eh-fandomtrash · 29 minutes
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eh-fandomtrash · 3 hours
I guess the person who made the post made a lot of assumptions about other people and their contexts.
Firstly, they assumed that everyone thought like them. A common error, but a dangerous one.
Secondly, I do not think they spent as much time buried in mythology and folklore as some people (myself included) did in their childhood. For example, they do not specify what kind of fairy—which will impact how terrified I am by their presence at my door.
Thirdly, and most notably, they assumed that everyone had the same living situation that they did.
If I lived in a flat region within 25 miles of a coast in a house without multiple flights of stairs to get to the front door, the fairy would win. I could accept the walrus as a reasonable possibility and call my local zoo and animal control.
I do not live in such a place.
I live a ways from the ocean. There are actual goddamn forests and mountains between me and the ocean. I do not live on the ground floor of my complex. There are no elevators. The stairs are very narrow. I had to completely disassemble furniture to get it up those stairs when I moved in. It was a pain.
There is no reasonable way, short of bending time and space around the poor creature, that a fully grown walrus is getting to the front door of my apartment. Even a baby walrus would inspire more questions and concerns than fairy, because 1. How and 2. Why.
I guess other people have more spacious halls and stairways or there are large elevators or they live in a house. I do not.
A fairy could get to my door easily. It’s a fairy. A fairy has its own rules and physics as suggested by the copious lore about fairies. Based on what I know about faeries it would be deeply concerning. However, the universe is a vast strange place that we are still learning about. Now we know that faeries are a thing. We have more data. Awesome. The universe just got bigger and more complex. Moving on.
A fairy answers its own questions: how did it get here? It’s a fairy. I presume magic or some other strange technology so far beyond me that it looks like magic. I can move on and start worrying about why the fairy is at my door, which is ALWAYS the more important question the: fairies.
A walrus could not possible arrive at my door naturally unless something horrible was done to a wall, which is shocking and terrifying for other reasons.
This means that either something broke the existing laws of physics to put the animal there, which raises ten thousand deeply concerning and anxiety producing questions about what, how, and why. OR. The walrus got itself there which raises even more terrifying questions about the nature of walruses and is this thing even a walrus?
It also raises the question of why the flying fuck a walrus???
These questions do not have clear cut answers unless the walrus can talk, at which point we check with the neighbors and, depending on their answers, go check ourselves into a mental health clinic.
Worse still. If the walrus really is there, how do we get the walrus out of the hallway of the apartment complex. That is a big, potentially dangerous animal and I need to get past it to go to work/school.
At every level, based on my context and living situation, the walrus is more concerning.
My point is that the answer depends on the context. My context says the walrus is infinitely more surprising and concerning for the rules of the known universe than the fairy.
One of the reasons the walrus-versus-fairy thing was so contentious is that not only did the person who originally posed the question strongly believe the correct answer was obviously the fairy, their reasoning for why the fairy was obviously more surprising was that seeing a fairy would instantly refute the validity of human reason as a tool for understanding the universe and bring your entire worldview crashing down. The sensible response is, of course, to point out that people don't work like that, and realistically nobody is going to see something mildly inexplicable and fall to their knees wailing in existential despair unless we're living in an H P Lovecraft novel, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably pay money to read a story about a dude having a full on Lovecraft protagonist breakdown in response to seeing Tinkerbell.
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eh-fandomtrash · 5 hours
"this work is problematic because of how it handles [subject]": reasonable premise for media criticism
"this work is problematic because it depicts [subject]": do not pass go do not collect $200 this is, as a general rule, a functionally reactionary and conservative argument
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eh-fandomtrash · 19 hours
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i hate that this is on “bad two sentence horror” because its actually good
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eh-fandomtrash · 22 hours
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I was really into the signs all over ReptileFest- they all sent home messages of responsibility and the actual challenges of owning different species. Very refreshing- you never see stuff like this at breeder shows (because they want everyone to buy things)!
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eh-fandomtrash · 1 day
That is some key context right there.
Honestly, the fact that terry Pratchett has experience around nuclear power makes so much sense once you realize what magic is standing as a metaphor for in the discworld. Like, look at this fucking quote from going postal:
"That's why [magic] was left to wizards, who knew how to handle it safely. Not doing any magic at all was the chief task of wizards—not "not doing magic" because they couldn't do magic, but not doing magic when they could do and didn't. Any ignorant fool can fail to turn someone else into a frog. You have to be clever to refrain from doing it when you knew how easy it was. There were places in the world commemorating those times when wizards hadn't been quite as clever as that, and on many of them the grass would never grow again."
Like... It feels incredibly obvious what he's talking about once you know the context.
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eh-fandomtrash · 1 day
tiny pillow for George 🐈
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eh-fandomtrash · 1 day
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
"Watching my dad (a GP doctor) watch House is more entertaining than the show"
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
Article date: September 22, 2024.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Starting this month, Americans will be able to order free COVID-19 test kits that will be mailed to their homes.
U.S. households will be able to order as many as four nasal swab tests at COVIDTests.gov when the federal program reopens. The U.S. Health and Human Services agency overseeing the program has not yet given an exact date when ordering can begin.
An agency spokesperson has said the tests will detect current virus strains and can be ordered ahead of the holiday season, when families and friends gather for celebrations.
U.S. regulators last month approved an updated COVID-19 vaccine that is designed to combat the recent virus strains and, hopefully, forthcoming winter ones, as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already has recommended this fall’s shot for everyone age 6 months and older.
While most Americans have some degree of immunity from prior infections or vaccinations or both, that protection wanes. Last fall’s shots targeted a different part of the coronavirus family tree, a strain that’s no longer circulating.
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
Chatgpt produces F and ethics committee hearing quality work. It produces, “your essay will be handed out to the class to check your sources quality work and every time they find a lie your cumulative grade drops.”
That kid is lucky I was not their teacher. Their essay would be used in perpetuity to teach other students. I would never let them live it down.
But I also would have kicked off the class by making them use ChatGPT to write an essay and then correct it and check the sources. And they would then have to do a research project on 1 harmful aspect of ChatGPT.
If they still tried to use AI after that, kicking them out of the program would be the only correct outcome. They were not interested in actually learning anything.
nothing has made me feel like an ancient grumpy crone more than the “using chatgpt for school is fine actually” sentiment among youths
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
Finally! Finally some success!
Go Hawaii!!!
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
the more I get back in my habit from 2018-ish of searching "asexual" on blogs before I make a habit of interacting with them frequently, the more I realize that a lot of people started to reblog way less aphobia circa 2018, but without literally any sign of their opinions on asexual people changing, or making any effort to include them.
and that's how we get the current tumblr climate. people doing a disservice to important stuff like sex positivity or kink at pride, by just regurgitating shit like "well sex is what makes us queer, you fucking prude." instead of, you know, actually talking about why sex positivity is important for a wide range of sexualities, or why kink at pride has a long historical context. or even bringing up the fact that policing/mocking people's relationship with sex just for being different than yours is just inherently bad in and of itself. the aphobia is still ingrained in this site, just subtler now.
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eh-fandomtrash · 2 days
The caffeine stopped working for me, so now I have no choice but to use healthcare. I am so fucked.
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eh-fandomtrash · 3 days
The frivolity that goes first is the unnecessary stuff. Plastic bags. Plastic clothes. Plastic toys. Plastic wrappers.
Medical equipment and medically necessary equipment goes when there is adequate material to replace plastic.
You get rid of plastic planters LONG before you get rid of MRIs.
If we were a decent country with good health care the USA would have MORE MRI machines.
Some people don’t want to hear this but sometimes accessibility is not sustainable or eco-friendly. Disabled people sometimes need straws, or pre-made meals in plastic containers, or single-use items. Just because you can work with your foods in their least processed and packaged form doesn’t mean everyone else can.
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eh-fandomtrash · 3 days
This is one of those posts that is from a part of tumblr I do not frequent. And I now know exactly what is going on in that part of tumblr and I just want to say OP is right. No one should feel pressured to shave or wear makeup and fighting back at the idea that some people might not do the same things you do might be something you need to think about.
I think its really funny when people get mad at the pro-hairy pussy posts on this site (yes including posts hating on bald pussy) and take an angle of “wow everyone is being so weird about shaving now and its so wrong to judge peoples choices like this” because like. Okay. Either you dont fuck or go outside, or you have been doing whats expected of you so long you have no idea how people who dont make the same choice as you are mistreated. Because so many people ESPECIALLY MEN are still convinced simply having body hair is unhygienic and will shame and dehumanize anyone who has it in the most vile and unnecessary way. Like youre seeing so many of these vehement bush or die posts BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE PUSHING BACK AGAINST THAT NOTION its not happening in a vacuum but once again tumblr users are out of touch with what actually happens on planet earth
If you like shaving: congrats, there are millions of people who would not accept you any other way
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eh-fandomtrash · 3 days
I love doing this. But god, so many “fancy” houses are just… mismatched piles of trash.
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