eilistriel · 2 days
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If you ever need us, we'll be there.
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eilistriel · 13 days
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i fell in love with @0rcanet20 's version of younger cecil so i had to draw him 🥺
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eilistriel · 2 months
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pov thrawn is your commanding officer but you have an astigmatism
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eilistriel · 3 months
How much dragon blood does each Targaryen have?
Aerion (100%) + Valaena (50%) = Visenya, Aegon, Rhaenys (75%)
Aerion is presumably full Targaryen making him 100% and Valaena was said to have a Targ mother making her 50%.
Aegon (75%) + Rhaenys (75%) = Aenys (75%)
Aegon (75%) + Visenya (75%) = Maegor (75%)
If Aenys was Aegon's son, which is the most likely scenario, than he's 75%. If he isn't, he'd be 37.5% but I'll consider him legitimate since Aegon clearly did.
If Maegor had a father at all and wasn't conceived through magic, it couldn't be anyone but Aegon.
Aenys (75%) + Alyssa (12.5%) = Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys, Alysanne (43.75%)
Alyssa was likely 12.5% Targaryen because we know her mum was a Westeroi lady of House Massay, who were a Fist Men house, and if we assume her assume her father Aethan was Aegon, Visenya, & Rhaenys's first cousin and the son of half-Targaryen Valaena's brother, he would be 25% Targ, making Alyssa 12.5%.
Aegon (43.75%) + Rhaena (43.75%) = Aerea, Rhaella (43.75%)
Jaehaerys (43.75%) + Alysanne (43.75%) = Aemon, Baelon, Alyssa, Maegelle, Vaegon, Daella, Saera, Viserra, Gael (43.75%)
Everything looks self explanatory here but as you can see, I'm not listing children who died as adolescents.
Aemon (43.75%) + Jocelyn (6.25% or 12.5%) = Rhaenys (25% or 28.125%)
Baelon (43.75%) + Alyssa (43.75%) = Viserys, Daemon (43.75%)
The reason for the confusion on Jocelyn & Rhaenys is Orys Baratheon, who was rumored to be Aerion's bastard son and Jaehaerys I apparently believed in this theory but it's not completely confirmed.
However, if Orys is indeed half-Targ, then Rogar, Jocelyn's father and Orys's grandson would be 12.5% Targaryen like his wife Alyssa.
Rhaenys (25% or 28.125%) + Corlys (6.25%) = Laena, Laenor (15.625% or 17.1875%)
Viserys (43.75%) + Aemma (21.875%) = Rhaenyra (32.8125%)
Viserys (43.75%) + Alicent (0%) = Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, Daeron (21.875%)
(If your wondering why I added Rhaenys's kids but not any other female Targaryen's kids, it's because hers were Dragonriders meaning Laena and Laenor were basically Targs without having the last name Targaryen.)
Since Corlys is the son of Daemon Velaryon, who is the brother of presumably 12.5% Targaryen Alyssa Velaryon and it's unlikely Corlys's mother was the blood of the dragon herself due to how little houses had it at the time, I think Corlys is most likely 6.25% Targ.
Rhaenyra (32.8125%) + Harwin (0%) = Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey (16.4%)
Rhaenyra (32.8125%) + Daemon (43.75%) = Aegon, Viserys (38.275%)
Daemon (43.75%) + Laena (15.625% or 17.1875%) = Baela, Rhaena (29.6875% or 30.46875%)
Aegon (21.875%) + Helaena (21.875%) = Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, Maelor (21.875%)
If Rhaenyra's Velaryon boys were Leanor's bio sons the numbers would have been different obviously but who were they trying to fool?
Aegon (38.275%) + Daenaera (?%) = Daeron, Baelor, Daena, Rhaena, Elaena (a little over 19.1375%)
Viserys (38.275%) + Larra Rogare (0%) = Aegon, Aemon, Naerys (19.1375%)
We don't know how much dragon blood Daenaera had exactly but it certainly wasn't a lot given she was from one of the lesser branches of the Velaryon family and her mother being from a lesser Crownlands family, was unlikely to have any Targ blood herself.
As for Larra Rogare, she was indeed Valyrian. However, most Valyrians aren't dragonlords and it's unlikely Larra's family had dragon blood as it would have at least been implied it she did.
Aegon (19.1375%) + Naerys (19.1375%) = Daeron, Daenerys (19.1375%)
Nothing much to say here and even if Daeron was father by Aemon, as unlikely as it is, he would still have the same amount of Targ blood.
Daeron (19.1375%) + Myriah (0%) = Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel, Maekar (9.56875%)
Self explanatory.
Baelor (9.56875%) + Jena (0%) = Valarr, Matarys (4.784375%)
Rhaegel (9.56875%) + Alys (0%) = Aelor, Aelora, Daenora (4.784375%)
Maekar (9.56875%) + Dyanna (0%) = Daeron, Aerion, Daella, Aegon, Rhae (4.784375%)
While Queen Aelinor Penrose was a Targaryen cousin, nothing similar has been said on Jena Dondarrion, Alys Arryn, & Dyanna Dayne.
Daeron (4.784375%) + Kiera (0%) = Vaella (2.3921%)
Aerion (4.784375%) + Daenora (4.784375%) = Maegor (4.784375%)
Aegon (4.784375%) + Betha (0%) = Duncan, Jaehaerys, Shaera, Daeron, Rhaelle (2.3921%)
I did start rounding because everything was getting unnecessarily long.
Jaehaerys (2.3921%) + Shaera (2.3921%) = Aerys, Rhaella (2.3921%)
Self explanatory.
Aerys (2.3921%) + Rhaella (2.3921%) = Rhaegar, Viserys, Daenerys (2.3921%)
Also self explanatory.
Rhaegar (2.3921%) + Elia (?%) = Rhaenys, Aegon (a bit more than 1.196%)
I’m not sure exactly how much dragon blood Elia carries but I’m I think she had at least a quarter of the amount Rhaegar did.
She is decended from the 19.1375% Targaryen, Princess Daenerys and I think there are less generations between the daughter of Aegon IV and Elia than there are between Daeron II and Rhaegar because Elia’s mom had her at and older age and Aerys & Rhaella had Rhaegar incredibly young.
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eilistriel · 4 months
It's been brought to my attention that there are people out there who are sadly plagiarising my work again.
This is not okay.
To clarify, while I'm very happy for people to take inspiration from my stories (in the same way you might any book you read from a bookshop), I don't want my work reposted and certainly not without credit.
I'm not going to go into lengths on why it is wrong to plagiarise someone else's writing. I don't think my tumblr post is magically going to change anyone's mind, especially as if you've followed me long enough you know we've done this rodeo before.
2. How to tell when writing is plagiarised
It can be very difficult to tell when something is plagiarised, especially if we have never come across the original work before and have no reason to recognise it.
I don't think it's realistic for everyone to vet everything they come across online for plagiarism, but it's also something I don't see talked about a lot for fiction.
These questions to ask yourself are not foolproof and not applicable to everything. But I think they can be a start.
If the writer has posted more than one story, is there a similarity across them? While writing style can change across an author's different pieces, there is still usually going to be a similar feel across stories if they came from the same person. Writers have voices and quirks and little things that are specific to them. If every piece feels wildly different then it might be coming from different places. This is probably going to come down to gut reaction and instinct in the first instance. But that's okay. Because that gut reaction is just there to make you think twice and maybe investigate more thoroughly.
How much are they posting? Can people churn an extraordinary amount of words out? Yes, sometimes. But...as a general ballpark, no. Writing takes time and effort. If someone is coming out with enormous amounts of writing every day or week or month or whatever, then this can be a hint to look a little closer.
Do you ever see hints of their writing process? Can the writer talk about their characters or what they want out of the story or anything like that? Do they ever post a story organically in response to a request or whatever? Not all writers know in-depth everything about their story or characters or plot, but the main point here is that the finished product is the tip of the iceberg. If someone is a writer than there is more going on beneath the surface of the posted stories.
I hope this helps!
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eilistriel · 5 months
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I drew some old guys
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eilistriel · 11 months
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Here you go cuties have fun and send me lots of gposes of the grumpy dragoon
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eilistriel · 1 year
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Most likely Chiss do not age as Humans do (as he doesn’t seem to age much / at all). Perhaps they live longer? Or their age doesn’t show the way our’s does? Or the Chiss measure time differently? In the end, nobody really knows how old Thrawn is. I’m not saying this here is correct. It’s only a try. None of the pictures belong to me - it’s all owned by Disney and I’m not making money with this.
PS: I updated this after reading “Chaos Rising”. On p. 27 Cheri said she was thirteen when she met Thrawn for the first time (that was when he entered the Academy as a Cadet). On p. 37 she said that that encounter had been two decades ago. That makes her 33 in 20 BBY (“Chaos Rising” takes please at the same time as “Alliances”), which also means that Thrawn should be around 40 in 20 BBY. We don’t know for sure how old he was when he entered the Academy, but he was definitely a lot more mature than she was and she considered him a “grown-up” (cf. p. 28). And on p. 298 it is also said that “Skywalker sounded a lot younger than Thrawn.”
His age might shock many people (especially when you look at the pictures), but then again having a 20-something year old commanding a fleet would be equally shocking. ;)
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eilistriel · 1 year
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Timeline of Thrawn
I didn’t include all the plots, just those to pinpoint the exact time.@sleepyysalamiri
Link to the detailed(and more accurate and updated) timeline: 
Thrawn-related Wookieepedia pages need editing. Anyone up for that?
I think I’ve found my new trashship - There was something going on between these two:
Tarkin and Pryce.
He even invited her to Eriadu! And the one year or so when she stationed on Coruscant? Yeah, definitely. And I guess the rumor mills ran like crazy too - I heard in the old canon they all thought Dalaa slept with Tarkin bc the latter helped her in her ascent to power. Since new canon has a habit of molding several old characters into a new one, I think Pryce’s not totally original too…
                Old Canon                New Canon
   Parck + Car’das + Pellaeon = Eli Vanto
             Thrawn + Karrde = Thrawn
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eilistriel · 1 year
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Per a convo with @laszlovarient, I did a manip of Michael Easton to look like our dear Professor Sharp
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eilistriel · 1 year
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Started a collection of screenshots showing random students talking about Professor Sharp!
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eilistriel · 1 year
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These are simply amazing, and afaik, unused in game. I am living. So well fed.
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eilistriel · 2 years
Reblog if you're a she/her in your 30s unabashedly enjoying the love of all things Clones?! <3
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Just lookin for some friends, TBH. ;) Mine have no taste, LOL.
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eilistriel · 2 years
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He’s so annoying <3
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eilistriel · 2 years
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He's so
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eilistriel · 2 years
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hmmm,, may have a problem
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eilistriel · 2 years
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Best of: tree themed matches! Credits & more at tagged/tree
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