edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
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Sam Underwood’s handout portrait for San Diego Comic-Con International 2014 (2)
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
"Oh, come on now love. What harm can a name do?" He raised his brows, eyes lighting up slightly at the chance to play around with someone again.
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"Now, why would I share such… valuable information with someone locked in a cell?” She asked him, still smiling sweetly, although curious to exactly why he was behind bars.
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
The prisoner wasn't too sure why the security had been a bit, well, absent lately. Maybe there had been a lack of guards, hopefully. He could only hope that the number of them was dwindling down a little. That would be quite satisfactory. When he had first been found out, there had been watchful eyes on him constantly -- even when he was behind the bars. Almost as if he had the capability to cause some damage through the small spaces between those bars, and he supposed he sort of did if he thought about it long enough. Physicality aside, pretty words were sometimes all that was needed to cause some people to stir, and he quite liked doing it that way. "Oh, just delicious," He replied sarcastically himself. "I do love myself a great big lump of whatever the hell it is they feed me." He started to wonder then, about something he hadn't noticed before. At the mention of the medical bay and the bandage on her forehead that he hadn't given a second glance at before. Ed supposed he could ask her about it, eventually. He chuckled at the girl's spice, automatically adding, "Well I had to call you something -- but Harper is just wonderful. Ed will do, though you can call me Edmund if you're feeling particularly formal..."
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Harper continued to look at him, unafraid. If he was really dangerous then the security would have been so much greater and she doubted she would have gotten within a foot of his cell if that was the case. Either way, she was slightly curious about him. “How’s the service in here?” she asked, clearly being sarcastic. “I bet the meals are top notch, they probably beat the medical bay meals by far.” She pressed her fingers to her square piece of bandage that was taped to her forehead and raised an eyebrow. Despite the fact that she had a killer headache, she would rather sit there and continue to talk rather than go back and get someone to help. The last thing she needed was to show this place weakness. Whatever this place was. “Again, sucks for you,” she replied. “Don’t ‘love' me, I hate pet names.” She then paused. “Harper, and I'm guessing you have a name that's not Cell-Block Charlie?”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
He let out a slight angered growl under his breath; but two seconds later and his practiced smile was back in place. He pressed his lips together slightly before speaking, "Not even for a tiny breath of fresh air? It's sweltering down here..." He doubted getting her to feel sorry for him was going to change anything, but anything was worth a try at this point. "You can babysit me obviously. I won't be naughty, I promise." Whether the promise was empty or not, even he didn't know at the current moment.
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She rolls her eyes at him but a smile’s in place. “Oh really? If any of them include you leaving your cell, then you can go ahead and toss those aside.” She raises an eyebrow, “So are any of your requests left?”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Edmund continued to watch the taller man, no doubt trying to work out what he could get from him in his head. He listened to the other's words, a small smile coming to settle on his lips. "Very few citizens pass through here,"He mused, "It's nice... A nice change."
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Axel didn’t get out much. Hell, he rarely got out at all unless is was traversing the galaxies with Nico. No, but, in all reality, Axel was a hermit who preferred to keep to himself. Though, today, he decided to look around and study his environment just in case, and the prison ward was no except. Perhaps he would even find something of interest. At the voice, Axel turned and he rose an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
The man chuckled slightly, moving a little closer towards the bars. "Just telling the truth. What's your name?"
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She smiled lightly at his words, her brow still arched as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, stop, you’re making me blush.”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Edmund let out a low chuckle, shrugging casually. "Understandable." He couldn't help but like the fact that she wasn't too terrified of moving a step too close towards him, or even seemed to be afraid of saying the wrong thing. Maybe it was because she seemed so oblivious -- obviously knowing that he was no good guy, but not really having a clue of how bad his past really was. It was easy to lure those types into his trap, but that wasn't really the road Ed was going down right now in his mind. Of course it wasn't totally innocent in there, but he wasn't really thinking about anything of the macabre. Yet. The girl just better hope that he didn't end up taking a distinct liking to her, or she would be in trouble. Contrary to most criminals, the young man never went after those he disliked. "Not without strict supervision; and even then, it's very rarely." He cocked his head to the side speculatively. "What's your name, love?"
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"Well, Edmund Lyons, I would say it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance in return but that’s still to be determined." The girl’s heel hit the bottom step and she sat down on it, propping her elbows on her knees. She didn’t know if she should be wary or not considering he was behind bars, but the reasons for being inside usually varied and not all were completely horrible, but even so, the bars were enough indication that she should be careful, but then again, she got that sense around everyone lately. Mainly because she had no clue who anyone was and was still to meet someone she recognised or someone recognise her in return. He was trapped, and she was trapped, so there was that. "I’m guessing they don’t let you out for walks or bathroom breaks at all?" She kept her eyes on him, her fingers dancing on her knees absently.
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Eyes fixed on the slightly familiar blonde standing behind the bars, Edmund smiled. She was definitely different than the usual bulky men that were sent to check up on him and the rest. "There is a few ways you could help me..." He replied suggestively, tilting his head to the side as he did.
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Colleen was put on duty again and she was boredly strolling through the halls. She secretly wished someone would get hurt so she could have something to do other than patrol. She felt bad for thinking it, but it was true. She slows when she sees a prisoner move towards their bars and fully stops when he speaks. She looks him up and down before asking, “How may I help you?
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
There was something about the girl stood before him that claimed his attention; had him wanting to know her story. Maybe it was the way she looked like she was carrying a mystery within her. Even though it had to be past midnight, Edmund's eyes were alert and watchful -- his mind never really seeming to rest even after countless of nights spent awake. He let out a soft chuckle at her words, though pointedly ignored her first question, eyes gliding over her features as she became more clearer. "Edmund Lyons," He said, not really sure whether she would have heard of him or not. "It's a pleasure to be acquainted."
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"Sucks to be you," she commented as she glanced down the row of cells. He seemed to be the only one awake. Rubbing the back of her neck, she rolled it a little to get the tension out of it. She had been lying down for so long while they ran tests on her head that her body was still quite stiff. She stepped closer to his cell to get a better look at who was talking to her, but remained at a safe distance so she couldn’t be touched. "I don’t know, do I? Who are you?"
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Catching sight of the redhead, Edmund's smile broadened as he looked the girl over. "Definitely, and especially for one so stunning..."
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Darcy was one her way to find one of the guards, her legs swiftly carrying her through the line of cages when a man spoke. She jumped slightly, swinging her head to the side to look at him, arching a brow slightly, “Is it?”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
He shrugged, blue eyes still trained on the young woman's face. "Pretty much." Seeing that the girl didn't look particularly wary of him quite yet, a few ideas came to rest in his troubled mind. Obviously he would have to work the charm big time, as he highly doubted she was stupid. Using the power of conversation seemed good for now. He could have his fun, but scaring her away would ruin the whole thing. "No, but you've nothing to worry about while I'm behind here, do you?"
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"I can see why," Harper mumbled in reply as she narrowly avoided stepping on the body of a small dead rat. Kicking it out the way with the toe of her shoe, she looked back at the guy behind bars. "I would ask if you come here often but by the looks of it, you don’t go anywhere else." She folded her arms over her chest and tilted her head ever so slightly. She wasn’t from around so had no prior knowledge to the man’s extra curricular activities nor would she remember it if she did. She was like a walking blank slate with only a name in tow. "I’m guessing they didn’t lock you up for stealing the last twinkie?"
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Edmund silently watched the girl, intrigued. Of course it was just another case of someone getting lost. Nobody willingly went down to hang out with the prisoners. Especially not him, out of all of them. "I'm just saying hello. People don't come down here often. Well, you know - except for guards."
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Harper was yet again wandering around to curb her own boredom, and it didn’t take her long before she was completely lost. Heading down a flight of steps, she ended up in front of a row of cells. “This ain’t the kitchens.” Raising an eyebrow, she looked around, startling when a voice spoke. “Uh, what?” 
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Ed was sat in his cell as usual, relying on his own mind as his only source of entertainment. He needed to think up a better trick to get the hell out of there, and fast. Spotting a silhouette making their way down the aisle of cells, his eyes immediately lit up. Making his way closer to the bars that separated him and the person, he smirked. "Well, well. What a lovely surprise."
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
Edmund didn't even try to look guilty; as he didn't feel that he even was. People may think that what he was doing was wrong -- but he really did have no idea. If this girl was to run away frightened after this, then the least she could do was feel some kind of sympathy toward his obvious insanity. He wasn't happy about her telling anyone, but now she was here he couldn't just simply get out of the situation. "You might want to take my arm. It's very dark in here," The man said gently, slowly turning towards the entrance of what looked to be a dark abyss.
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April’s heart was thumping in her chest, she could feel her pulse in her throat. This man, he’s insane. At current, she couldn’t tell what made him insane but he is insane. Her head was spinning. She wanted to feel and look brave and her constant pushing to give off that aura above the fear around her was exhausting. “So you did lie?” April said with a balanced voice, she need to keep up her game. “Okay then, we’ll call this a confidentiality. If it’s something that shouldn’t be kept a secret, I’ll tell someone else.”
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
This guy -- this stranger who had just happened to catch Edmund's eye, had everything and nothing to lose. He was safe just as much as he wasn't. As of right now, the man had a very good chance at getting out of being a part of Ed's never-ending list of creations. Or failures. There would always be the times that whatever messed up thing that he had designed in his head didn't exactly work out the same way in reality. Things were more complicated outside of Edmund's little messed up mind. Of course it would continue to be messy, but it was the only way that he could progress. The only way that science as a whole could ever progress.
He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the next words that fell out of the man's mouth. His name? Well, at least they were finally getting somewhere. "It's nice to meet you, Axel. I'm Edmund," He smiled, wondering for a second whether he should offer his hand for the other man to shake. Such a random formality could easily throw him off a little, so he decided not to. Everything was going so well as it was; he didn't want any silly gesture spoiling the whole moment. "And therapy? You think I just sit on park benches waiting for the perfect patient to hop along so I can sweet-talk them back into happy land?" Again with the smile. Ed would never get anywhere if it wasn't for his humour, however unusual it sometimes was.
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Axel was still iffy about opening up to this man, but, he figured it wouldn’t hurt. There were some nice people, decent people, out in the world who had troubles probably worse than him. Axel always tried to think that there were indeed others who had even worse problems, like, losing a son or a daughter, their spouse, their entire life’s savings, their home, their sense of security gone. Children who were stuck growing up in this type of world without parents, without guidance, who were lost and weary. Axel wondered if this all was some sick joke, or if this was some bizarre nightmare that no one could wake up from.
Whatever it was, Axel wanted no part in it. He was used to keeping to himself, sure, but, it had only escalated over the years. Sure he joked around and liked to mess with others, but, as far as letting anyone in, it wasn’t possible. He never thought it could be possible. But, this guy didn’t seem so bad….he didn’t seem evil or malicious. He probably just had a lot to deal with and wanted to help someone else with their troubles. Axel actually thought that was an act of kindness on his part. Axel still didn’t know this dude’s name. Before he opened up to anyone, he at least wanted to know their name.
"Before we start with any type of therapy, mind if I ask your name? Mine’s Axel."
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edmundlyons-blog · 10 years
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