ehhitsjustamy · 6 years
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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ehhitsjustamy · 6 years
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ehhitsjustamy · 6 years
I need to snort a fucking line of self confidence
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ehhitsjustamy · 6 years
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Vice Versa - Stay in your lane.
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit
Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
Some churches offer short term residence
Find your nearest homeless shelter
Look for places that are open to the public
A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry
A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
Local beaches, go for a quick swim
Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket
first aid kit
 a travel alarm clock or watch
 mylar emergency blanket
 a backpack is a must
 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
 sleeping bag
 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
 swiss army knife
 can opener
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
i remember way too many small details about people so i have to act dumb sometimes so i don’t freak them out
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.
We often feel like giving up because it’s too hard or too tiring. Just take a break, maybe a small break, or a long break. Rest, get motivated again, do what you need to do so that you can come back and keep working hard. Make yourself proud. 
(via fightostudy)
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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take care of yourself today and every day :)
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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689K notes · View notes
ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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2 October 2017 | Santa Monica
Don’t mind my messy desk, but I finally finished my October spread, inspired by @amandarachlee 🍂
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
Here’s Who Probably Has A Crush On You Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
MBTI enthusiasts were asked which Myers-Briggs personality type they’re most attracted to, based on their own personality type. There was a visible trend in which types are crushing on which other types. Check out the responses below to learn who’s probably sweet on you!
ENFP- Who’s crushing on you: The quiet, nerdy one. They’re focused, composed and together. You’re scattered, enthusiastic and charming. At a first glance it might not be a match made in heaven but something about your quick wit and fearless charisma keeps drawing them back to you. Try giving this combination a shot – you may be surprised to find that their intensity and firmness balances you out in all the right ways.  
INTJ - Who’s crushing on you: The emotionally intense one. They’re introspective, analytical and artistic. You’re intense, intellectual and emotionally guarded. You may see them as overly whimsical but they see you as a challenge. This emotionally intelligent type wants to break down your walls and understand what’s beneath your cool, rational exterior. Though the thought of this may send alarm bells screeching through your mind, don’t be so quick to write them off. They may prove themselves imperative to helping you unlock parts of yourself you never knew existed –and you may just grow immeasurably from it.
ENTJ - Who’s crushing on you: The scatterbrained genius. They’re analytical, entrepreneurial and just a little out of touch with the world that surrounds them. You’re practical, put-together and high achieving. Though you never pictured yourself with someone so scattered, this mismatched prodigy may just be the yin to your yang. They’re enticed by your no-nonsense, put-together attitude. And if you gave them the time of day, you’d quickly learn that they have the brains to fuel it all. Together you could be the perfect team – but you’re going to have to make the first move. They keep forgetting to.
ENTP - Who’s crushing on you: The softhearted brainiac. They’re sharp, put-together and secretly harbouring a bleeding heart. You’re dynamic, quick-witted and tirelessly analytical. You may not have noticed them watching you, but they’ve been analyzing your every move for months now. This highly introspective type has you figured out in ways that you don’t even have you figured out – and discovering this will be a shock to your system. Something about the fierce precision this type possesses will endlessly compel you. You’ll want to break their walls down to understand exactly how they tick – except their walls don’t come down easily. Both of you love a good puzzle, and figuring each other out may just be one of the most passionate endeavours you ever undertake.
ENFJ - Who’s crushing on you: The artistic one. They’re creative, individualistic and a little bit head-in-the-clouds. You’re warm, put-together and nurturing. They’re taking their time to approach you, to the point where you may not even have noticed that they’re crushing. But this highly introspective type is drawn to your organized, empathetic nature. Even if you haven’t spoken yet, chances are they have a painting, poem or song that they composed with you in mind. You inspire them and they could do the same for you. Just give them some time to move in closer – their emotional depth will intoxicate and challenge you.  
ESTJ - Who’s crushing on you: The sensible, selfless one. They’re sensible, selfless and sweet. You’re motivated, driven and dominant. They admire the no-nonsense attitude you bring to the table and suspect that somewhere below your tough exterior, you’re hiding a heart.  This compassionate yet self-motivated type may be exactly what you need – their dedication balances your drive and they bring out the soft side in you. But don’t worry – they won’t tell anyone else that you have one.
INFJ - Who’s crushing on you: The intellectual badass. They’re intense, unconventional and into pushing boundaries. You’re composed, introspective and guarded. This type is simultaneously your worst nightmare and your dream come true. They won’t be shy in approaching you and trying to get down to the bottom of what makes you tick. They’re natural puzzle-solvers and your eloquent composure is one giant question mark to them. They want to break down your walls and show you a whole new world – one that may just be thrilling in all the right ways, if you let it be.
ISFP - Who’s crushing on you: The nurturing friend.  They’re kind, collected and community-minded. You’re artistic, adventurous and full of heart. You may only think of them as a friend – the one who’s always happy to pick you up after a long night out or relish your latest piece of art. But they’ve been secretly marveling over your artistic nature and thoughtful presence for a while now. They want to get to know you better – they simply aren’t sure if you feel the same way. Drop them a hint if you do – you two may just balance each other out in all the right ways.
ESTP - Who’s crushing on you: The sweet one. They’re unassuming, nurturing and selfless. You’re outgoing, adventurous and capable. You may not have noticed them admiring you from the sidelines but once you do, you’ll have no idea how you ever missed them. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by their sweetness and genuineness. This nurturing type sincerely wants what’s best for you and in exchange they ask only that you light up their life with your haphazard charm. They’ll be your soft place to fall if you’ll be their superhero – together, the two of you could make a dream team.  
ISTJ - Who’s crushing on you: The party animal. They’re impulsive, outgoing and excitable. You’re steady, reliable and strong. Nobody would ever put the two of you together, but they’ve been secretly admiring you from the spotlight. This scattered type respects your firm resolve and feels surprisingly balanced out by you. Chances are they’ll be moving in on you any day now – they just aren’t 100% sure if you feel the same way. It’s time to give them something to go on if you do.  
ISFJ - Who’s crushing on you: The superhero. They’re outgoing, confident and capable. You’re compassionate, reliable and organized. No matter how much of a show they put on in front of others, something about you has them weak in the knees. This straight-shooting type is comfortable with going for what they want, but they’ve been secretly longing for someone to come home to. And you’re the exact type of person they have in mind.
INFP - Who’s crushing on you: The together one. They’re organized, capable and kind. You’re intense, analytical and a wee bit out of touch with the world that surrounds you. And something about your accidental aloofness is insanely attractive to them. This kind, nurturing type has been admiring you for the depth and authenticity you bring to every task you undertake. They know that with your vision and their practical skills, the two of you could make a dream team. Now if you’d only stop pursuing all those other tortured artists for long enough to notice them…  
ISTP - Who’s crushing on you: The whimsical one. They’re sensual, spiritual and adventurous. You’re laid-back, logical and grounded. Something about your capable nature is endlessly attractive to their fanciful one – and they want to get to know you better. The good news is, you already run in the same crowds. You’ll notice them getting a little bit closer each time you hang out –and don’t be quick to write them off. If you do eventually get together, they might just provide the exact mix of sensuality and camaraderie that you’ve been looking for.
INTP - Who’s crushing on you: The class clown. They’re witty, outgoing and goofy. You’re logical, introspective and aloof. Something about your standoffish nature presents itself as a challenge to this gregarious type –they want to find out what’s under your shell. It may not be a match made in heaven, but it’s worth giving a shot. You share a love for the unconventional and that might just include each other.  
ESFJ - Who’s crushing on you: The scattered romantic. They’re whimsical, artistic and idealistic. You’re warm, generous and together. Your compassionate yet put-together persona is attractive to their bleeding heart. With your practicality and their romanticism, the two of you could make a dream team. But you might have to make the first move – they’re too busy expressing their affection in their artwork to actually let you know they’re interested in you.
ESFP - Who’s crushing on you: The strong, silent one. They’re resilient, reliable and steadfast. You’re gregarious, excitable and free-spirited. You may not have noticed them admiring you from the sidelines but they’re charmed by your charismatic nature and they want to get to know you much better. You two might just provide the exact balance one another needs – they’re simply waiting for you to finally take notice that they’ve been there all along.
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ehhitsjustamy · 7 years
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