ego0baby · 1 day
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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ego0baby · 4 days
*obnoxious european accent* you guys are f*#king crazy i love it. you guys are rock stars
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ego0baby · 4 days
its of utmost importance you have sound on while watching this
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ego0baby · 4 days
Please, please constantly challenge and reject the narrative that any region is naturally more prone to war than any other, like that's a characteristic inherent to its make-up, like that's geographically assigned risk the same way an area can be earthquake-prone or hurricane-prone.
There has never been a utopia on Earth and nowhere is entirely free of conflict, but this disastrous scale of violence inflicted upon the SWANA region is a deliberate and calculated effort of destabilization by Western powers who want to bleed the region dry. It's not an immutable part of the contour of the land that its people must adapt to and live with. It can be stopped and should be stopped. These people were once free and can be freed again.
Every time you see someone hand-waving a crisis at this scale as "conflict in the Middle East" it is an abominable tool to dehumanize Arabs to the point where nobody bats an eye at the death of their children.
Examine what that phrase means. What is a "conflict in the Middle East"? What happens in Yemen isn't what happens in Morocco isn't what happens in Palestine isn't what happens in Iraq, but this catch-all term is meant to translate in your mind into "problems are happening where problems are always happening", because of course they are! Conflict in the Middle East? What else is new, clouds in the sky? Fish in the sea? It lulls you into apathy; Arabs are dying - but that's what they do, don't they?
And so three goals of the perpetrators of this violence are achieved. First, they wash their hands from it; they didn't set the place on fire, it was already like this when they got there! Second, does it even matter whose fault it is? Who cares about a dead brown child anyway? Who's counting the death toll? Third, since this is an unchangeable quality of their region, and has nothing to do with the West, why protest it? Why fight for them? Why demand anything out of Western leaders?
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ego0baby · 6 days
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ego0baby · 7 days
people have been calling this portrait very befitting considering the amount of blood on the british empire's hands, and i absolutely agree (i also don't want to know how much this was commissioned for because i think of how many British people are struggling with food and fuel poverty):
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[photo: @/WorldTimesWT with caption "Britain's King Charles unveiled the first official portrait of himself since his coronation last May." May 14, 2024.]
in one direct action response to the portrait's reveal, Palestine Action activists did this:
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never forget the British royals' support for a terrorist state -Israel, and never forget that king colonizer has personally voiced support for the bombing and genociding of Palestinian people.
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ego0baby · 7 days
I was so close!
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ego0baby · 7 days
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Please Donate and Help This Family.
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ego0baby · 7 days
Im enjoying the longevity of tumblrs recontextualization style of humor. a seemingly innocuous post followed by like "posts that a gnome would make" or like "are you a phone"
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ego0baby · 7 days
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ego0baby · 7 days
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ego0baby · 7 days
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A German Tiger 2 tank designated ‘101’ near Potsdam Station - Berlin, May 1945
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ego0baby · 8 days
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ego0baby · 10 days
So I've been making marionette puppets of my neighbors (I'm taking a class) and let me tell you my landlord/building manager was SUPER not prepared to see the wooden version of him (he lives on my floor) when he came in to fix my stove
Anon no offense but I think I would call the police if I found out one of my neighbours was making wooden puppets of me without my knowledge
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ego0baby · 11 days
Damn I really have these bitches madddd….
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ego0baby · 11 days
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ego0baby · 13 days
Men with blue eyes are evil
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