educationeries · 4 years
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Champagne Breakfast. Nick Alm, 2015
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educationeries · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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educationeries · 4 years
rare feelings
being completely immersed into a book as if you’re watching a movie
being able to study for a long time without being distracted
wandering upon a scent that reminds you of a distant memory from your childhood that you haven’t smelled for years and years
the freedom of letting yourself do something badly (like art or learning) and knowing you’re progressing every day
being completely happy despite the bad things because you remember every little good thing and kind person in your life
stargazing in a remote landscape and feeling existentially precious and insignificant at the same time
waking up early enough to see the darkness turn to sunrise 
finding someone who is radiant in every way
being consistent with a goal you’ve been working on for the longest time and seeing the finished result
knowing that one chapter of your life has ended and a better one is beginning
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educationeries · 4 years
“1. Your skin may never be perfect, and that’s okay. 2. Life is too short not to have the underwear, the coffee, and the haircut you want. 3. Everyone (including your family, your coworkers, and your best friend) will talk about you behind your back, and you’ll talk about them too. It doesn’t mean you don’t love each other. 4. It’s okay to spend money on things that make you happy. 5. Sometimes without fault or reason, relationships deteriorate. It will happen when you’re six, it will happen when you’re sixty. That’s life.”
— Five things I am trying very hard to accept (via aumoe)
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educationeries · 4 years
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a couple paintings/rain studies I did
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educationeries · 4 years
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Trying to find something to motivate myself and I found this little line from Van Gogh
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educationeries · 4 years
How liberating it is to pursue wholeness instead of perfection
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educationeries · 4 years
being an adult is about being excited to try new tea flavours
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educationeries · 4 years
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my attempt at trying to be fancy 
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educationeries · 4 years
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No editing necessary for this kind of light 🖤
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educationeries · 4 years
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educationeries · 5 years
you don’t protect your heart by acting like you don’t have one
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educationeries · 5 years
stop believing that you ran out of time to shape yourself into who you want to be! stop believing that its ruined! stop believing you don’t have potential! you are not a fixed being! you have endless opportunities to grow.
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educationeries · 5 years
start working out now. make that hair dresser appointment now. let your next meal be the healthiest you’ve ever eaten. move the furniture in your room right now. text that old friend or crush. make a new playlist. go on a run. open a window. it doesn’t matter what you do, no matter how big or small change is; change is change. and it will always, always, always help you to turn your life around and clear your head. it gives you that boost, that confidence to be a better version of yourself, no matter the impact it has.
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educationeries · 5 years
you should never date someone for the sake of dating someone. you should be good friends, if not best friends with your partner. if you cant go to your partner for personal advice, if youre afraid to call your partner out on something, if you cant laugh and have fun with your partner, or if your conversations are only ever performative affection, you don’t have a good relationship
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educationeries · 5 years
Things I Do At The Start Of Every Month
• Upload and delete photos from my phone. Google Photos has become my best friend, so once a month I make sure to upload all my recent photos to it, and then delete (most of) them from my phone to free up space.  •Figure out monthly finances and budget. I try to determine what the month should like for me money wise. Where do I have money coming in? Where is money most likely going to go? What’s the max I want to spend in each area? Sometimes it really helps, other times it doesn’t.   •Review + rearrange calender. I pull up Google Calendar, my dry erase board and planner and make sure everything is the same in each. I add events, rearrange them, and delete others.  •Make plans w/ friends and family. This isn’t something I do all the time, but if I really want to go out to eat or do something special with my mum or a sibling I’ll let them know and we’ll try to set a date to do so.  •Schedule appointments. More like make a list of things I need to schedule in the upcoming days/week. •Make/Buy birthday/holiday cards. I usually handmake my cards so having them premade is less stressful than waiting the day before (or day of) to try and draw out something spectacular.  •Plan off/zero/me days. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Sometimes you just need to make sure you have a day or two set to just focus on you. •Wash and clean car. I don’t own a car but I try to make sure the one I primarily ride in is fairly clean inside in general.   •Change bedding. Actually, I do this more often now. I change my bedding twice a month and wash my pillowcases once a week.  •Essentials shopping trip. If I’m in need of a face cleanser, lotion, toothpaste, I plan to go get it.  •Deep clean my bedroom/Reorganise my spaces. That’s the only area I really have to clean. I’ll sweep/mop the floor. Dust everything down. Clean my mirrors. Reorganise my shelves, dresser top, and closet. •Write down broad goals and to-dos. Basically, a rough idea of what I hope to accomplish and things that have to get done over the next few weeks. •Wash makeup brushes/give my makeup a good wipe down. Have no fear, I wash my makeup brushes at least once a week and spray them down with my daily brush cleaner, but sometimes I get lazy and leave the ones I don’t use that often dirty. Therefore, I’ll go ahead and wash them and really clean off/disinfect my palettes, lipglosses, foundation etc  •Pick two books to read this month. This is just from one of my yearly goals to read a new book every two months. I’ve been trying to choose one on my reading list and a ‘self-help’ type book.
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educationeries · 5 years
study moods
sleepy dawn
open windows
listening to lo-fi
wearing pyjamas
planning your day, creating to-do lists
the sky is pretty
spring breeze
coming back after a walk
drinking a glass of water
getting a head-start on the assignment
the great feeling of productivity, ah
cozy evening
sitting on your bed
rewarding yourself afterwards with a bath or chocolate
highlighting with your favourite markers
warm tea or cocoa next to you
night vision
it’s way too late, but you gotta finish that essay
rock music all the way
everything is a mess
you’re gonna be okay though
cinnamon afternoon
drinking coffee
doing some math exercises
listening to a chill/coffeehouse playlist
scrolling through tumblr in your little breaks
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