eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
It is not bad to vote for something because of personal experience. Because when you vote in a democracy, you get the leaders that represent the people who vote. If one person for example votes for someone who wants all people with the name John out of the country, because that person got beaten up by a guy named John (I assume here that the reason is grounded upon something) and that person wants John to go away, then you have one person who voted for the party that wants all Johns to leave the country. That's not bad in itself. The problem occurs when a lot of people vote for the party of Johnleave. The problem with this example is that it is theoretically possible for one guy named John tot beat everyone in the country up, which causes everyone to vote for the party, which is bad for every other John that is innocent. Now it would be easy to say that it will be very unlikely for one guy to beat up everyone, for one because everyone can just gang up on him and beat him up together. But that is not the solution to the problem. The thing is, that the solution is that everyone has a bit of nuance in their opinions. So there is never a political party that wants all John's to leave, when only one John does something wrong, because that causes these kind of problems that can't be fixed by logic. Also, you would think that for someone to vote on a party that wants John's out of the country, a guy named John must have done something pretty bad and/ or there must be a good chance of this guy John doing it again, or doing it. And well, it is very unlikely that a guy named John can do this to one person, let alone an entire country. Also, for the doing it again part, most of the time there is a way of making sure this doesn't happen again when it happens to a large group of people. I just realised that there is a way for an entire country to feel scared of John, even without John beating people personally up and even with John being caught. Because of the media.. people see someone who is like them being beaten up bij John and they associate them with themselves. Also, people keep the fear of John doing it again and again because John is no longer a person, John is no longer a group of people, John is an idea
...okayy.. well this got side tracked very, very far from the point. The point is that it is indeed not wrong for people to vote because of their personal experience. For what you see now is not personal experience, it is experience you see or hear trough the media and you associate it with yourself. The reasons that are less.. desirable, are: voting based on a false reason, voting for no reason, voting because you think the candidate is hot, voting because of rasiscm, seksism etc. Voting because you  agree with the plans of the party, then it is not a bad reason to vote for them. If the reason is hate, then it is important to deal with the hate, it is the governments job (I think) to have nuance. The government is supposed to talk and think about the situation in the country. If the people vote on a problem, the government doesn't have to follow the vote of the country blindly, they are being paid to think and have some nuance and most importantly, try to make everyone happy. (That's also why you mostly don't want presidents who just want to do everything the people want, it's like unfiltered water.) Because, finally, it is not a bad thing to change your mind, it means you grew and for politicians to say: okay so I heard a guy named John was beating you all up and now you want all John's to leave, I can see how that sucks, I'm going to talk to this John guy and then I'll get back to you. Also, I see that there is a hate of John guys in general going on, you know there is nuance right? Because of that, these next couple of weeks John's will come show you they don't want to beat you up.
So, what do you think?
I realise that this may be to long, boring, or random to read. I just thought about this when I was convincing this guy not to vote for this party because of.. well scare tactics (I know, weak) but he actually agreed with all the consequences, so I was thinking of more reasons for him not to vote for this party and just realised: 'hmm maybe it's not so bad for him to vote for them, it is what he wants' most other people just vote for this party because they simply don't know what this party wants. Most people aren't extreme really, they aren't that rasisct, they just don't know. And they often do vote because they have this hidden reason that's actually way less extreme and way more understandable.
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
I find it hard to determine if I don't do something because of my morals, or if I'm Just lazy.
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
When you're really crushing on someone, your Body Just seems to Make it impossible to eat (nausea, Dry mouth etc.) it's almost as if your Body says: ' welk fuck it, this one's gone, might as well Just die.'
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
Plusses of being An adult: being less self-consciouss. Downside: being less conscious.
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
Going into puberty is questioning and fighting everything your parents and Society has told you to Accept. Getting Out of puberty is accepting it.
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
bad joke
‘’This is the German coastguard. What are you sinking about? ‘’
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
A genuine question: why do we hate coldness more than warmness?
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
Just realised the stereotype man finds women dumb, weak and  adorable in that way. My surprise lied in the fact that men think that as well, I mean that’s what I’ve always thought about (those) men. Turns out, we’re all dumb. 
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
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The Half Hour S05E08 – Cy Amundson
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eennaamblabla-blog · 8 years
You: later gator
Me, an intellectual: the future holds a large reptile
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