ehabibbbbwc · 6 years
I am happy of the learning I have gone through using the software Twine and more generally , uploading things online, using websites and simple HTML and CSS coding.
I am very kean on developing the story and having this as an ongoing process, where more characters can be added and the stories can become more complex and intertwined.
If I had more time and knowledge I would have incorporated sound effects and would have made a sound track which is more reactive to the choices and ongoing development of the action of the player, to make the experience more immersive.
I ran accross the complication of wanting to make it an accessible, interesting game with a different perspective on the city and the forest, through the life of an animal of a different specie, and wanting to raise awareness about actual fatal and redundant obstacles that come across the life of badgers in England.
The story is inspired from the development of the accomodations of Sussex Univertsity which were displacing many badgers, and other mammals, birds and insects from a portion of the forest in Falmer a couple years ago which I have witnessed and decided to tell the tale. I know that the Borough Cemetry of Brighton is a home to different badgers on a long period of time from 2014 to present days, and I thought it would be interesting to imagine that the badgers that are homing themselves there were the one that had to leave Falmer Forest, and became urban and scavenging animals.
Obviously this was a possibility to acknowledge and comment on the wastefulness of cities and the opportunities that arise from this.
The soundtrack is by David Lynch, a very inspiring film maker to me.
I am kean on developing this project, nonetheless this might stay a project which I will develop outside of university due to the cheap (free) aspect of producing it, and the fact that any learning I can do for it is fully self taught and accessible online.
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Twine fiction game made for a university project about the expansion of sussex university and the effect it had on badger life
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Becoming Animal
Mikail directed me to literature by french writers Deleuze and Gittari. I read a little about it and thought about the concept of a body without organs -
“””For Deleuze and Guattari, every actual body has a limited set of traits, habits, movements, affects, etc. But every actual body also has a virtual dimension: a vast reservoir of potential traits, connections, affects, movements, etc. This collection of potentials is what Deleuze calls the BwO. The fully body without organs is "schizophrenia as a clinical entity", this drop in intensity is a means of blocking all investments of reality, the "unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable". (...)To "make oneself a body without organs," then, is to actively experiment with oneself to draw out and activate these virtual potentials. These potentials are mostly activated (or "actualized") through conjunctions with other bodies (or BwOs) that Deleuze calls "becomings.”””” 
It got me thinking about the perspective I approached the topic of my project with, which wasn’t scientific but also was not about fiction and interpretation, I feel that I have learned and opened my eyes on the many different ways an idea could be represented/ the way the camera restricted me in terms of creation, and the way I very stubborn about it made me realised that I was not only talking about the badger but using the narrative of the eviction of a species from its natural habitat, the forest, and its ecosystem to represent the unease and otherness I experience from civilisation/cities/ noise/ obvious waste/ late stage capitalism and its impact on how the landscape we experience fails to communicate with itself in harmonious ways. 
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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Screenshot of Twine for the creation of a non linear story
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Marble Hornets is a film student project . It is a series of short footages constituting a horror story in POV.
Some say this is the origin of the myth of the Slender Man, because of the presence of a tall slim white stranger silouhette as a feature of horror.
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Work in Progress
The idea was to shoot a story of a badger journeying from the forest into the city, in first person pov, with a role playing aspect by incorporating the footage into a Twine format (a non linear narrative building software). I have not used twine before, or, shot a film in pov for that regards.
The way I wanted this narrative to fit into the practice requierement is that it is a story of real happenings around Brighton, one of which, the presence of these animals in the cemetry has been documented by Brighton University lectures in Biology. In this way the project is going to be site specific and participate in a dialogue around Brighton itself. This story has already been documented in real footage documentatio style with night cameras and interviews, I wanted to bring a fictional, playful and more engaging aspect to it, to share with people who would not engage with the already existing documentary footage. In the wake of the badger cull I found this project very engaging and interesting.
I feel like I have worked a lot for this project but kept bumping in walls and feeling misdirected. I have shot a lot of footage over a period of overall 10 days none which is satisfying me at all at all. Some of my footage I completely lost from my hard drive and this has been a real frustration. I have repeated tasks such as shooting ans storyboarding/script writing many times and never came to producing a satisfying version. 
I have run, as the tutor suggested it, into a problem with the limits of representation with real footage as I have been wanting to shoot from the perspective a different specie but still trying to make it as realistic as possible. This was perhaps well wishing on my side, of simply lack of knowledge/experience.
I feel that it is a project I feel a lot for and I am really invested in, and the idea came originally for this project to be produced in the format of a multiple choice role playing zine (such as those where the player makes decision by flipping pages of the book to go to a different part of a story). 
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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location scouting...
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Wereworlf is a role playing card game where everyone around impersonates either villagers or werewolves, and those two species are set to harm each other
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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all sorts of notes I've made
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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Illustration I made for a twine game about scavenging badgers and foxes
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
This video contains a replicate of a badger’s sett in a man made environement and we can see how the badgers act in it and the shapes of the tunnels
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
this both amuses me and infuriates me :)
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
The performative aspect of Lou Lou Sainsbury’s work is inspiring to push beyond the format of video and moving image editing to portray a narrative
I really dig the idea of Chimeras, and literature around non humans on both a social and fictional ground.
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
Shelter is a game where you play as a badger thats is trying to find a new home for her and her cubs.
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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ehabibbbbwc · 7 years
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