eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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Story of my life! #exjwlife #walkaway #hurtssogood #exjw https://www.instagram.com/p/B4I6l9Gg9AE/?igshid=12e3hngkl8nk5
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
A Sea Witch’s Knots 101 - The Bowline
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Tonight, I’m going to be discussing another ancient knot, sometimes called the king of the knots – the bowline.
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
That witch feel when you get excited about thunder and lightning because the environment energizes you ⛈
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
Motherfucking Lavender Lemonade
Five simple fucking ingredients in this bitch right here. This is some good shit to make when you are feeling bougie as fuck. High-fructose corn syrup? Naw son, I don’t play that. Hit this with some vodka though, different story. Max relax.
5 cups of water
½ -¾ cup sugar (yeah, it is fucking lemonade. without the sugar it is just real sour fucking water)
¾ cup Meyer lemon juice, about 6 lemons (you can just use the regular lemons at the store too, not a dealbreaker)
juice of half a lime
4 sprigs of fresh lavender
Bring the water to a boil in a medium pot. Add the sugar and simmer that shit on a low heat for about 5 minutes. Make sure to stir it on the regular. The sugar should be all dissolved in the water by now with no little fucking grains rolling around in there. Turn off the heat and stir in the lemon juice, lime juice, and lavender. Let it cool until it is around room temperature. Take the lavender pieces out but use a fucking spoon and not your fingers if you are going to serve that shit to other people. Put the lemonade in the fridge to cool down all the way. Serve with lemon wedges and a pinch of dried lavender if you want it to look fucking impressive.
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makes about 1 quart of chill the fuck out
Found on Facebook from Chaos Witch
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eerieerielady-blog · 5 years
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Sophia Dorothea of Celle, Electoral Princess of Hanover (1666-1726)
Daughter of a Love Match
Daughter of George William, Duke of Brunswick-Luneberg ruler of Celle and his mistress Eleanore d’Esmier d’Olbreuse (morganatically married because they were of different social ranks). Sophia was legitimized in 1674, her mother was made the Duchess of Wilhelmsburg, and in 1676 her mother and father were married officially.
Marriage to “that pig snout!” Cousin
Sophia became a very eligible woman on the marriage market because she brought with her a large dowry, but instead making a match abroad or with someone appealing she was married to her cousin, George Louis. George Louis was also in the line of English succession through his mother’s lineage.
Troubled Marriage
Sophia and George Louis had a problematic marriage, because they both disliked each other. They would have loud arguments where they both criticized each other. However, they did have two children: George August (later King George II of England and father of George III) and Sophia Dorothea (later mother of Frederick the Great of Prussia).
Estrangement and Extramarital Affairs
When George Louis took up with Melusina von Schulenburg, he was began to actively ignore his wife, Sophia Dorothea. During this period of their marriage Sophia herself took up with someone, the Swedish Count Philip Christoph von Königsmarck. He was reportedly very handsome and tall. Sophia and Königsmarck were already acquainted in Celle when they were younger, and they were attracted to each other then. Upon returning to Hanover, Sophia and Königsmarck took up with each other again more seriously. They began to write each other passionate love letters. By putting their affair on paper, it made it easier for Sophia’s father-in-law, Ernest August, the Elector of Hanover, find out about it. Königsmarck was sent back into military service, this time fighting for the Hanoverians against Louis XIV. Königsmarck left his assigned post to return to Hanover; Ernest August responded by exiling him.
Failed Elopement, Murder, and Imprisonment
At this point George Louis was aware of the affair between Sophia and Königsmarck. When the two lovers planned to elope in 1694, George Louis’ current mistress, the Countess Clara Elisabeth von Platen had found out and told George Louis. Whether George Louis sent his men to intercept Königsmarck or not, the Count never made it to his rendezvous with Sophia and he disappeared. Some sources say that after he was murdered in the Leine Palace his body was put under the corridor floorboards and quicklime was used to decompose his body. Other sources say that he was thrown into the Leine river (this is a new one to me, I had never heard this version).  Not only was Sophia Dorothea’s marriage to George Louis dissolved, but she was under house arrest for the rest of her life, which was more than thirty years. When Sophia Dorothea died, George Louis forbid mourning for her in London (he was King of Great Britain at this point) and Hanover, however, his daughter Sophia Dorothea’s court in Berlin mourned for her. George Louis died four weeks later.
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eerieerielady-blog · 6 years
Possible translations of quintessential Greek words that can never be fully explained
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| Read more-> flip.it/Feozu1
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