eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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Digital technologies that take advantage of computers and the Internet have led to products and services that provide information or entertainment. Social media, blogs, video games and online news outlets are typically referred to as “new media.” These channels of communication have far-reaching implications for society.
A distinction between new media and old media is that old media is for the most part mass media. In addition, each form of new media is highly interactive, while mass media is not. Users of new media are active producers of content and information, whether sending an email or using Internet collaboration tools.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
In today's generation, media is a wide platform that highly help us live an easy and convenient life. It is an essential part of our life as we are inexplicably dependent on it for our basic needs – entertainment, information, travel and communication. The evolution of media from traditional to new media alter our perception and usage of this platform. The changes in media bring a revelatory effect to humans in using and adopting to new media. The development of social media builds stronger communication to the users. A proper and wiser usage of this must be uphold for a safe and harmonious virtual world.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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The transformation of media has transformed the way we understand the world around us from old media to new media. New media is interactive and user-generated, whereas old media is a more conventional way to communicate via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.
There is no need to actually check or confirm the ideas that have guided media research for decades. The convergence between' history' and' new media' is a position where historical research will display its creativity forces.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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Currently, humans are not the only one who are evolving but also their technology. We started from a paper to spread informations but after many years it transformed from paper to digital screens that made the spreding of information, entertainment, and events easier. Because of media it made our lives productive and easy but in every positive reaction has equal and negative reaction.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
What an inspiring message!
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media, a way to a better world but only if we use it properly and wisely. One wrong click may change your life that’s how dangerous media is but aside from that media can help us in various ways and makes our daily life easy. Time goes by, people keep developing media from pre-industrial age to information age. Through media you can spread information and send messages across the world with just a single click but they say, in every positive reaction has an equal and opposite reaction so think twice before you click
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
Fantastic!! amazing bro!
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As time goes by, people evolve also our technology and it includes the media. We started from a paper by spreading news around the world but after many years researchers and inventor help together to make and develop our media. Today, our media is developed and advance which we can spread easily and faster by the use of our gadgets. Having these kind of media help us to grow and learn. So having an advance media is very helpful to us, through these advance media we can interact with other people around the world. There are many benefits of having an advance media which we can learn from it.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
wow so nice 
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Currently, a great number of people engage themselves in the new digital society which made their daily life a lot more convenient. From new innovations, to new way of communicating. As years pass by, new media had become a lot more exciting. Exciting in a way that it features new features which is vital to create a modernized scommunity. We, as users of this innovation, must use this wisely. As users, we should be able to play our role correctly to sustain a peaceful environment in the virtual world.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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hehee,,, him,, he
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
Let's save the earth
We always says that we are the steward of God’s creation, but money is always above us. We don’t care if we distract our nature we only care on ourselves. We don’t see the beauty of nature that we must take good care of. The thing that we can say on the next generation is sorry because we didn’t take good care of our nature in the present. We didn’t put in mind that we distract nature and we can’t replace it anymore because it’s too much.
As a person on a present generation I know I can do something I know that I can do this. I can plant trees if I really want to, actually we can plant trees. We can help our nature and give importance on the blessing of our nature. For all the calamities it is just because of our wrong doing. We do nonsense things like throwing garbage anywhere even if we know that it can distract our nature. We must be responsible enough in our actions because we will be the one to suffer. If we love our family we must also love our nature because we, people will suffer in the future. As early as we can let’s be one and help one another.We should not wait on any calamities that will happen let's do our part as a steward.
Our future is in our hands we can only make it if we will be united. Not to think on our own good , but to choose on what is good. Be responsible enough and help our mother earth. Let us all remember that we are the stewards of God creation. The suffering that we will all encounter is the result of our irresponsible. Let’s plant together to stop calamities and help one another.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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First of all, there are many bullies happened especially teenagers. They tend to bully their classmates or their mates because they observed unusual action to them. They did not know what the feeling is, to be bullied by someone. There are many types of bully, its either verbal or physical. Cyber-bullying is part of the bully that is very rampant nowadays in social medias. Cyber-bullying could be performed in a group. It is reason why some teenagers, don’t use social media for them to avoid the so called “Cyber-bullying”. Therefore I conclude, life is too short. So, we should seize the moments before it’s too late. You must understand whatever comments they gave to you. Use them as an inspiration for you to succeed. You have to act mature, because maturity is to understand every single word.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
Can we manage Overpopulation?
Overpopulation is the overcrowding of earth due to unregulated population growth of humans. Todays generation is abundant of technology wherein most of our time we were being helped by the technology. So Do we really need to manage overpopulation? Overpopulation is a global problem with environmental, social, and economic issues. It is likely that by the year 2050, the world’s population will double. The problem is not just running out of space, but the quality of life. The main concern is what can be done to solve the population problem.The main causes for overpopulation in India and other similar developing countries differ slightly from that of the world. Our population is growing at an enormously fast rate, not because people are having more children, but because fewer people are dying due to better health and longer life spans. As women and families become wealthier and more educated, they tend to have fewer children, because children are not needed to help earn money for the family, and are often seen as road blocks in the way of educated women seeking careers. Indeed we need to start being responsible on our actions, let us all wake up on reality and face the problem so that we could be able to generate and start the changes that is good for us. #BeTheChange
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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     Depression is a major depressive disorder and it is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person ability to function at work, school and at home.
     Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Also feeling sad or having a depressed mood. Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed. Changes in appetite weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting. Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much. Loss of energy or increased fatigue. Increase in purposeless physical activity hand wringing or pacing or slowed movements and speech actions observable by other. Feeling worthless or guilty. Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions and thoughts of death or suicide.
     Psychiatrists usually recommend that patients continue to take medication for six or more months after symptoms have improved. Longer term maintenance treatment may be suggested to decrease the risk of future episodes for certain people at high risk. Also a person that have experience depression must be observed all the time.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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Bullying is very negative and creates a major problem in our society because it can ruin someone else’s life. There is nothing good that comes out of bullying, it only creates negativity to the society especially to the person being bullied. It is a repeated negative behavior by an individual or group that intentionally hurt someone either physically or emotionally. Most of the bullies hurt someone’s feelings. Bullying is fun when you are the bully but it is seriously not funny when you are the one being bullied.
Most of the outcome of bullies are depression and depression will lead to suicide. I think that bullying is a form of a murder but it doesn’t instantly kill the person being bullied. It first torture their feelings and emotions which can be called as depression and it will soon lead to suicide because the person being bullied will have no spirit to fight for his/herself. Bullying is one of the major problems in our society and it shouldn’t be ignored. In our generation there are a lot of bullies and let us be brave, keep ourselves together and we shouldn’t listen to what bullies say. The easiest revenge to the bullies is SMILE, let them know that you are not affected to what they do or say to you.
FRIEND, 6 letter word that has ‘end’ in the last 3 letters of the word but it doesn’t mean it will end you, it will only end your negativity mindset and they are the people who will lift you up when you are having a hard time lifting yourself. You don’t need many friends, only a few good, trusted people who will treat you the way you should be treated. Friends, they are the people who will help you not just from bullies and you don’t have to face your problems alone. Having friends is the best thing you could ever have and it is one of the solutions of bullying, this is Caezar Veracion and I thank you.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
Taming Depression
With the modern world at its peak, humans nowadays are on a verge of enforcing themselves to standards that are beyond traditions and simplicity that would encompass the significant difference between members of the society. We all know that we have our own distinct ways in choosing our path same with judging a particular person. Many have encountered such degarding scenarios in life such as being teased because of his/her physical appearance, the way he/she behaves or even find his or her sense of belongingness.
Even the past civilizations have their classification according to their standards that gravely resulted to psychological illnesses that altered their state of cogitation. Depression is its common term that remarkably affects millions of people around the globe. Extreme exposure to imbalanced treatment could result to depression and eith this in thought, it is inevitable that every human person can be provoked my mere judgments that would trigger inequity among every populace. Too much of everything can procrastinate normative relations and perception nd this can be holistically devastating. With one aspect being deviated, all other field is also subdued with mere disproportion. Depression at its worst scenario may lead to suicidal bids however there are existing solutions that could save millions of hopeless degraded lives. We all have our own state of confusion and this literally reduces our self-esteem but what we need is a hand of hope that would revoke this negativity within us.
Change doesn't happen after you experience something but rather occur along the way. We have our own diverse problems with of course variety of solutions. Forced death isn't the cure but rather a stimulus of far more greater disgrace. We are said to be the apple of God's eyes and we must remain with this distinctiveness. With every problem is a corresponding solution and with every solution is a corresponding solver and that is GOD. Fight the good fight of faith and win over every considerable situations because inborn, You are a Champion!
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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Have you ever bullied or been bullied? If yes, then you shoul know how it feels like. Bullying creates major problems in the society. There is nothing good about bullying. It may change or ruin a person's life. In fact, kids can be mentally scared if they are teased often. Even worse, they could be injured or killed if the bullying gets extreme.
There are many causes for bullying which must be taken care of before bullying can be stopped. Families in poverty, misunderstandings, and visual violence are just several of the many causes of bullying. Bullying must be stopped or prevented no matter how long it will take, it is a deeply concerning matter.
Bullying does not always have to be childish play, it can be extremely violent. People may bruised, injured, or even killed. Kids under bad influence may turn very violent. Many kids don't take bullying seriously. However, when a real accident occurs, they are unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for it is destroying the lives and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them.
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eggyrequina-blog · 5 years
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        Many parents say that video games can ruin our future without knowing that video game is very essential to life because according to research and based on my own experiences, I learned many skills such as self defense and survival skills. I also learned how to socialize with other members of the society and most of all it developed my English fluency which is used in my every day life. They say that reading dictionary is helpful in learning but I rather choose gaming that would holistically improve my own state of mind.
        We all know someone who seems to have a faster CPU than the rest of us, able to retrieve information or react in a split second. For some, that ability might be strengthened through gaming. Because new information is constantly being displayed during play, players are forced to adapt quickly. In one study, players who were immersed in fast-paced games were 25% faster in reacting to questions about an image they had just seen compared to non-players.  
         Video game played big role in our life because they are my third teacher who taught me how to socialize with other people from other country and learn various skills, This greatly affects in a positive way, my means in coping with the environment.
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