A million questions were in Jin’s mind as he sat alone, the number of his people or his allies people that were among the dead was far too great. He’d been in war, he’d been in ambushes before. That didn’t make anything better. Sitting through it, realizing you’d have to tell the families that their loved ones were not coming back was never easy. Looking up at the sound of his name he stood from where he’d been sitting, “Eiravati…” The sight of blood on her wasn’t something he wanted to ever see and yet she was before him. Letting her run into him held onto her, “We are safe now.”
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She wasn’t sure why it was his arms she was seeking comfort from in that moment. it shouldn’t have been, he had no obligation to her, but her heart...it was still his. Her name in his voice reaffirmed that he was alive, and for a second that was enough. “Don’t lie to me.” She muttered into his chest before she pulled her head back to look at him, though she hadn’t let him go. “We’re no safer now than we were before. Are you hurt? Do you need to see a physician?” She asked, breathless as she looked him over, realizing that they should probably both be going to see someone about the cuts they had. The pain from her bruises hadn’t set in yet, though her voice rasped from the smoke they’d had to endure in the tower. 
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Eiravati walked through the castle, her jaw set as she stepped over bodies. She didn’t look too closely, she wouldn’t allow herself to fall apart. Not when there were people who could see her. She was looking for her ladies, her sister, even her brother-in-law. Someone that she could cling to for a moment, relieved that they were alive. Looking up she spotted him. “Jin.” She breathed his name, her eyes taking him in, trying to see if he was seriously injured. She knew she was a mess, she had blood on her chest from one of the rebels that had been killed, a few bruises from the confusion and for a split second she thought about waiting, but before she knew what she was doing she was running to him. “Jin!” She yelled, fear and relief mingling in her voice as she threw herself into his arms.
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“You should never think yourself just a princess. Never think yourself just anything. You are Eiravati Gadhavi, and even if your gods have tired they have never been able to make you ordinary in any way.” When he was young she’d been the epitome of what he wanted, and he’d thought that she’d be his bride when it came time for him to get married. But relations with India were already better than any others. Japan was all but demanding a marriage with China and so his wife was chosen from there. “And yet I spent so much time blaming myself. It was out of my control and yet I still felt it.” He’d wanted to protest the entire thing and yet he couldn’t do a thing about it. When his wife died he could would have done something and she was married as well. That hadn’t been what he’d been expected, “Two years?” He could have called for her then, he perhaps should have been. 
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“That is much easier said than done, Jin. I know who I am, and I know that I am nothing ordinary. But that is the eyes of the world and there is only ever my world that I wonder if I’ve become ordinary in.” For years he had been her world. It was even the term she used for him, her own special endearment. It had broken her heat when he had to marry the Japanese princess, but she had understood. Above all else there was duty, a lesson she herself had learned when she was married to the King of Nepal. “I never blamed you. I blamed myself for letting my heart love you, I blamed my gods for showing me love and then taking it away, but you were never to blame.” She touched his hand gently with her own, taking it to squeeze gently before she let it go. She couldn’t not touch him. “Two years. He became sick and died. I left Nepal to his son and I came back to India. I have been there since, advising my brother and helping his wife understand the harem.” She understood before, but it was the last two years that had given her pause, made her wonder how he felt about her. 
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Jin almost laughed aloud at the idea of her being just another princess, if that had been the case things would have been far easier than they ever were. “I have been married to ‘just another princess’ Eiravati. You are the farthest from that and you know it.” With her is was easy to speak like he would, he didn’t strain his voice trying to clear his English, she’d always understood him. The only times she’d ever addressed him so formally were when they first met, even when she should have after that there were times when she still said his name. “Far too long, but I stayed away for good reason.” If he’d have seen her he’d have ruined the peace with Japan, he knew that as well as he knew anything. But he’d been married. And she was. “Well then I will refrain from telling your husband about it. It can stay our secret along with all the others..”
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Eira blushed and cleared her throat at his words. “I did know it once, Jin. But it has been a long time since I’ve been that sure of anything.” She shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal but it was. She was never insecure, never unsure of anything; Jin was the only exception to that. It had been years since she’d been sure of what was between them, though how she felt never changed. She’d never allowed formalities to dictate anything between them, so the fact that she was now was out of character for her. “I know that you did it for good reason. I never blamed you for that.” She replied, smiling at him. She didn’t he had done what would preserve his country, and staying away from Eira had been necessary. She was possessive, seeing him with his wife would have only made things worse. ANd when his wife had died she’d been Queen of Nepal. His words made her eyes widen and she laughed, shaking her head. “it is not something that must stay a secret. If I had a husband then you could tell him. Mine passed two years ago, Jin and there was no love lost between the two of us.” 
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“There’s very little purpose for anything here. The water sits as it does in the fountains and the tubs.” Eiravati answered, walking down near the water. It had been her first true trip outside, and she found herself at the edge of the water. “it is not like our homes, where there are many purposes for the water that we have, how precious it is. Here it is in abundance.” 
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“Where does this water run?” Amenhotep asked looking over the lake, “Is there no purpose of this?” He should have gone inside, made his own presence known around the castle. But instead he found himself by the water, more interested in that than pleasantries with people who would hardly understand a word he said.
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Relaxing himself he had to drop his hands from her wrist, the first action he had was to throw her. Something that might have gotten him in more trouble than he wanted. With her or with her brother he didn’t know. “How could I forget you?” Raising an eyebrow he watched her drop down from his back. Even if he wanted to forget her he couldn’t. There was never forgetting someone you loved so entirely. His marriage to the Japanese princess couldn’t even do that. Watching her bow was so strange, it didn’t feel right. “Have you forgotten my name?”
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She chuckled at his question. “Oh I’m easy to forget. Just another princess in a sea of them.” She teased gently, though she knew that wasn’t true. There had been too much between them, from childhood friends to lovers. As she straightened again, she raised a brow and gave him a smile. “Since I just called you jin, I would assume that no, I haven’t forgotten. I don’t know how you feel about me addressing you so freely anymore. it’s been a long time. I got lost in seeing you again when I jumped on you, I just...” She trailed off, she was talking too much, too nervous around him. 
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Vlad almost laughed at her attempt to straighten up, she was still small. Something about her trying to stand up taller only gave him humor. His eyes scanned the way she was dressed and nodded, he wasn’t sure where she was from or what she was but he could tell she wasn’t a nobody. “Thank you, your highness.” It was an assumption, he hoped it was right. “Long enough, and time will tell.”
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Eira watched him scan her and she realized what he was doing for a second. “Of course. You’ll pass them along I’m sure. Princess Eiravati of India, if they ask.” it sufficed to tell him who she was, and to send her congratulations. “You aren’t very talkative are you? It’s unusual compared to every one else.”
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Everything was a headache recently, everything was piling up on him and there was nothing he could do about it. He was used to stress, he was an emperor and had been since he was 17. But walking the halls with his enemies and having some sickness pass by. Jin was all but ready to go home. The air was knocked out of him when something collided with his back, he almost went to attack but the voice behind him was so familiar. “Eiravati?”
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Eira prided herself on thinking things through. On being strategically sound. But she’d realized a split second too late that if she wouldn’t have said something she’d probably be in a lot of pain. She leaned around to see his face, a grin on her lips. “Hmm, so you do remember me.” She teased, dropping herself to the floor and walking around to face him. “How are you, Your Imperial Majesty?” She asked, bowing to him as she became unsure of how she should even be speaking to him. 
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Vladimir had been patrolling the halls, he knew better that anyone that may plan something would be lurking and hiding between the shadows, finally when he was satisfied he was about to head back to the hall to guard his Tsar when a hand reached for his, he immediately snapped his hand back and turned to face the woman, annoyed. “My Tsar and his Tsarina have been married.” His words were cold with no happiness as he spoke.
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Eira was a little taken back by how rapid the man had snatched his hand back. She stood up straighter, though still quite short and nodded. “Well my congratulations to your country then.” her accent was heavy, though her English well spoken. “How long have they been betrothed? Do you think she is suited to be with him?”
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Alexandra stopped in her tracks as her attentions were caught by the woman. “Everyone is a little giddy with excitement, I think. We have been quarantined for a few days. Long enough that we’re all glad it’s over,” she explained. 
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Eira nodded, suddenly understanding. “oh! I see. What were you under quarantine for? I just arrived as the gates opened so I did not know.”
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She walked through the hall from her room with her ladies. Eiravati hadn’t spent much time with anyone sine she had arrived, instead using the time to sleep and recover from the long journey. She was laughing, talking in rapid Hindi about the differences between Switzerland and India when she stopped suddenly. her eyes had caught sight of Jin, and she was frozen. it had been a long time since she had seen him, so much had happened. She bit her lip, there was only one way to find out if he was still himself, still happy to see her. She walked towards him quietly until she could run and leap, jumping onto his back, one hand going to the wall in case he stumbled. “Jin! it is so good to see you!” 
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hey guys, this is my baby Eiravati. 
She’s 28, and the daughter of the former Ruler of India and sister to Devani. 
As a child she had a relatively good life. Other than that she was expected to be constantly obedient. 
Eiravati had the best of everything, so she’s used to that. 
When she was thirteen she became very interested in the harem dancers. She’d always enjoyed watching them as a child and at this point she begged her father to let her learn. As usual she got what she wanted. 
Like her sister she didn’t approve of her father’s concubines and doesn’t have anything to do with any of their children. She didn’t speak out against them, however, because she used them to get information. 
She’s sweet, but ruthless. The phrase ‘wolf in sheeps clothing’ applies to her all the way around. She lets people see the her they want to see, but when it’s needed she has no problem making things happen the way she wishes. 
The only exception to that rule is Jin, Emperor of China. They grew up together since their countries were allies adn their fathers friends. As a child she would always tell Devani that she was going to marry him. 
When she was 17 and he was 19 they started a romance. It was a match made in the stars, their love for everything extravagant, adn thei rpersonalities was only overshadowed by the feelings they had for one another. 
She honestly thought he would ask her father for her hand, but he married a princess of Japan and Eira was wed to the Crown Prince of Nepal. 
or four years she was crown princess of Nepal, but she was miserable. It was different from home and she missed it. her husband was taken sick and died when she was 25. Because he was still only Crown Prince she gladly returned to India, her title as princess reinstated. 
She’s determined that her marriage this time will only be by her choice. She will do whatever it takes to make sure that’s how things go. 
As much as she doesn’t want anyone to know, Eiravati is actually kind and generous. She just knows that you have to have an iron will and a steel backbone to make it as a woman in India. 
She is literally extra af and soo dramatic. 
actual five year old when she doesnt get her way.
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Eiravati had apparently been fortunate to have arrived when she did, the delay when her carriage had broken a wheel meant that she got there later the day they opened the gates to the castle. She had come in and went straight to sleep. The castle was buzzing with news and laughter as she walked down the corridor, headed for her sisters rooms. She caught the closest person by the hand. “What is going on? Everyone is so...everywhere.” 
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