edwintumaliuan21 · 2 years
College Life: A hard yet fulfilling journey.
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The years spent in college are often regarded as some of the most memorable. From school life, it is altogether different. We are exposed to new things and experiences during college that we were not previously exposed to. Some people believe that living it up and partying hard are essential components of college life. Others, meanwhile, need to take their careers seriously and devote themselves to rigorous study in order to have a better future.
But for everyone of us, college life will always be a special period. Not everyone has the good fortune to go to college. Many factors prevent some people from having the opportunity to attend college. Sometimes they are unable to do so because they lack the necessary financial resources, while other times they are burdened by additional obligations. Those who have experienced college life often yearn to go back in time and relive it all. Mo
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A friend is someone you can rely on no matter what happens. Although it is cool to say "they are my friends, finding some can be challenging.
College can occasionally be like a test to see who your true pals are. College will undoubtedly reveal some of the true friends that can last a lifetime and some of the friends that tend to fade as the years go by, whether it be the best friend you have had since kindergarten or the friend you just made in your last year of high school.
The kind of friends you meet up with and can have a relaxed, unhurried discussion with as if you hadn't been away from them for very long are the kind of friends you don't have to talk to for a year and in just one day.
On the pictures above, these are my sole friends that i did not even expected to. At times when my whole world was crumbling. At times when i am filled with excitement and joy, they were the ones who are there. they were the ones who accepted my whole being.
I was never really that friendly in the past year levels. During elementary up to senior highschool, I was branded as the school nerd. I was just that at the corner reading a book, or scrolling up and down the internet. Knowing all of these, it is then evident that I did not know how to socialize. I was used to not having any interactions. I was used to not having friends. I was used to being alone.
Despite that, me being socially inept, it was a golden moment for me when people started to approach me. At first I did not like it. It made me uncomfortable but as time passed by, it became my safe place. It was warm, kind, and gentle. It was healing the past me. It was golden and I am forever grateful for these people who taught me that I am not alone and that I am important.
Furthermore, i never expected to be an officer of my department. I was appointed as the PSG Auditor. At first it was fun, but as time passed by, it got heavy. Mountains of responsibilities were given, it was tiring and i wanted to quit.
But, being in the PSG office gained me something. And it is friendship, although i want to quit, i will never quit on them and stay with them as we all struggle. At the end of the day, after a huge task, it always pays when i see all of them lit up with glee, with smiles that goes up beyond their faces.
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Choosing psychology comes with a lot of stereotypes. "Why choose psychology? It barely gains any salary"; "Can you tell what I am thinking?"; "I am crazy, can you tell?". These are only a few. Despite studying psychology has been a dream, and it is what keeps me going. Let me tell you my motivations and transformations all thorough out my journey.
As an aspiring psychologist, I am motivated to focus on my studies and advance towards my goal of becoming a psychologist by the remarkable transformation I have personally undergone as a result of the therapeutic relationship's strength that I created with numerous people.
If i am not mistaken, family is something to he considered... home. But what happens when that homes also serves as a wrecking ball to crush everything on it's way. As I go on with my life, I wanted to change the flow of my family. I wanted to know what was wrong and what to do to solve it. With that in mind, i am inspired to try and be a catalyst for this kind of change in other people's lives because I realize how much self-reflection, the priceless lesson of how to learn from pain, and developing a deeper awareness of who I am have improved the quality of my own life and so does the ones of whom i hold dear. Knowing all the things that I have been through, i'm driven to inspire individuals so they can be self-assured enough to not feel weak and alone and if they want to inspire, they can also do it.
I keep in mind the influence that the work I want to do has on people's lives and those around them when being an aspiring psychologist feels especially difficult. I firmly believe that major change begins at the individual level. If we want to live in a world where the earth and all its inhabitants are valued, we must start by working on ourselves. To be honest, my mental health was also a wreck, I was unstable and even did lacerations to somehow divert the pain, but it did not alleviate the pain rather, it only pilled up.
Studying psychology for three years has been amazing yet tiring most especially the hectic schedules that reaches 8 pm. Despite that I always go back to my roots on why i started, it is to heal myself and also others.
I really want to support people as they go through a change to become more tolerant, sensitive, and loving individuals. I believe that individuals are nicer and more loving to those around them when they are more at ease and accepting of who they are, i learned this the hard way.
Although psychology is hard. The journey was a good one. I am only half-way towards the end. I hope and pray that this journey would lead me to my destiny. Dear God, if it is your will, i will follow
I have experienced a lot and i will continue to fight for it. From school struggles, tasks, and even love life. I will always cherish them... FOREVER
To the one reading this, have a good day!
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edwintumaliuan21 · 2 years
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edwintumaliuan21 · 2 years
-La Vie-
NOTE: "Play as you read."
Who is Edwin?
As life continue to go through its course, each of us go through a cycle, a cycle in which we did not even ponder would happen. As we leap through the unknown, life truly has its own up and downs. I am Edwin John and this is my journey.
The story begins at one faithful day during the EDSA Peoples Power Revolution. There I get to see a glimpse of the world, an page-less book but now with numerous chapters.
At the start of my College years, I was as confused as anyone else. Imagine a Person who was quarantined with the rest of the world and now going out in the open. I was a Seminarian, an Aspiring Priest turned to an aspiring Psychologist. The transition surely was a drastic change of pace but here I found something that I did not expect to find -- it was me. I FOUND MYSELF, HAPPY AND FULFILLED.
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Isn't it just thrilling to ponder about what will happen to us in the future? Although we don't have the answer to this as of right now but it is already on the palm of our hands. With that in mind, where and what would I be in the Future?
As of right now, I am a Third Year College student from Saint Paul University Philippines, taking up the course of BS Psychology. Taking up this course was rather unexpected. All my life I thought my dreams was already already within my reach. 5 years from now, I still expected to enter the congregation of priests and be a priest itself. But life truly took its turn and here I am at Saint Paul.
Psychology was not my first option but it turned out to be one of the best choices that I made. Here in Psychology, I got to understand a numerous things not just myself but also 'PEOPLE'.
At this stage I got to still have my purpose and it is to serve people. Here in psychology I get to serve people through understanding them for who they are and lead them into a brighter light.
Here in SPUP. Here in Psychology I got to grab a chance on what I would want to be and it is to Serve People and Guiding them a fulfilled life.
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