eggostudies · 7 years
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Rare study tips just in time for the new year Credit: Tips by @studybllog, poster by me
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eggostudies · 7 years
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17/11/16 // came home from school at lunch time today because I had two frees last. I’ve taken my dog for a walk in the wind & rain and managed to catch up with my planner and english literature analysis of a street car named desire. now I’m about to try and finish my english language coursework for tomorrow ahh wish me luck📝🍂
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eggostudies · 7 years
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19/04/17 (April 19th, 2017)
Wrote notes from my textbooks after class
Made flash cards for exams
Watched seinfeld to relax cause I’ve been really stressed!😭  studygram
[Listening to: Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots]
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eggostudies · 7 years
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| Tuesday, April 18th, 1/100 days of productivity | 
Hello friends! I’ve finally decided to start this productivity challenge. My grades are doing well, but I’ve noticed that I’m not as productive as I would like to be. That’s why I want to post more of my own content on my blog to keep myself productive. 
Today I went to the local public library to study for my upcoming maths exam (which I am very scared of tbh!). I also borrowed a new book for me to read! I’ve always wanted to read a book by Murakami and I’m finally getting around to it.What do you guys think about his books? I really hope that I will like the one I got.
I hope you’re all having a great day wherever you are!  xo Sunny 
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eggostudies · 7 years
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july 08, 2016 (4/100) 🌧 woke up at 5am and got ready for school only to find out classes were suspended 😅 sushi plans got cancelled because of the weather so i stayed home and rewrote my filipino class notes 📋☁️🌫
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eggostudies · 7 years
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03.16.17: Have you ever failed to understand a subject to the point where you’ve decided to just accept your death because same
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eggostudies · 7 years
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4 / 3 / 17 Kicking off some cozy studying in this weirdly cold weather (it’s only March??)
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eggostudies · 7 years
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| 16.04.2017 | how biology takes over your lazy sunday’s - six pages of notes! starting 100 days of productivity tomorrow - trying to ride this holiday motivation high!
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eggostudies · 7 years
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Forever in need of motivation and time haha. I can believe September is almost over, I feel like school started not too long ago. Hopefully I can make it through this semester 😅
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eggostudies · 7 years
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Apps for productivity and time management
There is no doubt that phones and laptops can be distracting when trying to study. Attempting to balance using either for fun and working can be difficult, especially if get distracted easily. Here are 12 apps that you can download to make your time management a million times better!
Forest - $1.99 iOS | free android | chrome | firefox | website Grow a tree each time you set a period of time to focus. Exit the app and your little tree dies! You can add friends, unlock new trees, exchange coins for real trees (!!), and track each time you are productive. A lot of people ask if this app is worth it and I’d say definitely. It is the cutest time management application I’ve come across. Whilst there are similar alternatives, I like this the best. You can add me using my email: [email protected]. If you’d like me to add you back, send me your account address!
FocusNow - free | iOS | website Very similar to Forest, but free! Grow a plant whilst you work and leaving app means your tree dies. The app also helps to build your habits with progress tracking and reminders. You can add friends and compete against them! This is definitely a great alternative to Forest if you don’t want to pay.
Tide - free | iOS | android | website If you enjoy listening to something whilst studying but get distracted with regular playlists, this app is for you! Combining white noise - either the ocean, rain, forest, meditation and a coffee shop - you can block out distractions whilst managing your time. I seriously love the minimalist design of this app.
ClearFocus - free | iOS | android | website A really simple app that alternates working sessions with short breaks. You can set a time for your break sessions which will help you actually get back to studying. You can also check out statistics on your progress which is great for improving your discipline.
Be Focused - free iOS | $4.99 mac | website A very detailed to-do list and pomodoro timer combined. Again, it alternates time periods with short breaks! This app can be synced between all your devices which is awesome if you use different ones during the day. I like the simple design of this one too!
Focus To-Do: $1.49 | iOS One of the top five productivity apps in China! It is a super comprehensive app with loads of features so if you enjoy tracking your productivity, this is one for you! Unfortunately, it is only available on iOS and costs.
Focus Keeper - free | iOS Simple and flexible app for time tracking with lots of options for customisation. I think it’s really cool the app adds a widget on notifications when you’re using the app. You can also choose background music to help you focus.
Pomodoro: Grow and Harvest - free | iOS Very similar to Forest in essence of growing a plant, however upon completion you get to harvest your fruit. I actually really like the design of this app. Unlike Forest, your crops don’t die if you exit the application but the timer does reset. This is good in a way since you’ll stay on the app but could get annoying if you were to check something but wanted to leave the timer running.
Flat Tomato - free | iOS | website A really cool and interactive app! You can easily plan out an hour of your time with certain periods for working and others for a long and short break. I think it is a great way to keep focus without having to reset your phone. You can also reflect on your daily motivation, distractions and possible improvements. There are loads of customisation of settings, colours and sounds.  
Pomodrone - free with pro version | iOS | website Simple and cute flat design timer app. The free version is only a pomodoro timer with 25 minute working and 5 minute break periods. Whilst you don’t have control over changing these times, it is quite good if you want to be strict with your time. If you purchase the pro version, you have the option to change the times and colours, set daily goals and see performance statistics. 
Brain Focus Productivity Timer - free | android  One of the most popular time management apps for android. You can set specific tasks with certain times which is great for improving your efficiency and discipline. For instance, if you do a task each day you can have certain work and break times, and then access it quickly. Another cool option is that you can easily add a couple of extra minutes to the timer without needing to reset the whole thing. Definitely, a great option, especially since it is free!
FocusList: Focus timer and daily planner - $4.99 iOS | $4.99 mac I really like the look of this app! You can plan out your daily to-do, set estimated times and then get on to using the timer to focus. This is great for improving your speed and prioritising your daily tasks. The statistics option allows you keep a track of your productivity! As well as being on your mac, you can use an Apple Watch for timing which I think is really cool! Sadly, it is a little expensive.
These are just a few time management and productivity apps that I’ve come across whilst running a studyblr. If you’ve got any other app suggestions, please let me know via my ask! I hope you found this list useful and have found a new way to be productive! If any of these apps help, please let me know! x
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eggostudies · 7 years
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20170225 ─
catching up with the notes i’ve missed!
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eggostudies · 7 years
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Another morning at Starbucks ☕️ It’s so cozy and my hazelnut 🌰 latte was so delicious I didn’t want to leave!! + got some revision done 📖✍🏼
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eggostudies · 7 years
You say ‘amateur’ as if it was a dirty word. ‘Amateur’ comes from the Latin word ‘amare’, which means to love. To do things for the love of it.
Mozart in the Jungle (via arewhedonyet)
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eggostudies · 7 years
Typing vs writing notes?
So I type out all of my notes for my classes. That said, I think people should consider writing their notes out first.
The reason I type my notes as opposed to writing them is that when I’m writing notes, I’m so focused on formatting that I get behind very quickly. I’m not very good at taking good notes by hand, period. I tried typing out my notes and found I can write more and focus on what the teacher is saying instead of worrying about handwriting.
Study tips & research suggest handwriting your notes are better for increased retention and focus. People who handwrite notes during class tend to remember the material better and people who type often turn into just logging what the teacher is saying, as opposed to writing it in their own words.
Furthermore, often people who bring their laptops to class can get distracted very easily, and it can even distract others. The multipurpose utility of the laptop is a great way to do anything else but focus on class.
See: Should You Take Notes on Paper or Computer?
I know some people who use tablets with OneNote and handwrite using a stylus. I think that gives you the same effect as handwriting notes and gives you the benefit of syncing them across devices. If you prefer good’ol fashioned pen & paper, though, you can scan them in various ways, or you can type a summary later. (See Mixing Paper and Digital Note-Taking Systems.)
Overall, though, I think typing notes should be seen as something that is tried when paper notes fail. Here are some signs typing may be better for you:
You find you have better retention and focus typing notes as opposed to writing them out.
Your hand cramps very easily / you have a condition that makes typing notes physically easier / some other chronic illness or disability reason.
You can type notes in your own words instead of just recording what teachers say. 
You have self-control or programs to help you with self-control to block distracting websites, apps, and other things so you can say focused on typing notes. Examples include:
Cold Turkey
Cold Turkey Writer
Turning off your Internet
Putting your typing program into full-screen mode
Also, it should go without saying, but you should ideally have a decent typing speed to begin with.
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eggostudies · 7 years
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March 19 2017
A long time ago I got an ask asking if I could show what’s in my pencil case and I really put it off for the longest and might have forgotten about it too lol. 
Anyways here it is! I use Copic markers in place of things like Mildliners or whatever your preferred highlighter is, but someday I plan on getting a pack of Mildliners because the colors are similar to my Copics but they don’t bleed through pages :|
I also use .38mm Muji pens and a .5 Muji mechanical pencil, and look at how small the stapler and tape are! I got those in a little pack from Daiso Japan. 
Studying for my Chemistry final on Tuesday! :L
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eggostudies · 7 years
Mega Vocabulary List
Ready for the ultimate challenge? If you’ve been following from the start, then this year’s worth of vocabulary shall prove a mighty challenge for you - see how many words you can remember. Otherwise, if you’re new, here is a very long list of vocabulary to get you started! Good Luck! 
꿈: Dream
여행: Travel
시험: Exam
계획: Plan
찾다: To find
기분: Feelings
쉽다: To be easy
고민: One’s worries
의자: Chair
차: Car
책: Book
탁자: Table
도시: City
건물: Building
잡지: Magazine
나라: Country
가방: Bag
선생님: Teacher
나무: Tree
창문: Window
문: Door
의사: Doctor
Keep reading
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eggostudies · 7 years
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Sunday Studies. Physics, Maths and Japanese. So much work. At least it`s fun.
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