Pavement Announce 2022 North American Tour
After initially revealing their plans to reunite in 2019—which were, of course, derailed by the pandemic—indie-rock giants Pavement announced a 2022 tour of the U.K. and E.U. earlier this year, after more than a decade of inactivity. Today’s (Nov. 2) big, eagerly anticipated update on the band’s live revival: their first North American tour in 12 years, set for next fall.
Pavement—Mark Ibold, Scott “Spiral Stairs” Kannberg, Stephen Malkmus, Bob Nastanovich and Steve West—disbanded in 1999 after releasing their fifth and final (for now, anyway) album, Terror Twilight. They reunited in 2010 to tour the world, playing four sold-out Central Park shows and headlining festivals including Coachella, Primavera Sound and Pitchfork.
In the summer of 2019, the band announced another reunion, with plans to return to Barcelona Sound’s Barcelona and Porto festivals in 2020. Unfortunately, the festival was one of many canceled due to coronavirus concerns, both that year and the year after. The good news is Pavement will finally make it back to the festival next summer, atop a truly eye-popping lineup Read more...
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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Edinburgh OAP had sickening hoard of 370,000 child abuse images
Lawyer Nigel Bruce, defending, told the court his client was married with no children but his marriage is now over.
Sheriff Nigel Ross acknowledged the “number of images downloaded was very high” but decided not to issue a custodial sentence.
Rutherford was instead placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for five years and ordered to carry out 225 hours of unpaid work in the community.
The pensioner was also placed under social work supervision for three years and banned from having any unsupervised contact with anyone under the age of 16.
The sheriff also ordered Rutherford not to enter any children’s play parks and to attend sessions with the specialist sex offender organisation CISSO read more...
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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Skillion Roof erection Procedure
This video shows the erection procedure for a Skillion, Flat or monoslope, monopitch roof Read more...
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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Why is it recommended to inspect a roof at regular intervals?
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Do you remember the last time you called for a roofing contractor to inspect your roof? The bad news is that most of the people do not remember the last date of their roofing inspection. In fact, most homeowners have the tendency to call a roofing contractor only in the case when they require some repair in their roof, not for the inspection and maintenance purpose.
 Many people consider roof inspections as a waste of time and money. But in actuality, it is a very crucial step in order to keep your roof well maintained and in proper function and in good condition for a long time.
 There are several roofing companies in Edinburgh providing a service for roof inspections. It is highly recommended to get your roof inspected on a regular basis.
But now the question comes, why it is essential to inspect a roof on a regular basis. Here in this guide, we are listing the top benefits of inspecting your roof regularly:
 Detection of minor issues and easy repairs
 When the homeowner keeps inspecting their roof on a regular basis, it helps them to easily spot minor issues or suspected issues that can turn into bigger ones in the case of negligence. Regular inspection of the roof helps to detect the issue when it is minor and thus get it fixed early before it turns major and demands a more expensive repair.
 This is why the inspection of the roof at a scheduled time helps the owner to diagnose the minor or the suspected issue and get it treated in time. Correcting the issues at initial levels helps the owner to get a cost-effective roof repair and save them from the expense of heavy or major repairs or the replacement of the entire or part of the roof.
 In the case of negligence, the minor issues will turn big and demand more expensive maintenance and repairs. For example, the cracks in their initial level are always cheap and easy to repair but with time, it will result in leakages, damage to the internal elements of the roof, decaying of the core of the roof, and thus resulting in the requirement for major repairs.
 Enhancement of the lifespan of the roof
 When the issues get diagnosed early, it will be easy for the homeowner to get it repaired at an affordable cost. While on the contrary, when the issues in the roof are diagnosed later they can turn into a major issue, and there is a need for major repairs. Also, sometimes, the issues extend too much leading to the requirement for a complete roof replacement.
 The early detection of the issues on the roof will keep it in proper function and in good condition and will extend the lifespan of the roof as well. And, the negligence of the issues will hamper the proper function of the roof and thus demand the owner to replace it in less time.
 Easy claim for insurance
 When the roof is well maintained and inspected on a scheduled basis, it will not only decrease the amount of the premium for the roof insurance but will also help in making a claim easily from the insurance in the case of any unpredicted mishap.
 In the case of catastrophic damage of the house and roof because of some natural disaster like storms, flood, heavy rainfall, hurricane, etc, the claim will be easy for the good maintenance and regularly inspected roofs. When the roof is already in bad condition because of negligence, the claim for the insurance will be difficult as it will be difficult to figure out the level of damage. Also, the poorly maintained roof will get a lesser amount from the company in comparison to a well maintained and inspected roof.
Always prefer professional treatments
 Many of the homeowners prefer DIY treatments for minor issues on the roof over the treatment by professionals, Though it is a cheaper option it is still not recommended. With DIY treatments, some of the errors will remain leading to major issues in the future. While the professionals are highly experienced and qualified and thus can provide the best ever repair for the minor issue removing the issue from the core and giving you back a strong and powerful roof.
 The bottom line
 The above mentioned are some of the benefits of keeping your roof inspected at regular intervals of time. So what are you waiting for? Inspect or get your roof inspected for any kind of minor as well as ignored issues and get it fixed as soon as possible.
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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How to select the best roofing contractor in Edinburgh?
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Every house sometimes in their lifetime requires roof contractors. For all kinds of repairs as well as maintenance, there is a need to call a roofing contractor. When the issues on the roof are minor, the homeowner does not care much for the background and the experience of the roofing contractor. But for major roofing work, they try to select the best roofing contractor.
 In Edinburgh, there are several roofing contractors claiming to be certified and the best for handling all kinds of roofing projects. Selecting the best contractor out of them is kind of tedious and difficult work.
 Selecting the best roofing contractor at a competitive price is a tough task. The question is how to find and select the best roofing contractor who can serve well, provide a warranty, will honour the agreement in the future, and all at an affordable and competitive price.
 Here in this guide, we are aiming to help you with some methods that will help you ensure that you are selecting the best company for your roofing project. The following are some points that you should consider in order to select the best roofing contractor and enjoy the
high-end service at affordable rates and stay true to the future agreement and the warranty as well.
 Experience of the business
 The experience of the contractor plays a very significant role in the skills and the legitimacy of the roofing business. Inspecting how long the company has been in the industry will help you know how established that company is in the industry, how much is their rating, and how skilled they are in handling all kinds of roofing projects. The experience of the company in the roofing industry also indicates its longevity.
 Does the roofing company have their phone number, permanent address, and email?
 The phone number, permanent address, and email is proof that the company is legitimate and is not fake. The certified company has nothing to hide from the customer and they try maintaining absolute transparency. They do not keep changing their address and phone number, and email address.
 In order to check the legitimacy of the company, always ask for the landline number and never believe in the mobile number. Also,check if the phone number of the company is registered for that company only and is not fake.
 Do some research to find the background of the company and make sure that the company has been established at the same address for a very long time.
 Is the organisation using subcontractors?
 Make sure the company is not using subcontractors. Mosthomeowners pay at the end of the work. So in order to get the payment fast, the fake companies get the work completed by the subcontractors without focusing on the quality and standard of the work.
 Is the company providing you a written contract with an estimated time for completing the work?
 The written contract by the company is proof that the company will adopt all the measures in order to protect you and your family and will provide you with high-end service.
 This contract also provides the estimate for the time period required for the completion of the work. It also contains the warranty, its terms, and conditions.
 Is the roofing contractor a registered member of the insurance board and the workplace safety and are they carrying all the essential liability insurance?
 This is one of the crucial factors while selecting the right roofing contractor. A certified and reputable roofing contractor will always provide insurance liability for the safety during and after the work.
Is the organisation having the certificate to install the products that they are offering?
 Certified roofers always provide a stronger warranty and serve better for the installation of the product.
 Is the organisation having an emergency call option?
 Only certified and reputable roofing contractors provide out-of-hours service for emergency issues.
 Is the contractor having positive references from past customers?
 Positive recommendations from past customers always help in finding the right contractor for your work.
 Check for the reviews of the company online
 Now with internet service, one should research and check for the rating and review of the company and their performance.
 The bottom line
 So these are some points helpful in selecting the right roofing contractor for your roofing project.
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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6 acts that can void the roof warranty
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The roof is one of the most crucial elements in the building. Whether it is a commercial or a residential building, the roof is equally important and needs to be well maintained. There are several legit and professional roofing contractors in Edinburgh that not only provide the homeowners high-quality roofing services to add life to their commercial roof as well as their residential roof but are also providing them with the warranty against their work.
 But many times, because of some of the unfair practices by the homeowners, the warranty on the roof is void. There are some practices that are not recommended and can ultimately lead to a void warranty. This will make the roof ineligible for the repair warranty anymore.
 Now the question arises, what are these practices that should be avoided and never be done in order to keep the roof repair in warranty. The following are listing all the actions that should not be done or they can void the warranty on the roof repair. These are:
 Hiring unprofessional or non certified contractors:
 Many times, people who go for cheap roofing repair work end up hiring the inexperienced, newbie, or the non certified roofing agency. These illegal roofing contractors often look to save more time and money and have poor standard practices. They always prefer money and
time over quality and often forget to follow the proper guidelines and might skip some of the essential installation practices. This causes improper installation of the roof. So when in the future, in the case of any mishap, you will be unable to prove the firm to be responsible for the fault and thus will be not able to claim for the warranty against the roofing installation.
 This is why it is always recommended to inspect the working experience, skills, and background of the roofing team before hiring them for your roofing project. Also, make sure that the roofing contractor you are planning to hire is legit and certified.
 Improper or missing ventilation
 There is a need for proper ventilation in the roof in order to remove all the warm air and maintain the cool temperature inside. In the case of poor or missing ventilation, the warm air will be collected inside and will end up overheating the building. This will ultimately affect the health of your roof negatively and may lead to premature failure. These damages which are caused by improper ventilation will lead to the void of the warranty.
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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How to prepare the commercial roof in Edinburgh for the Winters?
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Maintenance for the roof is as crucial as the promotion of the brands. If you want your building to be safe and stay for a long time, there is a need to take care of the maintenance of the roof. Neglecting the roof will lead it to cause damage to the entire building as well.
 In general, commercial buildings are likely to have a flat roof. And, the flat roof requires more maintenance and care. The reason why the flat roof requires more care in comparison to the slanted roof is that the water drainage system on a flat roof is not as efficient as it is in slant roofs. The flat roof does not easily let the water and the debris drain off and are thus required to be inspected and maintained.
 During the winter, roofs play a major role in protecting your stuff, you, and your family as well as from the harshness of the climatic conditions. Thus it is required to be well maintained. It is recommended to hire a professional roofing company in order to get your
roof prepared for winter. Professionals are well-acknowledged for roofing requirements and thus will serve you accordingly.
 Here in this guide, we are listing some points that help you with how to get your flat roof prepared before the arrival of the winter season.
 Knowledge regarding the history of the roof
 Before preparing your roof for winter, one should be clear about how old the roof is and what inspections have been done before. The history of the inspections and maintenance of the roof will help you know what has been done and what needs to be done. This information will help you skip the steps that have already been done and focus on the requirements.
 Ensure clean roof and proper functioning drainage and gutter
 With time, Gutters get blocked because of debris. This arises the problem of still water, leakages, and many more making your roof weak and less durable. Thus it is essential to ensure that the entire drainage system and the gutters on the roof are clean and in proper functioning condition.
 Along checking all the downspouts and getting it cleaned, make sure to check for damage to the gutters as well. The damaged gutters can lead to cracks, leakages, and thus moulds, fungus, and termites. This will ultimately make the roof weak and unprepared for the winters.
 Inspect the roof surrounding
 In order to enhance the life of the roof, you should never forget to inspect the surroundings of the roof. Inspect the surroundings of the roof for any trees, plants in and around the roof.
Plants can damage the core element of the roof making it weak.
 Additional tip
 It is recommended to inspect the roof at regular intervals of time and get it well maintained. A professional contractor is best for inspecting and maintaining the roof!
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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Water starts dripping from the roof during rainfall?
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 In this case, when the water starts dripping from the roof during rainfall, it’s time to call a roofing contractor. One should never delay fixing such issues in the roof as it will further increase the issue and might hamper the safety of the dwellers in the home.
 The rainwater and moisture in the house and on the roof can also enhance the issue of developing rot and mould in the internal structure of the house and will make it uninhabitable.
 Discoloration and stains
 In the case where the roof is leaking a little bit, it will be difficult to spot the water dripping from it. But one can spot the discoloration and stains on the ceiling. These are generally brown or yellow in colour and will look either circular or an irregular shape on the ceiling or along the wall.
 Old roof
 When the roof is older than 25 years, it is advised to get it replaced and not take the risk with the health of your family members.
 The bottom line
 There are several roofing contractors in Edinburgh to serve you with all your roofing requirements. If you are facing any of the above-mentioned damage to your roof, call a roofing expert immediately.
No.1 Recommended Roofing Services In Edinburgh:
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd
Name: Ronald Graham
Address: 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh EH6 8NA, United Kingdom
Tel .: +441315555121
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