Always remember that, stars look small but shine so bright and beautiful.
vomitingwords (via kushimaki)
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Bajoran Redesign
This one’s not as weird as the Trill, sorry guys.
Down at the bottom are Kira and Odo.
The Bajorans are a narrow species, notable for their relatively deep chests, large lungs, and and large hearts that make them excellent sprinters. Their nostrils and airways are broad, increasing air intake. The top speed of a Bajoran athlete is around 45 mph (72 kph), and their agility is top-notch, able to turn on a dime. However, they’re not great with stamina, and Bajorans tire more quickly than comparable species. It’s not something you’d notice in day-to-day activity. Just be aware that when you’re on a long hike in the mountains, the Bajoran in your group is probably going to be the first one to ask for a break. They also tend to have small feet but that’s not really all that important.
Bajorans have very large eyes relative to their skull size, and their eyesight is excellent. They prefer dimmer lighting than humans, and pick up movement very well.
They’re (generally) very agile, due to their flexible spines and great balance.
They look kind of tall in the proportions picture, but the average Bajoran female is only around 5'3", males 5'4". To humans, they seem very androgynous. Females usually have slightly narrower shoulders, broader hips (though still narrow by human standards–Bajorans only gestate for five months, and their babies are small and vulnerable), longer arms, longer tails, and more hair on their chest and underneath their breasts (that hair would have allowed ancestral Bajoran babies to better hold onto their mothers. It just never evolved away.) Bajoran males have slightly smaller eyes. and squarer jaws.
Because of the short gestation and Bashir mentioning “high vascularization” between parent and fetus, they are born with two umbilical cords, so they have two scars, on either side of their abdomen. Doctors always monitor the fetus closely to make sure that it doesn’t get tangled up in utero because that can make for a complicated birth.
I didn’t feel like making up genitalia but instead of making them Barbies I put them in lovely floral undies, you’re welcome.
I like Odo with this design. I imagine him sitting in his office with his tail forming a puddle down beside his chair. If you knock on his door, he sucks it up and it’s a proper tail again. He still hasn’t quite mastered how the tail works, though, and it can be a little disconcerting when it doesn’t act the way a tail should.
If anyone ever has any questions or suggestions, please speak up! I’d love to discuss how things could/should be, and I always forget to write stuff in when I’m posting.
[pose references from SenshiStock on DeviantART]
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My kinds of ships are the ships where the men know their women are powerful forces of nature and that they could fuck up entire armies in a matter of seconds and THEY EMBRACE IT AND TAKE PRIDE IN IT???! “Oh… It’s not me you should be worried about… It’s my WIFE.“ *smirks* YAAASSSSSSSSSS GIVE ME MORE.
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((Random drawing ask meme!))
((Feel free to reblog! 😄 - I’ll draw my character happy. 😠 - I’ll draw my character angry 😔 - I’ll draw my character sad 😴 - I’ll draw my character asleep 🤒 - I’ll draw my character sick 😈 - I’ll draw my character evil 😇 - I’ll draw my character as a saint 😨 - I’ll draw my character like they just realized something bad 👦 - I’ll draw my character young 🍺 - I’ll draw my character drunk 💺 - I’ll draw my character sitting on a chair 😎 - I’ll draw my character wearing sunglasses 🎩 - I’ll draw my character dressed dapper 👓 - I’ll draw my character wearing glasses 👑 - I’ll draw my character as a prince/princess 🌳 - I’ll draw my character sitting on a tree branch 🎡 - I’ll draw my character on a ferris wheel. 🏕 - I’ll draw my character camping in a tent. 🏖 - I’ll draw my character on a beach. 🌧 - I’ll draw my character in the rain 🌨 - I’ll draw my character in the snow 🗑 - I’ll draw my character in a trash can 🎮 - I’ll draw my character playing video games 📸 - I’ll draw my characters reaction to a surprise picture 🎈 - I’ll draw my character holding a balloon 📝 - I’ll draw my character writing something down 📢 - I’ll draw my character being startled by a loud noise ❓ - Anything of your choice. ))
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Gul Dukat, 8th Prefect of Bajor, was flanked by his three members of his entourage as he strode through the promenade. His face was set grimly with purpose, even as he felt the stress levels of his second spike every time someone looked too long in their direction. Dukat, however, was completely confident in his safety and the competence of those with him to keep him safe.
“We should have just sent the changeling.” Damar said, again, keeping a hand on his weapon as he glared down another nameless worker that happened to look up at the procession.
“No.” Gul Dukat said firmly, keeping the pace brisk and quick. “No, this is something that I want to see to. Personally.”
Before Damar could argue back, they were there, in front of the meanders workshop. The guards at wall saluted Dukat when he drew near, he didn’t even look to acknowledge them, walking into the pleasantly dark, but rather musty smelling workstation where the seamstress was at work. His eyes searched the room for any other signs of workers in the shop. Not seeing any right away, his eyes trained back onto her and claps his hands together giving her a cold smile.
“Well, well, here you are. Still at work. You know, I am rather surprised at your diligence. There are few who would stay at the scene of their own crime and continue on like… nothing had happened at all.” His voice had a sharp edge to each syllable. “But, then again, there is nowhere to run if you had tried.”
There was a raise of her gaze to the prefect only after he had stated his words. She slid the tools and the cloth out of her way, it being clear that he was not for any clothing. Her silence remained as she pushed herself to a standing position where his advantage would be lessened. A short woman she was, however there was no fear into staring into the face of an enemy. There was not a single intention of letting him intimidate her in any way.
" I would only wish to complete my tasks as best as I am able to, of course. I would not want to face any punishment that resulted from disappointment in my work. " She gestured towards the tools and the clothing that currently sat on the desk.
A brow was ever raised so slightly at the claims that he had made about a crime she had supposedly committed. The hilarity of his words made her want to laugh, however she knew much better. If she were to committ a crime upon this station, she would not be fool enough to be caught, even under the watchful eyes of the Cardassians. Naprem folded her arms across her chest, managing a neutral expression to not reveal an emotion to him. She would do anything for the sake of her people, however she was not one to take risks, the subject that the prefect was speaking of... It most definitely was not done by her.
" I'm not such a fool, prefect, to commit such actions against the Cardassians, I very much know of your... Temper. " The severe scars on her back spoke of earlier disobedience. " Perhaps it is not a crime at all, rather you want to harm a Bajoran, a a crime most definitely would provide a justification. Go ahead and punish me, I'm not going to be the one with a heavy conscience. "
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“You’re a very brave woman, Miss Tora.”  “Yes, well. We see where that’s gotten me.”
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              SPACE and time takes violent things – angry things – and makes them kind.
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starter call !!!
if you would simply like a small starter, feel free to like this post &&. if you would like a para starter, feel free to message me!
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naprem had strong survivor guilt from the time that she spent in the labor camp. from her own mother dying in front of her & those who died besides her, she often found herself feeling guilty of surviving these events when she should have died along with them. she had kept it to herself but when people weren't looking, there's an expression in her eyes that gives away her guilt.
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I’m a very big fan of female characters who fight for justice and could probably kill me
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Intense close ups on fabric for one of Ziyal’s dresses.
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finally drew up a proper design & color pallette for naprem. i really like the outfit i designed for her tbh,, it really fits her personality && quite vibrant
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in 2375 nurse: ma'am you've been dead since 2366 naprem: i can't wait to see my favorite daughter
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Angels fight, angels cry Angels dance and angels d i e
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Memory Meme
Past experiences help shape who we are currently, how we see the world. Send in a symbol and I’ll write a drabble of one of my muse’s memories. 
❥ - a childhood memory
♣ - a fading memory
✂ - a vivid memory
✖ - a repressed memory
✈ - an eye-opening memory
✤ - a memory that involves romance/love
☤ - a memory of death/loss
✍ - a memory of their mother
☽ - a memory of their father
♘ - a memory of their sibling(s)
✌ - a memory of a relative
↕ - a memory that may or may not have happened
♚ - a memory of something paranormal
✓ - a sexual memory
♬ - a friend/best friend memory
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