edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Edgewood University at Edgewood, VA. You can take pride in this accomplishment, for you have been selected from a very talented and competitive group of students. The following students will be joining us in the upcoming fall semester here at EU:
Bradley Alexander Sullivan.
You will have 48 hours to send in your official transcripts before your position is reopened. Once again, welcome aboard and good luck, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
who are your most wanted males?
We’d love to see Keith Powers, Dave Franco, Cody Christian, Michael B Jordan, Alex Fitzalan, Diego Boneta, Charles Melton, Avan Jogia, Zac Efron, Jacob Artist, Rami Malek, Jack Falahee, Grant Gustin, Miguel Herran, Matthew Daddario, Liam Hemsworth, Robert Sheehan, Dominic Sherwood, Jack Mulhern, Jaime Lorente, Miguel Bernardeau, Alvaro Rico, Cole Sprouse.
If members have more ideas, feel free to comment! :)
― Emma
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Hey, Titans!
I’d just like to notify y’all that while there is no ACTIVITY rule, meaning you guys can come and go as you please, there will be just one, sort of, admin loophole so to speak.
If you haven’t posted and haven’t checked in with the main within 60 DAYS (2 months) since your last post, you will be unfollowed. 
This is just because there could be people who would potentially want your house spot or your faceclaim and since this is still a group, I’d essentally like to keep things flowing, even if they’re flowing slowly. 60 days is, I believe, ample time for everyone to either post a bit, or at least check in with the main if they’d like to stay with us or are having muse problems, etc.
This has been added to our Guidelines as well :)
Thank you and have a lovely day!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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The Edgewood University Admissions Office would like to introduce the following students:
Catrina Galiano
Welcome aboard, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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The Edgewood University Admissions Office would like to introduce the following students:
Phoebe Wilde.
Welcome aboard, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Austen Ford FACE CLAIM: Halston Sage AGE: 21 GRADE YEAR: Senior LABEL: The Wreck MAJOR: Communications GREEK ROW HOUSE: Phi Phi Phi Social Chair SPORT: Cheerleading EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Cashier/Stockist at the local thrift store
SURVEY 1 - Where are you from and how come you have ended up in North Carolina?
“Oh— a little bit of here, a little bit of there.” Austen couldn’t be bothered to remember the list of cities or states. Just then, she could barely remember last night. “Heidi loved to think the grass was always greener on the other side, so we never settled down in one place for long. Another day, another unsuspecting man’s dollars, ya know?” Her mother wasn’t one to hide her money grubbing ways, so why should she? It’s not like either of them genuinely cared about the other, let alone enough to spare reputations. “I’d never been to North Carolina before, so I figured why the fuck not? Had to be better that middle of nowhere fuckin’ Maine.”
SURVEY 2 - What are your strengths?
Among the many? “Wicked blow jobs, making Victor cry, and getting your boyfriend to sleep with me.” Clearly amused with herself, even if nobody else was, Austen snickered. “You could say I already hold degrees in all three.”
SURVEY 3 - What are your weaknesses?
“Is that a trick question?” Another giggle sat in her throat, but they seemed serious. Wow, okay. After a roll of eyes, she let a shrug decorate slim shoulders and smirked. “The only weaknesses I have are a bump of coke and taking off my clothes.” Never mind her own reflection in the mirror. Jaw locked, she arched a brow. “Next?”
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
“Fucking someone richer and older than my non-existent dad.” Austen was bored. That much revealed itself in her drawn out sigh - the way she left her gaze linger on her lap while she picked at a fraying thread in her jeans. “Guess I at least take after Heidi that way, huh?” Sarcastically, she added, “Congrats, mom. You taught me one thing.”
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Astrid Lysbeth Margaretha ‘Tess’ Miedema FACE CLAIM: Sophie Turner AGE: 22 GRADE YEAR: Senior LABEL: THE ADORKABLE FOREIGN MAJOR: Bioengineering with a minor in Kinesiology GREEK ROW HOUSE: Gamma Alpha Delta SPORT: Women’s Soccer (Captain) EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Athletic Trainer Intern, Netherlands National Team
SURVEY 1 - Where are you from and how come you have ended up in Virginia?
‘’I am from a small village in the northeastern Netherlands. I’m not even going to tell you the name because you won’t be able to pronounce it. Let’s just say we live on farms and wear cloggs.’’
Virginia has always been a special part of my life since it is where my mama grew up. My opa and oma settled there back in the day and have lived here since. But something pretty cool is that my mama actually went to university here before coming back to the homeland. It’s sentimental being able to sit in the same classrooms that she once did.
SURVEY 2 - What are your strengths?
‘’Strengths? I mean I don’t know? I’m good at football? I’ve been playing in the leagues back home since I was a teen. I got my first call up to the National Team six years ago. I would think that would be a strength of mine? Did you want something different than that, like a soft strength not a hard one? Maybe loyalty? Or passion? This is a hard question. Can you ask the girls? They might have a better answer.’’
SURVEY 3 - What are your weaknesses?
‘’Oh this is better. People might not realize this but I am very lazy. I might always be busy but the moment I can just sit and do nothing, I do. Everyone says that I’m way too humble for my own good. I didn’t think that was a bad thing, but I can understand where they are coming from. I don’t like to have all the attention on me and would rather showcase others.’’
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
‘’I have a contract with Arsenal W.F.C in London waiting for me as soon as I graduate. So it looks like that is where I will be headed if my leg decides to heal up. Though it will be hard to leave the states behind. Really, it’ll be hard to leave  all of my sisters, at least, London is an chill place to visit.’’
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Lukas Rafael Cruz FACE CLAIM: Michael Trevino AGE: Twenty-two GRADE YEAR: Senior LABEL: The NFL bound MAJOR:  Political Science GREEK ROW HOUSE: Delta Chi Omega (President) SPORT: Football EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: N/A
SURVEY 1 -  Where are you from and how come you have ended up in Virginia?
The man in charge of my trust wanted me here. Yeah, I got a free ride to attend my dream school, but a free ride doesn’t cover living expenses it just covers school. If I wanted money to burn, I could either go to my father’s alma mater or pick up a 9 to 5. Figured I’d have an easier go at it going with the former, you know?  
SURVEY 2 -  What are your strengths?
SURVEY 3 -  What are your weaknesses?
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
Forget after college. Come April 2020 I plan to be in Vegas being named first for the draft. After that, I expect a ring, a couple rings and we’ll see where I end up after that.
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Rosie Montgomery FACE CLAIM: Elizabeth Gillies AGE: 22 GRADE YEAR: Senior LABEL: The Viscerotonic MAJOR: Pre-Nursing GREEK ROW HOUSE: Zeta Zeta Mu, Secretary SPORT: Volleyball, cheerleading EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: None
SURVEY 1 - Where are you from and how come you have ended up in Virginia?
“Born and raised in Lynchburg, Virginia. My mama runs the Bedford Museum and Genealogical Library, but she was once a sister of Zeta Zeta Mu, making me a legacy. Both of my parents attended Edgewood University so it was only natural that I follow in their footsteps and do the same. But just between you and me, I needed a break from all that historic mumbo jumbo back home. If I have to hear about Appomattox or see my daddy dressed in uniform to do Civil War reenactments for the tourists one more time I might just spontaneously combust.”
SURVEY 2 - What are your strengths?
“They say that patience is a virtue and I’ve been known to have the patience of a saint. I believe in doing the right job rather than being the first one to do the job. Loyalty ain’t a word that I take lightly. Once you’ve secured a place in my life, I’m fiercely protective and dependable when it comes to my sisters and those I care about. I’m persistent. Failures and setbacks won’t dampen my spirits. When life hands you lemons, make you some sweet tea.“
SURVEY 3 - What are your weaknesses?
"I reckon I like to have my cake and eat it too. My mama always told me that I come off like I have my nose so high up in the air that I’d drown, so I guess you could say I’m a little self-indulgent and judgemental. I try not to be though, ain’t my place to judge.”
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
“Hopefully planning my big ol’ rustic wedding to a man I met in med school. If I’m lucky I won’t have to work, not that I don’t mind hard work since I am studying to be a nurse mind you, but I enjoy being a hostess and keeping up appearances. I guess I’d make the perfect housewife for anyone lucky enough to have me.”
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Grace Thomas FACE CLAIM: Stefanie Scott AGE: 18 GRADE YEAR: Freshman LABEL: The Demure MAJOR: Film and Video w/ minor in business GREEK ROW HOUSE: ZZM - ZETA ZETA MU (Pledge) SPORT: Volleyball - Right Side Hitter EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: N/A
SURVEY 1 - Where are you from and how come you have ended up in Virginia?
I grew up in Sarasota, Florida. I wanted to originally go to the film school there but my parents insisted I find a school that wasn’t all about the arts. Also, they really wanted me to check out their Alma mater so here I am, in Virginia, going to their school.
SURVEY 2 - What are your strengths?
Well, I think I am friendly, kind, have good attention to detail. I’m helpful and always on time. I’m a good listener and I like to think I give good advice.
SURVEY 3 - What are your weaknesses? 
I’ve been told I can be a worrier, overly cautious and too shy for my own good. Not sure if those are really weaknesses though. Also, gullible. I’ve been told I am gullible and I believe it.
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
The dream is to be a cinematographer, making visually stunning films for the world to fall in love with. The fall back is…advertisement or social media manager.
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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NAME and LAST NAME: Mateo Estevez FACE CLAIM: Tyler Posey AGE: 20 GRADE YEAR: Sophomore LABEL: The Casanova MAJOR: Undecided GREEK ROW HOUSE: KAPPA TAU EPSILON (Member - President) SPORT: Football - Kicker and Punter EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Works at local coffee shop
SURVEY 1 - Where are you from and how come you have ended up in Virginia? 
In west Philadelphia born and raised; On the playground was where I spent most of my…actually, it was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Doesn’t have as good of a ring to it though. I ended up in Virginia because I got a dope scholarship.
SURVEY 2 - What are your strengths?
Well first, my 90′s Sitcom Theme Song game is strong as hell. I think my good looks and skill in bed are definitely considered strengths. I also hold the record of longest keg stand in the frat. I have a pretty good retrieval memory. I guess that’s a strength?
SURVEY 3 - What are your weaknesses?
Wow, rude. I have none. Kidding, I’m kidding. That might count as a weakness? I’ve been told I joke too much and don’t take things seriously enough. Also, I lack direction in life, drink too much, can’t commit to anything, other boring things that only boring people care about.
SURVEY 4 - Where do you see yourself after college?
After college? Who is thinking about after college? We’re young and we’re here to live our lives now! Plus, college is awesome. Who would want to leave?
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Edgewood University at Edgewood, VA. You can take pride in this accomplishment, for you have been selected from a very talented and competitive group of students. The following students will be joining us in the upcoming fall semester here at EU:
Phoebe Wilde.
You will have 48 hours to send in your official transcripts before your position is reopened. Once again, welcome aboard and good luck, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Hey, Titans!
I’d just like to say that I will be posting bio graphics soon, and we’ve had some FC switches, so this is your (not last ‘cause you can still change your FC even after this, but you get it, last) hurrah, in case you’re thinking about stuff like that. Please send me a message here if that’s the case :)
Have a lovely day!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Edgewood University at Edgewood, VA. You can take pride in this accomplishment, for you have been selected from a very talented and competitive group of students. The following students will be joining us in the upcoming fall semester here at EU:
Catrina Galiano.
You will have 48 hours to send in your official transcripts before your position is reopened. Once again, welcome aboard and good luck, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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The Edgewood University Admissions Office would like to introduce the following students:
Adriana Villanueva
Welcome aboard, Titans!
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
what's in store for this group?
Hiya! Sorry, I’ve been heckin’ slow. I have been traveling and then I landed late the other night and needed some 12 hours of sleep. But we’re back at it! You can check out my response here, although I know it sounds like a lot, clearly we’ll be going slow since this is a no activity, no pressure type of a group. I am, however, going to post a few more promos for the heck of it, but other than that, we do as we please :)
― Emma
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edgewooduniversity · 5 years
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Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Edgewood University at Edgewood, VA. You can take pride in this accomplishment, for you have been selected from a very talented and competitive group of students. The following students will be joining us in the upcoming fall semester here at EU:
Adriana Villanueva.
You will have 48 hours to send in your official transcripts before your position is reopened. Once again, welcome aboard and good luck, Titans!
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