eddieandstuff · 1 year
Twinks Be High Key Delusional For Thinking They Will Get Off Easy When The Neo Sultan Comes Around To Revive The Old Empire 😂😂 They Thinking They Will Be A Palace Concubine Being Spoiled And Shit 😂😂😂😂 Bitch Please!!! You Gonna Be A Janissary!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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eddieandstuff · 2 years
Avatar is a piece of neoliberal fiction
I just saw Avatar 2 today and while its scenes were very visually impressive I couldn’t help but think of the way it frames what being “human” means. In the typical “capitalist realism” fashion, the future of Earth in the Avatar universe is bleak, dismal, and noticeably capitalist. Humanity finds itself on what is frequently described as a dying world, where overpopulation and lack of resources lead to a generally low quality of life for most of the population. While certain technologies help humanity (and the planet generally) keep surviving, it is framed as only a matter of time until humanity essentially wipes itself out due to its own greed. Because the Avatar movies set up the value frameworks of the Na’vi and Humanity to be in contrast, Humanity shares these characteristics in its entirety. We are frequently shown arrogant and greedy human side characters and humble and generous Na’vi. Out of touch overly materialistic humans versus in touch nature loving Na’vi. It is this relationship that makes Avatar a neoliberal piece of fiction. Humanity is “just like that.” With the notable exception of the main character and several important cast members, humanity, and its droves of soldiers, all seem to not have a problem with exploiting and destroying their new planet. Humanity is described as looking for a new world to destroy, because that’s just how they are. It’s being fed up with “the way they are” that drives the few humans that do to switch sides in the conflict, but this means throwing away their very humanity. Most of the characters that switch sides are those in the Avatar program and who have abandoned their human bodies in turn, or at the very least know there is an alternative to humanness. Because like I said, humanness is just ontologically defined as wanting to kill, burn, destroy, and loot. Of course humanity couldn't shake off capitalism and imperialism! That's just written into our very genes apparently. And yes the movie presents these traits as being a bad thing and the movie is a very obvious parallel to colonialism and imperialism but, as with any piece of fiction that tries to tell an inclusive message while simultaneously highlighting distinct inborn differences between various groups (ZOOTOPIA IM LOOKING AT YOU), it fails at delivering this message. The end of the first movie has humanity sent back to its “dying world” while our protagonist gets to be accepted as “one of the good ones” and fully integrate into Na’vi society, precisely because he has abandoned his humanness. But what of earth? What of the 20 billion some odd humans living disgusting smog covered lives eating seaweed and algae for all their meals. What about them? Oh they must just be fine with it. And if they don’t there's nothing they can to about it. They’re humans after all. 
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eddieandstuff · 2 years
Hello world. My tumblr account has been reactivated after like 6 years. As the red font indicates, I am now loose with malevolent intentions. I’m just being silly, I mostly got on so I can post things for fun. I find that social media things are sometimes scary to me. But tumblr seems very welcoming so I’m sure I can fit into a niche easily. But even if I don’t, I can post into a void with the comfort that comes with putting your thoughts into the world. Whatever happens, I hope whoever views my page will be delighted with what I post :)
My main interests are Elder Scrolls and Warhammer, who’s lore I really enjoy, paradox interactive map games, history (my major) and politics (I’m a leftist, I know how much of a red flag all these interests are when paired with “politics” so I think it’s fair for me to specify.)
I hope this page is amusing, fun, interesting, informative, and everything in between for whoever views it :)
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eddieandstuff · 2 years
I apologize for the previous posts. I was like 14
Everything from here on out will be the true me.
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eddieandstuff · 8 years
*loud noises*
your moms room
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eddieandstuff · 8 years
my life
Tumblr media
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