edwardtoonks · 5 years
“You would think we’d be allowed a little time to adjust since returning from a six week break, wouldn’t you?” Lily commented to no one in particular as she dropped her Transfiguration text book down onto an available table in the back corner of the library, the wood creaking under the weight of it. She dropped down into her chosen seat with a huff, her bag falling to the floor at her feet as she opened her textbook. “If today’s anything to go by, I’ll be lucky if I have time to breathe let alone do anything else.”
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a laugh escapes his lips at lily’s comment, "we've just had six week break lils. that was our time to relax, it’s back to work now. what’s up anyway? got a test to study for ALREADY” . he sits down next to her and reaches for his own books, he was happy to be back at school. he’d missed seeing all of his friends. “i’m sure it’s not that bad, hey why don’t you prioritize things? make a list, see if that helps” . 
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2nd September 1976
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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hello lovelies! i'm corrie, i'm twenty three and i'm from the gmt timezone (aka the UK). i'm the biggest hufflepuff you'll ever meet (i even have cedric diggorys wand to prove it) and have a lot of love for the tonks/lupin families TBH.  i’ve never played ted before so please bear with me, i’m trying my hardest not to butcher him aha. ANYWAYS undercut is all the info you need on ted tonks: 
so this is edward “ted” tonks, he’s always gone by ted. he was born to two very loving muggle parents and he’s an only child
he found out that he was a wizard when as a child he was playing with some of the local wizard kids (ofc he had no idea that they were wizards), they taught him some spells and allowed him to use a wand.....he blew some things up. 
his parents were like “okay. wtf is going on” BUT with the help of other wizard parents, they found out about hogwarts and sent him there. 
he’s quite a popular hufflepuff, everyone seems to like him. he’s a friendly chap and he’s always down to help ya with ur charms homework if ya need a hand
ofc he’s had his fair share of mean comments due to his background BUT he’s trying his hardest to keep cool && to not let them get to him.
unlike some of the other witches and wizards at hogwarts right now, he doesn’t care about the whole pureblood/muggle thing. 
since he was born in the wizarding world, he’s never had to deal with those prejudices and finds it all a bit dumb. HE JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE!!
BUT anyway enough of the serious stuff. he’s real big into muggle music and brought his record player with him 2 hogwarts. 
he’s super messy, like really messy, he always looks so unkempt. like he legit rolls out of bed sometimes and goes to class. not even looking at himself in the mirror before he goes.
HE’S ALWAYS HUNGRY, he eats like a horse, always snackin’ on something
he’s always wearing a funky shoe on his foot, like yellow docs or something like that. school shoes?? nah!!
over the summer of this year he did try out some funky colours with her hair, but his mum made him dye it back to his natural brown lol. 
ANYWAYS that’s all i have on ted for now, please if you’d like to plot, then like this post && i’ll message you!! cool?? cool!! xx
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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Nick Robinson is just so damn cute and adorable! He’s starring in a play on Broadway right now, and of course you’ve seen him in ‘Love, Simon, ‘Melissa & Joey,’ and other films and TV shows.
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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charater aesthetic: Hufflepuff - the loyal, the devoted.
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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edwardtoonks · 5 years
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tag dump!!
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