eddrawsthings · 17 days
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I just like how he's Shaped
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eddrawsthings · 17 days
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Canon event that happened after the events of Mother 3, Itoi himself told me when we met on the Astral Plane
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eddrawsthings · 17 days
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Realized I posted this without technically finishing the face so I went ahead and did that and stopped before I went and messed with everything else lol
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eddrawsthings · 27 days
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Started sketching out some outfits for Ruben when I realized that the only thing that isn't just the Jeweler outfit is the mixed armor he wears so
lol (here it's heavy Breton 3 except for legs and head which is light Breton 4, but apparently at one point i wanted all breton 4??)
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Also a repost of these old ones since they're pretty much what i'd manage these days lmao
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eddrawsthings · 27 days
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Anyways have some assorted scribbles of my Jeweler, Ruben Lacroix
He started out as a pack mule than ended up losing his purpose because the fish became untransferable and I wasn’t gonna use the motifs I had him hold, so I made him a crafter, then when Summerset dropped he became a Jeweler.
I log into him every day for like 5 minutes for writs so I guess I should do SOMETHING with him.  He’s a StamSorc himbo that isn’t actually that good at fighting but he doesn’t let that stop him from pretending he is.
Jo’zira likes to mother him because they’re both Sorcerers and also another reason that’s best left undisclosed.
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eddrawsthings · 1 month
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Also here's the art for Ruben's profile thing
I was gonna do like, outfit stuff for him too but eh, maybe down the line
Btw that last one's meant to be clay not actual flesh but even in color i doubt people will read it as that should I tag it???
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eddrawsthings · 1 month
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So anyways this was the sketch that made me want to go ahead and make Ruben's character profile that I decided to post cause, hey, Drevin got his posted a few years back anyways
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eddrawsthings · 1 month
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Ruben LaCroix
He/Him Breton Mid 30's
Citizenship: Daggerfall Covenant
Class: Sorcerer Weapon Skills: Two Handed, Destruction Staff Armor Skills: Heavy, Light Crafting Skills: Jeweler
Former Lion Guard turned vagabond. A braggart and philanderer, he was ultimately discharged for the catastrophic failure of an investigation on the Bloodthorn Cult.
Though he's able to look and act the part of a dashing knight when wooing squires, he often can't measure up against threats greater than wild beasts or local bandits. He keeps moving to avoid having to face such threats and further sully his reputation.
He was eventually taken under Jo'zira's wing to hone his Sorcerer skills. Soon after, he discovered he had a knack for delicate metalwork. Jo'zira and his friends supported him in mastering the trade, if only to keep him out of trouble.
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Did you know there's no clear references of ESO's tattoos out there? So I had to draw it all by hand? At least this one's fairly simple
Anyways, speaking of fairly simple, I didn't think i'd get to making profiles for Ruben so soon given how he's less of a character in his own right than he is an...accessory? Unfortunately one thing led to another while I was doing some studies.
This is one of three characters that started life as mere bank mules back when I had many more things to store away (like rare fish you could actually use on another character to gain credit for fishing it up)
Eventually I turned him into a crafting slave and since he had an Actual name (unlike one of those 3) he became a full-fledged if underdeveloped character.
Also I just wanted a himbo character in this game and also to play around with a Stamina Sorc
Also, fun fact! He was actually a recreation of a potential character I had planned for TES VI back when I actually cared. So I guess it's good he found a new home lol
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Subject Name: Ruben LaCroix
Shadow-World of Origin: DC-001
Cause of Death: Consumed in a vulgar and macabre underground stage show
Reconstruction was a success! The base for the physical form was sculpted from common clay, and though I had qualms at first it seems to have taken well to what few remains were left of the subject. (Or rather...found! Can Bloodthorn zombies digest their food?)
Though it's unlikely the Azure Plasm will reject the soul at this stage, I want to give it another week of observation. At least to make sure the original bones found don't resume decaying.
Soon I will be able to start work on simulacra with little to no original remains.
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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WAIT I forgot this one lol
Prolly on his way back from meeting up with Roggi
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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Remembered the "modern" AU I did like one thing for then never thought about and this image of Alois in the AU would NOT leave my mind so I had to scribble it out real quick
I kinda wanted to play up the loser angle he has in Skyrim (which is moot in a land that thinks vagabond dudes that go around killing things are the coolest thing ever) so AU Alois lives in a trailer in the woods, usually unemployed but when the cost of living shows up he'll take some temp jobs or do some foraging out in the wilderness (which is still pretty dangerous in spite of urbanization pushing out monsters not integrated into greater society)
Like in Skyrim, he's actually pretty good at magic and could have gone to med school if he applied himself but dropped out of college because he hated the environment. What magic he does know is mostly practical stuff that can be done with technology here
He is currently dating a handsome laborer that may or may not push him to be more responsible.
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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Did some Very Minor tweaks on this one as I try to figure out what the hell to do with the background since I'm honestly not happy with what I went with
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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An assortment of @oso-peluche's Hrothgar!Radimir that I drew roughly in chronological order
1,2 - Animal Crossing Radimir 3 - Teostra Mane Harvesting 4 - Draw your fave in this outfit meme 5,6- Babymir 7 - Teatime in Eolan's Kitchen 8 - Memorial for someone Jo'zira thought was dead
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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An assortment of @oso-peluche's Hrothgar!Radimir that I drew roughly in chronological order
1,2 - Animal Crossing Radimir 3 - Teostra Mane Harvesting 4 - Draw your fave in this outfit meme 5,6- Babymir 7 - Teatime in Eolan's Kitchen 8 - Memorial for someone Jo'zira thought was dead
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eddrawsthings · 2 months
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And finally, all 3 of my main ESO characters in one place
It was kind of fun trying something out of my comfort zone for once, plus it was also a good way to incorporate the flower symbolism I had in mind for each one (might go back to my Skyrim characters to tweak the mineral symbolism too)
Hates-White-Rats/Xochitl - Argonian Nightblade/Hydrangeas
Eolan Roche - Breton Templar/Gladiolus
Jo'zira - Khajiit Sorcerer/Morning Glory
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eddrawsthings · 3 months
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Oh right, here's the art for Jo'zira on its own
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eddrawsthings · 3 months
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Any Pronouns Khajiit Age Unknown
Citizenship: Aldmeri Dominion
Titles: Soul Mage Maven, Explorer, Eye of the Queen, Moon Hallowed, Arch-Mage, Laird of Misrule, Mystic, Numinous Weaver
Class: Sorcerer Weapon Skills: Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff Armor Skills: Light World Skills: Soul Magic, Psijiic Order Guild Skills: Mages Guild Crafting Skills: Clothier, Enchanting
A young Khajiit of unknown origin, having last lived in Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. His vast, encyclopedic knowledge on a variety of topics and natural affinity for spellcasting contrasts his lack of memories of his past before his arrival in Coldharbour.
Further compounding the mystery is his total lack of common sense--and at times, sense of self. With poor self-preservation instincts and abysmal understanding of any kind of social norm, one may assume he was a wealthy shut-in with a vast library. Indeed, when given the choice, he often prefers a good story over pragmatism or ethics.
However, this isn't to say he is a burden to the group in all aspects. His skill with war magic is undeniable, though his enthusiasm for battle and general callousness he displays can be disquieting. Despite this, he often means well, and wants nothing more than to have fun with his new friends.
Though at first he was content to be on an exciting adventure, even he started to notice how odd his situation was. There were few clues as to who he was in his little apartment, and there were no clues as to any family he may have had. His grasp of Cyrodiilic and lack of Ta'agra accent muddied the waters further.
Furthermore, he had to admit that his demeanor in battle and in the presence of Daedric Princes was such a radical change that he almost felt like a different person. Related to that, the breadth of his knowledge is uncanny even for someone of means. Yet no memories of his past ever surfaced, no stranger, ruler or Prince ever recognized him.
Above all else, he realized he was growing envious of his companions. Even as he made new, fantastic memories as an agent of Queen Ayrenn, deep down he resented that he lacked what most other people had. History, connections, memories both pleasant and not, there were none for him.
Soon, that alienation began to seep into every part of his life. He began to notice he didn't behave like anyone he met. He didn't understand or even experience things like others did. Hunger, fear, aversion to pain, instincts that all living things have that he didn't. When once he felt reluctant to claim Khajiiti heritage for what he assumed to be Imperialization, he was starting to wonder if he could claim to be a mortal at all.
He was aware of the situation he and his fellow Soul Shriven were in. It wasn't out of the question if it was all a symptom of having his consciousness forced into a simulacrum of chaotic creatia while his soul languished in Coldharbour. Yet deep down he felt it was more wishful thinking than anything.
Halfway through what he perceived as his journey in Greenshade, he would finally get an answer from a Bosmeri Spinner. While his worst fears would be confirmed, he would learn that there was a deeper horror waiting for him.
One Tamriel
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When he discovered his origins, Jo'zira didn't despair. On some level, he always knew that he was never a mortal to begin with. When he found out his very existence was accidental, he found a certain beauty to it. He took pride in being the product of a bond that transcended worlds.
Of course, he was also keenly aware that his existence was conditional. His creator intended him to be something else, and though the Demi Lich respected his creation's right to life, he still expected him to serve. Luckily, the conditions were reasonable and easy to follow. The best part for him was that living life alongside his companions was one of those conditions.
For a short time, he had a mentor; the closest thing to a father he'd ever know. Together they finished the work Jo'zira had unknowingly began: the merging of several worlds to his Father's world of origin. Though their time together was short, Jo'zira came to know the deep grief that gave his Father purpose in this endeavor. Knowing he began as the tiniest fragment of his Father's vast soul, he resolved to be the unwavering hope his Father cast aside.
When his Father's work was done and began his thousand year slumber, Jo'zira earnestly took on the burden of assuring the new world persisted no matter who or what threatened it. Though he would step back as the main player in their adventures, he would always be by his companion's--his new family's--side.
Perhaps, when they meet again in the distant future, the records of life Jo'zira was tasked to record would once again stoke his Father's faith in the world.
OUGH, this one's finally done. Granted, this one went by a lot faster than the other 2 but hey, I'm supposed to be on vacation lmao
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Some notes on his outfits and his gradual changes as time went on. Essentially, Jo'zira's physical form was held together by a dormant Demi Lich's power. So when he was finally able to manifest on Nirn again, he ended up looking a little different since he's on his own now.
His "true" form is what he looks like inside his core, which appears as a huge, colorful garden to outsiders where the flowers represent the memories he's recorded (both his and his companions'). He's still baby!
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The usual armors for the Planemeld arc. TBH the alterations were in mind thanks to how weird Altmer armor looks in-game (those persistent hip flaps in ESO armor...) but ironically I came to sorta like them while working on this. Not enough to decide against the changes tho. Chalk it up to 1. Jo'zira becoming a better tailor and 2. He's a MAGE
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If he didn't have a soul to start with
Who's soul did he get back from Molag Bal?
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eddrawsthings · 3 months
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Any Pronouns Khajiit Age Unknown
Citizenship: Aldmeri Dominion
Titles: Soul Mage Maven, Explorer, Eye of the Queen, Moon Hallowed, Arch-Mage, Laird of Misrule, Mystic, Numinous Weaver
Class: Sorcerer Weapon Skills: Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff Armor Skills: Light World Skills: Soul Magic, Psijiic Order Guild Skills: Mages Guild Crafting Skills: Clothier, Enchanting
A young Khajiit of unknown origin, having last lived in Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. His vast, encyclopedic knowledge on a variety of topics and natural affinity for spellcasting contrasts his lack of memories of his past before his arrival in Coldharbour.
Further compounding the mystery is his total lack of common sense--and at times, sense of self. With poor self-preservation instincts and abysmal understanding of any kind of social norm, one may assume he was a wealthy shut-in with a vast library. Indeed, when given the choice, he often prefers a good story over pragmatism or ethics.
However, this isn't to say he is a burden to the group in all aspects. His skill with war magic is undeniable, though his enthusiasm for battle and general callousness he displays can be disquieting. Despite this, he often means well, and wants nothing more than to have fun with his new friends.
Though at first he was content to be on an exciting adventure, even he started to notice how odd his situation was. There were few clues as to who he was in his little apartment, and there were no clues as to any family he may have had. His grasp of Cyrodiilic and lack of Ta'agra accent muddied the waters further.
Furthermore, he had to admit that his demeanor in battle and in the presence of Daedric Princes was such a radical change that he almost felt like a different person. Related to that, the breadth of his knowledge is uncanny even for someone of means. Yet no memories of his past ever surfaced, no stranger, ruler or Prince ever recognized him.
Above all else, he realized he was growing envious of his companions. Even as he made new, fantastic memories as an agent of Queen Ayrenn, deep down he resented that he lacked what most other people had. History, connections, memories both pleasant and not, there were none for him.
Soon, that alienation began to seep into every part of his life. He began to notice he didn't behave like anyone he met. He didn't understand or even experience things like others did. Hunger, fear, aversion to pain, instincts that all living things have that he didn't. When once he felt reluctant to claim Khajiiti heritage for what he assumed to be Imperialization, he was starting to wonder if he could claim to be a mortal at all.
He was aware of the situation he and his fellow Soul Shriven were in. It wasn't out of the question if it was all a symptom of having his consciousness forced into a simulacrum of chaotic creatia while his soul languished in Coldharbour. Yet deep down he felt it was more wishful thinking than anything.
Halfway through what he perceived as his journey in Greenshade, he would finally get an answer from a Bosmeri Spinner. While his worst fears would be confirmed, he would learn that there was a deeper horror waiting for him.
One Tamriel
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When he discovered his origins, Jo'zira didn't despair. On some level, he always knew that he was never a mortal to begin with. When he found out his very existence was accidental, he found a certain beauty to it. He took pride in being the product of a bond that transcended worlds.
Of course, he was also keenly aware that his existence was conditional. His creator intended him to be something else, and though the Demi Lich respected his creation's right to life, he still expected him to serve. Luckily, the conditions were reasonable and easy to follow. The best part for him was that living life alongside his companions was one of those conditions.
For a short time, he had a mentor; the closest thing to a father he'd ever know. Together they finished the work Jo'zira had unknowingly began: the merging of several worlds to his Father's world of origin. Though their time together was short, Jo'zira came to know the deep grief that gave his Father purpose in this endeavor. Knowing he began as the tiniest fragment of his Father's vast soul, he resolved to be the unwavering hope his Father cast aside.
When his Father's work was done and began his thousand year slumber, Jo'zira earnestly took on the burden of assuring the new world persisted no matter who or what threatened it. Though he would step back as the main player in their adventures, he would always be by his companion's--his new family's--side.
Perhaps, when they meet again in the distant future, the records of life Jo'zira was tasked to record would once again stoke his Father's faith in the world.
OUGH, this one's finally done. Granted, this one went by a lot faster than the other 2 but hey, I'm supposed to be on vacation lmao
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Some notes on his outfits and his gradual changes as time went on. Essentially, Jo'zira's physical form was held together by a dormant Demi Lich's power. So when he was finally able to manifest on Nirn again, he ended up looking a little different since he's on his own now.
His "true" form is what he looks like inside his core, which appears as a huge, colorful garden to outsiders where the flowers represent the memories he's recorded (both his and his companions'). He's still baby!
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The usual armors for the Planemeld arc. TBH the alterations were in mind thanks to how weird Altmer armor looks in-game (those persistent hip flaps in ESO armor...) but ironically I came to sorta like them while working on this. Not enough to decide against the changes tho. Chalk it up to 1. Jo'zira becoming a better tailor and 2. He's a MAGE
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If he didn't have a soul to start with
Who's soul did he get back from Molag Bal?
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