edens-ramble · 1 year
Homecoming and Kitchen Singing
Kim Seungmin x Reader
Established relationship w/lots of fluff
Word Count- 1.2k
*Also this is my first time writing for K-pop but this man has a chokehold on me right now and I was inspired by the end of their tour.
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These days it wasn’t very often that you and Seungmin got to have a day to yourselves. He was so busy with the Maniac tour, that it seemed like it had been months since you’d seen each other properly, only short visits between your locations. Of course you’d been busy too, your recent promotion meant you were taking over part of the social media production team at your job and the last 3 months had been hectic to say the least. Thankfully you’d been given a week off that started yesterday.
Similarly, after months of touring, Seungmin had just finished the Maniac tour. The boys partied pretty hard at the after party and you’d received a call from a slightly drunk Seungmin. The husky, flirty voice he used when he called was enough to make any girl weak at the knees. True to the man’s duality however, he immediately followed with a cute baby voice saying all he wanted when he got home was a kiss and your home cooking. That call had you anticipating his arrival home the whole next day even more than before.
He’d texted just before they got on the plane indicating when he’d get home. You sent him a photo of the food preparation you’d started that morning wishing him a safe flight and telling him to text when he landed safely.
Fast forward till later that night and you were getting anxious as you hadn’t got a text to say he’d landed. You know his plane landed about 7 and getting through the airport is an absolute nightmare as an idol with fans and media everywhere but surely he couldn’t be that much further away. Just when you thought you’d text asking how far away he was, you heard the keypad on your apartment door beeping.
He walked into your apartment as sarcastically ceremonious as he could be, flowers in hand and a big goofy grin on his handsome face as he opened his arms wide saying “honey, I’m home!” with as much performative sarcasm as he could muster.
You practically launched yourself off the couch and ran into his arms. As he wrapped you up in the hug so tightly you both rocked side to side in the embrace for what felt like forever until you finally lifted your head to look up at him without disconnecting your arms from around his tall frame. “I’ve missed you so much Minnie” you were teary eyed now, all of the emotions flooding to you at once as you realised he was truly in front of you in the flesh. You choked out a sob before burying your face in his chest again, “so, so, so much…” your words muffled against his hoodie.
Seungmin gently lifted your chin with hand to meet his eyes again, just staring for a few seconds before he gave you a soft kiss. “Trust me baby, I’ve missed you more” he spoke smoothly as he placed a second kiss on your forehead and wrapped you up tightly in a hug again.
You’d finally broken apart after a few more deep hugs and small kisses. You’d excitedly dragged him to the kitchen to see the dinner you’d almost finished cooking for him. As he saw the spread of food you’d prepared for him as a welcome home gift, he couldn’t help but chuckle, “You know when I said I wanted home cooking, I would’ve settled for ramyeon so long as it was here with you. However I am incredibly hungry and grateful” he pecked your forehead. You smiled brightly back at him, “I know, but I wanted to do something special. Go and get comfy while I finish up. I’ll be 10 minutes tops” you expressed as you practically shooed him out of the kitchen as you started to finish cooking.
As he went to sit on the couch you were facing the stove with your back to him, humming along to the playlist coming from your speaker. When the song changed, you immediately heard him get up off the couch and move to the speaker, turning it up.
Justin Bieber's "Off My Face" was now much more audible as you stirred the contents of the saucepan in front of you. You continued humming along to the song half singing during the chorus. As the last pre chorus approached you felt Seungmin come up behind you, startling you a little as you didn’t realise he must have been standing against the counter watching you cook the whole time. As he wrapped his arms around your waist you let your back rest against his chest as he sang along with the song, swaying slightly as he held you:
“Your touch blurred my vision
It's your world and I'm just in it
Even sober I'm not thinkin' straight.
Cause I'm off my face, in love with you…”
This was common practice when you first started dating. You’d both zone out in your own little world as you sang and danced lazily around the dorm when you’d visit him. So much so that it became a running joke among the boys as to how long someone else could be standing in the kitchen before you’d both notice them. After you moved into your new apartment and he could split his time between the dorm and your place, it became a regular routine when he was here.
So as he held you singing and swaying along, you put down the spoon in your hand and rotated yourself to face him. You wrapped your hands around his shoulders as you proceeded to sing along with him to the end of the song:
“Cause I'm off my face, in love with you
I'm out my head, so into you
And I don't know how you do it
But I'm forever ruined by you, ooh-ooh-ooh
By you, ooh-ooh-ooh…”
After the last line he brought you in for a slow kiss, deeper than the soft kisses he’d greeted you with. He placed his forehead against yours as you broke apart, “I always think about you when I hear that song” he whispered. “I’ve had it on my playlist even since you sang it that time in LA” you replied just as hushed gently caressing the back of his head with your hand. He moved his right hand up to your cheek as he swiped his thumb back and forth, “I know it’s hard when I’m not here but god I love you so much Y/N” he spoke clearly this time.
The sound of the saucepan behind you bubbling louder indicated that your little moment of romance was over and it was time to eat. With a quick peck on your lips, Seungmin went to help move all the food to the table as you plated the remainder. “You sure you don’t just love me for my cooking?” You questioned teasingly as you brought the last 2 plates over and sat down with him at the table. “Maybe…it’s definitely a contributing factor. Coming home to kisses and good food is something I can definitely get used to” he chuckled.
“Good, cause there’s plenty more where that came from. Whilst we’re both on break, I can promise kisses and good food everyday” you responded matter of factly as you passed him utensils. In response he simply took your hand and brought it to his lips as he kissed it.
Despite the realities of your everyday life, this moment was just for the two of you. Sharing a meal whilst you held hands and caught up on quality time. Yeah, you could both get used to this everyday.
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edens-ramble · 2 years
Ok but Felix as a soft vampire awakens things I can’t put back
are you calling me a sinner?
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770 notes · View notes
edens-ramble · 2 years
I'll Find You || Tyler Galpin x Thorpe! Sister Part 1/?
The reader is Xavier's older sister with existing psychokinesis abilities (light/matter bending + telekinesis kinda vibes) and it's the first time seeing Tyler since the incident last Outreach Day. No matter how hard she tries to avoid him, she can't, but not for lack of trying. Is their sudden acquaintance due to more than just mutual attraction? Something darker?
A/N: First I want to apologise that this is technically all in 3rd person with she/her and existing descriptions even though I've inserted a reader option. It wasn't originally written for Tumblr but I'm gonna post it here anyway. Lemme know what ya think x
Also ps. I have more chapters planned with a darker vibe to Tyler's character a bit earlier on but if you have any requests let me know!
The sky was thundering above her and rain threatened to pour at any moment, her surprisingly light footfalls were barely audible as she ran across the pavement to reach the door of the Weathervane cafe, finally. She took a brief look through the glass door noticing the absence of any other customers and silently pushed it open, quickly smoothing down her purple Nevermore uniform as she stepped inside.
As she began to walk towards the counter intent on ordering herself a coffee, she stopped abruptly when a boy popped up from behind the counter. Even with his back turned to her, she immediately knew who it was and almost instantly regretted coming into Jericho today but her dorm mother Ms Thornhill informed her that she had confiscated her coffee stash from her dorm so she had no other options for her caffeine hit.
It was Tyler Galpin. She’d seen him a few times in town over her last few years at Nevermore, although they’d never interacted, and after everything that happened, she was mentally cursing herself for remembering how cute she thought he was when they were 15.
She remembered exactly what he looked like, dark blonde hair and big bright eyes somewhere between blue and green. He was taller than her although looking at him now he seems to have grown considerably taller in the last year and filled out a bit as well, but she supposed she probably looked a little different also.
She knew he was the sheriff’s son and based on the small interaction she’d had with him after last year’s outreach day, she rather wished never to see him again, at least for Xavier’s sake. He and his friends destroyed her younger brother Xavier’s mural and tormented him quite harshly for being an outcast, to the point that Principal Weems got the sheriff himself involved in reprimanding them calling it assault.
Though she wasn’t quite sure what happened to him after that day, she knew that he was sent away to some boot camp after hearing Weems telling Xavier but after that who knows? Certainly not her, considering she had refrained from entering Jericho for a while after that event unless absolutely necessary.
Despite this, she now finds herself about to be face-to-face with him again, and after some silent contemplation as to whether she really needed the coffee, she walked forward to the counter where he still had his back to her polishing some glasses.
As she went to touch the bell, a lound crack of lightning came from the sky outside and he turned around a little startled that he’d not realised she’d come in as he stopped polishing the glass in his hand and stared at her with wide eyes. 
“Uh, h-hi, hello. W-what can I get for you?” he stuttered out, putting the glass and towel down very quickly, the nervousness he was displaying seeming very uncharacteristic compared to his apparently “aggressive” personality a year ago.
“Iced mocha…to go please” she replied in a monotone voice not quite meeting his eyes despite him looking like he wanted nothing more than for her to make eye contact with him and his face falling at her tone.
“Yeah, sure” he replied now rather nonchalantly, his face and shoulders relaxed almost as if his personality had suddenly flipped. He accepted the money she handed him and began to make her drink.
She stood at the end of the counter waiting for her coffee whilst mindlessly scrolling on her phone. She was hoping to avoid all conversation with him but judging by the way he kept glancing at her from the coffee machine, she might not be so lucky. He walked over about to hand it to her when he paused, “You’re Y/N Thorpe aren’t you?” he mused somewhat confidently.
“Yes, your point?” she replied quite abruptly, now reciprocating the strong eye contact he was making with her.
“Sorry, I just, I’m Tyler. Tyler Galpin. I umm, I kinda ruined your brother's painting last year” he said scratching the back of his head and falling into the nervous persona again, dude is flipping the switch constantly.
“Amoung others things, yes i know who you are Tyler Galpin” she stepped forward towards the counter intending to take the coffee and leave the interaction but he continued to hold the plastic cup in his hand as he spoke.
“Look, I just wanted to apologise, that was really shitty of me to do and I shouldn’t have let my friends do it either. I was going through a rough time, my mum had just died and I was taking my frustration out on everyone else. I’ve gone through a program to work out my anger and I just wanted to-”
“It’s not me you need to apologise to, though I doubt Xavier would be interested to hear your half-assed apologies” she interrupted and put her hand forward in want of the coffee. He just nodded in defeated understanding and handed over the coffee.
She immediately turned on her heel and walked towards the cafe door pushing it open as quickly as she could and opening a black umbrella she had with her as the rain had just started reaching the town now.
“Wait!” Tyler tried to interject as he went to follow her, trying to get out from behind the counter as quickly as possible.
As soon as she hit the portion of windows that had the blinds closed blocking her from his view inside, she shut her eyes and used her ability to bend the light around her rendering her invisible, wanting to be away from him as quick as possible. She’d learned they referred to it as psychokinesis at Nevermore.
She heard the cafe door open just behind her spinning around as Tyler went to call out “i really-” he looked around trying to find her in the street, “-am sorry” he trailed off looking thoroughly confused where she went so quickly but weirdly transfixed on the exact spot she currently stood invisible. It was like he knew she was there but there’s not way he could see her, ‘of course not’ she thought ‘even my umbrella is cloaked’, shaking the notion from her mind.
As soon as he went back inside the cafe, she continued her hurried walk back to the shuttle station to wait for the next one back to Nevermore with her caffeine fix in hand. No matter how hard she tried to put the interaction with Tyler Galpin out of her mind she couldn’t, thinking about how grown-up he was now. He seemed like a very different person than the one that had terrorised her brother a year ago. As the shuttle came screeching to a halt in the rain she tried to put him from her mind again whilst he was doing the exact opposite.
As Tyler stared out at the street where she’d mysteriously disappeared very quickly he swore he could still smell the perfume she had on, like jasmine and vanilla. With visible confusion on his face he walked back inside the cafe, his head was reeling with what just happened. He’d finally seen Y/N Thorpe after nearly a year and all he could blabber out was some excuse about what he did to her brother, what an idiot! He left out a frustrated sigh and he went to finish polishing the glasses he was part way through before she came in.
Y/N Thorpe. She looked just as pretty as he remembered, however her once long honey brown hair was now a very dark brown almost black stopping bluntly just before her shoulders. She had definitely matured into her body however her uniform left a good deal to imagination and he’d definitely imagined all of it, the reminder of the little (huge) crush he had on her when they were younger despite never getting the courage to talk to her.
He supposed that it’s to be expected she’d look more grown-up as she was about to be 17 if he remembered correctly as she was just a few months younger than him, he had attempted to keep up with her socials but everything was now private. She was significantly shorter than now as he’d grown a fair bit in the last year and she still had those hazel doe eyes. He remembered how fearful those eyes were when she came running to Xavier after Tyler and his friends destroyed the mural and practically assulated him, asking if he was okay.
He can still picture the scene, looking from around a corner after they’d run away when that Nevermore Principal was about to intervene. He just stared at Y/N as she cradled her younger brother’s face, he was wide eyed taking in her almost maternal nature towards Xavier, with almost the same expression he had worn earlier today.
Even with the angry tears threatening to fall from her eyes they were still so warming but when she locked eyes with him from his hiding spot and he quickly fled, following Lucas and the others. He noticed now however, her eyes seemed darker, more dull than before, making her seem more unapproachable and possibly displaying the contempt he knew she must hold for him.
He already had a million things going on in his head right now but just like that day a year ago, everything seemed to halt when she was front and center again in his mind as he continued with his shift. He wondered if she’d come back into the cafe again, probably not now that she knew he worked here. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he should have said to her, ‘I’m a better person now’, ‘I would never do anything to hurt you’, ‘please give me chance’. All valid thoughts but he froze instead, making stupid childlike excuses for his behaviour.
He really wanted to tell her that he’d thought about properly thanking her since that day when she let him go without altering the Principal that he was still there watching. Whilst he was still required to go to court ordered therapy and sort his behavourial issues, it was nowhere as harsh of a punishment as it could have been. He’d often thought about whether she’d forgive him if he explained what happened, if she’d talk with him, maybe even look at him how he looked at her. 
He wouldn’t go as far to say it was an obsession but just when he thought he’d stopped thinking about her after getting back he heard one Lucas’ friends mention her name in conversation whilst sitting in the cafe. Talking about how one of them had come across her at a bookstore in town a few months after the outreach day incident. 
Tyler had almost felt the need to punch him when the boy vulgarly described her outfit and all the things he wished he could do to her. Tyler wasn’t a fan of people thinking about Y/N like that, despite himself doing exactly that whenever he saw any glimpse of her on Instagram or in the background of some nevermore student’s Tiktok.
He had become so tense that he flexed his arm so tightly he smashed the glass in his hand and blood was now running down his wrist from a cut on his palm. He held up his hand to his eye level and just stared at it for a moment watching as the blood poured down his arm. He was almost transfixed on the sight thinking about the sense of deja vu he got looking at his hand covered in blood as the rain pounded outside. Before he could place a memory he heard the cafe door open, “Tyler, my god son, what have you done?” Sheriff Galpin had come rushing in with sloshy footsteps as he’d been drenched by the rain. 
“It’s fine dad, I just broke a glass. It must have cracked in the dishwasher and I didn’t notice” Tyler responded hollowly torn from his thoughts as he quickly wrapped his hand in the towel he was using for the glasses a moment ago.
“I’ll just find the first aid kit and i’ll grab your regular, give me 5” Tyler walked into the backroom to find the first aid kit.
“You sure that doesn’t need stitches, it looked bad” his dad called as he walked away.
“Nah it’s not that deep” Tyler responded from the back room whilst he stood looking at his hand noticing that the blood had stopped very quickly, almost too quickly. 
As he bandaged his hand his mind floated back to Y/N and he remembered how quickly she disappeared earlier also, almost impossibly quickly. He wanted to talk to her about so many things and he wanted, no he needed, to find a way to see her again.
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