a follow-up ultrasound in six months. The doctor stressed that it is most likely a fibroid, but given my family history of breast cancer and general weird health fuckery, they're being vigilant and keeping an eye on it.
The mammogram itself was fine. The technician doing it kept complimenting me on the "pliable" nature of my breast tissue and how easy it was to smoosh me into the machine. I was like thanks, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome; my body is basically made of only slightly more reinforced laffy taffy.
She said, "That explains that," and then proceeded to smush my tits into a pancake. Apparently, they were the most compliant tits she's worked with. I said thank you because what else can you do in that situation. And then she asked me if I wanted to know how much they weighed, and I said boy, do I?!
So she started reading off the results and was like, "17.7 lbs," and I was like, gosh, no wonder they feel so heavy, and then she kept talking and said, "And the other one weighs..."
And that's when I realized she didn't mean total.
She meant one boob was 17.7lbs.
So in case you've ever wanted to know, my right boob weighs 17.7 lbs, and my left one weighs 17.3 lbs, bringing the grand weight hanging off my chest to an even 35 lbs.
The tech was like "gosh! That's a lot for someone of your size!" and I was like "ya fucking think?!"
For a frame of reference, I weigh 136 lbs total. One-quarter of my weight is tits.
I am one-quarter titty.
And I'm telling that to the next doctor who suggests I lose weight.
Anyway. Remember to do regular breast exams, and don't be afraid of mammograms. Yes, they're checking for cancer, but they also tell you fun things like how much your chest weighs and whether or not your boobs are compliant.
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