edithborgin · 6 years
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sometimes i think i was born backwards. you know? i came out my mum the wrong way. i heard words go past me backwards. 
                                                the people i should love i hate and the people i should hate…
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edithborgin · 6 years
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edithborgin · 6 years
Officially going Indi!
Youll find me on @falcoblackwood and possibly here.
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edithborgin · 6 years
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Clothes are really important to me, they give me that feeling of happiness. I love being a bit free with it all and not giving myself rules.
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edithborgin · 6 years
Perched upon a windowsill, Edith had her head delved into a small, but seemingly endless pile of papers. One of the many parcels sent by her Father. With access to such an extensive library at Hogwarts, he deemed it acceptable to send his daughter some work researching many a peculiar item. This week was of no exception, and as much as she yearned to be doing other things, she couldn’t deny she had her fathers eye when it came to the bizarre.
She lifted her gaze from the pages, and cast a glance around the quiet hallway, eyes falling by chance upon Alexander Nott.
“Forgive me, but since when did people watching become such a crime?” She snapped back irritably.
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There was an aura to Alexander. One that hung in the air, it felt like walking into an unknown void whilst suffocating in its thickness. He peered from across the hall. Uncrossing his arms and walking towards the person. “You keep staring. What is it you want?” he sneered. 
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edithborgin · 6 years
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do you have to leave so soon? I was just about to  p o i s o n the tea.
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edithborgin · 6 years
send a ❂ to get a moodboard for our muses.
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edithborgin · 6 years
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Borgin & Burkes • Curators of Fine Dark Artifacts Est. 1863 Knockturn Alley, London » o n l i n e
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edithborgin · 6 years
It was normal for the Slytherin common room to find itself busy during the later hours of the day, a time when lessons had just ended but the dinner feast had yet to commence would only allow idle chatter to fill it. Normally Rodolphus had someone else sitting next to him that promised to be good company and yet, he found himself alone that day. The idea of going for a walk came and went with the reminder that the winter winds were still holding on strong to the Hogwarts ground, still he got up from where he had been sitting with the decision to simply take a nap prompting him to take a step towards the dorms. It was the opening of the door and the audible near shout of the password that had him stay in place and wait for the familiar girl to walk in. “Edith?” A furrow of his eyebrows gave away his concern and curiosity over what had her so worked up. “ What’s wrong?” Genuine concern laced his words as he took a step towards her, the nap from before long forgotten.
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The Slytherin Common Room was heaving, something that usually occurred during that time of day.  She peered around the room, a sense of disappointment washing over her as she realised Rodolphus would more than likely be surrounded by his usual gang.  Thankfully, today he was alone.  
Edith stepped towards her friend, closing the gap between them.  She tried her hardest to compose herself, but she couldn’t help the audible squeal that erupted from her lips.  “I fucking got it!”  She near cried.
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edithborgin · 6 years
Alaric had never really spoken to Edith but to him it seemed she felt just as cheerful that morning as he did, still he felt it best to try and maintain a pleasant attitude. After all better here than home. “Morning.” He scribbled on His note pad after getting his books out. “We can get started right away if you would like. Maybe if we divide it into sections we can get it done faster.” 
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Originally posted by henry-cavill
Edith took out her quill and began to write.  Name, date and title.  Much like her, her handwriting was chaotic.  Nevertheless her Professors could somehow decipher it.  Her good grades were a testament to that.  
“Have you done your research?”  She questioned, stacking a pile of books in front of them.  “I thought maybe we could begin with either the Manticores or the Erklings?  Personally I think they’re the more interesting.’
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edithborgin · 6 years
Edith strode through the Hogwarts corridors, shoving aside anyone in her way.  Snap after snap erupted from the petite young woman as her fellow students attempted to argue with her.  Today she hadn’t a care in the world.  No one would hamper her mission this morning.  A mere half hour ago she’d received what could possibly the most important news she could ever receive and she was adamant on telling one person in particular.
She near screamed the password and thundered down the staircase and corridor leading to the Slytherin common room.  Her eyes shot across the dimly lit room, desperately seeking out the one person she wanted to speak to.
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edithborgin · 6 years
Edith despised being indoors, especially when the winter sun was blazing across the Hogwarts grounds.  She’d contemplated skipping classes on many an occasion, but never actually had.  Had she done so she may never have had the good news she’d received earlier that week.  She entered the classroom, flung her bag upon the desk and threw herself upon a chair next to her new work partner.  “Morning.”  She drawled out, reaching into her bag for her textbooks.
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Alaric frowned looking at the textbook he was struggling to focus on the writing. It was one of his best subjects so he wasn’t too worried.. besides after this he was probably going to see Zara and cost the magical creatures class that was enough to make him smile he looked down at the name of the person he was working with., Edith. He read sighing. He looked up when he noticed someone sitting beside him.
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edithborgin · 6 years
Aurelius allowed a breathy laugh leave his lips at her words. It was due to the disbelief of this happening and it somewhat scared him. He was glad, though, that they were able to bring things forward. Even if it was a tiny step - it was better than nothing. It was truly amazing. “Always,” he added after coming down from the clouds.
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“I’ll miss you.”  Edie sighed.  She lifted her gaze from their hands to him. She desperately wanted to smile, to find joy in this blissful moment, but a pang of sadness was looming over her. It was only earlier that week she’d received the most important owl imaginable to her. The confirmation that she’d been successful in gaining a position at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Overjoyed, she’d near pranced around the Slytherin dungeon, gaining many a dirty look.  She didn’t care.  It was and always would be her dream job, but it did come with its sacrifices.  Leaving behind those she held dear, Eli being on of them.  Breaking her hand from his, she reached into her pocket and passed him the letter.
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edithborgin · 6 years
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edithborgin · 6 years
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Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. 
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edithborgin · 6 years
Aurelius shivered at the tone of her voice and his hair stood on end. Why could he have feelings for someone that also scared him? This was a question that he often found himself asking himself. Edith was the biggest enigma in his life and he wondered if he would ever solve her. Solve her and see past those barriers. 
When he heard those words and the feeling of Edith placing her hand in his, Aurelius felt his heart beat raise. He didn’t know what to say but he knew he was happy. “Then… then I promise that I shall stay with you… as long as you’ll have me.”
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“As long as you’ll have me.”  Edie replied, a rare smile twisting at her lips.  She peered down at their hands, amazed at how pure and natural it felt to her.  What with the upbringing she’d had, she’d always been somewhat solitary.  Even the simple act of holding someones hand was alien to her and yet with him it felt like second nature.  
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edithborgin · 6 years
“You’re excused, now move.“ He didn’t even look up, instead he just continued to read. At the insult he just rolled his eyes. “And working with dragons seems to not be doing you any favors either.“ He looked up with his usual plain face. “The dry skin. And you know, your face. Very dry and scaly.“ Regulus squinted a bit before looking back down at the pages.
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Edith continued to peer towards him, a look of twisted amusement upon her face.  “It’s the gypsy blood.  Part Welsh, part dragon and all...”  She vexed.  “It’s what makes me so good at my job.”
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