eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
soulmate au prompts.
send a number for a starter / drabble based off a specific soulmate au!  most are taken from this list.  feel free to add more if you want!  (can also be adapted to fit poly ships!)
the one where you only see color once you meet your soulmate.
the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks on your bodies.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmate.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you touch them.
the one where when you dream you’re seeing whatever your soulmate is currently experiencing.
the one where you and your soulmate share an emotional link.
the one where your soulmate’s first words to you are written on your body.
the one where your soulmate’s last words to you are written on your body.
the one where you have a timer on your wrist that counts down to when you meet your soulmate.
the one where soulmates share extreme physical sensation — if one gets hurt, the other gets hurt, and etc.
the one where soulmates can heal each other’s injuries.
the one where only your soulmate can kill you.
the one where color appears on your body wherever your soulmate first touches you.
the one where every lie your soulmate tells you appears on your skin.
the one where anything written on your skin appears on your soulmate’s skin as well.
the one where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist and your enemy’s name is on the other and you have no clue which is which.
the one where whenever you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it.
the one where soulmates are reincarnated and keep finding each other throughout their different lives.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
the one where you can talk to your soulmate in dreams.
the one where it’s impossible to lie to your soulmate.
the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long.
the one where you have a compass on your body that leads you to your soulmate.
the one where you have the date you’ll meet your soulmate on your wrist.
the one where you have the date your soulmate will die on your wrist.
the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
the one where some people can see the red string of fate and follow it to their soulmates.
the one where your soulmate’s ghost haunts you when they die.
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
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[ Pls like this for a starter!]
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
soulmate au prompts.
send a number for a starter / drabble based off a specific soulmate au!  most are taken from this list.  feel free to add more if you want!  (can also be adapted to fit poly ships!)
the one where you only see color once you meet your soulmate.
the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks on your bodies.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmate.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you touch them.
the one where when you dream you’re seeing whatever your soulmate is currently experiencing.
the one where you and your soulmate share an emotional link.
the one where your soulmate’s first words to you are written on your body.
the one where your soulmate’s last words to you are written on your body.
the one where you have a timer on your wrist that counts down to when you meet your soulmate.
the one where soulmates share extreme physical sensation — if one gets hurt, the other gets hurt, and etc.
the one where soulmates can heal each other’s injuries.
the one where only your soulmate can kill you.
the one where color appears on your body wherever your soulmate first touches you.
the one where every lie your soulmate tells you appears on your skin.
the one where anything written on your skin appears on your soulmate’s skin as well.
the one where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist and your enemy’s name is on the other and you have no clue which is which.
the one where whenever you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it.
the one where soulmates are reincarnated and keep finding each other throughout their different lives.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
the one where you can talk to your soulmate in dreams.
the one where it’s impossible to lie to your soulmate.
the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long.
the one where you have a compass on your body that leads you to your soulmate.
the one where you have the date you’ll meet your soulmate on your wrist.
the one where you have the date your soulmate will die on your wrist.
the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
the one where some people can see the red string of fate and follow it to their soulmates.
the one where your soulmate’s ghost haunts you when they die.
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
“You know that feeling when a guy you like sends you a text at two o’clock on a Tuesday night asking if he can come and find you, and you’ve accidentally made it out like you’ve just got in yourself, so you have to get out of bed, drink wine, get in the shower, shave everything, and wait by the door until the buzzer goes? And then you open the door to him, like you’ve almost forgotten he’s coming over?”
“The next morning, you wake to find him dressed, sat on the side of the bed, gazing at you.”
“Last night was incredible.”
“It’s an overstatement.”
“He goes on to say it was particularly special because he never managed to actually get up the bum with anyone before.”
“Uh, this doesn’t happen very often, does it?”
“I, uh, suppose it’s quite rare.”
“This is going to sound crazy, but I think that I should take your number and I think I should call it, and I think I should ask you if you want to go out for a drink with me.”
“How the hell did he manage to fuck that up?”
“I know what you were doing.”
“I’ve really tried to be there for you through this.”
“You can’t say I haven’t tried.”
“Please don’t contact me or turn up at my house drunk in your underwear.”
“It won’t work this time.”
“He was just really kind and supportive of my work.”
“Sounds like a dickhead.”
“I’ll be sure to treat you like a nasty little bitch.”
“I take this kind of thing very seriously.”
“I’m not trying to shag you!”
“I had to do a flash poo in Pret.”
“His way of coping with two motherless daughters was to buy them tickets to feminist lectures, start fucking their godmother, and eventually stop calling.”
“I don’t want to talk about it yet.”
“The only thing harder than having to tell your super high-powered, perfect, rich super-sister that you’ve run out of money is having to ask her to bail you out.”
“I’m just going to ask her.”
“Do you need to borrow money?”
“Just don’t get drunk and scream through his letterbox again.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Don’t get drunk and shit in your sink again.”
“I have two degrees, a husband, and a Burberry coat.”
“You shat in the sink.”
“Nothing is ever going to get better.”
“I swear there are pants that give you thrush.”
“I need to get sexy pants.”
“I hate my body, I hate my body.”
“Why do we do it to ourselves?”
“I’ve got to get a whole new outfit now.”
“You really shouldn’t wear such cheap materials.”
“They don’t let your fanny breathe.”
“I don’t know about you, but I need some reassurance.”
“We are bad feminists.”
“Why the fuck did you do that?”
“Do you want to go for a drink?”
“I’ve never been punched in the face, but I’ve been punched in the leg.”
“Someone once threw some punch in my face.”
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem?”
“You’re such a lovely man.”
“Do you want to come home with me?”
“Let’s never ask anyone for anything.”
“I have a horrible feeling that I’m a greedy, perverted, selfish, apathetic, cynical, depraved, morally bankrupt woman who can’t even call herself a feminist.”
“She’s not an evil stepmother, she’s just a cunt.”
“I find the night times very peaceful.”
“I know it’s not really my place, but are you okay?”
“She’s actually an expression of how women are subtle warriors.”
“We don’t have to use muscular force to get what we want.”
“Tits don’t get you anywhere these days.”
“You really do look ghastly, darling.”
“Yeah, she’s dead now.”
“She accidentally killed herself. It wasn’t her intention, but it wasn’t a total accident.”
“She decided to walk into a busy cycle lane, wanting to get tangled in a bike. Break a finger, maybe. As it turns out, bikes go fast and flip you into the road.”
“She was such a dick.”
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
dance moms S1E1 sentence starters - change pronouns, etc, as necessary 
“I’m a little afraid of it.”
“I knew her true colors.”
“They’re not jealous of me.”
“This is way too much.”
“You have to be amazing.”
“I don’t care what anybody says.”
“You never know what you’re going to get.”
[Nervous Laughter]
“He doesn’t get a say.”
“She’s nice. Very nice.”
“You have to do it.”
“My hip really hurts.”
“Let’s do it one more time.”
“I have laundry everywhere.”
“It’ll all get done.”
“She’s fine.”
“I need to go home.”
“I have to go to bed early.”
“You want to leave? Leave.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I had a really hard childhood.”
“I know how you feel.”
“I’m carsick.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I am really nervous.”
“I’m conflicted.”
“Let’s just dance.”
“I just want to dance.”
“It was a little inappropriate.”
“I don’t want to know.”
“You need to stay at home.”
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
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{ This is Daniel’s voice claim!! }
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
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[ CHARACTER AESTHETIC ] --> Daniel Morgenstern
“ I’m a man of my words, a gentlemen if I dare to say so. I don’t want to waste my time with people who are weak or useless. Often I find myself in situations that could’ve been avoided if the other person wasn’t so stupid. Of course I have to be the one to fix the mess of others. What a bother. “ 
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
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[ A starter call! Capping up to 4 ]
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
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[ A starter call! Capping up to 4 ]
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
600 Followers Celebration
So, I have no idea how I’ve managed to reach 651 followers already and I’ve only just had this blog for like, what? A month? This is insane! But I love you all for it anyway. Thank you so much and please enjoy these prompts to show my gratitude.
❝The moment I held you… something changed in me.❞
❝God, I really thought I could have it all.❞
❝You are my greatest legacy.❞
❝Let me help you. Please - it’s what I’m here for.❞
❝I am so in love with you. So, so in love.❞
❝You’re slipping through my fingers.❞
❝I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.❞
❝I will gladly carry that burden for you.❞
❝This is pointless.❞
❝You’re hopeless.❞
❝We can do anything you like.❞
❝I’m falling for you so much that it’s freaking me the hell out.❞
❝Crushes are messy things.❞
❝Wait. Do you have a crush on me?❞
❝You don’t have to hide from me.❞
❝You are the only one who really understands me, so please—don’t go.❞
❝Take it all out one. Use me, I don’t care.❞
❝You see it now, right? I’m not good for you.❞
❝No…you can’t be in love with me. You can't—because I’m not in love with you.❞
❝Hey, good things are allowed to fall apart.❞
❝Tell me all the things you hate about me and I’ll fall even more in love with you.❞
❝I will never fray from you, never abandon you—I am forever and infinitely yours.❞
❝I fall in love with you more every day.❞
❝For you? I’ll do anything.❞
❝Tell me whatever it is, and I’ll be that for you.❞
❝Who do you want me to be? Stupid? In love? I’ll be anything for you.❞
❝I go wherever you go. That was the deal, remember?❞
❝Who cares if they’re staring, let them.❞
❝You’re my guardian angel.❞
❝Let me all the way in!❞
❝I could live in his/her eyes.❞
❝She’s the devil, that one.❞
❝I keep letting you back in and it hurts.❞
❝I love you, I love you, I love you!❞
❝I wish you could see the way you look at me.❞
❝I haven’t been held like this in a very long time.❞
❝I’m so lucky to have you.❞
❝Why won’t you pay attention to me? It’s been hours since you looked at me.❞
❝Come back to bed.❞
❝Can I keep you?❞
❝Looking at you is like looking at the moon itself.❞
❝Quick! Take a picture with me!❞
❝Did you just take a picture of me?❞
❝Let go, just for one night.❞
❝Hey, don’t cry. Everything is okay, see?❞
❝I’m having so much fun with you.❞
❝My precious girl/boy.❞
❝I find solace in everything you do.❞
❝You’re like my own little compass.❞
❝My one and only love.❞
❝I have loved you since the very beginning, and I won’t stop now.❞
❝Hardy har-har, you’re such a comedian.❞
❝You are my greatest treasure.❞
❝I need you like the earth needs the sun.❞
❝You’re my superhero.❞
❝I was enchanted the first moment I laid eyes on you.❞
❝You’re like a needy baby.❞
❝Now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting go.❞
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
{ I’m going to change Daniel’s ability and his backstory sometime today. I’ll let you guys know when the new page is done, though }
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
Nonverbal RP Starters
I’m finding it difficult to find memes for nonverbal characters ( be they mute, or just not fond of talking ) so I thought I’d make a few!
☝️ Tap my muse on the shoulder
👉 Point to something for my muse to see
🤙 Bump into my muse
😊 Sit down next to my muse
🤨 Sit down across from my muse
📓 Push/Slide [an object] across a table to my muse
✍️ Pass my muse a note
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse
🚪 Tap on a table/door/wall/chair to get my muse’s attention without speaking
🐺 Growl at my muse
😬 Snarl/show teeth at my muse
😠 Death Glare at my muse
🙌 Push/Shove my muse
👊 Punch my muse
👖 Kick my muse in the shin
👠 Stomp on my muse’s foot
😵 Knee my muse in the gut
💀 Knee my muse in the groin
🔪 Point a weapon at my muse
🖕 Flip my muse the bird/a similar gesture
👔 Roughly pull my muse down by the collar
💢 Bang on a door/wall/table to get my muse’s attention- angrily
👩‍⚕️ Put pressure on my muse’s wound
🌡 Push my muse down to give them medical attention
🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
🤢 Hold my muse’s hair back/Rub my muse’s back while they are sick/throwing up
👐 Hold my muse when they are badly wounded/dying
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare
🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
😭 Hold my muse when they are crying
😢Touch my muse’s shoulder while they are crying in secret
💧 Wipe away my muse’s tears
💥 Try to calm my muse during an overwhelming emotional moment
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma
👕 Tug on my muse’s sleeve/shirt/skirt
🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
🤝 Hold my muse’s hand
🤗 Pull my muse into a hug
🐕 Rest their head on my muse’s shoulder/knee
🐶 Nuzzle my muse with their nose [specify a location]
✋ Touch the back of my muse’s hand
🤝 Reach for my muse’s hand to hold it
👗 Fix/Straighten my muse’s clothes
😴 Stand by the bed to see if my muse will let you under the covers with them
🛌 Crawl under the covers with my muse
🥪 Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse
😚 Kiss my muse on the cheek
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
✨ Playfully shove my muse’s shoulder
💃 Pull my muse onto a dance floor/up to dance
🤞 Come up beside them and tap the shoulder opposite where they’re standing
😈 Jump out of the shadows to scare/startle my muse
😛 Stick their tongue out at my muse
😱 Make a silly face at my muse
🤭 Tickle my muse
👃 Poke my muse’s nose
💪 Pick my muse up
💘 Pull my muse in for a rough kiss
💕 Pull my muse in for a tender kiss
💞 Pull my muse in for a messy/desperate kiss
💖 Lean in to give my muse a sweet/chaste kiss
❤️ Lean in to give my muse a tender kiss
🔥 Pull my muse down by the collar/by their clothes - in a sexy way
😉 Pull my muse in by the hips
😲 Smack my muse’s butt
💋 Kiss my muse’s neck
👌 Push my muse down and give them a massage
👙 Pull [an article of clothing] off my muse
👀 Push my muse down on the bed
👄 Pull my muse onto the bed
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with?
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
5. Do you currently have any oc ships?
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping?
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
9. Are you multiship?
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
11. A ship in your fandom that you dislike (that does not include your muse)?
12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
13. Do you get jealous of your partners other ships?
14. How many ships is too many?
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are?
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
It's international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse.
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
{ Hey, I made a little poll bc I want to change Daniel’s ability. Can you please help me? Thank you very much!! }
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eiingebiildet-blog · 5 years
“I will face God and walk backwards into Hell.” ”Pick a god and pray.” “Then perish.” “Violence for violence is the rule of beasts.” “I have been through Hell and come out singing.” “There are no gods here.” ”Kiss my ass, you sanctimonious bastard.” “Do I look like the kind of man who dies?” ”Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created here on earth?” ”Most monsters are a manifestation of our own fears and inability to accept different cultures we don’t understand.” ”You can only learn from pain, the more pain the wiser you become.” ”God, forgive me.” ”I am blighted being cursed with sight.” ”This is the age of the expanding man.” “God’s dead and soon we will be, too.” “I thought there were no heroes left in this world.” ”To become God is the loneliest achievement of them all.” “You kneel before my throne unaware that it was built on lies.” “Impudent of you to assume I will meet a mortal end.” ”People who don’t fear death are the ones who crave it.” “This is Hell’s territory and I am beholden to no gods.” “Bury me shallow, I’ll be back.” ”Perception is truth to those who perceive it as such.” “Take this gift, for the gods surely won’t.” ”When the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you learn.” “Ironic that someone whose purpose it is to restore life would wish death upon themself.” “God wishes he were me.” “One day, you will be face to face with whatever saw fit to let you exist in the universe, and you will have to justify the space you’ve filled.” “Everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd amount of chemicals, and there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe.” “Hypocrite that you are, for you to trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals.” “All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove.” “Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?” “You’re a coward. You always were.” “Deviation from the norm will be punished unless it is exploitable.”
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